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  1. -Xero-
    Xero raised a brow in the direction where she heard Gexln yelling and stomping his foot on the ground. Who was he talking to? She got up from where she was sitting and walked over to the curtain then pushed it aside a bit to see who it was. She saw two people she recognized from Radient Garden, Cloud and Leon, then the rest of the group. Xero revealed herself from behind the curtain and said, "You guys aren't seriously still mad about what happened in Radient Garden are you...? That was like 50 pages ago." She said with a frown and crossed her arms.
    Post by: -Xero-, May 6, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. -Xero-
    Xero let out a giggle as she saw Gexln's face get red. She went silent as he suddenly just stared at her and then began getting closer to her face. She was frozen in place as her breathing pace increased, should she pull back or what? She didn't know, she was too confused to do anything right now. It wasn't a bad feeling, it was more anxious, but happy. When Gexln's lips touched hers her eyes widened a bit in shock. He was... Gentle and passionate; Something she never saw from him before, if not ever. Her eyes fluttered closed as she then kissed him back, one of her hands let go of his and caressed his cheek.

    When Gexln pulled back she couldn't help but feel a bit sad, but there was no time to be making out right now. Xero opened her eyes and looked into his for a moment before he stood up and smiled at her. She only smiled back at him and he told her that he'd be right back.
    Post by: -Xero-, May 4, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. -Xero-
    As Gexln began stuttering like an idiot, Xero couldn't help but let out a fit of laughter, "Liar." She said smiling at him. After Gexln sat next to her, Xero silently watched him for a bit and saw the smile appear on his face. It wasn't a normal smile though. It was different than the other smiles she saw him make before. Maybe one that actually ment something. Xero looked away for a moment with a smile of her own before turning back and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
    Post by: -Xero-, May 4, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. -Xero-
    Xero looked at Ananta, "I'm.. uh.. fine really. I was recently healed a while ago actually..." She said looking at the ground. She then looked at Gexln as he looked at her while he spoke. Xero could feel her eyes beginning to fill with tears a bit. She watched him walk over to her and then intertwine his fingers with hers. Her stomach had a tingling feeling and her face became flushed as she looked back up at Gexln, "Whether we get help or not, we'll beat this Omega thing. I'll do it myself if I have to, I promise you that" he said to her. Xero just sat there a bit stunned at this sudden show of emotions Gexln was showing, especially toward her. Xero felt that her eyes were full of tears as they now blurred her vision. She quickly wiped her eyes with her other hand as she let out a small laugh, "Don't get soft of me now Gexln... We still have a war to win." She said with a small smile.
    Post by: -Xero-, May 4, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. -Xero-
    Xero frowned at Gexln as he seemed to not like the idea of getting other help for some reason. She was then being pulled away by Gexln's somebody's friend Ananta. They were brought into a room behind a curtain where there were beds. Xero was a bit hesitant for a moment before sitting down on one of them.

    Xero sat there as she listened to Gexln speak. As soon as he seemed to talk about Kaxar she heard the sadness in his voice. She looked down for a moment before speaking quietly as if to herself, "No... You're more than that... To me at least..."
    Post by: -Xero-, May 3, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. -Xero-

    Spirox War

    Ethel thought for a moment before she realized how hungry she was. But she was also a bit tired.. "I guess we can get something to eat.. then sleep." She said.

    Valinton sighed. These people obviously had no idea what Damnation was capable of. They couldn't possibly think that just walking up to Damnation and simply just talking to him would do any good.They would be killed if anything. He stood there for a moment and growled a bit as he thought.

    Valinton looked to the plant girl as she spoke. He didn't bother saying anything as a retort. It was true after all... He turned to Stephen and spoke, "I suggest being prepared for a fight once we get there. Damnation will have a fit seeing that I've made an alliance with a Spirox User and two Humans..." He said as he walked over to the door frame and retrieved his sword.

    Valinton stopped in place, for he could feel a slight trembling in the ground. He stood there quietly for a moment before hearing a loud roar in the distance that wasn't far away at all. His eyes widened as he realized getting back to the markets would be much harder now, "Why the hell did it come here...?!" He said to himself. Valinton turned back to the group, "If you guys plan on living as we get back to the markets then you need to do exactly what I say." Valinton sheathed his sword and listened for more signs of the colossal mutant, "IT is close by..."
    Post by: -Xero-, May 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. -Xero-

    Spirox War

    Ethel looked at the ground again with a sad look, "I just wish that I could be useful some how... It feels like whatever I do with this power... It just destroys things... Even when I don't mean for it to..."

    Valinton was about to answer Oerva but was stopped as a young man suddenly burst into the room spouting nonsense and began shaking hands with everyone as if he were welcome. This... Beuceifil... whatever his name was had caused Valinton to just stand there with the stupidest look on his face from the confusion that just happened. He could've sworn there wasn't anyone else in the home when he walked in. Beuce's eye suddenly twitched and just that told him this guy was crazy.
    Post by: -Xero-, Apr 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home