It's been bugging me for a while and I think I ended up yelling at you Misty during a thread about this, but the censor system needs rehauled. It should either be updated, or removed completely. I get the common courtesy of **** words out so that members aren't reading FUCK, SHIT, BITCH and the like, but as I just proved we all know how to get around it. What annoys me more about it though is that words like ****** aren't censored, which in my eyes is a much more offensive term to read than any swear word. (i'd include ****** in this, but it has a practical use, just no one uses it) I know the system hasn't been rethought since like 2008, but it's honestly time to, either update it to at least include bigotry and racist terms aswell, or get rid of the system entirely, given that everyone just bypasses it.
Right, so I got an infraction (you don't need to know what for don't be so god damn nosey), and it's expired now, but it stays on my profile page, honestly what's the point of that? They're unsightly and just drag out the page further than needed, don't give me "it's to serve as a reminder of your past actions in hope you don't repeat them," no they're not don't be stupid, that's what the ones that never expire are for, these little temp ones are the "yo dude, chill out and cool the **** off a bit, here take this Ridilin for a couple days." I mean, I'm all for the infraction policy, gotta warn those masses somehow, but what's honestly the point of infractions that expire if they just stay on the page, either have them disappears, or don't have temporary ones.
I didn't know.
Don't ever change, I genuinely love your presence on the forums, each post makes me smile and you're such a nice person, never stop being you. I mean it man, continue being Amauesome.
Oh my god, I'm so sorry ears that I let you listen to stuff not through headphones for those few weeks. I'm in heaven T-T. Asura and Augus' battle was my first taste of the new phones, so so orgasmic.
[> Insert some trivial stuff that no one should really be seeing in public. We are now arguing. Pig.]
Gimme some cool and fun things to appear on my dashboard when im bored.
One minute i'm dodging cats riding circus balls, the next some giant statues shift and move depending on what buttons are pushed in the ruins, then I go inside a woman and are struck with lightning when I attempt to use my whip. The damn frill lizard is too hard to beat with my current health and shuriken count, and if I don't find a helmet soon i'll be really annoyed I can't pass through waterfalls. Forever confused.
Is pretty bitchin'
For a couple of days, off to my friends to chill, be back Thursday/Fridayish. Not long enough to warrant a departure area thread, but figured I'd give a heads up for anyone who might have needed me for whatever reason. So long and thanks for all the fish. P.S Do something fun with this thread, try and keep it alive til I come back!
What ya got? Don't Stop me now is just such an easy choice for me to pick, along with Bohemian Rhapsody, but to avoid being part of the masses, even though they're both such amazing songs, I think for me it has to be Crazy Little thing Called love. What about you KHV?
I'd post the proper article, but I don't know where it's from.
Best haircut ever, guy was really focused on his work, women always to blather to you and go on and on about what they're doing, nah man this dude knew what the **** was going on. Straight razor'd my sideburns and everything, didn't even know people still used them Yeah that was my morning, morning by the way KHV.
When you beat a tough boss finally with only one hit left to your name. We've all had it, it's a glorious feeling, let's reflect on that feeling for a moment and remember the warmth it gave you.
Y/n ?
Turns out my computer is running Windows 7 32 bit as opposed to 64bit which it should be running, is there anyone to quickly change from one to the other or do I need to reinstall windows again completely?
This makes me cool right?
get's to make the next one of these trendy little threads.
Get used to being "under the thumb" because there's not much use otherwise. Welcome.