32415 Lol oh well
Xigbar and Xemnas arrived at TWTNW. Xigbar slammed Kairi against the wall. "Not today princess, unless you answer the question," he replied.
Zack arrived back where they were. He pulled out his sword and gun ready for battle.
Xemnas yelled in pain, but ported away, as Xigbar had got away too.
Zack made his way back to them, slowly, allowing his wound time to become better.
Xigbar grabbed Kairi's hand, and ported away with her. Xemnas started to hack at Tifa's sword.
Zack strode amongst the trees, feeling his wound become better. He started to feel guilty about not helping them, and made up his mind to go back to them.
oh damn "Looks like we have company," Xigbar said and shot at Kairi's hand and grabbed her. Xemnas ported out of the chains and attacked Tifa. "Get Kairi out of here!" he shouted at Xigbar.
32413 <.< >.> You..you did? YAY *dances and feels loved* lol
Xigbar raised his gun to point at her heart. "Tell me now, cupckes..."he murmured threatingly. Xemnas raised his hands. "Hurt me all you want, Namine, but it Xigbar you should be worried abou".
*le sigh* Zack has run away, but has left Alana and Eleyna to fight Aural. Zack wandered the forests.
Got there in the prevoius post of mine, btw Xemnas is with Xigbar BIC: "Now, now, we'll save the violence for later...if its necessary, " Xemnas said leering at Kairi, "now answer the question princess and this won't get messy".
32411 Hey there!
Xigbar shot a bullet at Kairi's foot. "Answer the question cupcakes...is Kingdom Hearts ready?"
Yeah, and you can't use the lift system, only jump down.
Personally, I'm glad Labor won, as I think they care more about us young ones than John Howard and the Liberals.
32340 lol yeah... Bye EC!
Voilence is caused by problems at home, or by bullying. Drugs cause violence, and sexual urges. However, violence can also be caused by kids simply being bored (as what happened at my school -___-).
32337 2? Woah, how much would that cost?
To me, honey is only good if is on top of pancakes or waffles. Hmmm...*dreams*