lol normally when I come on there's just me
Hey family!
32854 No probs! *hugs back*
Umm...Definitely Time...I'd like to control Time!
32852 Aww *cookies*
32850 Ouch is it cause of the cold?
Wow that was awesome! *tears* lol You should write like that more often! And honestly, depressing poems sound a hell of a lot better to me than happy poems for some reason! o.O I wonder why...xDD
Hey everyone! 32848
32820 Hey there! OMG I finally understand your name! :stupid:
Maybe its cause this is a kids book/movie. Anyway, I've read the books (big fan of them), and yes they are anti-christian. I'm also a devout Catholic, yet still I don't see why the church is making suck a big fuss of it. I mean, the books are clearly marked as FICTION, so no one should believe in this stuff. These are books made for enjoyment, not controversy. The movie is also watered-down and such, so the Church shouldn't have any worries.
32817 Hey everyone!
Grape? Dance? Wow! Now I've seen it all! :D Hey! 32754 EDIT: Lol as soon as CTR Posts like everyone flocks to this thread xDD
No probs, I wanna care for my friends :D
Kairi definitely. However, Aqua does come close to beating her...
Hey there! *shares cookies* Are you feeling better?
I love soccer and basketball! xDD
32751 Hey wassup everyone?
SECONDED! I lol'd cause it reminded me of someone I know IRL xDD Hi family btw!
Hey there! Welcome to khv! Cool, you've already read the rules and stuff, so yeah...just have fun now!
Aww...I'm gonna miss you...:glomp: but yeah hehe...have fun!