Barg's Root Beer and either Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi
Xero frowned at Ananta as she once again asked the same question as to why Gexln stole the crystals, "I told you I don't know!" She looked to the ground and tried to calm down. All the questions and people angry at her for Gexln's actions were beginning to get to her, "I know I may not be in the right, but you look as if something happened between you and Gexln." Xero looked back up at Ananta but then turned away, "We had an argument... It doesn't concern any of you..." She looked back to Ananta, "I just--" "Damnit we gotta go! Gexln's in some serious trouble. My plot senses are tingling." Xero whipped her head over to face Beuce with wide eyes, "What? What's happening?" "Xero, open a dark corridor to beast's castle, quick!" Beuce shouted at her and she quickly created a corridor and ran through. She was now in the plaza in front of a castle, frantically looking around the dark area, "Gexln!" She called out trying to find him, "Beuce hurry up!" She shouted into the corridor. Renna came through and looked rather confused with the place. "I don't even know why I'm coming with you. But your... delusional friend made a point about me possibly finding who I'm looking for here." Renna spoke as she then looked around at the place not sure what to think of it. "Well, doesn't this place look... Depressing." She said as she began to walk around.
Xero could only rub her temples as a bunch if people suddenly approached her and kept asking questions that involved Gexln. "I don't know!" She shouted as she continued to rub her temples, "I don't know why he's doing this!" Xero didn't even pay attention to the girl asking about someone she's looking for. That was when some guy suddenly appeared and began to blow up Hunter into bits for the sake of blowing up Hunter. She looked around and could almost feel an aneurysm begin to form as utter nonsense was beginning to happen, "Beuce... Why can't anything NORMAL happen around you? Just... For the love of God... Can. We. FOCUS?! " Renna just made a disgusted look as Beuce approached her and basically called out her breasts. She was about to slap him until she heard multiple explosions and looked over to see a boy blowing up another man that seemed to keep... Reforming? "You people are insane..." She said as she looked around, "Then again I've dealt with much worse. Though it was more... Civilized insanity." She said, thinking back to her friend that she was searching for. Civilized insanity... Was that even a term? Renna shook her head and returned to reality, "So I guess none of you have seem him then..." Lexcifur immediately jumped to the side ad the lazer suddenly shot toward the group. He then jumped in front of Freya as she fell, quickly grabbed her waist and began to run away from the incoming lazer that almost caught up to Lexcifur. He set Freya down and then glared up at the stingray, "Not here to hurt us huh?" He then glared at Freya, "Somehow that seems a lot stronger than you thought it'd be." Lexcifur then looked at the demon hand he had and exhaled before reaching into his own chest. For some reason it was painful for him, but not for others. He reached further in and grabbed a hilt, then he pulled it out with a cry if pain. The object was covered in a tar like substance and then it began to fade away into a dark mist, revealing a bladed staff. He panted as he felt the pain of basically pulling out his own heart, but not as much as he did with the others he's used as weapons. That was why he was still conscious, however his weapon wasn't as powerful due to this. But still powerful enough to be useful in battle. Lexcifur looked back at Freya again, "Stay near me and Zavion." He said as he then began running over to Zavion, "Zavion! What do you need me to do?" Spoiler: Lexcifur's Staff
Xero followed Beuce to Crystalis and was glad to have her own body back. She saw a dark corridor close just as she got there and could've sworn she saw Gexln. Her eyes widened and she called out to him only for the corridor to close. Xero sighed and then let out a horrified gasp as there were dead bodies all around the area. Xero looked around and then Beuce spoke with a chuckle, "Classic Gexln..." Xero could feel her heart shatter in her chest as Gexln's name was brought up. Was this really Gexln's doing? Why would he come here and murder people? He got over that years ago... Right? "Couldn't work him over to the side of not being a murderous prick could ya?" Beuce said and Xero could only stare at a dead body in disbelief, "I... I don't understand... I mean, we don't actually know that Gexln did this right...?" However it was clearly obvious that Gexln was the one to do this. As she continued to stare at the body, she noticed something was missing. The crystals that these people were supposed to have was gone from the body. She walked over to another body and noticed that their crystal was gone too, and so were all the others. "Why did he take the crystals...?" Xero asked herself and thought for a moment. She couldn't find any ideas as to why Gexln needed crystals and it bothered her. Just what was he trying to do? Why was he doing this? Her thoughts were interrupted as Beuce began to speak and got rather close to her. Xero was quite confused and could only just stare at him for a moment not sure what to do or say, "Uuh..." The only thing going through Xero's mind was the severe amount of "No" for the situation, "Y-You do realize that I'm still married to Gexln right...?" Lexcifur lead him and Freya up the elevator and shortly arrived to where Zavion and everyone else was. He walked up to the group and saw other people with a giant stingray floating above them. That can't be right. Sapphire shouldn't know where they were. Or... Did she know this whole time? Whatever the case was, if they were here for him and Zavion then they weren't going to go that easily. "Great. First we get tied up with this "Hero" bullshit, now these asshats show up with one of Sapphire's giant shadow things. What else could go wrong?!" Renna walked around a world of Crystals. She didn't know where she was or what time she was in; the only thing she knew was that her friend apparently needed her for something in this time. Now she was looking for him and was hopelessly lost. She growled as wherever she went all looked the same with crystals sticking out here and more over there. Eventually she came to an area with... Dead bodies? She nearly did a triple take of the scene as she walked by and stopped, looking around with a raised eye brow. "What the hell happened here?" She said to herself as she walked over to one of the bodies and examined it. She took note of the gruesome stab wounds and looked around some more seeing other people suddenly appear from portals. She walked over to the group not really caring about the bodies anymore and spoke, "My, my, what a scene this is. I wonder who could've done this." She casually said, "But, I don't care about this. I'm looking for someone. Tall, dark and handsome with white spiked hair. Seen anyone like that around?" Renna crossed her arms and shifted her weight onto one leg as she finished.
So I edited Renna into my character sheet thing (cause I like having all my characters in one post)
The first one to catch it wins and the prize is a hospital trip. Or death. You choose.
You have no idea how much I agree with this. I've been called shallow so many times because I've turned down people I didn't find attractive and for other reasons. It makes me so mad when people do this. I should be able to like how the person I'm dating looks and I should be able to reject people I don't find attractive/not attracted to. And it should work the same way for the other person!
How do I deal with it? Well, it honestly depends on how bad it is for me. Sometimes I'll just lie in bed all day and escape reality with dreams. Other times I'll just lock myself away from everything (including friends) and just write out my feelings or put them in some form of art. I don't usually talk to people about my feelings; mostly because I tend to bottle things up until I have a big mental breakdown. I once went to a mental hospital because my depression was so bad but that place was awful at their job and didn't help me at all. It was literally a waste of time and money. Antidepressants to me are a pain and a chore. They make me feel weak for relying on some type of drug to make me feel happy. I used to take them back in middle school and some of high school and eventually I just got tired of doing it and stopped. Then after a bit of bad mood swings and what was possibly some kind of withdrawal, I was fine. In other words, antidepressants suck. Don't do them. My best advice for dealing with depression is doing something to help filter and vent feelings.
Xero followed Beuce into the cave only to be just as disappointed as he was to find nothing in it. Not because the Hero wasn't there, but because she was hoping that there would be a small chance Gexln might be there. Of course it was shattered when she saw nothing. She sighed and then turned around, "I guess you'll have to look for your Hero somewhere else," She said before making a small frown, "But not before you help me find my insufferable husband." Xero walked past Beuce and over to the edge of the giant rock to look at the view and think. Where could Gexln be? Why did this scenery remind her of a certain movie her Somebody had seen? No, she had to focus. Xero turned back to Beuce, "Where should we look next? I have no clues to Gexln's whereabouts..." ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur charged at the Berserkers, his shield ready to use. One of them had swung its sword at him once again, but Lexcifur jumped up just before it hit the ground with a loud thud and then running up on the sword and continuing toward the Nobody. Lexcifur had slammed the shield into its head and against the wall behind, causing its head to basically be crushed then explode into dissipation. The other swung it's sword as well, trapping Lexcifur in between the oncoming sword and the wall. As the stone blade got close enough, Lexcifur cartwheeled over the blade and it slammed into the wall behind him, getting stuck. The Berserker began to glow red as it began to get angry and tried punching Lexcifur with a giant fist. He only sheilded the punch and jumped up to kick its face and afterward Lexcifur quickly grabbed the Berserker's sword. It took him a bit to get it out of the wall and when he did he flung it into the Nobody as it charged at him, knocking it backwards and towards Ohm and Freya. Lexcifur suddenly noticed and acted quickly, flash stepping in front of the two and putting up the shield in front of him. The Nobody collided with it and dissipated after. Lexcifur looked around a bit, making sure everything was clear and put down the shield. He turned to Ohm with his usual scowl, "I'm pretty sure I can handle things myself as you can see." He then looked behind the man and at Freya seeing that she was still there. He took a step over to her and knelt down, holding his hand over her chest and returning the part of her heart that he temporarily needed. He stood up, still looking down at her, "Get up. We need to move."
❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur looked around to see that more Dusks began to spawn as he fought off another group. He growled and went back over to Freya's limp body and began to carry her in one arm, "Hurry up and get inside the castle!" Lexcifur shouted to the group and began to run to the entrance, fighting off any Nobodies that got in his way. Once he was at the doors of the castle, two rather big Berserkers appeared in front of him as if they were guarding the entrance of the castle, "I thought this place was supposed to be deserted?!" He shouted in annoyance. One of the Berserkers rose it's sword and attempted to hit Lexcifur with it. He quickly jumped to the side and ran a bit further to put Freya down against a wall. He then turned back and ran over to where the Berserkers stood, annoyance continuing to build up. Why the hell were there so many Nobodies spawning here? And why are there Berserkers guarding the castle? Was this really where the so called "Hero" could be? Lexcifur's questions would have to wait, for the Berserkers both swung their swords at the boy only for them to be blocked by the shield he posessed and be knocked back a bit.
Renna took India's offer in following him back home. Then a girl suddenly showed up injured and now India was tending to her wounds. She couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of jealousy as she saw the two while standing in a corner, away from the group and next to the captured shadow. She knelt down and looked at the creature in curiosity, "What are you exactly...?" She said, tilting her head a bit. She tried touching the creature but it suddenly tried to bite her. Quickly she pulled her hand back and frowned at the shadow, "Stupid thing..." She then pointed her finger upward and the creature was suddenly floating and seemed to be freaking out about it. Renna smiled and then crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. She found amusement watching the shadow struggling to get back on the ground.
Xero just stared at Beuce as he suddenly stabbed the bug and killed it and proceeded to put it's head on a necklace. "Wait, wasn't he your ally?! What's wrong with you?!" Xero then ran over to one of the cages where Gwen was ((she doesn't actually know her name yet so yeah)) and began to examine it. Well she would've if she could see the damn thing. It was of course some kind of barrier magic or something. She then looked over at Eigo and sighed, "Sorry Sapphire..." She mumbled under her breath and began to charge at Eigo, only to forget that she was in this awkward body and fall right on her face again, "DAMMIT!! STUPID BODY! STUPID WORLD! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FIGHT LIKE THIS?!" That was when Xero suddenly transformed into a much more frightening looking creature ((I have no idea what it is just use your imagination cause I don't feel like finding a picture)). She stood there not knowing what the hell just happened but then saw that she was standing back on two legs. She smirked and then charged at Eigo once more. ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur just shot a glare at Juliet as she spoke. Every time that woman spoke he wanted to bash her face in. "So you can kill the weakest species of Nobody with one hit, big deal ya fucking show off. Now if you'd all like to stop screwing around and--" Lexcifur had turned around and saw a hoard of Dusks standing behind the group. He stood there for a second before protectively putting an arm in front of Freya almost unconsciously. "Shit." The hoard of Dusks suddenly began lunging at the group, doing whatever Dusks do when they attacked. Lexcifur was able to punch one of them with his clawed hand and it dissipated almost instantly. Quickly, he turned to Freya and turned her to face him from whatever she was doing. Without saying anything he reached his demon like arm into her chest, a void of light appearing where her heart was. Darkness then began to surround him as he began to pull his arm back, bringing with it a bright red orb that began to circle around his wrist. The void of light quickly closed and a group of Dusks suddenly jumped at them from behind. Lexcifur quickly turned around and extended his arm toward them and the orb shot through the air and in front of him, turning into a giant red, flower shaped, layered shieldthat repelled the group of Dusks and sent them flying in the other direction. He then turned to another group of Dusks and began running at them, then jumping into the air above and extending his arm as he began to decend. The shield appeared once again and crushed the group of Dusks as he landed on top of them with it.
Xero just stared blankly at Beuce as he finished his statements, "I have no idea what half of what you just said means, but I kind of have orders to fight you if you guys resist... Thanks to him." Xero looked begrudgingly at Eigo as he was fighting the other guy who suddenly turned into a giant... Bug. Her eye twitched as she saw the bug then quickly turned back around to focus on Beuce. She knew he had his reasons for going out and finding the Hero,and she knew that he probably didn't want Sapphire dead. "So look," She leaned in a bit towards Beuce, "The only reason I came along is because Gexln stormed off somewhere and I don't know where he went. All I know is that he's going to have another hissy fit when he finds out I'm out looking for him, but that's besides the point." She looked over at Eigo again making sure he was still alive. He was now floating... Okay then. Xero then looked back toward Beuce, "Look, if I help you free your friend, will you help me find Gexln? I know you've got your own thing going on but... Once I find him I'll go with him, if he let's me, and you guys can go back to whatever it is you're doing." She looked at him rather sadly as she spoke. She knew that she would possibly be deemed as a traitor for doing this but she also knew that Sapphire would most likely be on her side about her decisions.
Xero took a few steps back as the adorable lion suddenly turned into a giant monster of a form. That was when Eigo told her to take him on as he handled the other two and she just stood there awkwardly. She was in a canine form and unable to hold anything correctly or stand right. How the hell was she supposed to do anything? 'Time to improvise I guess... ' she said as she summoned her scythe. As it materialized, she grabbed it with her mouth and attempted a battle pose, "Wait... Wall breaking...? Fifth wall... Possible habucenations...?" She came to a sudden realization of who this lion might be, "Beuce?" She just stood there rather confused. ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur simply listened to the conversation between Zavion and Freya as he trailed behind the group. He didn't say anything about it, just basically let Zavion talk for him. When they finally crossed the bridge that seemed to take 10 posts to do, he looked around, "This place is huge. How the hell are we gonna find this 'hero'? I mean, splitting up could work but with how big this castle is, it could take ages." He began to walk towards the entrance then suddenly saw Freya run up to him asking if he could go with her. Lexcifur just stood there for a moment before looking over to Zavion as a hint for help. However he was preoccupied with something and Lexcifur was left fending for himself. He tried to think of an excuse that wouldn't let her come with him but none came to mind. Soon he rolled his eyes and reluctantly said, "Fiiiine..." with a groan before walking off expecting her to follow. [/CENTER]
Xero looked over at the bug looking thing standing on a bolder next to her. It claimed to be Gexln but there was only one thing that was on Xero's mind now that completely drowned out any other thought she had. "B-B-B.... BUG! OH GOD GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" She practicality screamed as she ran over behind Eigo. As the bug got closer to her and started throwing pebbles at her she freaked out even more. She tried grabbing a fairly big rock and threw it at the bug attempting to squish it, "GET IT AWAY!"
Xero had appeared out of the dark corridor and into the strange new world. She put one foot in front of the other to walk forward only to suddenly fall face first into the ground. She tried standing back up but then fell again, "Wha-? What the hell? Why can't I stand correctly?!" Suddenly she looked at her hands only to see canine like paws and then she looked at herself to see the body of a hyena, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME?!!" Xero shouted at Eigo, now beginning to freak out. She tried to cautiously walk, her new four legged body feeling very awkward. She looked back up at the man, "How am I supposed to fight like this?! I'M A FREAKING DOG... I THINK! I DON'T KNOW!" She then saw Eigo grab something and asked if any of the creatures was Gexln. She looked around rather confused, "I... I don't know. I can't tell who anyone is..." ❌ LEXCIFUR ❌ Lexcifur silently listened to Freya as she made a speech to Zavion. He also ignored his half sister and walked with the group across the bridge that Zavion had made. (I'm sorry I'm not sure what to have Lexcifur do right now.. )
Lately I've just felt less motivated to do things. I dropped out of college because I couldn't deal with it and I feel like just a big disappointment to my family (I'm talking grandparents, aunts, uncles; the whole family basically). I've never liked school. All it does is stress me out and make me even more depressed than I ever need to be. I question my life and what I'm going to do now. I have no motivation to get a "real job" such as working at a fast food restaurant or some other place. I feel pressured to do better than my 14 year old brother who has always done better than me at everything academically but I'm not sure how I can do that now considering I basically ****ed myself over in college. I also feel ignored at times and my brother gets all the attention... I've also felt less motivated to finish my art works or to actually try and make them look amazing... I also feel like my art just isn't good enough for anything... I feel stuck and I keep bottling in my emotions about everything. I occasionally ask my mom to take me to go see my old therapist but she ends up forgetting and doesn't take me and I end up not doing anything about it. I got tired of taking anti depressants and stopped taking them a long time ago too. I just don't know what to do anymore...
Wait. Hoopa has an alternate form? When was this?
Valinton Hiro & Ro Valinton said nothing to what Doku said last. He simply stared straight ahead and tensed up before turning around and walking towards the door, "I'm going out to find him." He said as he walked out of the room. Once he was out of the building, Valinton began to look around the city. Hiro only continued to walk, "I know where I'm going!" He yelled at Kolin beginning to get annoyed with him now. Ro looked over to see someone she didn't know and for some reason they knew her name. She just looked at her confused, "Do... I know you?" She asked, trying to sound polite.
Xero looked at the knight and then at the lion that Sapphire created. She sighed and then stood up, "OK, let's go then." She said as she walked through a dark corridor to the Pride Lands.