I have constantly been asking my mom to take me to my old therapist, but she doesn't call or do anything. I would do it myself, but I don't have the number and I keep forgetting to ask for it. I have planned to bring up my relationship anxieties whenever I finally went to go see her again. I'm going to try and follow Princess's advice. Hopefully it will help, I'm sure it will do something for me. Thanks.
Oy Go post in LvD
I've been in this relationship with my boyfriend for 4 months; he is probably the best thing that's ever found its way into my life. He is so nice to me and he is just more than I could ever ask for. But, due to my anxiety, I start to think things and make up stupid scenarios. Why do I do this? Because past relationships still have me paranoid about things... He could be lying to me, he could be going behind my back, he could not actually like me, etc. Now don't get me wrong, I trust him with my life. But the thoughts are always there saying there's a possibility; even when I know it's not true in the least. I want to get over this anxiety about my past relationships repeating themselves with this one... But I'm not entirely sure how. I'm so afraid of screwing up. I have talked to him about my past relationships and he knows of my anxiety about things like this and other stuff. He says it's all completely understandable and that it's fine. But I still hate that I do this. I'm not sure how to stop it. Does anybody have advice for this kind of thing..?
Xero was able to dodge most of the bullets as Gwen shot at her again; although a bullet grazed her side and another her cheek. She was able to make it through just fine until she saw her charging up a canon once more. She ran as fast as she could towards Gwen in an attempt to hit her before she could fire. As soon as Xero was 2 feet away, the canon fired and Xero was thrown backward and hit the ground hard. Unable to move now due to a mixture of pain and ice forming around her, Xero could only lie there. She let out groans from pain and looked over to Gwen, "Do you... Ugh... Have any idea what you're doing...?!" Xero's voice was distorted in her Anti Form; it almost had a watery filter to it. Lexcifur landed on the ground and held his guard as the debris around Dane began to subside. To his surprise, Dane seemed unharmed from the attack. Did he miss? How could he have missed with such a huge lazer? Lexcifur was quite confused, but then Dane began to talk. "Whew, that one had a bit of power behind it. That might've hurt if it, well, didn't." So he didn't miss... This guy was just really resistant to darkness. Great. Then again, who wasn't these days...? "Listen, kid, you keep going this way and you're going to end up as healthy as your dad. If you leave now, I won't come after you; I've got bigger things to deal with. Like, for example, your little buddy over there." As Dane pointed to Zavion, Lexcifur only gritted his teeth. Then with one leg launching him through the air and at Dane, Lexcifur attempted to have the Guardian grab Dane.
Xero was a bit surprised when Gwen was able to shoot most of all the blades she had launched at her. But then she suddenly switched weapons and started shooting at her; A bullet had grazed her left leg and another bullet went straight through her right shoulder. She let out a small cry of pain as she almost stopped in place to grab where it hurt. Xero didn't have time to stop now, there were bullets being shot at her and she needed to move. Running as fast as she could, with an injured leg, attempting to dodge flying bullets, Xero was able to find and opening and create a fairly decent sized orb of darkness and throw it at Gwen. If it hit it would explode on impact with whatever it touched. As the tornado hit, Lexcifur was flung fairly high into the air. Luckily, he was able to flip himself back upright, and as he did he threw his hand out in front of him. The Guardian roared and something began to glow in its stomach; the light climbed up into its throat and suddenly a black lazer exploded from its mouth, aimed at Dane. Lexcifur had commanded the Guardian to reuse the energy it had just absorbed against Dane.
Xero had clearly missed as Gwen flipped out of the way. She then shot at Xero with her cannons and luckily she was quick enough to serpentine between the explosions to the ground. Once Gwen landed Xero took the chance to summon small knife like shards of darkness and launch them at Gwen. Lexcifur suddenly found himself getting flung around as a meat shield. He tried getting lose but Dane had a good hold on him; suddenly he was flung around again and saw Zavion release a crescent of darkness towards him and Dane. Lexcifur's right eye began to glow and suddenly the Guardian rushed out of the gauntlet and absorbed the darkness by swallowing it whole. The Guardian then turned to Dane and attempted to swipe at him with a giant hand with claws.
Xero's eyes had narrowed at Gwen as she raised her cannon at her, "Then you have chosen your fate." With an explosion of darkness, Xero rushed out of the dark cloud in her Anti Form at Gwen; her claws swiping at the cannon to disarm her. Xero was tired. Tired of what was happening. She just wanted things to go back to the way they were before Lucifer became a Nobody. A time where she was actually happy. But now that can't happen. Not after she killed Gexln. After Dane insulted his father and himself, Lexcifur let out an angry cry and swung at Dane again. This time the attack having a dark firaga infused with the blade.
Xero had stepped through the portal and found herself in the Keyblade Graveyard. She summoned her scythe and looked to the group of people and/or Nobodies and spoke loudly. "On behalf of the Goddess, Sapphire, you are all hereby under arrest; For the attempt to dethrone and murder Sapphire!" As she spoke she saw Lexcifur and pain began to tug at her heart once more, "You can all surrender now, or die here trying to escape!" After Freya had revealed herself and the rest of them, a giant rip in the fabric of space appeared and a dragon came out as if all on cue. He noticed other people come out of it too; all of them were with Sapphire and... his mother was here too. With a growl, Lexcifur turned back to the group and looked straight at Dane. He then charged over to him, attempting to swing at the man.
While lying there unconscious, something was able to slip into his mind. It was faint, but he was able to recognize Freya's voice. He then began to come to his senses and he slowly began to sit up. He glared at the two and then suddenly a dark corridor had opened up under him and he fell into it. The other end of the corridor had opened and he was practically thrown out of it, and back onto the ground in front of Zavion and Freya. He took Darkness' Sorrow and stabbed it into the ground to help him stand up, his body still feeling numb from the tranquilizers. Lexcifur then began to take the darts out of his stomach and sat there for a moment trying to fully regain his consciousness. Xero noticed Lexcifur moving again, but he suddenly fell into the ground. She tried to quickly grab him but she was too slow and the corridor had closed. Her eyes went wide and she looked to the Goddess, "Sapphire, where did he go?! You have to tell me before he gets into more trouble!"
Xero looked up at Sapphire and then back down to Lexcifur, "No... I'll do it. Once he regains consciousness I'll extract whatever is within him. It's the whole reason R gave me his CC-Link." She then looked over to Phantom and stood up, "You're the kid who helped me out of the bar a while back. Heh... Sorry you had to see me like that."
Lexcifur was tired of Sapphire trying to convince him to stop what he was doing. He was tired of everything, done with people. Lexcifur charged at Sapphire, weapon held back and ready to slash at her. Suddenly he felt three things hit his abdomen and he fell to the floor, his body numb and his vision blurred. He tried getting up, only barely able to move his body at all. The Guardian had faded back into the gauntlet and he blacked out. Xero only sat there, her eyes still wide from everything that had just happened. She cupped her mouth as she silently let tears fall from her face, her scythe dissipating away. Xero crawled over to Lexcifur and tried reaching her hand out to touch him, but retracted her arm as more tears began to fall. "Sapphire... For all of these years... what wrong have I brought to my son... to have him hate me so much...?"
As soon as the spell lifted, Lexcifur's arm shot toward Xero with the weapon just missing her head and stabbing into the wall behind her. He only stood there panting and staring at Xero angrily, wanting to finish the fight but knowing he wouldn't be able to with Sapphire there. "You came here for a reason, so please share, if you are not going to share what that reason is, and you don't plan to move back home, I have to ask you to leave." Lexcifur looked at Sapphire while ripping the weapon out of the wall and slowly rose it up, pointing it at Sapphire. He was shaking, yet his eyes were filled with rage and his teeth were gritted. The gauntlet began to glow and a shadowy mist began to radiate from it. The creature that appeared from it was now visible behind Lexcifur again. "I came to put an end to Xero. And you're not going to stop me."
Lexcifur was able to make his way to where this home was located. He jumped down from the roof and cautiously approached the door. His hand reached for the knob and he slowly opened the door, looking inside to see if anyone was home. Stepping inside finally, he began to look around his old home. Everything was pretty much the same from the last time he saw this place. No one seemed to be home, so he looked around for a bit. Something seemed... Off. He felt like something was wrong, but what? He turned his head to the side and noticed something that wasn't normal at all. His father's weapon was hanging on the wall under a picture of the whole "family". His mother and father, Sapphire and R, Zavion, Freya, and himself. He slowly took the weapon down from where it hanged on the wall and looked at it. He suddenly heard the familiar sound of a dark corridor being summoned behind him. He didn't flinch when he heard Sapphire's voice. He didn't care. All he wanted to know was what the hell happened. Xero was suddenly in a dark corridor and then in her house. She looked confused then froze as she saw Lucifer inside... with Gexln's weapon. He simply ignored Sapphire when she spoke and he gripped the hilt of the blade tighter. "Lucifer... W-what're you doing here?" He said nothing as he slowly turned around with a glare toward her. "Shut up. Both of you." Lexcifur's words came out as almost a hiss. He pointed the weapon at the two but mostly at Xero, "What happened?" Xero only looked at him, almost too afraid to speak, "Where's Dad?!" As Lexcifur's voice rose, Xero flinched and she began to tear up once more. "Lucifer... your father... is..." Xero almost couldn't say it, "He's dead..." Xero swallowed hard before saying her next sentence. "I... was the one... that did it..." Lexcifur suddenly lunged at Xero with his father's weapon and a scream. He tried using a horizontal slash, only for Xero to narrowly dodge it. He then continued slashing at her quickly and swiftly, not giving her time to dodge any of them. Xero was just barely missing the blade as she was trying to get away from Lexcifur. She didn't even have time to materialize her weapon in the middle of it. He only kept coming closer and faster. Eventually she saw an opening and kicked him back, only for him to lunge forward again but this time she was able to get out her scythe and deflect the next attack. At first he only wanted to injure Xero; but now was a different story. She just outright told him she killed his father. The gauntlet on his arm began to glow and Lexcifur threw his hand forward and a giant arm came out and slashed at Xero, knocking her back into a wall. He walked up to her as she sat there dazed; his eyes said everything. He wanted to see blood.
This is ridiculous. I understand that there are some guys/girls that are like that, but not all. There's a difference between not specifically going for younger people and actually wanting to date someone younger. My boyfriend is 25 and I'm 19, we didn't know how old the other was when we first started talking and when we told each other we didn't care. Age differences shouldn't matter if you really like the person.
Xero looked at Sapphire with a worrying look in her eyes. Xindai was invading her dreams? This really wasn't a good sign at all. "Have you told R about this?" As Lexcifur pushed through the crowds of people he suddenly felt something kick his knee in and he ended up kneeling on the ground in pain. He looked back to see that the guard had caught up to him. He only glared up at him as he asked him why he was there. Lexcifur said nothing and only sat there for a bit trying to figure out what to do. He looked over to a ledge on a building that was fairly high up and saw a wooden box not far under it. Lexcifur quickly attempted to cast a Blizzara at the guard's feet and took off over to the area he was looking at. He jumped up onto the box and jumped onto the side of a wall, jumped to the other side and grabbed the ledge and pulled himself up. He didn't bother to look back; he kept running, jumping over to other buildings and trying to escape. He didn't know where he was going, but he had an idea of where his mother could be. So he decided to try and make his way to where his used-to-be home was.
Xero looked away from Sapphire as she trailed off. She remembered her mentioning something about nightmares before and it was beginning to worry her. "Sapphire," Xero started, "what exactly happens in these dreams of yours? I remember you saying something about them before but, now they seem to be getting worse apparently." Lexcifur continued looking around, staying close to the castle. He seemed to not be finding any clues as to his mother's whereabouts so he decided to begin looking elsewhere. Lexcifur suddenly froze as he heard someone call out to him. He turned to see that it was someone from the World That Never Was and that they assumed Lexcifur was turning himself in. Yeah. Right. With a swift throw of a dark firaga to create somewhat of a distraction, Lexcifur bolted out of the area and pushed into a crowd of people. Like hell he was going to just simply let one of Sapphire's guards take him to her. He wasn't here to make any sort of apology or admit his doings. He was here for one thing, and one thing only. To stop his mother from following him. How was he going to do this? He wasn't sure yet. But if it ment getting into another fight with her, then this time he wouldn't hold back. He would at least injure her enough for her to be unable to get around for a while.
Xero looked at the bodies on the ground and kept her guard up. She didn't know who this Cybrix person was but he was obviously an enemy to Sapphire and Beuce. "Who is this guy exactly? What did he do that was so bad, it made you create a jail specifically for him?"
Xero finally stopped crying, her eyes unable to produce more tears for the while. She stood up and tied the crystal with the string from her necklace. Xero wasn't sure what to do next. Sapphire had left to go find this Cybrex guy that had escaped from a prison she had created specifically for him. She opened a dark corridor and stepped through appearing next to Sapphire, "I'm helping you." She simply said. Lexcifur looked to Zavion and Freya as they walked through the corridor to the world they wanted to go to. He couldn't help but constantly think of the encounter with his mother. He had an idea of what he could do to prevent her from blabbing out their secret to the group and that was to find her himself. Lexcifur sighed with a small growl then looked back to his two friends, "I'll meet back up with you guys later. There's something I need to do." He said as they left. He opened his own corridor and hesitated for a moment before walking through. He found himself in the plaza of Riel in front of Sapphire's castle. Lexcifur looked around; the last memory he had of this place was his execution. He wasn't sure where his mother was or where he should look. He definitely didn't want to look inside the castle because Sapphire is the last person he wants to see right now.
Xero still stood there and said nothing, even when Sapphire spoke to her. She had nothing against Sapphire. What had happened to Gexln was Xero's fault; she was the one that killed him. If she had done what he had told her none of this would've happened. Her fists clenched as tears began to run down her face again, and she felt that she was still holding onto the crystal Sapphire had given to her from Gexln. Xero looked at it for a moment. Why was she afraid to look into the memories? Why did she feel this immense pain while looking at it? Why was she so afraid? Sobbing could only be heard as she slumped into a chair behind her. What was she supposed to do now? Everything seemed pointless now and felt like she couldn't do anything. Xero only sat in the chair in a sobbing mess just hoping that some how this was all just a really f*cked up dream and that she would wake up from it. But no, this wasn't a dream. It was her nightmare that came true. Lexcifur looked over to see Zavion and immediately backed away from Freya as he did. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck and then looked back at Freya as she began to telepathically speak to them. He sighed then looked to Zavion for a response and noticed his arm. 'The hell happened to you?'
Xero said nothing as R, I and Sapphire spoke; She was almost completely disconnected from everything around her. When Sapphire handed her the crystal, she looked at it for a moment blankly and took it without saying anything. Xero She then followed Sapphire through the corridor and just stood there as she looked at a picture. Lexcifur cleared his throat as Freya asked her question, "I... I've felt... The same way... For a while..." He couldn't look at her. He felt almost awkward expressing his emotions like this. Not to mention there were other people in the area.