[I dunno if I'll join them, they seem pretty serious] But seriously...what the **** is this?
I wanted to stop but couldn't T____T
I am back...just for a bit >3
Best english one ever T_T I miss Yu Yu Hakusho
If someone is able to finish this phrase, I will love them forever
Pokemon Hunter J died O-O [according to /a/] I thought I would never see the day.
This is for prem members really, I am doing a "Project" with our own member What? and was wondering Would you like to be a Gym Leader? If so, which types would you prefer List of Taken Gym Leaders: 1.Tootise- ??? 2.Radiowave-Electric type Gym Leader 3.Haley-??? 4.Bunter- Steel type Gym Leader 5.The Fuk?- Water Type 6. ?????? 7. ?????? 8. ?????? Still deciding on who will the last three
Trainer Rayku**** says: *Use SEXY TRANSFORMATION TIME **************Ne'er-do-well**************** says: *YUNA's SEXY TRANSFORMATION TIME did 59 damage! SQUARESOFT AND ENIX MERGER: 430/489 HP **************I am in the process of demanding some sort of delicious and pleasing treat******** says: *use Destruction of Final Fantasy trademark **************Ne'er-do-well**************** says: *SQUARESOFT AND ENIX MERGER's DESTRUCTION OF FINAL FANTASY TRADEMARK did 416 damage! YUNA: 0/460 HP *Congratulations, **************I am in the process of demanding some sort of delicious and pleasing treat********! You have defeated ***********Trainer Rayku****! ***********Trainer Rayku**** says: *holy **** ********Lance********** says: *WOAH **************I am in the process of demanding some sort of delicious and pleasing treat******** says: *A prediction of the future
It reminded me of some KHV members here... and it was pretty good.
Do any of you have a friend, or friends that use you because your nice? I mean, like using you to run errands for them or get them stuff? I just wanted to know...
And I don't have it... T-T sad right now....they changed all the gym leaders looks .-.
I have seem to walk into KHV today.... Expecting something to change, but nothing. ;/
I slipped on some ice... In the middle of the street, how lovely that was.
Spoiler Like now, it's great and full of YURI and OTHER AWESOME STUFF and YURI
Krusty Krabs is in Bikini Bottom... Ew.
Anyone else get a 360?
It was cold as ****
That when like a week before a Twilight-related thing appears.. "Twilight suuuuuuuuucks" threads appear in the Lit. section and "Eragon rulez so hards lolz"