You have too many sick kicks. Spoiler
Watching someone sob in a corner.
WHY IS THERE NO BUTTON FOR LOVE. XD "Like" isn't a strong enough adjective to describe my feelings for that post. XD
Ugh why am I so quiet again. XD I need to start making my lines louder when I send them in, lol. XD That said, it sounds nice, thanks Gabi! ^.^
I agree with having a Prefix in the Media subsection, and will see what I can do about having it implemented when I can. :) As some of you already know, we're in the process of revamping our Youtube, so perhaps in the future, a subsection might be in order, but we definitely don't need one yet. Thanks for the suggestion, though, we'll see what the future holds! In the meantime, I'll try to get a prefix for you, it just might take a little while. :) EDIT: Nevermind. Libre is an awesome person and he's added the prefix in the Movies & Media section for you now. ^.^
My first liked post is that 3D looks like a great game and I can't wait to play it. XD
But I'm not a teacher, that's the key. ;D
That said, facebook does occasionally surprise me with something like this: View attachment 48673 So I guess it gets a point for that one. XD
Facebook makes me hate being human. XD Also, now I'm in full on rant mode, so this: Spoiler: Contains me arguing with someone even though they'll never see it and the subject(s) are highly sensitive and controversial so read at your own risk View attachment 48667 Yeah, talking about when people get MURDERED REPEATEDLY is 'over hyping' it. Like if you don't want to hear about it, whatever, but don't get mad that the news station you follow reports the news. View attachment 48668 Yes, bullying is a major issue that needs to be addressed and dealt with. Not sure why you feel this was an appropriate segway ("people should stop talking about murder, it's overhyped, lemme preach about bullying instead") but sure, I agree with you about bullying. BUT THE PHRASE IS "NIP IT IN THE BUD." "NIP IT IN THE BUD." IT'S A PHRASE ABOUT GARDENING, FOR PITY'S SAKE, ABOUT PREVENTING A FRUIT OR FLOWER FROM REACHING FULL GROWTH BY CUTTING IT BEFORE IT BUDS, THUS EXPRESSING, WHEN USED AS AN IDIOM IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, THE DESIRE TO PREVENT A PROBLEM FROM ARISING BY STOPPING IT BEFORE IT BEGINS. "NIP IT IN THE BUTT" MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE!!! WHAT, EXACTLY, DO YOU THINK IS BEING NIPPED!?!? Never mind, don't answer that question... And this person is a teacher. This person is a teacher and look at how HORRIBLE this writing is! Teachers have NO excuse for writing something this awful! View attachment 48669 A LITTLE WRONG!??!?!?!! A LITTLE WRONG!?!?!? A LITTLE WRONG!?!?! View attachment 48670 A LITTLE WRONG!?!?!?! Also, it's not a teacher's job to teach YOUR kids how to respect each other, it's a teacher's job to teach your kids to read and write and do math! It's the parent's job to teach the kid to respect human life and be a decent human being! And also, A LITTLE WRONG!?!?! View attachment 48671 You might've been lucky enough to escape bullying when you were in school, but that doesn't mean it didn't exist. I've heard plenty of horror stories from plenty of other people your age and older, this isn't a new problem. The rise of social media has made you more aware of it, that doesn't mean it's new. Also, A LITTLE WRONG!?!?!?!?! View attachment 48672 Oh gee, idk, maybe we stopped valuing life when we started making statements like "They almost, to me, overhype what happened. K, there was a shooting, talk about it a couple times and move on." or "Beating your kid is a little wrong." A LITTLE WRONG. I CAN'T GET OVER IT. A LITTLE WRONG. *sobs* Facebook makes me hate being human.
Because when I log on to facebook, I see articles upon articles about death and violence and tragedy and social issues, and then I see comments upon comments from people about how all of that doesn't matter and people should stop talking about it and blowing up their feed. And then, wedged in between all that negative, I'll see something like this and it just - it pushes me over the edge. Spoiler: MONA LISA View attachment 48665 View attachment 48666 View attachment 48663 View attachment 48664 OVER THE EDGE, MAN
Highlights from my last page of likes: Gamefreak103 kicking it old school with a "Where's the beef" reference. Peace and War bringing the puns after a Truth Or Dare mix up Pine paraphrasing one of the Emperor's more quotable lines Tale bringing the puns in one of my old Roleplays Krown being dared to write a story that shipped me with Pine back in the day, that later in my life won me 'First turn' in some game where the starting player was determined by who had the most ships, and everyone listing all the characters they shipped were no match to someone who had been shipped. XD All in all... Still kinda cringy, I guess, but nothing I wouldn't still do today, so I'm okay with it. XD