Oh I see .-.
Congratulate her folk, she is now old.
According to my clocks, you're old now, merry birthday!
http://www.gamefreaks.co.nz/2012/09/20/okami-hd-tokyo-game-show-trailer/ Waaaaaant. It's sad that the highlights of my gaming life now are replaying the great games of previous generations.
It be talk like a pirate today, get yer parrot ready and prepare to y'arrr at everything ye see. Or face the plank ye shall.
http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/mother-jailed-for-eight-years-after-1329207 I'm all for pro-choice, you should have the right to abort, as long as it's within the legal time frame, one week before the due date is pretty sickening. It's no wonder I have a displeasure for society with people like this around.
Seems the nostalgia trip continues as the two games will arrive October 2nd for PSN and then October 5th for the XBLA. http://www.gamefreaks.co.nz/2012/09/18/nights-sonic-adventure-2-dated-psn-xbla/
Well well well, looks like I can move again, miss anything?
How would the forums know? Would they ever know? How many people here are already dead and fell into silence. Hmm...
(They're basically a game site so this should be in gaming, ya?) I don't use Reddit, but it's probably a better place now.
He was the Count on Sesame Street. I have never been more devastated.
Really made folk mad.
I should probably check mine some day.
I'm sure you've all at least used one of the sites that have this feature, I know 9gag, Tumblr and Memebase all use it, but it's basically where you hit the "J" key usually and it jumps to the next post on the page, well I thought, why doesn't KHV try that? So I acquired this script and it's been tested on Chrome and works perfectly: $(document).keydown(function(e){ var locaPrev = $('nav:contains("< Prev"):first a:contains("< Prev")').attr("href"); var locaNext = $('nav:contains("Next >"):first a:contains("Next >")').attr("href"); if (e.keyCode == 74 && e.altKey) { window.location.href = locaPrev; }; if (e.keyCode == 75 && e.altKey) { window.location.href = locaNext; }; }); Due to the quick reply function, simply having J and K being the keys used to jump between posts would make it so it's impossible to use J and K in quick reply posts, so the script has been modified to solve that, for this you type in Alt+J to go to the next post and Alt+K to go the previous post. ^ there's a slight error, this code jumps between pages, if you'll give me a moment I'll get one that jumps between posts. I just figured this'd make lives easier for lazy members like myself, opinions?
Spoiler SHERIFF'S LETTER: http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/Articles/Articles/HCSO-is-RNC-Ready.aspx
I don't hold much faith in music these days, alot of it is generic crap that's really just a cash chip and songs are made to be catchy regardless of good, but the confusion is held that catchy = good, not the case. That being said, I quite like this guy, he's got soul in his voice, I actually feel like he enjoys making music and I've not heard a song from him that I don't like. Any fans? Opinions?
This article is kinda old, not sure if there's another thread but here http://www.d4gameplay.com/2012/03/shenmue-and-skies-of-arcadia-hd-remakes/ My only quarrel is there's no mention if it's Arcadia Legends or just Arcadia, because Legends is the superior version with additional content, I'd accept just. Arcadia though
This....is all very....unattractive looking.