Xero just stood there listening to Sapphire as she spoke then looked at the ground. She began to speak, trying not to slur her words, "I tried to convince Gexln. But he just... Left me standing there." Her first clenched, "I can't find him if I don't know where he went." Xero looked back up at Sapphire, irritation beginning to emerge in her words and anger in her eyes. "He never let's me do anything! It's like I'm always helpless and can't do anything for myself! Do you know how irritating that is?" Xero stumbled over to a chair and sat in it, rubbing her temples as she began to get a headache. "Remember how I said Gexln had been acting different? Before he left he acknowledged that he'd been different... I don't know why though. It scares me..." Xero sat there staring at the floor as she spoke. "He gets angry easier, and he's distant from me..." Xero then held her arms together as if she'd started hugging herself, "I don't know what I'm doing wrong..." Her eyes began to fill with tears once more as she leaned forward in her chair.
Valinton Hiro & Ro Valinton grumbled, "He's going to be eighteen this month is he not? Kolin will need to be trained to take my place in the rebellion." He said as he walked in and simply looked around in the small room. He walked over to the microscope and rack of viles with a questioning look, "What is it you're doing exactly..?" Hiro was startled as someone had suddenly dropped from above and in front of them. He pushed Ro behind him a bit as he realized that it was another Mutant, "You've gotta be frekkin kidding me." he muttered prepared to defend himself once again. As the boy spoke and offered to help him he only gave him a glare, "I can figure things out for myself." He said sternly as he began to walk away, pulling Ro with him as he did. After mutants have been attacking him all week, he was getting rather tired of seeing them. He was even developing trust issues with them. Ro only looked back at the mutated boy confused as she was pulled away. She thought for a moment then quietly spoke, "Hiro, you just said yourself that you needed to find people to help you." Hiro growled after she spoke then turned to her, "Yeah well when I've been attacked all damn week by Mutants I'd rather stay away from them for a long while. Hell I need to just stay away from people in general for a long while." "You need to go into hiding." Ro corrected with a rather serious expression. Hiro only rolled his eyes and turned back around and began walking away once more, "I'm fine on my own."
"I hope etz anothur bahr! Thys won suhkz." Xero said as she stumbled next to Phantom as he lead her to where he planned to lead her, "So liek, who the hell are yew anyway...? I hope yer not sum kind of psycho who wantz tuh mind raep me liek that one gai did 300 yeerz ago.." She looked at him suspiciously then leaned onto his side as he pointed at his chest, "Are yew?" She was now glaring at the man. ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur just blinked at Freya as she completely shut down after what he said. That was odd. Usually she dealt with all of his sarcastic @ssholery and went on with being happy-go-lucky. He couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of guilt build up in him. He then shook off the feeling as soon as he turned back to Juliet waiting for an answer.
- OOC Thread - Valinton Hiro & Ro Valinton was standing in front of a window, watching the city as the television behind him was addressing the news with him silently listening. "Good afternoon Oda City. We've just gotten news of the recent break out at the G.E.M.E. Research Facility that happened a few weeks ago. A bounty for a young male Spyrix User named Hiro Shinohara has been placed at ¥150,000. The escapee is 6 foot, 4 inches and has white hair with orange eyes. He also has a tattoo on his wrist with the number 8921. He is known to use fire abilities and is considered to be dangerous. If you see this man, please notify an officer immediately or call the number below and you will receive a reward for ¥150,000." Valinton growled under his breath. Day after day he would hear about things happening to Spyrix Users and Mutants but rarely anything about humans. It was despicable what this city does to others. Humans think that they're so high and mighty but in reality they're pathetic and cowardly. Valinton turned around and walked out of his office and walked down the hallway of one of the businesses Doku's family owned. He seemed to be looking for something and made his way into the room his wife would possibly be in, "Doku, where's Kolin? He's not off running around again is he?" his expression was serious, but that was how he always looked; his voice sounded rather annoyed however. Hiro was thrown against a brick wall and let out a groan of pain as his back made impact. He then quickly ducked under as a fist came flying at his face and hit the brick wall behind him, leaving a small creator. Hiro was once again being attacked by a Mutant and it was the third time this week. He was getting irritated by the nerve these mutants had to just walk up and start swinging their fists around. Then again he was considered wanted by the facility and he wasn't exactly hiding. Hiro put his hands on the ground soon after he ducked down and a pillar of flames came shooting up from underneath the Mutant sending him flying in the other direction and knocking him unconscious. Hiro slowly stood up straight and wiped the blood off his cheek where the Mutant had punched him earlier. He frowned before putting his hands in his jacket pockets and walked the other way. He then stopped after hearing a familiar voice talking to him. "Well you seemed to handle that well." Ro said as she sat on an old dumpster and watched Hiro. He only looked at her with his usual frown and gave her the familiar irritated grunt, "If you were there the whole damn time why didn't you at least try to help me out?" Ro raised a brow at his comment and then jumped down from the dumpster and walked over to him, "Because it looked like you had everything covered." She said with a smirk. "I was getting my @ss kicked Ro! He was at least 7 feet tall and ripped!" Ro sighed as Hiro went on a small rant, "Hey at least you knocked him out alright? Now what should we do with him?" She crossed her arms as she looked at the Mutant. "You could dump him on the subway rails and watch him get hit by the train for all I care." Hiro said as he began to walk away. Ro then quickly followed, "I hope you realize that you should really be going into hiding now. You've got a bounty on your head Hiro. The facility has the police on high watch for you and they consider you dangerous, which I think is quite hilarious." Ro laughed a bit to herself as she spoke and Hiro stopped and glared at her, "I see nothing funny about this." She only shrugged, "So what're you gonna do?" "I don't know. Lie low for a while and maybe see if I can find some people to help me get out of this god forsaken city and go someplace else." Ro's eyes widened, "What? Hiro you can't leave Oda City, that's crazy. You don't even know what's out there!" "Well what else am I supposed to do?! sit around and just wait for the facility to find me and simply say 'Hey, sorry for burning half your building down and destroying most of your research in the process of me escaping your crazy, psychotic and cruel experimenting on me!' Yeah, cause they'll totally let me go after all that." Hiro said sarcastically.
"Listen, if you don't get out of here now, I'm probably going to have to take you in, and if I do, then you won't be able to tell Gexln to go **** off yourself." Xero growled at the man before practically flinging herself around to face the door, "Fahne! Have et yewr way! I dun neeeed dis! Ah've got behter things tuh doo anyway!" She then proceeded to stumble out the door and stop in the middle of the plaza. She frowned as she looked down and began yelling at the ground, "If yew havn given Sahfire her hai an maity powrz of Kingdumb Hertz, non of thys wuld've happnd! Lucifer wud still be... Lucifer! A-and Gexoln wud still be here and not off sum where else and not hate Sahfire and not be su differunt, and I wudn't be dronk off mai @ss! Thys iz all yer fahult R!" She then began to stomp on the ground. ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur's body tensed up as he felt Freya hug his arm and start whispering in his ear. He rolled his eyes then looked at her with the most I-don't-give-a-sh*t expression, "Well don't you have the most overbearing of problems?" He said in the most sarcastic way possible. He then glared over at the man who accused them of needing a room, "Go f*ck yourself why don't you." He snapped. Then he looked to the woman who said that would go to them, "Oh great... It's her." Lexcifur cringed at the fact of seeing Juliet again. All he could remember of her was that she would yell at his father and mother and throw the biggest fits over something about someone named Kaxar. Then she just all of a sudden disappeared for 300 years and now here she was again. As she approached him he bluntly said, "I thought you died."
- RP THREAD - Introduction Plot Info Rules Banned Powers Limited Powers Character Sheet Accepted Characters My Characters This is a rebooted role play from quite a while back (like earlier this year I think). I decided that I wanted to bring it back and start over. I have changed and added a few things but not too much. For those returning to this, the plot will take a much different turn from last time and will probably not at all be the same. There will most likely be different characters and different events that happen too. Plot Oda City: a place where science and freaks who have been experimented on thrive. The city isn’t powered by any electricity; around 2100 scientists created some form of what they called a “new energy”. They said that it would save the world from burning so much fossil fuels and saving electricity. They called the energy they created Spectro; it could power anything, really. Cars, machinery, buildings, weapons, you name it. It could even power weapons of war. Then after that, in 2119, there was a breakout of some kind of new gene in newborns. They thought that it was some kind of evolution in the human brain. They began to examine these newborns, and as they grew older they began to notice things that you wouldn’t exactly deem as normal. They could do things… such as levitate, moving things without even touching them, or even fly. They took this gene and began to research it, and somehow modify it. They created an artificial gene from the ones they took from the newborns. With the artificial gene, they began to inject it into willing suspects and the side effects of it varied. Depending on the person, the side effects were things such as manipulating an element of nature, telekinesis, shape shifting, and the list goes on. It was a scientific breakthrough that soon ended up into government hands. The government would inject the gene into their soldiers and send them off for war. This artificial gene was then soon known as Spyrix. However, the gene didn’t always have the side effect of gaining abilities. It would have a more negative effect if the suspect’s body decided to reject it. The suspect’s body would change... drastically. The body would become something that wouldn’t even be classified as a human anymore. It would become mutated and the bone structure would also change making them have horns or spikes, sometimes worse changes. They called those who had this side effect Mutants. There is an antidote for this gene that can negate the effects of the Spyrix and technically turn the suspect back into a human being, whether or not they were born with or injected with the gene. But, it is hidden by the government, for they believe humans should evolve and become an even more powerful race. People began rioting due to them feeling that it wasn't right for them not to feel normal. Especially the Mutants. They wanted to feel human and not look like monsters. A riot soon broke out against the government, the mutants and even people with the Spyrix gene. Mutants believed that people who didn't have a negative effect with the Spyrix shouldn't have an antidote. The Spyrix Users believed that EVERYONE should have access to it, and the government thought that no one should have it, and they should evolve and become superior. The actual year that this RP takes place in is 2178. Speerox, Spirox, Spyrix, pronounce it however you want. I don't care. I just changed the spelling from Spirox to Spyrix. Oda City Oda City is a very futuristic city located in the middle of nowhere. It is surrounded by a barren wasteland with canyons, dried up rivers, etc. The city has a wall around it, making sure nothing unwanted can get in since the wasteland tends to have many strange things lurking all around. It is considered suicide to leave the city without some kind of heavily armed escort; and the city is basically a desert oasis. The next town that is closest to Oda City is at least three days away by vehicle. There is also a prison located a few miles from the city where outlaws are taken. It's also where a government building is located. The city itself is filled with skyscrapers and other office buildings. Neon lights line the buildings with the energy they use to power them. Spectro The city is surrounded by four giant power generators that create the energy known as Spectro; it can power pretty much anything you can think of. The generators are used to power buildings or other big things that require a lot of energy and there are much smaller generators known as Spectro Rings that power the smaller things. The rings are commonly used by everyone when it comes to powering everyday things or even weapons. However the rings don't last forever since they are much like batteries and run out of juice after so long (depending on the size of the ring and how much power it delivers, they can last from a few hours to quite a few years). There is another type of Spectro Ring that is deemed quite valuable to people with weapons, they are known as Ulti Rings. However they are rather hard to come by and they are able to give weapons a powerful upgrade if equipped to them. Spyrix Users Spyrix Users have either the artificial Spyrix gene injected in them or are naturally born with the Spyrix gene. The gene allows them to have super abilities such as telekinesis, elemental manipulation, etc. They are better at using their abilities than most Mutants are. Mutants Mutants are the people who were negatively affected by the Spyrix gene. Injected or naturally born, the gene was rejected by their bodies and they mutated. They tend to have horns, claws, spikes, etc and are able to use Spyrix abilities but not as good as Spyrix Users. Some mutants' bodies have mutated completely and have lost their minds. Most mutants are physically stronger and are more durable than Spyrix Users. Rules ⚫ No killing off characters without permission. No overly god modded characters/fights. No overpowering. No power play. ⚫ I will allow romance, just keep it PG-13... no NSFW stuff. ⚫ You can have up to 4 characters. Do not abuse this by killing off characters you just introduced to bring in a new one. ⚫ If I liked your post, that means it's accepted. ⚫ If you haven't posted in a week, you will be notified to do so. If you don't post in the next 3 days after notification, you will be booted and characters WILL be killed off. Unless you give a reason for not being able to post (not being motivated isn't an excuse). ⚫ You can be on any side (Mutants, Spirox User, or Human) and have your own views about the antidote. For example, you could be a Spirox User and you don't HAVE to think the antidote should be for everyone. You could side with the government and think that humans should evolve. ⚫ You don't have to do what everyone else is doing, you can have a side plot going on if you want. Just, if you have an idea that greatly changes what is going on at the moment, run it by me first. ⚫ You WILL respect others. If they do something in the rp that makes you upset, come to me. Unless it actually has to involve a moderator or admin, I will address the situation. ⚫ I will add more rules if I feel like I should. Banned Powers All Spyrix powers must be physical or mental! All abilities must be affiliated with that power! You cannot have powers that are related to: ❌Spiritual / Aura - This is not an rp that involves spirits and aura. ❌Life and Death - This is just plain OP. It should be self explanatory. ❌Spellcasting - Basically anything considered "magical" won't be accepted. ❌"Ninja" Powers - Falls under Spiritual/Aura and Spellcasting categories. ❌Light - Falls in the Spellcasting category. ❌Shadow/Darkness - Falls in the Spellcasting category. ❌Necromancy - Falls in the Life and Death as well as Spellcasting categories. ❌Summoning - Falls in the Spellcasting category. I will add more if I feel like I must. Limited Powers ❌Shape Shifting: Characters can have this, but they can only shape shift into one thing OR they can only shape shift parts of their bodies. Your character can not shape shift into inanimate objects either. ❌Healing: The only way that your character can have this is if they themselves are able to heal obsurdly quickly or something along those lines. Anything that involves healing others will be denied. Will add more if I feel like I must. Character Sheet ◾Username: ◾Name: ◾Age: ◾Gender: ◾Appearance: ◾Race: (Spyrix User, Mutant, or Human?) ◾Power: (Only 1. Put N/A if your character is Human!) ◾Abilities: (You can have up to 5 Spirox abilities if you're a Spyrix User or Mutant. If you're a human, just list general non super abilities.) ◾Weapons: (Optional) ◾Personality: ◾Bio: (DO NOT PUT "DOESN'T REMEMBER" OR ANYTHING ALONG THOSE LINES! DON'T BE LAZY. IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE TO BE SUPER LONG. ONLY A SMALL PARAGRAPH OR SO.) ◾Other: (Relationships, crushes, secrets, etc.) Accepted Characters -Xero- 1) Hiro 2) Ro / Zero 3) Valinton 4) Shiro Shu 1) Stephano / Hunter 2) Anthrax 3) Sebastian 4) Sven ~Phoenix~ 1) Tinarah 2) Cierra 3) Sam 4) Myst 1) Oerva 2) Zeta 3) 4) Beucefilous 1) Xerxes / The Warden 2) Jedediah 3) 4) Moksha 1) Damion 2) Alisa 3) Skorge 4) Usagi Tsukino 1) Doku 2) Kolin 3) 4) Skyheart 1) Umi 2) Pomme 3) 4) ◾Username: -Xero- ◾Name: Valinton Alchem Dolkka ◾Age: 43 ◾Gender: Male Spoiler: Appearance: Oh god. Old drawing is old. ◾Race: Mutant ◾Power: Dragon Physiology Spoiler: Abilities GENERAL ABILITIES ⚫Tactical: Very good with tactics. He is good at planning things out and observing things during battle. ⚫Enhanced Strength and Defenses: Valinton has high endurance, resistance, and physical defenses as well as enhanced strength due to his mutations. ⚫Agile: Very agile. Valinton is quick, and well coordinated with his attacks. SPYRIX ABILITIES ⚫Scale Armor: Valinton can make his skin become scale like and hard to act as "armor". This only increases his physical defenses and can still be injured if hit hard enough while he's using this. ⚫Blade Retraction: Valinton can make blade like "scales" extract and retract from his wrists and fight with them. ⚫Dragon Shout: Valinton can roar like a dragon and create an earth shattering sound/shock wave that can knock people back. ◾Weapons: Two Katanas, claws and retractable scale blades on his wrists. ◾Personality: Calm, quiet and collected. Doesn't show a lot of emotion, very serious most of the time, doesn't care about others, rather intimidating, and hates humans. ◾Bio: Valinton was injected with the Spirox gene and evidently his body rejected it and he became dragonic. He soon began to love the power he gained but was soon shunned by other mutants for actually liking his mutations. Valinton only ignored the others and wanted to find a way to make his new found powers stronger. ◾Other: He's the leader of a rebel group of Mutants. ◾Username: -Xero- ◾Name: Hiro Shinohara ◾Age: 21 ◾Gender: Male Spoiler: Appearance ◾Race: Spyrix User ◾Power: Fire Manipulation Spoiler: Abilities GENERAL ABILITIES ⚫Thermal Resistance: Hiro is not immune to fire. He can resist temperatures up to 10,000°F. If he is somehow in a situation where the temperature is much greater, he will slowly start to burn alive and perish. ⚫Flame Body: Hiro can completely engulf himself in his own flames or any other parts of his limbs and fight with them to enhance his blows. SPYRIX ABILITIES ⚫Fire Creation: Hiro is able to create his own fire by accelerating air particles or an object's atoms, increasing their thermal energy and making it ignite. He can only use his fire if there is enough oxygen in the air. If there is little to no oxygen, then he will be unable to create fire. Hiro must also have strong control over his fire; if he unconsciously uses the fire it can be chaotic. ⚫Flame Pillars: Hiro can make pillars of flames shoot up from the ground and attack his opponent. ⚫Fire Ball: Hiro can create various sizes of fire balls and launch them at the enemy. ⚫Fire Storm: Hiro is able to create heavy conflagrations of intense temperatures, incinerating any and everything in the path. However, once it is ignited it is very difficult to stop unless there is a lot of water or little oxygen left. ⚫Inferno [LAST RESORT]: Hiro can create a massive explosion of fire that can destroy a large office building (Hiro only uses this as a last resort for it is capable of taking his life afterwards if he doesn't have proper control of his fire and/or if the flames' temperature rises higher than he can resist). ◾Weapons: Limbs engulfed in flames. Or whatever he finds on the ground. ◾Personality: Very stubborn, always expresses his opinions, grumpy, verbally lashes out occasionally, hard-headed, hates being around water, likes burning things when he's mad, loner, hates hospitals and doctors and needles, and hates being a Spyrix User. ◾Bio: Hiro was an orphan who was sent to a research facility after his father died. His father was one of the Spyrix gene researchers at the facility and told his friend, Dr. Arnold Grieves, to look after Hiro just before he died. Grieves did so but then began to have Hiro live in the research facility and started to experiment on him. Grieves injected the Spyrix gene into Hiro as one of his experiments and that's how Hiro gained his abilities to manipulate fire. Hiro eventually got fed up with the constant experimenting and broke out of the facility, leaving parts of it in flames. He has been in hiding since then and has a bounty on his head to be brought back to the facility alive for further research. ◾Other: Hiro is allergic to cats and has a fear of doctors, needles, and hospitals. He also doesn't like being near water. Hiro also has his patient ID number (8921) tattooed on his right wrist and multiple puncture scars from the injections. His hair used to be black and his eyes were green, but they mutated to what they are now after he was injected. ◾Username: -Xero- ◾Name: Shiro Shinohara ◾Age: 21 ◾Gender: Male Spoiler: Appearance ◾Race: Mutant ◾Power: Mind Link Spoiler: Abilities SPYRIX ABILITIES ⚫Mind Link: Shiro has created a permanent mental bond with Hiro (which was unintentionally done when they were kids. See bio.) Shiro is mentally bound to Hiro and they now technically share the same mind; so if either of them were to die, the other would as well. ⚫Mind Walking: Hiro has the ability to enter Hiro's mind and speak with him as well as project an illusion of himself as if he is right in front of Hiro. ⚫Copy: Shiro is able to copy any of Hiro's abilities and use them for himself. Due to this, he is able to use the ability of Fire Manipulation (and all of Hiro's abilities). ◾Weapons: Claws, and limbs engulfed in flames. ◾Personality: Twisted, a bit egotistical, sadistic, easily angered, rants a lot, and physically lashes out. ◾Bio: Shiro is the twin brother of Hiro and has quite a different personality. He was naturally born with the Spyrix gene (where Hiro was injected with the gene instead) and has much more severe mutations compared to Hiro's. When they were kids, Shiro accidentally discovered his ability to link his mind with another (which was with Hiro at the time). Unfortunately he was only able to do it once and is now permanently stuck with having a linked mind with Hiro. However he has found a use for it which is basically messing with Hiro by entering his mind unannounced and screwing around. He was also able to copy all of Hiro's abilities and use them on his own. As he grew older, he became more and more violent as well as growing arguably insane. Eventually it led to Shiro being sent to an asylum (not long after Hiro was sent to live in the Research Facility). ◾Other: Shiro's mutations are much worse than Hiro's; his eyes are orange and black where the whites should be, his arms became completely mutated with claws, his skin become a light grey color, his right bicep and shoulder have what seem to be armor-like plates, a horn on the right side of his head and longer canines. ◾Username: -Xero- ◾Name: Ro "Zero" Setsoku ◾Age: 19 ◾Gender: Female Spoiler: Appearance: ◾Race: Spyrix User ◾Power: Energy Corruption and Manipulation Spoiler: Abilities GENERAL ABILITIES ⚫Excellent Hand-eye Coordination: Due to Ro having good hand-eye coordination, she can easily deflect attacks. ⚫Petite Body: Since she has a rather petite body Ro can quickly move around in battle enabling her to be able to have a lot of agility. She is also quite nimble and can dodge some attacks. SPYRIX ABILITIES ⚫Energy Corruption: Ro can take the energy that exists around her (weather it be the energy from a light bulb, radio frequency, etc.) and channel it within her for a short time, corrupt the energy, then quickly release it and use it in battle. She can't touch the energy in living things and she must do the corruption quickly or it could severely harm her or even kill her if it is stored too long. She uses Spectro Rings to quickly take energy and use it. ⚫Energy Blast: Ro can send a small blast of energy at an opponent from her hands or feet. ⚫Energy Wave Emission: Ro can release a variety of different sized waves of energy that can repel things as well as damage things. It can also overload any powered devices in the area. ⚫Blade Beam: Ro can elease energy blasts from her scythe and other bladed weapons. ⚫Obliviation [LAST RESORT]: Begins absorbing massive amounts of energy from around her and releases it all at once, creating an explosive blast of energy that is capable of destroying anything within it's range. When Ro uses any of these abilities she will be exhausted when too much energy is used. She may also be wounded if too much energy is used at once, if not killed. ◾Weapons: Collapsible Scythe ◾Personality: Stands up for herself, confident around others she knows, prone to emotional stress, acts on impulse, jumps to conclusions, stubborn, afraid of bugs and spiders, procrastinates, and dislikes "healthy" food. ◾Bio: Ro was given the nickname "Zero" shortly after she had met Hiro. It soon became a nickname everyone called her. She was born with her powers over corrupting energy and is now very fond of using it in battle. When she was fifteen, she came home to see her mother and father murdered and her younger brother and older sister missing. She is now determined to find who killed her parents as well as finding her siblings' whereabouts. ◾Other:She has a very slight birth mutation with her eyes being red.
Another man suddenly appeared behind Xero and she quickly whipped around and punched him square in the face. She then turned back to the other guy who approached her before, "See! I cahn fite! Thaht guy wuz gunnattak me! Thehn I jus punched hiz face in!" "Hey, lady! Get the hell out of here! You've had enough and you're disturbing all the customers!" The bartender called out to Xero from behind the counter and she looked at him with a glare before yelling back at him, "Oy! Fahk yew! I paid guud munny on thys bottle and Ah'm nut leevin until I finished et!" She went to reach for the bottle of vodka but couldn't find it, clearly forgetting that she had just thrown it. "Where'd et go...?" She looked at the man she punched in the face, "Did yew take mai bottle? I'll keel yew until yer ded!" ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur rolled his eyes at Zavion as he gave him a smart-ass answer then glared at the person who called them out, "Maybe you should mind your own business!" he yelled back. He and Zavion listened and he was about to have them all sneak out but froze when Zavion said that they'd go look for this hero in the World That Never Was. He began frantically whispering to him, "Zavion, what the hell? Why are we suddenly deciding on helping them?"[/CENTER]
Xero nearly fell out if her chair as the man standing in front of her was suddenly moved and another man appeared behind her. He was just another person to tell her she was drunk and Xero frowned and threw the bottle of vodka at the man - horribly missing him - and it landed on a wall and smashed into a million pieces. "Fuk yew! Ah'm not dronk!" Xero pointed at the man then nearly fell over, "Yew're dronk!" That was when something quickly crawled up her throat and Xero knelt over and puked in a big pot with a tree in it. She looked back up at the man with annoyance "I can fite on mai own! I dun ned protekting frum yew! Did Gexoln send yew? Tel em tu go fuk his self!" Xero them proceeded to puke in the big pot once more.
As Gexln once again left her standing alone after walking off, she stood there for a few moments just staring where the dark corridor was before in disbelief. She dropped to her knees in defeat and stared at the ground, eyes tearing up from the frustration and heartbreak she felt. Soon enough the tears began to fall from her face on to the dirt ground and putting her face in her hands she began to quietly sob. Xero didn't know what else to do; Gexln wouldn't listen to her and not to mention he acted differently than how she remembered and her son was off running around in who knows where in the universe. Things just seemed to get progressively worse around her and she felt lost. After sitting there in a sobbing mess, Xero wiped her eyes and stood up after opening a dark corridor back on Riel. When she walked through she was standing in front of the local bar and reluctantly walked in and went straight to the bar tender. She sat on one of the stools and stared at nothing until the tender approached her, "What's your order ma'am?" A couple of hours later, Xero was stumbling around the bar counter with a nearly empty bottle of vodka in one hand. She paid the tender for the whole battle and it wasn't even 5:00 in the evening yet. Nearly every word she said was slurred together with gibberish and/or cursing out anyone who said she was drunk and should leave the bar. Xero then stumbled back to the bar counter and sat down, chugging another bit of the bottle afterwards then slamming it down, "Yew know... Mai huzbund is a hooge *sshole. Hic! He jus leeves me shtanding thare out in thuh open aftur I told him that I woodn't let em leeve to get his stoopid self killed..." Xero squinted at the bottle she held, trying to figure out how much was left in it, "I donno wut hiz prahblem is, but... Hic! It's pissing me off!" If anyone was paying attention to what Xero was doing, they would see that she was talking to a cardboard cut out of the most interesting man in the world.
Xero was beginning to lose her patience and her fists clenched so tightly that her nails began digging into the skin, "You can't just run in swinging your scythe and expecting people to drop dead near you, you have to be careful about it!" "What the hell do you think you're doing then?!" Xero poked Gexln's chest rather hard as she spoke, "You're doing the exact same thing that you're telling me not to do! You're being a hypocrite!" Xero had just about had it. She knew all Gexln wanted was for her to be safe, but it was getting to the point of where he was being too over protective. He never let Xero help him with anything and she would always just sit at home. Gexln began speaking again and it only made her even more irritated, "I'm trying to protect you because you need protecting!" "I don't need to be protected! I can take care of myself!" "Have you forgotten how you became a Nobody? Roe was just as reckless as you're being now, and look at how that ended up! Are you going to find some other seeker of darkness and get possessed by them too? Listen to me, and go back!" A loud slap echoed around them off the canyon walls. That was the last straw. Xero had had slapped Gexln as hard as she could that it even left the palm of her hand stinging. There was nothing but silence between them for a good minute or two before Xero began to speak again, "Don't even go there... You have just as many sins that I can throw back in your face as well..." Her voice was serious and shaking from the sudden adrenaline that shot through her just then. She looked him in the eyes once more, "I'm not going back Gexln. I told you that day that I'd always have your back... You need just as much protection as you say that I need."
"I told you to stay there" Xero only stood there with a stern look on her face and looked Gexln dead in the eyes as he walked towards her "Do you think I said it for fun? Xero, what do you think it would do to me if you got hurt because of me? You think this is some kind of game? This is dangerous Xero! Go back and stay with Sapphire until it's over" Xero stomped a foot on the ground after Gexln finished, clearly angry with him now, "Stop treating me like I can't fight on my own! Ever since the last war you've been making me stay back and sit around like I'm some helpless dog!" Xero was now shouting and then began to walk towards Gexln until she was a foot away from him, "I'm tired of it! You've seen me fight Gexln, you know what I can do! So why do you keep acting like I can't do anything?"
As Sapphire begged Xero to come back alive, she slowly nodded, "I'll... Try." She said nervously then stepped away from Sapphire. She thought for a moment of where Gexln might be before having a good idea if where and then opened a dark corridor. Xero stepped through as she smiled at Sapphire and then into the long forgotten world of the Keyblade Graveyard. It had been years since she had stepped foot on the world and had good reason not to. Too many painful memories lingered here, for everywhere she looked she could see nothing but the war that she was in. Xero closed her eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling and looking in the direction of where she needed to go. Xero walked a little further and saw Gexln standing not too far away now. She cautiously walked up behind him, knowing that he won't be happy to see that she followed him there, "Gexln... Don't ever do that again." She spoke calmly yet firm to him and mentally braced herself for the possible anger that was to come from Gexln. ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur followed Zavion into the castle and looked around seeing different people. One seemed... Different. Something about him was a bit unsettling. He looked to Zavion, "What's a rebellion doing on a deserted world?"
Xero looked away as Gexln pulled away from her hand and she listened to every word he spoke. When he began to throw hateful comments at Sapphire she turned to him, "Gexln!" She just looked at him as he walked away but then he spoke once more, "And I'm doing it alone. Xero, I love you as I always have, and I don't see that dying anytime soon. I'm not myself, and I'm going somewhere incredibly dangerous, so I'd prefer it if you stayed here, safe with them. To the rest of you, make sure she doesn't walk through that door" Xero frowned and began to walk over to Gexln, "No! Don't even think for a second that you can just tell me to stay put and you can be on your marry way into another war!" That was when Gexln opened a dark corridor and was simply ignoring her as she protested, "Gexln! Don't you dare--!" Too late. Gexln had already gone through the corridor and closed it, going to who knows where. Xero was left standing there staring at nothing as she was still trying to process what Gexln just did. Her face became stern and irritated as she clenched her first. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at Sapphire who lead her into her study. As Sapphire began to speak her mind Xero listened and was beginning to feel sorry for her. "I have been having dreams about him over the past couple nights, I haven't been sleeping well, so perhaps that is why I can't handle my emotions right now. But it is hard to hold them back anymore. What I said to Gexln was not a lie, I feel the pain of every life lost, the pain of the families and friends, I accept it as part of my life so they aren't alone and I know what they are going through. I see why he hates me, god I see it every day and it is horrible. I just don't know what to do about it. I am sorry, I am so sorry." As Sapphire put her hands on her face, Xero sighed, "Sapphire..." She began as she walked over and sat next to her, "I was never mad. I just... Wasn't sure how to cope with it... I knew the wrong of Lucifer's crime but... It's just been hard since he left." She looked away, "Gexln however... Took it harder than all of us as you already know..." Another sigh left her mouth as she leaned back on the couch, "He's been acting different lately... Distant, quiet and he gets angry easily. I don't know what's going on with him..." She turned back to look at Sapphire, "But I'll fight with you and put an end to the rebellion against you. You've done so much to help Gexln and I so the least I can do is fight along side you." Xero's expression turned a bit more serious, "As for your dreams... You should probably keep an eye on those. Even if it's been three hundred years... He could still..." Xero shook her head as she realized the thought seemed ridiculous, "Nevermind. I'm probably just getting paranoid."
Advanced Daaaarrrrrrkkknnneeeeeessssss
Let's play Catch The Bullet!
As Satsujin spoke, Xero looked at him confused. Since when were there accusations about Sapphire going around? She hadn't heard any so it must've been a recent thing that'd been happening. Satsujin then lead them to a cave and she stayed close to Gexln as they walked further into it. As they walked through the giant doors, she suddenly saw R standing in the center of the room and her eyes widened, "...R? It's so good to see you!" She said, a smile appearing on her face only for it to quickly vanish as he walked over to them with a serious expression. She listened to him speak and she knew he was speaking mostly to Gexln, for he was the most reluctant to help with that seemed to be going on. "The freedom of this hero is not only not in your best interest, but it is no ones. Those that survived the battle would not do so without loss. The pain of your son's loss...I know how great it is. Would you inflict it onto so many others? Gexln...We cannot do this without you." As R spoke Xero once again looked down at the ground, small tears beginning to form in her eyes as she thought of Lucifer. Before Gexln could say anything she took his hand in hers and gripped it tightly as she held back tears, "Gexln... Please think about this..." Her voice began to crack as she spoke, "We can't just let some random person take Sapphire's place... And I know that you know that we need to stop this from happening..." Xero held Gexln's hand tighter, "But... All I really want..." She looked up at Gexln with tearful eyes, "I want to see our son again..."
After Gexln caved into buying her the outfit, Xero smiled at him and was about to lead him into the store until she heard the sound of glass shattering. She quickly turned around to see Gexln climbing into the display and taking the outfit then throwing it to Xero. She could only stand there unsure how to react to the action Gexln just took and then finally began shouting at him, "What the hell Gexln?!" The store's burglar alarm went off and guards began surrounding her and Gexln as she dropped the corset back into the display. She looked back to Gexln with a rather irritated look, "Seriously. What the hell is wrong with just buying it?!" After they were both arrested, they were lead to where Sapphire lived. One of the guards grabbed Xero's arm to lead her into the room but then she jerked away, "I know the way, get off!" She stomped her way over next to Gexln with her arms crossed, visibly seething with anger at the man. That was when Sapphire walked into the room. Xero could only look at the ground with sadness in her eyes as Gexln began to make sarcastic comments to her. After the incident with Lexcifur she didn't know who's side to take. She knew the wrong of Lexcifur's crimes but Gexln would always go off on angry rants about Sapphire and how she almost killed him and that she should've given him another chance. Now their only son was on the run, neither of them knowing where he was or what he's doing. She didn't know what to do anymore.
It was the middle of the day and it was rather nice out on the world of Riel. Xero was walking along side Gexln, her hand in his, as she was finally able to drag him around shopping with her. They never did anything together as much as they used to and she was glad he actually agreed to go shopping with her. Something had caught her attention in a window in front of a shop and she walked over and looked at it. A dramatic gasp escaped her mouth, "Gexln! Come here!" She said as she then dragged Gexln over where she was, "Tell me that this wouldn't look awesome on me!" Xero pointed at the item in the window, showing Gexln what she wanted. It was a black corset with buckles and a zipper on it with a black hooded jacket over it. She looked back at Gexln with the usual please-buy-me-this look she gave him when she really wanted something. ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur was walking with Zavion and enduring his younger sister's protests of him leaving Riel. It had been quite a while since they had both left - or rather escaped - the world ever since the incident of Lexcifur's execution. He held his left arm in slight pain as he thought about it. Even though Zavion had given him a new arm, it still hurt every now and then. Lexcifur sighed in frustration as he turned toward Freya, "So, you'd just forgive your mother after she tried to kill your best friend, turned him into a nobody in the process, and be totally fine with that?" He asked in a rather annoyed tone of voice, "You do realize that we're pretty much on the run from your world at the moment, right?" Lexcifur said as he turned back around, shoving his hands in his pockets.
ஜ Name: Xero (Title: The Night's Harbinger) ஜ Age: 346 (Physically 25) ஜ Spoiler: Appearance ஜ Spoiler: Bio Xero fought in the war of Lights and Darks 300 years ago along side R, Sapphire, Gexln, Juliet, Kaya, and Valinton and pulled a Satsujin helped fight against the Agents Chaos and Omega. Before she was a somebody, Xehanort's Heartless had took over her Somebody and ended up killing her afterwards and Xero was born. Eventually she was able to get rid of Xehanort's Heartless after R had extracted him from her. After the war, she and Gexln got married and had a child named Lucifer (now known as Lexcifur). ஜ Reason for rescuing the hero: Xero is against it. She fought with the Goddess (whom she just knows as Sapphire) in a war 300 years ago and she isn't about to leave her for some "Hero" that she's never heard of. ஜ Spoiler: Weapon ஜ Power General Abilities Dark Magic Known Forms D-Links Xero has the power over Darkness and is known to have and use many forms in battle. Her scythe helps channel her powers as well as give her a slight boost. She mostly relies on speed and has high endurance which helps her stay in battle a little longer. Xero has very good hand-eye coordination, enabling her to be able to dodge/deflect a lot of attacks. However, she tends to only focus on what's in front of her rather than what is around her making her vulnerable to attacks from behind and sometimes from the sides. She is also very fast and quite nimble as well. Xero is also quite acrobatic and has a rather high endurance, enabling her to be able to jump from a fairly high building and land square on her feet. Due to her high endurance, she can take more damage than an average person could. She relies mostly on speed when in battle and often dashes out of the way of enemy attacks. Dark Firaga - Xero can shoot black fire at an enemy. Dark Blizzara - Xero can shoot black ice at an enemy. Black Shockwave - Xero slams her scythe into the ground and creates a pulsating shockwave of dark energy. Barrier - Xero creates a barrier in front of her that deflects most attacks. Crescent Beam - Xero can swing her scythe and make a crescent shaped beam of darkness shoot out from the blade. Sonic Shadow - Xero is cloaked with darkness and can repeatedly dash at enemies while attacking. Dark Volley - Xero launches many dark projectiles at enemies that home in on the target. Last Resort Magic Xero only uses these attacks as a last resort. She never uses them otherwise due to them having to use up so much dark energy at once. Shadow Blast - She is able to summon multiple spherical like shadows that quickly home in on the opponent all at once and explode on contact. However, they can be deflected back at her. Judgement of Shadows - Xero summons a bunch of dark portal like rips in the atmosphere and on command lazars of dark energy shoot out of the portals all at once and bombard the opponent. Armageddon - Xero summons a massive portal in the sky and charges up an enormous lazer that obliterates whatever it's target is and leaves nothing but a crater left. Anti-Form It is the typical Anti-Form from the Kingdom Hearts games. Black skin, yellow eyes, with claws. Xero rarely uses this form for it is mostly only ever used when she activates her D-Link with Gexln. Her speed is greatly increased but she is practically vulnerable to attacks. Valian Mode Xero gets this form from the green Orb she always has around her neck. Her shirt is red and has long, ripped and tattered sleeves. The bottom half of her torso is revealed and her boots come up to her thighs. She also has green crystal like spikes that float in back of her as well as around her scythe. Her scythe also increases in size as well. In this form Xero's speed is somewhat faster but it mostly relies on using magic and ranged attacks. However, she can still fight close up if needed, but her physical strength isn't as good. She can levitate and glide thanks to the "wings" She has in this form. Berserk Mode This is a corrupt version of Valian Mode. This happens when Xero uses too much darkness and loses control. She has a black and purple unitard and she has black diamond markings on her face. Her scythe disappears and she obtains giant shield like gauntlets. This form relies of brute strength and some magic. She can create massive shock waves by slamming the gauntlets into the ground and is able to levitate. Arcane Mode Xero discovered this form after obtaining and activating the Eternity Stone back in LvD 1. She has a single wing made of golden crystal like spikes coming from a metal piece on her left shoulder. Her attire is red and she has black sleeves that only over the top of her arms and also act as gloves. There are also long, ripped and tattered shirt tails in back and her boots are thigh high as well. In this form Xero's speed is greatly increased as well as her strength and magic. She also obtains a second scythe and both scythes have a blade on each end. They "orbit" around Xero and she can control them while the levitate around her making them fly at an enemy and come back or make a defensive barrier in front of her. This form mostly focuses on physical attacks and physical magic. Decimation Mode Officially dubbed Mewbuttraptor thanks to Rienzel This is Xero's second strongest form. She obtained it after touching the hilt of the X-Blade. It combines Anti-Form with Arcane Mode. She has an outfit similar to Arcane Mode and it is black and she has Anti-Form characteristics where her hands and legs are. Her skin becomes pale and her eyes become black with yellow irises. She also has red knife like spikes floating on her head. This form makes Xero incredibly fast to where she leaves after images of herself and can flash step as well. She can levitate in this form and is able to move around while levitating. The form mostly focuses on physical strength and some magic. Final Decimation Mode Xero's strongest and Final Form. She can enter this form only if she is in Decimation Mode. If she is already in that form then she can convert to Final Decimation Mode. This form has the exact appearance of Decimation Mode except her outfit is white, the knives on her head are white, and she has black and green crystal like wings. This form allows her to use all the abilities of her other forms. ✨Gexln Xero can only active this D-Link when her and Gexln are in Anti-Form (or some other alternate form of Anti-Form). When this D-Link is activated, Xero and Gexln are able to share each other's abilities as well as gain some abilities of Heartless. ✨ R This D-Link allows Xero to summon a much smaller and weaker version of R's X-Blade summon. She uses it as an alternative to the Guardian she was once able to summon due to having Xehanort's Heartless within her. ✨ Sapphire When this D-Link is active, Xero can summon creatures made of darkness much like Sapphire can. However, these summons aren't as strong and can't be maintained as long. ✨ Valinton With this D-Link Xero can create flamethrowers of Dark Firagas. She can also have dark tendrils appear on her back and fight with them. ஜ Other: None at the moment ஜ Name: Lexcifur (Formally Lucifer) ஜ Age: 322 (Physically 22) ஜ Spoiler: Appearance ஜ Spoiler: Bio Lucifer had always lived under the shadow of his parents, who are basically considered God Slayers (along with a few others) after the events of the war and killing the agent Chaos. They wanted him to be just as great as them in becoming a warrior and a hero. Gexln would train him and he eventually learned everything his father thought him as well as finding a few things out in his own. Feeling like a failure and thinking that he would never be like his parents, he decided that he would try and steal the Eternity Stone, by force if he had to, just so he could try and prove himself to his parents. However, he had utterly failed and Sapphire had sentenced him to death for attempting to steal the Eternity Stone and also attempting to harm her. Lucifer decided to fight back and in doing so, lost his left arm due to Sapphire severing it. Sapphire had then delivered the final blow and Lucifer had lost his heart, becoming a Nobody shortly after. Zavion had come to help Lucifer escape and once they were far away from everything he had given Lucifer a new arm crafted from his dark abilities. ஜ Reason for rescuing the hero: He is against it and is helping his parents fight against them. ஜ Weapon: Lexcifur's weapon constantly changes. He is able to see people's hearts and inside of them. With this, he is able to quickly dive into other's hearts (If they have one) and come back with a weapon that resembles that person. ஜ Power: Lexcifur can use the power of darkness like his parents but uses it in a rather strange way. He can extract the darkness from people's hearts and create a weapon that resembles that person using their darkness. He also relies on speed and brute strength in his fights. ஜ Other: None at the moment. ஜ Name: Renna ஜ Age: 22 ஜ Spoiler: Appearance ஜ Spoiler: Bio Renna had a crush on Xindai's somebody, India, way back before the Keyblade War had started. When India began to introduce the world to darkness, she followed him everywhere rather intrigued by his ways and hoped that she could possibly become like him in a way. Soon, India had become Xindai and he had told Renna that he would need her one day in the far future, so Renna was able to learn how to time travel using her magic and traveled to the time in which she would be needed. ஜ Reason for rescuing the hero: She has no idea who this "Hero" is, nor does she care. ஜ Spoiler: Weapon ஜ Power General Abilities Renna has magic over time and space. She can use many variations of gravity magic and can also create portal like rips in the dimensions to get to one place or another (her version of a dark corridor since she isn't all that great at using darkness yet). Renna has quite a decent amount of intelligence. She can do split second calculations and can also figure out how to do a certain type of magic faster than the average mage. She also tends to float around a lot with her gravity magic (cause it apparently helps her think better) and due to this she can evade things easier as well as move faster. ஜ Other: Still has a major lady boner for India/Xindai. ஜ Name: Reiza ஜ Age: 319 ஜ Spoiler: Appearance ஜ Spoiler: Bio When Xero's Somebody had died, her body was left behind and Xero, her Nobody, was born. However, her heart was infested with darkness and therefore created Reiza; her Heartless. Reiza has been able to survive for so long by leeching off the souls of her "lovers". She has been trying to find her Nobody to try and absorb her and become a Somebody once more but much stronger. ஜ Weapon: Claws ஜ General Abilities Magic Reiza is very fast when in battle; faster than Xero's Anti Form and Valian Mode to be exact. She is very good with words and can persuade others fairly easy into getting what she wants (which is mostly sex and to slowly sap away the souls of whoever sleeps with her). Reiza's claws can extend to twice their original size and can reach fairly far. Shape Shifting Reiza uses shape shifting to become other people. She uses this to seduce others of the opposite AND same sex into giving her information; even if it means sleeping with them. She then attempts to kill them afterwards. Reiza will try to stalk the person in order to try and get to know them fairly well before moving in with her shape shifting. She will usually turn into people's spouses, partners, or romantic interests. Leech Reiza ever so slowly sucks away at the energy of her victims. She does this whenever she is able to have physical contact with the person (which just so happens to mostly be during sexual contact). She is able to restore her energy this way while it drains the victim and makes them weak whenever she kills them. Desire Inducement Reiza can induce desires in others with physical contact, making them want to have her at all costs (however it doesn't always work) . ஜ Other: N/A
While still floating in the dark abyss she has been in, a bright light suddenly cut through the darkness. Xero slowly reached out for it and soon she was engulfed in it. It was warm and it felt calming; washing her fears away as she closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of the light. Her consciousness had soon returned and her breathing had finally seemed to become normal instead of small quiet gasps. Xero’s eyes slowly fluttered open to see Gexln holding her with a look of relief. “Gexln..?” She said; her voice was raspy as she spoke. Gexln had suddenly embraced her, and Xero looked a bit surprised as he did, “Never do that again. You scared the hell out of me, the thought of continuing on without you… it’s one that frightens me to death. I’d rather fight a thousand Agents than go through that again.” Xero only sat there not sure what to say, she only tightly returned the hug. As Gexln helped her up Xero began looking at her body. There was no gash in her side or no burn marks from the last attack. Wait… Chaos! Xero began to look around, but only to see that everything had gone back to normal. They won. The war was finally over. Xero let out a sigh of relief as she smiled to herself then turned toward the group of people. Xero’s eyes landed on R and Sapphire and walked over to them. Her eyes met with R’s and she looked down rather sad, “I guess… this is goodbye.” She said as she looked back up at him with tears beginning to form in her eyes, “Maybe… we’ll see each other again one day, and maybe this time I won’t eavesdrop on you when we get reunited again.” Xero made a small laugh as she spoke. She then hugged R before turning to Sapphire and putting a hand on her shoulder, “I’m sure you’ll make a good leader. You just need to believe in yourself a little more.” She gave her a smile and then noticed Gexln walking over to her. As Gexln spoke to her she began to blush a bit. He then opened a dark corridor and walked through with a small smile on his face. She looked back at R, only to give him a nod before smiling and walking through the corridor herself. Once through she began to run over to Gexln, tightly wrapping her arms around him and gripping the fabric of his shirt as she did. They stayed like that for a good minute before Xero looked up at Gexln and finally spoke, “While I was unconscious I thought I was dying, or already dead. I was scared… everything was dark and I was just floating in an abyss. But then when I finally woke up and saw you, I felt safe. I felt like I couldn’t be touched.” She looked down for a moment and hugged Gexln once more, “I love you…” She muttered those words as she buried her face in his chest. Spoiler: 5 Years Later… Xero was lying next to Lucifer, who had been born two months ago. He was sleeping soundly and Xero could only give him a gentle smile every time she looked at him. She just simply liked watching her son exist, watching him breathe, watching him sleep, watching him laugh. She often thought that she was afraid of not being a good mother, but Gexln would reassure her. She could finally say that she was actually happy. No more fearing for her life or fearing about her body being taken over. Ever since the war was won, everything was normal and no one she ran into tried to kill her. And since R had gone back to being a part of the world Riel, Sapphire had let them live there. She gave them a home and they owed her greatly for that.