Oh yes that'd be heaps cool! I hate when I search for things that problem arises!
32737 No not really...internet friends are sometimes cooler than real life friends IMO. I only have friend IRL that actually cares a lot about me. Hehe lol
I like apples, bananas, watermelons...but most of all...COCONUTS!!!! XDD I'm serious though...
32735 Aww what? *hands some medicine-filled cookies too* Aww that sucks *more cookies*
Hey family! *cookies*
32733 Aww...hope you get better soon *medicine-filled cookies* Hey there!
I heard about this today. This is...really sad and devastating. His incentives will probably be what all the other shooters' incentives were. What I'm saying is, he must've been driven mad with despair, or sadness and anger. He would've wanted to release it of course, and this is how he chose his way.
Hey there! Welcome to khv! Have fun here, read the rules, post a lot, don't flame and yeah... Btw, I think you speak quite good English!
32728 Ahhh....the good old days....Hi btw!
Xemnas took advantage of Roxas' weakness and tried to attack Roxas. However, he missed his slash as he was in a little bit of pain. Xigbar ported down and kept shooting at Roxas.
I want Utada to sing for it...but a new person would also be good, especially if their songs suited 358/2 Days. An orchestrated version of one of the Kingdom Hearts would sound awesome too, now I think of it.
Aww I hate it when parents do that (***** out)...I just hope everything goes well with you and your mum and stuff...*cookies*
Lol when I was playing I didn't really notice it lots...just as long as I didn't die...I was happy xDD But yeah...I honestly don't know why it was there...
Xigbar ported up high and entered Sniper mode and started to snipe at Roxas. Xemnas ported away.
Xigbar laughed. "Fine then, ' he said, and drew his guns.
Yeah, hi and stuff...just remember to read the rules, post a lot, have fun, and don't flame!
"You know full well, you've betrayed us many times, kid, " Xigbar replied.
32696 Hey guys!
Xemnas leered at Roxas. He drew his weapons. "So traitor...do you wanna join us again? I swear I won't hurt you if you join us again," Xemnas said.
xDD Its ok, I don't think I could have done anything otherwise Xigbar turned to Xemnas. "Why do we have to keep looking for Sora and Kairi? Why can't we look for someone else?" he demanded. Xigbar shrugged. "Fine then, lets look for Riku or Roxas," he suggested.