*pokey poke*
i said i was gonna BRB!
13 its mostly O R A N G E's fault....thats one sour fruit! YES! I CALLED O R A N G E SOUR!!!!!!!!!!!
"And now, for the final move..." Alex made several incredibly complicated hand sings then clapped his hands firmly on the ground. "Ice Release: Death In The Snow" The snow then turned violent, it covered the trees until it was about two feet high.
nope, since the forum is a teenager now, they stay at home while the forum goes out with it's friends and it's already driving so it borrows the car. therefore, the staff has to violently beat us so we can't be happy! 8'D ............... ...... ....................... .................. .... ......... ....... .......... ..........11
i like milk, and imma double post REALLY soon! >:3
im being forced to watch the movie by my mom and my cousin, and im hating it, twilight sucks, it gives twilight a VERY bad name.
*hides in closet*
i do that all the time!
im done with Aiyame, so GET BACK ON MSN!!!!
oh god....WHAT HAVE I DONE!? It has an eye patch....
well, i think that the government has been pretty much the same for all of America's history, its been a bunch of overly religious men that have been through so many things that they have to keep the US in a stranglehold so that any difference from their "normality" is eradicated, i seriously thought this election was going to change all that, and it only slightly did. I really think we dodged a bullet with John McCain, if he was elected president, it would be safe to say that most of the nation would be outraged, and that the US economy would go into a full-fledged depression. But then again, there is absolutely no way that Obama can do anything substantial to help. he said it himself, he wont be able to fix the economy in just four years, so we are basically doomed. P.S. wow, i turned a conversation about prostitution into a talk about american history and presidents...wow....i can really get distracted...
it belongs in the game chat section, and SEPHIROTH ALL THE WAY!
2.... aww....now my wrist itches...
I've been pondering that alot, and even though in some parts of the world prostitution is legal and its also a popular profession for those who can get licenses. (Yes, there are prostitution licenses). Do you think prostitution should be legalized in all parts of America? I think that it should, because if it's a person's choice to do what they want with their body whether harmful or non, if they really want to, I believe people have a right to.
*high fives* Thanks! Now the staff will nevah stop us...>:3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
yes, you win Mario's virginity! *awkward silence* no wonder Princess Peach dumped him...
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 nOW DO YOU GET IT? (all caps lolwut)