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  1. -Xero-
    Xero had heard Sapphire tell her to go back to Riel. She felt like she couldn't move, her body almost weighed her down. Her stomach churned and her chest hurt. What was the point of going back now? There was no home for her to go back to. Gexln was dead. There was nothing for her to go back to.

    Slowly getting up and being covered in Gexln's blood, she reluctantly left the scene and went back into the cave where R and Sapphire were. She only stood there silently, tears rolling down her emotionless face as she looked at the ground.

    Lexcifur looked at Freya for a moment before his face became a bright red. He rubbed the back of his neck and tried to speak, "I-I just... I-I wanted... Y-you... Uh..." Lexcifur was too flustered to speak. He had honestly liked Freya for a long while. He just was never good at expressing such things and only covered it up with his usual attitude. "I-I didn't... want y-you to... leave..."
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. -Xero-
    Xero watched as Gexln pulled the blade out and blood pouring down his body. He reached out towards her and she ran over to him, only to see that he pulled away from her, "Huh...the thing that kills something R taught fitting...I guess I was right then.." Xero shook her head as she knelt down in front of him "N-No... No, no, no... R didn't... I didn't mean... I just..." Xero couldn't finish her sentence, the scene before her was too much. She wrapped her arms around him, not caring about the blood seeping into her clothes.

    "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Her tears ran down her face as she began sobbing.

    "Guess this is what someone like me deserves..stabbed in the back by his wife, then impaled in the front by his old teacher...but hey, least you're safe least you're safe now.." Gexln's words hurt. But Xero could only hold on to him, her hands gripping at the fabric of his shirt. As his voice began trailing off Xero looked at him.

    "G-Gexln...?" She began to panic, "Gexln?" still no response, "Gexln?!!" His body was limp and Xero just couldn't believe what was happening.

    "Gexln please get up! Please!!" Xero could only cry into his bloodied chest. Not wanting to do anything else, "Please don't leave me..."

    Was this really happening...? This was a dream right? No, it wasn't... Xero had just killed Gexln.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. -Xero-
    Xero saw the firagas fly toward her and the attack caught her off guard. She closed her eyes tightly and put her hand out in front of her as if she was going to create a barrier. But something else formed in front of her without her realizing. A blade of darkness was created and as the firagas shot toward Xero, the blade was launched right at Gexln as he sprinted toward her. The firagas hit Xero and she was pushed back a few feet and had a few burn marks from it.

    When the smoke from the spell cleared she tried focusing back on Gexln. But when she did, the only thing Xero could do was stand there frozen in the horror she was now faced with.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. -Xero-
    "You wouldn't save your own son, but now you're going to save the one that did this to me? Geez, R must have really got to you" Xero growled; this was going too far.

    "What the hell does R have to do with any of this?! I came here because you're my husband and I'm trying to help you!" Gexln then tried summoning his Keyblade, only to drop it afterwards from what seemed like pain. It faded away and Xero looked at Gexln worryingly.

    "Gexln for the last time, please let me--" She was cut off by Gexln suddenly running at her, and fast. She felt the jab hit her stomach and she almost fell forward but caught herself and deflected the blade to her left. Xero jumped away and as she was in the air, she swung her scythe a crescent beam shot out of the blade and at Gexln.

    Lexcifur still didn't look at Freya as she continued to speak. She went on about him wanting her to leave; he didn't necessarily want that, he just needed time to think really. He then heard a dark corridor open and Freya speak once more before going through the corridor. He perked up, his eyes wide. Lexcifur looked over to where Freya was just as she was walking through, "Freya, wait!" Lexcifur ran over and grabbed her wrist before she could walk through. He could only stare at her; he had no idea what he was going to say, he just didn't want her to leave after hearing what she had just said. He then suddenly pulled her closer by her wrist and kissed her. He didn't know what else to do or say, he just did it.

    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. -Xero-
    Xero was tackled to the ground and she let out a grunt of pain as her back hit the floor. She was then pinned there and Gexln leaned in closer and made a comment about women. Xero was strangely aroused by this situation and *insert angry sex scene here* Xero glared at Gexln as he continued to speak, tears finally falling from her eyes. He then got off of her and she quickly got back to her feet. She noticed Gexln pick up his weapon and she cautiously watched him.

    "You seemed fine letting Lucifer be executed by Sapphire, just stood there not caring at all, so why the hell does this matter to you so much? I'm a dead man walking, so just let me go and move the **** on already!" Xero's fists clenched.

    "What could I have done?! I was in no position to try and defend him! He committed a crime and if I were to intervene, I would've been sentenced as well! There was nothing i could do! And I don't care if you want to just die so easily, I'm not letting you!" It was then when Xero realized the stance Gexln was in. Her fists clenched tighter and she looked at the ground with gritted teeth and tears. She held her arm out to the side and her scythe was summoned. Her eyes looked back up to him, "If this is the only way to get through to you, I'll fight until you're unable to do anything else..."
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. -Xero-
    Xero nearly flinched as Gexln suddenly grabbed her and pushed her back. She looked at him and saw what the darkness was doing to him. It was destroying his body and he was becoming less and less himself. He then suddenly leaned closer to her and she looked at him confused, " "Xero, you smell of ****. Been spending a bit of time with R have you?" Xero's body tensed. She forgot about Gexln's ability to sense different darknesses. As he continued to go on about his accusations about her and R she began to become irritated, "I went to R because I had to find help! He gave me a stronger D-Link with him!" What the hell was he saying?! What right did he have to accuse her of the things he was saying?

    "I'm gonna go and get myself killed, put an end to this torture and all, and guess what honey? There's nothing you can do about it" Xero's fists clenched and she could only glare at Gexln.

    "So that's it then? You're just going to walk out on me like you did with Kaxar and get yourself killed?! You're just giving up, is that it?!" Tears began forming in her eyes. She wasn't going to let Gexln push her away anymore. She wasn't going to let him die. She was going to find a way to stop his darkness.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. -Xero-
    Gexln's words hurt and as she expected, he tried pushing her away again. She stood her ground, "Just because I didn't chase after you the last time doesn't mean I don't care. I came back again like I did before but this time I'm not letting you leave. You're staying. Right. Here..." Xero took a few steps toward him, "I'm sure we can find something to stop the darkness from taking over. There has to be some way..."
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. -Xero-
    Xero looked confused as Sapphire suddenly appeared and told her to sit down. She reverted back to her regular form and looked to R, "I guess we'll have to practice with the link some other time." She turned back around and sat on a rock and looked to Sapphire who's expression seemed worrisome. This made Xero nervous, what was she going to say that was making her look worried?

    Sapphire began to speak and the more she said the more Xero's eyes widened. Sapphire had just told her that Gexln was going to die from the darkness within him; If not before Dane possibly killed him. Xero shuttered as she looked to the ground, what she had just heard still processing through her head. Xero was screaming in her mind, she didn't know what to do. But, at the same time she knew exactly what to do.

    Xero quickly stood up and created a corridor, running over to it saying, "I can't let him do this! I have to try something!!" Before either R or Sapphire could say anything she was already through the corridor and into the world she assumed that Gexln would be in. She looked around frantically and saw someone standing in the distance. Xero began running over to them and she slowly began to see that it was definitely Gexln. Though, something seemed different...

    Xero almost skidded to a stop as she was close enough to him. Her panting and heartbeats were the only thing she could really hear, "Gexln... Gexln you can't do this. I just got the message from Sapphire and I don't care if you try to make me leave again because I'm not leaving this time!" Her voice cracked as she spoke.

    "Im not letting you go!"

    Lexcifur couldn't believe what he had just heard come out of Freya's mouth. She was telling Sapphire everything from the start. Lexcifur turned his back to the group, his fists clenched so hard his knuckles turned white. He suddenly let out a yell as he punched a wall next to him, an explosion of darkness caused the wall to collapse and leave a big hole leading to another room. This caught him off guard, he didn't realize that he had used the gauntlet to hit the wall. He looked at it for a moment before reverting his attention back to the situation with Freya. He didn't look at her, only continued to face the destruction he just caused, "Am I to not trust anyone anymore?" His words came through gritted teeth.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. -Xero-
    As soon as Xero was able to stand on her own without leaning against the wall, she closed her eyes and relaxed, "Activate D-Link: The World's Heartless" A gust of wind began to blow around the area as Xero's body began to glow a dark aura. She could feel pain start to erupt in her chest as she began to float into the air. A giant black orb surrounded her as she floated higher, jolts of electricity rushed around the sphere occasionally. The giant sphere then suddenly exploded like shattering glass and Xero's appearance had changed.


    When she landed on her feet she looked at her new form. She took a lock of hair and saw that it wasn't the usual black color, but instead brown. She had a black trenchcoat like R's but a bit different and with torn coat tails. The pain in Xero's chest subsided a bit but was still noticeable. She turned to the apparition of R, "So this is the CC-Link?" She was pretty excited about this new form, yet also worried about the recoils it could have against her.

    Something right then had triggered Xero to remember something between her and R that happened long ago. The memory caught her off guard and she looked away for a moment, not wanting to bring the subject up, "So... How does this link work?" She tried to distract herself from the subject.

    It was within the dark margin where R stood, gazing to the ocean before him. Xero had walked up behind him from a dark corridor and stood there for a moment before speaking.

    R...? Um... I need to talk to you..." R didn't even turn to face her and only stayed where he was.

    "Then speak." R's voice was rather demanding and Xero felt a lump forming in her throat from nervousness. She took a few steps forward, "I-I don't think... Things are going to work between us right now..." R stood there silent for a moment as he looked off into the distance.

    "I see. I cannot say this was unexpected." He said, seemingly unfazed. Xero took a few more steps towards him, "It's just... Things are hard right now. Especially with... You know, Ansem trying to constantly possess me... I-I want to try to find a way to get rid of him but..."

    "But your focus has been diverted elsewhere." R turned to face her, "Am i correct?" Xero looked up at R and then slowly noded, small tears beginning to form in her eyes.

    "I'm sorry..." She then suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked back up, R puts his hand on her shoulder, "Go. Do what you need to do. We both have our own obligations. Neither will be easy, yet at the same time, neither of us will truly be facing them alone. If fate allows, then perhaps one day in the future, after our tasks are at an end, we may reunite."

    R takes his hand from her shoulder and turns around, opening a dark corridor, "I wish you well, Xero. Thank you."
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. -Xero-
    Xero put her hand to her chest after the link was complete. It was certainly a strange sensation that she felt as the energy flowed through her. She had then suddenly become very woozy and stumbled over to catch her balance on a wall. After standing there for a good minute or two, Xero looked at the apparition of R, "I want to test it... I want to see if I'll be able to handle it."

    Seeing as how she was after the forging of the link, she was a bit worried. What if this new power tore her apart from the inside out? What if it fractured her heart? Questions began to circle in her head and she began to feel a bit nervous.

    Lexcifur turned his head to look at Freya as she spoke, "If they do find out somehow, they won't get anywhere past me." His eyes glared toward Jackie and Blanc as a warning saying that they'd better keep their promise about keeping mouths shut. He then looked back to Freya, "I don't know what to do about my mother now... Your mom apparently knew where we were this whole time by spying on us." His words came out in an almost angry way.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. -Xero-
    Arcane took the book and looked at it for a moment. She carefully opened it and looked at the odd writing. This book was written in some kind of ancient language. Why was there a book like this in the library...? She frowned but then realized that she needed to take this to someone who would be able to translate it. She turned to Ryuk and the others only to notice another Pokémon talking to Ryuk.

    Ryuk nodded, "We can help you. However we do require some kind of payment."
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. -Xero-
    As R manifested in front of her Xero listened to what he had to say. Then another man named I chimed in with a suggestion, "Xero. How far are you willing to go to free Lexcifur of this?" Xero looked at R for a moment before replying, "As far as I need to go... Lexcifur shouldn't be exposed to His darkness. It's... Maddening..." R had then proceeded to explain his plan of a deeper connection with their D-Link. She didn't know there was anything else like a D-Link until she had heard of the CC-Link.

    "In short...Using this would not be so dissimilar to become a host, much like you were with Ansem. Knowing this, will you still forge this connection between us?" Xero looked at the ground for a moment. She admitted to not liking the idea of being a host for mostly PTSD reasons; but R was someone to be trusted unlike Ansem. She looked back up to him and nodded.

    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. -Xero-
    Xero began to pace. She was almost beginning to panic. Suddenly she perked up as she thought about something. Since R was the one to get rid of Ansem (and most of his darkness), maybe he could tell her how she could help Lexcifur. She then quickly turned around and opened a corridor and stepped through.
    Soon enough she was in the cave where Ghost had lead her into before. She looked into the heart of the world in hopes that R would appear.
    "R...?" Xero quietly called into the swirling light. She didn't know if Sapphire could only somehow make him appear on not. But she was desperate.
    "R, I need your help... I-It's important." Xero's arms crossed across her chest as if to hug herself, "I think... I think Ansem's darkness was still within me... and... Lexcifur's been exposed to it."

    Lexcifur looked to the corridor as Blanc opened it. He slowly walked through it, looking back to make sure Freya followed. He sighed as he winded back to Disney Castle. He really disliked this world...
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. -Xero-
    Xero could only stare at the Guardian, a mixture of shock and fear ran through her head. The memories were all coming back, all the things she did against her will. It was such a painful time.

    The sound of metal hitting the ground was heard as Xero dropped her scythe. How could have this happened? She was sure everything that had to do with Ansem was gone. But apparently there was still something there all this time.

    Now Lexcifur was exposed to His darkness.

    Lexcifur was about to charge once again but suddenly felt something wrap around him. He was about to throw whatever it was off of him but stopped when he saw that it was Freya.

    "Don't use it. Please. You must sense that something is off with that darkness as I do. Please, what if it does something to you that you can't change? Don't use it Lexcifur. If you need help against your mom let me fight rather than just support. Just don't use it."

    Lexcifur just stood there, getting more and more agitated. He listened to the girl's words, and he agreed that the darkness he had found within his mother was strange. But this anger was something that he'd been holding in for so long. Something he had been needing to let out.

    He simply stared at Freya for a moment, the anger in his eyes beginning to subside. But then Blanc stepped forward and told him to stop, his anger had come back. The ghostly creature behind him growled at Blanc as if it reacted to Lexcifur's anger. Lexcifur pushed Freya away enough to get free from the hug and began to almost stumble over towards Blanc.

    "Get out if my way..." He said, his voice was raspy and tired. His steps and his body felt heavy, as if something began draining away his energy. He was about to have the creature swipe at the boy but suddenly dropped to his knees. Everything hurt. He began to pant and sweat, his body refused to move as if from fatigue. The creature rose it's hand and was about to hit at Blanc, but suddenly began to fade away.

    Lexcifur sat there on his knees trying to regain his composure. Everything was slowly beginning to come back to him. But his right eye stayed the same, it didn't go away. He looked at the gauntlet with confusion. Was this really what caused this? He looked back to where his mother was only to see that she was gone.

    Taking a deep breath, Lexcifur slowly stood up. He looked over to Freya, his breath still panting and then to the ground before mumbling, "Sorry..."

    Xero had stumbled out of a dark corridor, her eyes filled with fear for her son. What was going to happen now? Was he going to come back? Questions began to practically blow up in her mind. Painful memories also started to swirl in the mix.

    "No... No, no, no, no..." She didn't know what to do. Xero finally looked around for where she was and saw that she was back on top of the mountain. She ran her hand through her hair as she was frantically trying to think of what to do now.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. -Xero-
    Arcane ran over to Helena as she called to her, "What? What is it?"
    Ryuk was about to walk over too until he saw an odd looking Pokemon walk into the library. He rose a brow as he said he was looking for a team and that he didn't know what a library was.
    "Yes... This is the library. Can we help you in some way?"
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. -Xero-


    Xero sighed. She knew that Lexcifur would refuse to go back with her, just as Gexln did. Sapphire had told her but she just wanted to see her son again. It had been so long, the last time she saw him was the day of the exicution, an awful day for everyone. She just couldn't find herself to look at Lexcifur while he stood there in chains. It was just too painful for her.

    Suddenly the other girl had drawn her sword and threatened for a fight. Xero only looked at the girl sadly and then back to Lexcifur, "Please..." she begged, "Please come home... Your father is already refusing to come back after leaving to go fight... I even begged him to let me go with him but..." She couldn't finish her sentence due to her breath hitching in her throat from tears begining to run down her face.

    Lexcifur only glared at his mother, not caring for the show of tears she was having. His fists clenched and he growled under his breath, "Freya, Jackie, Blanc." He turned his gaze to the two, "Go on without me. I need to take care of something first." He then turned back to Xero, "I'll meet back with you later."

    Xero only looked at Lexcifur sadly, "Lucifur... I just--"

    "Just what? Did you think that you could find me and then everything would just be alright?! Did you think that I would just easily be fine with going back to that god-damned planet where I was supposed to die?!" Lexcifur's voice began to echo across the cave walls, "Let me ask you a question! What did you do on that day? Why was Dad the only one to actually try and stop Sapphire from doing what she supposedly 'had' to do?!" Xero only looked to the floor, ashaimed of herself.

    "I couldn't... I couldn't do anything Lucifer... I had no place to defend you... What you did was considered attempted murder and theft..."

    "Yeah, I admit that I did something wrong. But I did it because I knew that I wasn't going to be considered anything compared to you and Dad! Do you have any idea what it's like to always be compared to your parents?! Do you know how much f*cking pressure there is to try to have to be better than your parents, who are considered f*cking god slayers?!" Lexcifur's fists clenched even tighter, his voice now yelling.
    Xero looked back up to Lexcifur, "Lucifer please... I didn't--"

    "If you're going to take me back, you're going to have to drag me back unconcious!" Lexcifur had lunged forward, his demon arm reaching into Xero's chest. Once his hand touched her heart, darkness had begun to surround them. Lexcifur felt pain in his head after he begun to take Xero's darkness. Something about it was... off. He began to pull his hand out and as he did, the pain in his head began to grow.

    Lexcifur had finally pulled away, pulled out a gauntlet, and darkness continued to radiate around it. Something still didn't feel right. It didn't feel like Xero's darkness... It felt like someone else's. Nonetheless, Lexcifur shook off the feeling and glared back towards his mother. She was just staring at him as if she couldn't belive what he was doing. She was still trying to regain her footing as she stood back up, tears rolling down her face once again.

    "Lucifer... Don't do this." Her voice was trembling from her begining to cry. Lexcifur only began to get even more angry, "Fight!" He shouted at her as he used the weapon he had just gotten. He swung his arm forward, just to see what it would do, and a giant black hand appeared and swiped at Xero. She saw this and her scythe was quickly summoned to deflect it, knocking her back a few feet. She looked back up to see Lexcifur charging at her once more and jump in the air. As he decended, he swung his arm forward again, the giant hand appearing and this time releasing a beam of black energy. Xero used a barrier spell and the beam collided with the barrier. Lexcifur landed on his feet, but then proceeded to punch the ground. As Xero was distracted for a split second, the giant hand had come up from behind her and knocked her into the air.

    Xero had caught her balance in mid air and then quickly turned around to send a crecent beam of darkness at Lexcifur from the blade of her scythe. Lexcifur put his arms in front of him, to try and block the attack and the giant hand appeared and absorbed the energy from Xero's attack. Xero didn't expect that to happen and she then charged toward Lexcifur. Once close enough she released a shockwave of darkness and Lexcifur was thrown back. He hit a wall and he stood there for a moment.

    The pain kept growing in his head.

    He looked back up and Xero had suddenly put the blade of her scythe to his neck. She stared at him intently and he only glared at her. He then suddenly knocked the blade away with one hand and the other with the gauntlet was pushed against her chest and he had released the giant hand. The hand ended up going through Xero and hitting her heart with a dark energy pulse that sent her flying backward to the other side of the cave room. She hit the floor and could only lie there in pain for a bit. She began to get up and when she looked back to Lexcifur, her eyes widened.

    Lexcifur was holding his head in pain with one of his hands covering his eyes. He was letting out grunts and groans from the pressure that was going to his head. What he didn't know was that the darkness radiating from the gauntlet was creating a form behind him. It was a rather ghostly form, but it all looked too familiar for Xero. She quickly got up, dispite the pain she felt in her chest and she could only watch what was now happening in horror.

    The darkness had become almost a solid figure but it was the best that it was going to get at this time. It took on a ghostly form of the Guardian. Lexcifur was still holding his head and the pain had finally stopped. He was now slowly panting and when he brought his hand away from his face Xero nearly gasped.

    "Oh my god..."

    Lexcifur's right eye was surrounded by black, veiny markings. His iris was orange and the rest of his eye was blackened. He was still hurting, but he stood back up, "I don't know what's going on, but whatever this power is... I'll use it... I'm not going back."
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. -Xero-
    Xero looked to Freya as she asked why she was there. They both seemed very surprised to see her, which was understandable. She looked to the ground a bit, "Your mother was able to find you... And she told me where you guys where... So I came here. She sends her greetings by the way." Xero looked back to her son and began to slowly walk over to him.

    "Lucifer..." She stopped in front of him for a moment before tightly wrapping her arms around him, "I'm so glad you're alright..."

    Lexcifur could only stand there with a tense body as his mother hugged him. He wasn't exactly happy to see her; and he really wasn't happy about the fact that Sapphire was apparently able to see everything they were doing this whole time. He didn't want to be found. Especially not by his mother.

    She had finally let go of him and wiped away tears as she took a step back. She then looked up to him with a small smile, "You've gotten taller..." Lexcifur said nothing to the comment and then noticed her looking around.

    "Where's Zavion?" She asked.

    "He's in another world..." Lexcifur simply answered, his eyes glaring at his mother.

    "Oh, well we can--"

    "Why are you here?" Lexcifur interrupted, his voice stern and rather angry. Xero looked at him, her smile gone and replaced with a confused expression.

    "I... I came to bring you home..."Lexcifur's eyes narrowed at her as soon as she said that. Like hell he was going back. He didn't care what she had to say, he wasn't going and that was it. End of story.

    "I'm not going back. I don't care what Sapphire wants you to do or whatever other reason you're here. I'm. Not. Going." Xero seemed hurt by Lexcifur's words and she seemed to be holding back more tears. He didn't care. The only thing going through his head was the memory of when he last saw his parents.

    Many people had gathered in the courtyard plaza in front of the Goddess's castle. Sapphire was standing across from Lexcifur, who was standing in chains. His eyes had bags under them from hardly any sleep, he stood almost hunched over from exhaustion. He knew why he was here. Everyone did.

    One of Sapphire's court readers walked to the center of the plaza and rolled a scroll open. He cleared his throat and began to announce the situation, "For the crime of attempted theft of the Eternity Stone and for the crime of attempted murder against the Goddess: Lucifer Riel Senka has been sentenced to death by order of the Goddess herself." The man closed the scroll and began to walk away.

    Sapphire looked at Lucifer, summoning a long sword from darkness as she did. She didn't look proud of what she was doing, at least that's what it looked like to Lucifer. He suddenly heard someone shouting and people getting startled as someone ran through the ground with a weapon, "SAPPHIRE YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!"It was Lucifer's father as he swung at Sapphire. She only turned, her sword blocking his Keyblade in mid swing. Gexln glared at her with anger.

    "He's only a kid! What the hell is wrong with you?!"Sapphire sadly stared at him and spoke, "If you interfere any more, you will be sentenced as well..."Sapphire had then summoned two canine creatures in between her and Gexln. "Don't make this harder than it already is... Please..." The creatures growled and barked at Gexln and forced him to move back into the crowd of people as they walked closer to him.

    Lucifer had saw this and then looked over to his mother, who avoided eye contact with him as soon as he looked at her. He then looked at the ground, even his mother was ashamed of him. Surely his father was too but, did she even care?

    "Lucifer Senka," His gaze went to Sapphire as she said his name, her sword pointed at him, "Do you have anything to say as your final words?" Lucifer said nothing, not because he couldn't think of anything but instead because he simply didn't want to speak. Sapphire sighed and readied her sword, "So be it..."

    Sapphire had lunged toward Lucifer but he had suddenly moved out of the way, despite the chains holding him down. He wasn't able to move far, but he was able to move enough to make her sword hit the chains instead. Lucifer was able to make her sword cut free one set of chains. Quickly, he threw a Dark Firaga at Sapphire to shortly distract her as he forcefully pulled on the other chain until it broke free. Now the only thing left to do was get out if this alive.

    Sapphire looked at Lucifer rather surprised, "What do you think you're doing?!" Lucifer glared at her, "What does it look like?" He retorted, speaking to her as if she were stupid. Sapphire then attempted to swing her sword once again only for Lucifer to wrap a chain around it and yank it out of her hands. Once his plan worked, he tried getting the sword but it faded away. Lucifer didn't expect that and suddenly saw Sapphire swing upward from below and Lucifer jumped to the side but not before feeling something fly off of him.

    When he landed on his feet, he felt an excruciating pain on his shoulder and looked at it. His eyes widened as he saw nothing there but blood running down his entire side. Lucifer grabbed where his arm once was and screamed in pain. He fell to his knees from the pain and could only sit there practically clawing at his shoulder. He looked up only to see a sword come at him once again. Only this time it struck. Right through his heart.

    Lucifer sat there wide eyed. Sapphire had twisted the sword in her hand like a key and a light had suddenly burst out of his wound. He saw his heart begin to flutter away into the air. His vision began blur, and he suddenly saw Zavion jump in between him and Sapphire.

    "Sorry..." Was the only thing he said before using a magic attack to push her away and quickly grab Lucifer and fly off before he passed out.
    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. -Xero-
  19. -Xero-
    Arcane and her team were inside of Shinwa Guild's library. It was quiet and no one else seemed to be in it except for the Pokemon that worked there. She was trying to find information about the ancient artifact as she surrounded herself within a few piles of books, marking pages that seemed important. So far she hasn't found much other than that it is supposed to grant whoever possesses it power; but that was already known to most Pokemon.

    The Weavile closed the book and began rubbing the sides of her head, "Why are these things never clear...?" She grumbled to herself. Arcane sighed and leaned back in her chair before turning to a blue canine standing on two legs, "Hey, Ryuk. Did you find anything yet?"

    Ryuk was helping as well by trying to look for books on the Lost City. He hadn't found much of anything either other than things that were already mentioned in rumors and legends. He frowned at the book he was reading and turned his head to Arcane as she spoke, "No. Nothing really." He simply said. They had been in the library nearly all day trying to find something that could help them reach the Lost City or tell them how they could destroy the artifact.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 9, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. -Xero-

    Xero got up to go through the corridor and stopped as Sapphire said her name. She looked at her sadly before telling her to say "Hi" to Freya for her. Xero couldn't help but return the saddened look before giving her a small smile, "I will... Thanks Sapphire." She then stepped through the corridor, the darkness surrounding her body as it closed and transported her to the Land Of Dragons. She looked around the mountain top before seeing foot prints in the dirt. Of course she followed them down the mountain and to where a cave was.

    Xero cautiously looked at the opening of the cave and saw that a trap had been activated, for arrows were stuck to a wall. She walked in, carefully watching where she was stepping as to not activate any more possible traps. She then came to the entrance of a dome room and what she saw standing in the middle of it was none other than Lexcifur and Freya with two other people.

    "Lucifer... You're... You're here..."

    Her heart nearly stopped as she was finally seeing her son again after so many years. She almost ran over and hugged him, but resisted doing so after listening to what Sapphire had said. Sadness could only fill her heart once more.


    Lexcifur glanced to Freya as he heard her voice in his head asking what to do of it was the hero. He thought for moment, not actually sure himself only to see that the cave's pit was simply empty. He let out a disappointed sigh as his body slumped down from standing straight, 'I guess since the place is empty there isn't anything to worry about...' he finally replied to Freya.

    "Lame. That trap was probably for something else if there's nothing in here." Lexcifur frowned as he spoke then crossed his arms as he looked over to Jackie who was seeing if anything could be moved. She finally gave up and asked the group what they wanted to do, "There's not much use staying here if there's nothing so I vote we--"

    "Lucifer... You're... You're here..."

    Lexcifur froze. He couldn't believe the voice he just heard. It just couldn't be. Of all places.... He slowly turned around to see that it was definitely her.

    Post by: -Xero-, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home