Thats awesome! If its ok with you, can you please make me a sig? I mean, you don't have to or anything... Hey man hows it going? xDD Welcome to the family btw...
Xemnas walked around The World That Never Was with Xigbar.
Ummm welll... Linkin Park Avenged Sevenfold Fort Minor Nirvana System of A Down Adema Jay Z (only when he's with Linkin Park) And various other hip-hop/rap artists
That was an awesome poem! Keep up the good work!
<.< >.> You still returned!!! 32654
Thats a cool poem! I think it describes anger well!
Well my favourite colour is probably dark blue, nearly this thread is old
Aww yeah you should...Sleep is essential for growth xDD
Hey there! *takes cookie and shares some* How are ya?
32j652 Welcome back! Hehe...not many people leave this thread for too long...
Zack came back. "You guys ok?" he asked everyone.
Hey family!
32650 Hey everyone!
Lmao both of those made me laugh
kk I'll just make it up as I go along... Xemnas and Xigbar walked around looking for Sora. It had been a long time since they had gone after him.
"Get away from there!" called Zack to Alana, "we can't fight demons...or can you?"
Hi Famly! Wow...nice pic Goimez!
Kk I haven't really been on much so can I please have a recap?
32623 xDD I'll go and see now
Oh hell yeah! I love Wolverine! He's my favourite character! I can't wait...