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  1. -Xero-
    You guys need to tell me these things. ; A ;
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. -Xero-
    Sorry. I had typed all this up on a phone (because I don't have an actual computer with Interne) so it didn't look that tiny for me but I'll fix it.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. -Xero-

    A war between the ancient Pokemon Legends has erupted apon the Pokemon World. The mighty creatures have begun to wreck havic across the land with their battle, leaving behind wastelands in their wake. The Pokemon World is doomed to end if the battles continue the way they are. However, there is only one known way to be able to possibly stop the war. An ancient artifact is what the Legendairy Pokemon are all looking for to gain more power; if one were to find it and destroy the artifact, the war between the Legends would hopefully stop. However, no one knows where the artifact is, including the Legends. There is said to have been a Pokemon long ago that had studied legends and myth and some how came across the artifact. But due to its fearsome power, they had hidden it from the world and had left a map to it somewhere in a long lost city.

    Exploration teams have set out to find this city, but most have not returned. The ones that have were nearly dead if they weren't already. There is word of a thick fog that has spread all across the land where the city is supposed to be. The fog is supposedly making Pokemon lose their memory or making them go crazy if they're left wandering within it for too long. Others have reported there being an extremely powerfull foe at the entrance of the city and none have been able to defeat them. Pokemon have begun to lose hope in finding the artifact. But only a few Pokemon still have the curage to go out and try.

    You may team up with other role players. You can only have up to four characters if you are not in a team with another role player. If you are in a team with someone else, then you can only have two characters each. You can only have ONE team.

    There are going to be different positions for each team member; you will be the one who decides what Pokemon is what in your team:

    Team Leader
    The Team's leader is the one that tells others what to do and when. They are the ones that assigned the positions to each team member and they are the ones that approve a possible recruit.

    They are the Leader's right-hand-man. If the team's leader is unavailable, then the leadership temporarily goes to the second-in-command. They help the Leader with whatever they can and they are the ones to go out looking for new recruits.

    Dungeon Map Guide
    This is the guy who knows his locations and knows all about reading a map. They can help leading the team through a dungeon and they hardly ever get lost since they know where they're going most of the time. They are also knowlegeable when it comes to knowing about cities and towns.

    These Pokemon are the ones who help a fallen member back on to their feet. They know how to heal others and hold most of the medical supplies such as the berries. Some could even just know healing or supportive moves.


    1) YES you can have shiny and / or differently colored Pokemon. Just keep the shinies to one per team. NO HUMANS. You also cannot be a Legendary/Mythical Pokemon.

    2) YES you can start off as an evolved Pokemon. YES you can have mega stones. Keep the mega stones to one active member per team.

    3) You can only use the moves/abilities in the move/ability list of a Pokemon. No made up moves/abilites or moves that it wouldn't normally learn. If you don't know what moves/abilites the Pokemon can learn, look up its move list. You can only have up to four moves per Pokemon.

    4) You can only have up to four characters if you are not in a team with another role player. If you are in a team with someone else, then you can only have two characters each.

    5) No harrassing others in any way.

    6) No godmodding. SOME power play is allowed.

    7) I will control the NPCs listed below (and any of the legendaries that happen to appear throughout the story).

    8) Don't be afraid to do your own thing. Just let me know if it may and up changing any plot that is happening at the time!

    9) No killing off others without permission.


    Shinwa Town
    Shinwa town is full of old folk tails and myths. There are old shrines throughout the town and temples just outside of the town's limits. Dispite the smallness of the town, there are actually many shops within the plaza and there is even an exploration team guild on top of a hill (Shinwa Town is one of three places in the region to have a guild (Shinwa Guild). The town is located in the Sothern part of the region.

    Sei City
    Sei is a city where there are many Pokemon that thrive. It is known for one of its land marks which is a giant tree that is in the middle of the city. The city was built around it and they live off of the tree's ever growing life around the city. There is a guild built within the base of the tree (Sei Guild) It is located in the Eastern part of the region.

    Denset Village
    Denset is a small village located in the Western part of the region. There isn't much in the village other than small homes, a village shop, a guild (Denset Guild) and some berry farms. The Pokemon that live here sometimes go to Shinwa to buy their needs and supplies for berry farms. The markets also go to Denset to buy some berries from the Pokemon who grew them.

    The Lost City
    The city is located in the Northern part of the region and the whole location/area is shrouded in thick fog. The city is apparently guarded by some kind of powerful Pokemon. Not much else is known about the place.


    Species: Gallade
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Shinwa Guild Master
    Info: Lance is the guild master of the Shinwa Guild. He is calm and collected and is quite protective of his two younger sisters, Alma (a Gardevoir) and Kryla (a Kirlia). He is able to mega evolve from the Galladite he has.

    Species: Gardevoir
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Second-In-Command at Shinwa Guild
    Info: Alma is Lance's second-in-command in their team. She is smart and is able to quickly decide on what to do. She tends to read a lot about the myths that tell of the ancient artifact.

    Species: Kirlia
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Medic at Shinwa Guild
    Info: Kryla is a shiny Kirlia with a black dress. She is also her family team's medic. She likes dark and creepy things and enjoys using her telepathy to mess with other Pokemon.

    Species: Luxray
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Sei Guild Master
    Info: Rigel is considered the "though guy" out of all three of the guilds. He is strict and firmly holds his ground in battle. He is the guild master of the Sei Guild.

    Species: Zoroark
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Denset Guild Master
    Info: Ruze is the guild master of the Denset Guild. She is sassy and a bit mischevieous, but she always tries to get the job done. She also has an adopted son named Tekkno (a Deino).

    Species: Deino
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: None
    Info: Tekkno is the adopted son of Ruze. He was found as an abandoned egg and was born blind, but his sense of smell and hearing is incredible. He also wears an everstone around his neck because... he just really likes rocks.


    [B][U]TEAM INFO[/U][/B]
    [B]Team Name:[/B]
    [B]Base Location:[/B] (Where is your team's base located at?)
    [B]Guild Association:[/B] (What guild is your exploration team from?)
    [B][U]TEAM MEMBERS[/U][/B]
    [B]Level:[/B] (NO LEVEL 100S! KEEP IT IN BETWEEN LEVELS 10-70!)
    [B]Ability:[/B] (Which ability does your charater have?)
    [B]Unique Appearance Traits:[/B]


    Team Name: Equinox
    Base Location: By a lake just outside of Shinwa Village.
    Guild Association: Shinwa Guild

    Name: Arcane
    Position: Team Leader
    Species: Weavile
    Gender: Female
    Birthplace: She was born on the outskirts of a town that was known as Aurora City. Sadly the City was distroyed by the fighting legedaries...

    Level: 45
    Ability: Pickpocket
    - Night Slash
    - Poison Jab
    - Ice Shard
    - Shadow Claw

    Accessories: Has a red tattered scarf around her neck.
    Unique Appearance Traits: None
    Personality: Arcane is a rather gentle Pokemon. She is caring towards her clients that ask for her team's help and does her best to finish her work. She often gets sad from thinking of her hometown being destoryed, for some of her family was killed in the crossfire of the war.
    Other: She is knowlegable in the feild of Pokemon Mythology.

    Name: Ryuk
    Position: Second-In-Command
    Species: Lucario
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: He was born in Sei City.

    Level: 50
    Ability: Justified
    - Extreme Speed
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Blaze Kick
    - Sky Uppercut

    Accessories: He has a Lucarionite around his neck and a red scarf around his upper arm.
    Unique Appearance Traits: He has a scar that goes diagonally across his abdomen.
    Personality: Ryuk is quite serious most of the time. He is calm and will do he can to insure Arcane's safety (for she saved his life before). He occationally has a silly side.
    Other: He has much knowlege when it comes to gems and stones.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 5, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. -Xero-
    Xero sighed, "I can't just not do anything. I haven't seen him in so long... And now that I know where he is I need to at least try to bring him back." She then thought back to Gexln and her eyes began to lightly tear up, "He's just as stubborn as his father is but ... Hopefully he'll listen."
    Lexcifur followed Jacky down the mountain for reasons even he wasn't sure of. Maybe because he felt that it would end up leading to something interesting later. Jacky then told them that there was a cave that Lexcifur had already seen, "Thank you Captain Obvious." He said and then listened to her about there being traps in the cave, "Please... I've been to hell and back. I'm pretty sure I can handle a few traps." Lexcifur said as he began to walk into the cave.
    Looking around for a good minute at the entrance, he noticed a wire near his feet. Typical. He stepped on it and jumped back a good few feet just before arrows could fly past him and stick to the cave wall on the other side. He smirked. There was obviously something in here if there were traps. He turned to the group, "Well now, I'm pretty sure this cave has something good inside. Let's go in." His face lit up with a mischievous smile as he pointed back to the cave while he spoke.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. -Xero-
    Xero looked up at Sapphire when she said that she knew where Lexcifur was, "He's alright? Where is he? What is he doing?" Xero stood up as she began asking question after question.
    Lexcifur followed Freya down the mountain and noticed that she seemed in pain, "It's the voices again isn't it?" He asked, "Is there anything you're hearing in particular that doesn’t sound right?" If they were looking for this hero, she might as well try to use her abilities for something. However he then saw someone yelling at them and then looked around and saw that no one else was around. He sighed with annoyance and walked up to the girl. She apparently recognized them but he didn't have a very good memory when it came to meeting people so he had no idea who she was.

    She then introduced herself as Jackie and the other person, Blanc. He crossed his arms and spoke sternly, "Lexcifur." The girl then began to keep asking questions and then assumed that he and Freya were in some kind of romance after meeting. Lexcifur could only tense up after hearing that, his cheeks began to grow red, "Wha--? Why the hell does it matter to you? And no, we aren't in some kind of romantic... Whatever it is you're assuming!"

    Why did it hurt to say that?
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. -Xero-
    Xero just looked at Beuce with not much on an expression other than that it looked like she wanted to break down. Once Sapphire sent him and some other person away, she offered to talk in her office. Xero looked at the corridor briefly before sighing and stepping through. She then slumped down on a couch, looking at the ground with a defeated look, "He... He won't listen." She began, "Gexln won't let me help him and he won't listen to me... So what's the point in even trying to bring him back?"

    Lexcifur just looked at Freya for a moment before giving her a small nod. He then turned to Zavion, "I guess we'll meet back with you later." Lexcifur said as he created a corridor that lead to the Land of Dragons. He stepped through and looked around at the mountain they were on top of, "Sigh... This place better have something interesting."
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. -Xero-
    Xero could only look away sadly as Gexln looked at her. She knew he was going to leave again and she just gave up. There wasn't anything she could do about it and she was done. The only thing she could do was to not watch him leave again and accept her failure. As he left she could feel the tears well up again, but she quickly wiped them away and turned her back to the room.
    "Ananta... I apologize for everything Gexln's done here..." Xero said, every bit of emotion was simply gone when she spoke, "I'll see to it that he doesn't come back here to help with the citizens thinking he is dead..." She inhaled deeply before opening a corridor of her own, "I'll be back on Riel if anyone needs me..." With that, she stepped through into Sapphire's throne room looking at the ground.
    "I give up..." She said in almost a whisper.

    Lexcifur looked over to Freya as he heard her say where she was going. He walked over and approached her from behind, "I'm going with you." He sternly said, "I..." Lexcifur then looked away, a pout on his face, with the ever so slightest tint of red on his face, "I don't want you going alone. Things are getting bad out there and... Well you get the point." He looked back to her with the usual I'm-irritated-at-everything look.
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. -Xero-
    "I'll be back. I just need to talk to him for a bit..." Xero said as she began to walk away from Ananta. She slowly walked into the jail and the guard let her through the door into the room with Gexln's cell. He didn't look at her and she took a breath and was about to speak, only for Gexln to begin apologizing before she could talk.

    "This isn't your fight, it's mine, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying." Xero looked at Gexln with a pained look. Was he seriously telling her this? She could only stare at him shaking her head as he began to break free of the chains, tears beginning to well up in her eyes and he froze as he finally looked at her. Gexln sighed and said, "You've got two minutes."

    "You idiot..." Xero spoke, anger burning through her voice, "You're going around trying to tell me not to get myself killed while I idle in the back just waiting for you to come home, worrying every second and hoping that you're still alive! I've said it many times already and you're damn well going to hear it again; I'm sick of it! Our son is missing and quite possibly dead already, and all you care about is going after some other fucking lunatic that you say killed people?! You've done your fair share of murdering others and quite recently too Gexln! I don't understand how selfish you're being! You are so caught up in your past and not willing to let what's happening now happen!"

    Xero's tears began to finally fall after she spoke. She stood there looking at him fiercely, "Just... Let me help you... Please..." There was silence between the two for a good minute before Gexln finally spoke, "I'm sorry, Xero. I love you, but i'm not losing you too" He then opened a dark corridor and left. Xero could only stand there once again alone for the third time. Her hands gripped at the cell bars and her body began to tremble from anger and the sobbing she was trying so hard to stop. Soon she came to a realization. She knew where he was going next.

    Xero quickly began quickly running out of the cell, in a rather panicked way and eventually came to the room where she was once in just in time to see Gexln pointing his Keyblade at Ananta. She couldn't understand the scene she was seeing. Sure she'd seen him raise his weapon to others before but this was different. This was an ally he was threatening. He's threatened allies before, yes, but those were mere bluffs to Xero. But this was real. She couldn't move, just stand there frozen as she saw the scene play out.
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. -Xero-
    Profile Post

    AL;SKDFGJQ]w[gpiw hi

    AL;SKDFGJQ]w[gpiw hi
    Profile Post by -Xero- for Beucefilous, Feb 15, 2015
  10. -Xero-
    I have this fear every day. I just fear that I'm going to screw up my life by doing something irreversible. I recently dropped out of college some time last year after just feeling like i couldn't do it and that it was too much. So I tried going out and getting a job, that didn't work either. Then one day I just broke down because I felt so horrible about dropping out of college and pretty much wasting my family's money; and everywhere I went that had family members I would always hear about my cousins getting into all these big name colleges or that they do so well in school and I'm just there doing nothing with my life.

    Now, I am wanting to try again and see if I can get through college this time but with classes that have to do with that I want to do and that can actually help me with my art. So I still have the fear of messing things up, but eventually I realize that I can get back up and try again with it.
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 15, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  11. -Xero-
    I used to want to be a marine biologist because as a kid I thought that learning about the things underwater were freaking awesome. I still do, but I decided against wanting to do that because my child self thought that it was easy to do such things. Then I wanted to become a vet because of how much I love cute and fluffy things, but I discarded that idea too. Then finally i decided that I wanted to be a concept artist with character design OR some kind of a manga artist. I'm always drawing and trying my hardest to get better at it everyday (even though people say that apparently I'm amazing enough already but I like improving). So I hope that one day I can go back to college and learn what I need to learn in order to do such things in those art fields.
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 15, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  12. -Xero-
    Chains had suddenly appeared and wrapped around Gexln's arms and legs. Xero looked at them wide eyed in surprise and looked back to see that Ananta had summoned them. "W-What're you--?!" The guards had took him away and Xero just stood there and listened to Ananta, "I'm fine..."
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. -Xero-
    Xero just frowned at Gexln, "Unbelievable." She said shaking her head and saw him open a corridor. Oh fuck no. He wasn't going to walk away from her again. Not after what he's been doing. Xero looked over to Beuce, "Thanks Beuce, I'll see you some other time." She called to him and quickly stepped through the corridor just before it closed. That was when she heard him call out to Ananta and growled.

    "What the hell is wrong with you?" Xero snapped at him, getting tired of being practically ignored, "I just helped you, and all you can say is that you don't need me? What kind of a thank you is that? Not to mention that you just murdered six people and decided to come back here right after!" Xero then walked in front of him, "What is going on? You never tell me anything anymore and I'm tired of you thinking that I can't do anything! I mean, I helped fight against the Agents for fuck's sake! And every time I talk to you, you always give me the same bullshit answer of 'I don't need you helping me'! Yeah, thanks Gexln; for making me feel like I'm never needed anymore!" Xero finished her rant with her glaring at him with almost teary eyes and trying not to keep yelling.
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. -Xero-
    Xero was beginning to lose her grip while holding against the man attacking. His facial expression suddenly changed as if he realized something, "Oh, its you." He said. Xero was caught off guard by the statement. Did she know him? She doubted it. She had never seen this man in her life. Xero was then suddenly pushed back and almost fell. The man then spoke to Gexln and she gave him a glare as he said that she had apparently messed things up for them. What the actual f*ck was this guy talking about?

    Suddenly he turned to her and she nearly froze. She looked at him warily as he suddenly bowed to her; she could see the smirk on his face as he did. Xero could only look at him rather disgusted as he began to try flirting in some twisted way. If it even was flirting. He then introduced him self and his name caught her attention.

    No, this couldn't be that Dane... Gexln would occasionally talk about him, and that's the only reason why she recognized the name. But... Why was he in the rebellion?

    Her questions would have to wait, for Dane had begun to attack again. Xero was able to back flip away from the blade, trusting Gexln to be able to get away himself. Once she landed on her feet she charged towards Dane, jumping up and attempting to slash at him as she came down.


    Lexcifur followed Zavion and Freya through the corridor and to some colorful world. Be cringed at the sight of it and almost hissing at the sunlight and bright colors, "Oh dear God not this place again." He said.

    Renna scoffed at the fight going on within the castle. She stood at the giant doors watching and eventually rolled her eyes and turned her back on everything. She walked down the halls and found that her friend obviously wasn't here. Renna let out a frustrated sigh, "Why tell me to come to this era when you don't even tell me where you are?" She said as she opened a rip in the atmosphere that lead to some place else. She took one last glance at the castle and stepped through.
    ((She'll come back later))​
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. -Xero-
  16. -Xero-
    Oh wow this is old Ima stop now lol
    Profile Post Comment by -Xero-, Feb 4, 2015
  17. -Xero-
    Profile Post Comment

    Wait what hi

    Wait what hi
    Profile Post Comment by -Xero-, Feb 4, 2015
  18. -Xero-
    Butts n' butts n' butts
    Profile Post by -Xero- for Beucefilous, Feb 4, 2015
  19. -Xero-
    Xero had suddenly heard an explosion somewhere in the castle and without even thinking, she began running to where it was. As she got close she could hear people yelling and fighting with metal clanging against metal echoing off the walls. Xero summoned her scythe as a precaution then began running closer to the sounds. Once she passed the last wall to enter the room her eyes went wide as she saw Gexln against three other people and beaten up.

    One was attacking and Xero was able to flash step in between the two and parry her scythe against the other man's scythe. Her feet slid across the ground a bit but she held her ground against him as he glared into the man's eyes, "Gexln, g-go!" She said, obviously struggling to hold against the man's strength.

    Lexcifur let out a rather annoyed sigh, "Right, now lets get the hell out of here before they want us to follow them somewhere else." He said to Zavion.

    ((sorry not sure what to do))​
    Post by: -Xero-, Feb 3, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. -Xero-
    I don't understand it either. People are stupid.
    Post by: -Xero-, Jan 27, 2015 in forum: Discussion