link ftw?
*high fives* you go girl?
Why? glkmd
After she says that: *She gets kidnapped by Squidward*
it says: and how dare anyone make fun of spongebob after all he's been through? he has a snail to take care of, he ripped his pants, he has a neighbor named Star who hates him. and HES A HUMAN!...hes a sea creature! your lucky he continues on everyday, and goes to work, and flips burgers for you, hes provided you with food, and all you can do is make fun of him, and say crap about him...leave him alone...please...LEAVE SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ALONE RIGHT NOW!if anyone has a problem with him, you'll have to deal with me! LEAVE HIM ALONE!
me who would have a crush on Obama?
what do you have against SpongeBob!?
Repliku who would date the little old lady that lives in a shoe?
*beats you with Wal-Mart* i like pie
Jenifer Aniston Who would date The MuffinMan?
*beats you with* click on the link plz???
o....em.....gee.... now THATS epic..
yup, but this time, Fergie is the main character. and the final instalment is "The Nightmare Before Kwanza 3: A Week Before Kwanza"
everyone i told it to died laughing. the second part: "The Nightmare Before Kwanza 2: The Day After Kwanza" is coming sooooon!
Slash who would dress up as a giant clam and fight a giant robot Rock Lobster?
It was the night before Kwanza, and everyone was exited and happy, well, almost everyone... In a snowy mountain outside of KwanzaTown, there lived an evil woman who hated Kwanza and all the people in KwanzaTown. She wanted to destroy KwanzaTown and ruin Kwanza...Her name was Snow White. She had seven dwarves that did her evil bidding and did all sorts of evil things for her. That night, Snow White plotted to steal all of the Kwanza stuff the people in KwanzaTown had. So she made herself a disguise and called herself Carmen Sandiago. What Snow White didn't know was that there was a notorious thief named Carmen Sandiago, so she was arrested and took to a maximum security woman's prison. That night, she got shanked and got a jail tattoo. She was in jail only 13 seconds when the REAL Carmen Sandiago was found then escaped. So she was set free. She still didn't give up on her plot to ruin Kwanza. She decided to use her Snow White-copter to airlift the Kwanza stuff to her secret mountain lair. One of her dwarves however, who is named Suicide-y, went with Snow White, but then jumped out of the helicopter and fell to his death. Snow White didn't care because she learned that she could save 15% or more on her car insurance by switching to Geico. Since she wasn't paying attention, she crashed into a cloud and jumped out with a parachute as the helicopter crashed into Hanna Montana's house, causing a giant, fiery explosion from which no living thing can survive. Hanna Montana's funeral was to be next week. Snow White was angry...So she got her giant blimp and she flew over KwanzaTown, carrying an atomic bomb that she planned on dropping on KwanzaTown. But then, Snow White had an epiphany, and she found out the true meaning of Kwanza...But it was too late, she dropped the bomb and KwanzaTown and everything in a 300 Kilometer radius was blown off the face of the earth... ~FIN~
O R A N G E who would buy a free Tibet with the purchase of a Tibet of equal or greater value?
but then again, she eats children... 14