"Hold up a second, I need this" he said, sweeping up the book in one fluid movement, "to check this other guy out. I'll check you out a little later, if you know what I mean" he spoke, giving an ever so sly wink as he said so. With book in hand, he took a couple of steps over to AJ and directed him just a little away from the group, only a couple of meters or so. "Alright, I'm grateful for you saving me back in that fight. I owe you, and I don't like owing people I don't know. So, I'll give you the book, but first you gotta tell me a little about yourself. Name, homeworld, oh oh give me your favourite brand of alcohol too" he demanded, giving a somewhat mischievous grin as he conversed with the newcomer.
Walking over, Glen stopped nearby enough that he could see the book. It sure looked like an ordinary book, but then again his scarf looked like an ordinary scarf. Wait, his scarf was an ordinary scarf. Huh, well Dreamer seemed to know things so he'd trust the guy for now. Anyway, he needed to answer Gwendolyn's question. He hoped the language barrier wasn't a problem, when she'd said that word 'fuck' he'd become curious; what was that word and what did it mean? "Not a clue about your parents, but the keyblade's an easy question. Yeah, you're holding a keyblade. Point it at any lock and the lock will open, defeat a heartless with it and it'll free the hearts, except for the pure black ones...those ones kinda just go poof if you hit them enough. You'd better give the book a good read over, if this mark of mastery thing's as bad as it sounds then you're going to have to know how to use your keyblade. Try not to overthink it, and remember" Glen said, tapping the book with his keyblade, causing it to open to the table of contents, "everything else you need to know is in there" he explained, helpful as always. @Fearless
So apparently one of them hadn't been simply secretive, but had in fact forgotten his name. So either the "memory extractor" had taken a little more from Chrono than any of them had realised and Ria, in fact, had such hatred for the boy that he'd felt the need to take away his name, or the theory was wrong. Which probably meant the theory was wrong. Still though, if the theory had have held true, that would have been an interesting twist in things. Next came the shadows, summoned by their presumed abductor. The first group had been worrisome enough, but the second group? Now the guy was just showing off. As the others moved into defensive positions, two of them made an actual move on the offensive. Marley and....and....Ria had called him Cerdic. Sir dick, kind of fit with the way the guy had presented himself. Then again, maybe Ria had been lying...he (Kara assumed he was male) had told himself he was lying, after all. Wait a minute, that didn't make any sense. This whole situation was getting more confusing by the second, how much could Kara handle before her head exploded? Maybe that had been the point of the machine! But if Ria had that kind of power, what would he need the shadows for? No, that couldn't be it. The machine remained a mystery. Anyway, back to the fighting. Kara hadn't been in any fights save for one, so she didn't like her chances charging forward, but two of the others had rushed forward and there was no way she was going to leave someone to fight on her own. If she did that, what kind of person would she be? A terrible one, that's who. She didn't have the best self-image but she did not think she was a positively terrible person. Stepping forward, she held her keyblade in what she could only assume was a defensive stance, and stepped forward. As she stepped forward, a shadow launched itself at her. Reacting somewhat quickly, the girl leaped out of the way and quickly turned around as she delivered a quick slash with the keyblade straight at the creature's back, dispatching it rather quickly. That wasn't the end of the assault though, as another two of the shadows came at her. With a yelp she panicked and lashed at them, dispatching a second one but falling flat on her butt. Just as she was about to be hit by the shadow, she put her hand out in front of her as if to block the attack, and a magical barrier appeared around herself, preventing the attack from connecting. "Holy cow...did I just do that?" she asked, mesmerised for a moment. Her concentration was broken by yet another shadow diving at her, only for her to hold out her hand once more. This time, however, the barrier did not come. Panicking, Kara simply punched the creature, knocking it onto its back, before stabbing it with the keyblade. Her eyes widened as she did so, Kara could only wonder just where these movements were coming from...and just why she knew how to do them. Word count: 526 words BP Spent: 20 Heartless killed: 4 Heartless remaining: 288
When the reveal that there was royalty among them came, Kara immediately stopped thinking as herself as "rank 1" and started thinking of herself as "the first". If there were rankings, surely she'd be beneath an actual noble...god she hoped they weren't egotistical; that'd make it really hard to be nice to them. After that reveal came about, Alder tried to shoot a fireball at Ria. This blew Kara's mind about as much as it blew Ria back, both of them equally surprised. These keyblades could shoot magic? She could shoot magic? She wanted to try, but resisted the urge to do so. Soon after, ass the shadow prince, destroyer of souls as the shadows emerged, Kara flinched away slightly. She'd seen darkness, she'd seen it take someone, but she'd never seen creatures made of it. What were they like? Would they attack them? She'd been in a fight before, but she hadn't used her keyblade then. Well, she was going to learn on the fly...or at least she hoped she would. Could amnesia take away muscle memory? Had she even been able to fight before? She had no idea and she doubted Ria was going to tell them. The only thing she was certain of was that if she got defeated here, she'd never be able to find the answers she craved. "Be careful, those creatures don't look like they're going to take it easy just because we can't remember things" Kara said, readying her keyblade. She'd been pretty good at school, hopefully she was just as fast a learner now.
In the middle of one of the bars along the main avenue, a tiny figure collided with one of the walls and bounced off of it, landing face first on the ground. Battousai the manslayer was his name, drinking was his game. In fact, it was drinking that had just caused him to fly more freely through the air than any bird. He'd challenged a man to a drinking competition for the third time this week, and had gotten simply swatted off of the table and into the wall because of it. In the guy's defence, he probably hadn't intended to actually hurt Battousai, but when you were the size of a thumb every action had a much larger reaction. Getting up, he made his way over to the man, being very careful not to be stood on, and began yelling up at the guy. "Oh that was a fine attack indeed, but this changes nothing. I demand a rematch with you! Rematch! Rematch! I'll drink you under the table!" Battousai laughed, his wording making him sound annoyed but his tone sounding very much giddy. The male did, however, ignore the tiny drunk. Turning and giving a quick whistle, Battousai gave up on the challenge as his trusty steed, Ralph the squirrel, came racing over. Saying nothing further, the drunken scholar led Ralph towards the basement of the bar. They had a meeting to attend. Several minutes later, Ralph arrived at the bottom of the staircase (it took a long time for him to get down safely), closely followed by his master...only master Battousai fell down the last stair only to, once again, land face-first. He laid there for a moment, pondering what his next move would be. He could get up and move on, or he could sleep. He was feeling pretty tired...but if he slept he missed out on adventures! Well that made the decision so much easier. Standing up, he climbed up onto the nearest table (which took quite a while) and then yelled at the top of his tiny lungs, which due to his size was perfectly acceptable, "hello, boy with the red hair! I have come to join you on your quest for justice! Your adventure for vengeance! The search for my lost magic!" Battousai declared, standing in numerous poses and flexing his muscles with each statement.
As Glen weighed up his options, he thought about each scenario carefully. If he went with the latter option, he could go and find others that had been lost in the darkness, just like they had. Granted, having a keyblade would inevitably draw more heartless towards them, but he was sure they could deal with it. The others would be fine without him, they could handle themse- As this thought passed through Glen's mind, so too did the image of his father, being slain by Dane right before him in the memory of his homeworld. Glancing a little nervously for a moment around the room as if to make sure everyone was okay, he immediately knew that he couldn't leave the others. Taking the Mark of Mastery exam was the next step in becoming stronger, and he had a score to settle with Vanitas too. "I'm taking the trials, and I'm going to pass them. I'll prove how much stronger I've gotten, and we'll all prove to you just how wrong you are about us, Yue. Once you've watched us go through this, you'll see that No Heart doesn't stand a chance against us" Glen said confidently, summoning his keyblade and slinging it over his shoulder in a very relaxed pose as he spoke.
While Kara was thankful they'd gotten out of the cave and nobody had gotten left behind, she by no means felt safe. The darkness still seemed to be around, and more importantly there was now a figure who seemed to know them giving mixed signals. He seemed to want them dead, and yet it sounded like they'd helped him regardless of that fact....had they done it unintentionally? No, apparently Alder had insisted on destroying the extractor....well, the guy could always be lying. If he wasn't though, had he manipulated them? "Alder? Do you remember anything about that?" Kara prompted, but immediately regretted asking. They'd all had their memories wiped clean, or so it seemed, so the odds of him knowing that were slim. Maybe he and this guy were helping each other, but that wouldn't explain why Alder had his memories wiped too, unless he had only been pretending this whole time? No, it was too early to start assuming they had a traitor in their midst. Ugh, all of it made Kara's head hurt. "W-who are you?" she called out to the man. She might not have known much about the situation, but maybe...just maybe the guy would give them information. He didn't sound very worried, after all.
Preferred Username: Glen Name: Battousai the manslayer Age: 25 Race: Elven Appearance: Here Powers: Battousai has the power to change the size of his body at will...or at least he had the power to change the size of his body at will. Additionally, he had the power of flight. Pet/Familiar: A pet squirrel named Ralph. In the years since he has been without magic, Battousai made a tiny saddle for Ralph so that he can hitch a ride. Alignment: Resistance Personality: When he's sober, Battousai is a very serious person who just wants to complete the task at hand and move on. However, while he has even a little alcohol in his body he becomes a very jolly person who wants to explore any and every aspect of life. History: When he had magic, Battousai was a scholar, studying the laws of magic and taking full advantage of his powers to often hide from those he saw as distractions. The only distraction he allowed himself was his pet squirrel, named after his father due to them both being "furry *******s", according to Battousai. He and his squirrel could often be found at a library, or a bookstore, always looking for that little bit of lost knowledge that eluded the master. When magic vanished, so too did Battousai's studying habits. He'd spent a large number of years studying magic, only for it to what was the point? It was enough to drive a man to alcoholism, which is exactly what happened. He became a drunkard, almost never being sober, but he found that he thoroughly enjoyed it. Instead of studying using books, he would learn through alcohol about all there was to enjoy in life, and then probably hate himself a few hours after stopping drinking. He reasoned that he could drink even more if he were his normal size again, and so he joined up with the resistance. Other: Is stuck the size of a human thumb. Preferred Username: Battousai the manslayer, or I suppose Glen could work Name: Yana Aegrum Age: 326 Race: Humanoid demon ***** Appearance: This Powers: Low-tier necromancy, enough that she can summon and communicate with the recently departed but not outright control them. Also powerful fire magic. Pet/Familiar: N/A Alignment: Demons Personality: Very sadistic, will take unnecessary risks if it means she gets to inflict pain on someone, whether they be friend or foe. Can be very strategic, often trying to exploit her opponents' weaknesses, and is not usually willing to make the first move in a battle. History: The demonic invasion was the best thing ever for Yana Aegrum. Finally, she had free reign to express all her sadistic desires and spread absolute chaos, and damn if she didn't cause a lot of problems for the non-demon folk. When the magic vanished, Yana's powers dwindled slightly but her desire for pain did not, and due to this she often found herself visiting the demon prince Tharados, whether he knew or not. Sometimes she'd outright go to visit him, other times she'd do her best to sneak in and simply watch. It was all she could do to pass the time until the prince sent her on another deathly spree, and damn was she eager for that time to come. Other: (Do you have anything else to add?)
Alright, I need a duet partner for "I see the light"! Anybody interested?
Just as they were about to leave, things took a turn for the worse. There was a great rumbling sound, causing Kara to jump slightly and look around quickly for the source of the noise. As her eyes darted along the walls of the cave, she took note of a small crack that had appeared in the ceiling. Things might not have gotten any worse than they were, but she wasn't about to take the chance. Turning, she began to make a move for the exit when she stopped dead in her tracks. Darkness, swirling violently around the room. This wasn't the first time Kara had seen a mass of darkness swirling, but she'd hoped her homeworld's incident would be the last. Apparently not. Who knew what this darkness was capable of? She didn't know much about the keyblade, she knew even less about the darkness, but she did know this: they had to get out, and they had to do it now. Racing forward, the girl held her keyblade ready and did her best to keep pace with the others, even the guy who seemed more scared than the rest of them as he ran away, leaving the others behind. She wished she had the courage or the confidence to mention that to him later, if they made it out of there, but there would be far more important matters to what the heck was even going on.
Awesome, people had been a little more accepting this time around. That made Kara feel a little more at ease, but even so she still felt a little awkward. Taking point wasn't what she considered herself good at, but maybe the pin meant she had been good at it? Then again, there was such a thing as a bad leader. In any case, introductions had been requested and heck, maybe things would flow more smoothly if she complied. She didn't want to upset anyone by refusing, anyway. "My name's Kara Dawlistrus. I've got the pin marked I, I wish I knew what that meant though. I'm sorry if I'm being pushy, I just have a feeling in my gut that we need to get out and I want to listen to it. Sorry" the girl explained, her face still a little red. With that being said, she stepped over towards the one who said he'd take point, and stopped as she summoned her keyblade. "I'm fine with being near the front, but not right at the front. I....haven't really been in a fight before, so I'd probably just get in the way if there was something waiting out there. N-not that I'm saying there is, I'm sure we'll be absolutely fine" she said, letting her nerves get the better of her.
"Relax, Kaida. You'll be fine. You're one of the best keyblade wielders I've ever seen, mark of mastery's not going to be a problem" Glen reassured, giving his friend a pat on the back. The Mark of Mastery, now there was something he hadn't heard mentioned in a long time. His father had never officially been called a keyblade master as far as he knew, and if he had he certainly hadn't talked about it a lot. Finding out something about the keyblade he barely knew about was a rarity, but that only made him more interested.
Standing back, Glen listened to what Beuce was saying. The guy raised a valid point, and as much as Glen wanted to yell at this newcomer and vent out some of the frustration that he himself was feeling, Beuce had pretty much covered it all. Kaida pretty much verified what he'd said, so maybe this hoe would actually listen. So far there had been very few members of the order he disliked, but in an instant this woman had made it to the top of that list. "We'll be fine when Vanitas shows himself again. We're a lot stronger than we were before, he won't know what hit him next time" Glen said somewhat confidently, although his usual cheery tone of voice wasn't there. Rather, he had a very monotone, serious tone.
Some people seemed to be against getting out of the place, others (namely one) seemed to be all for it, and others hadn't seemed to decide one way or the other. There was too much indecisiveness for Kara's liking, so as she took a deep breath she stepped forward before deciding to speak. "I understand outside is scary. If none of you are frightened by these events, then you're either incredibly brave or have a screw loose. I'm terrified, I want to stay in this cave and be nice and safe, but that's not going to help at all. We can get to know each other once we're out of here. If this guy is right", she said as she jerked a thumb at Cerdic, "and we have been captured, then staying in here's only going to make things worse. So we should probably get out of here while we can" she suggested. After speaking, Kara's face went a little bit red; drawing attention to herself was something that made her both embarrassed and scared, but sometimes it just had to be done.
Spoiler: Musical Here Spoiler: Musical is Be A Man/Make A Man Out Of You Here is Cruella De Vil, which was a monthly exclusive Here is Gaston Here is Everybody wants to be a cat, which was a monthly exclusive Here is When Will my life begin Here is Strangers like me Here is you'll be in my heart Here is Reflection Here is Winnie the Pooh Here is Why Should I worry? In total, 27 crowns were earned, with an additional 9 from Counterpoint, giving me 695 to spend in tota Spoiler: Stats +28 points to speed (280 crowns) bringing the total to 43 +34 points to strength (340 crowns) bringing the total to 43 +3 points to resistance (30 crowns) bringing the total to 12 +4 points to defence (40 crowns) bringing the total to 11 This leaves Glen with 5 crowns remaining. Spoiler: Abilities Air Combo Plus Blend High Jump (Equipped) BattleCry Combo (Equipped) Combo Plus (Equipped) Guard Dodge roll (Equipped) Item Boost EXP Writer I Magic Lock-On Aerial Sweep Cheer Second Wind Second Chance (Equipped) Damage Syphon Gift Lucky Lucky Cover MP Haste Explosion (Equipped) All AP Used Spoiler: Commands Equipping the following: Fire Strike Barrier Surge Purchasing and equipping Zantetsuken (costs 1700 munny) Reluctancy Poison Edge Strike Raid Not certain this counts for commands, but also equipping Ninja Spoiler: Equipment and items Equipping Oathkeeper and Last Legacy Equipping Energy Bangle Ether Balloon Letter Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Hi-Potion Hi-Potion (Equipped) Ultra-Potion (Equipped) Elixir (Equipped) Elixir (Equipped) [/spoiler]
Kara thought for a moment, trying to piece together all of the memories she had to no avail. There was something about this place, she could feel that she knew at least something about the situation they were in, but it just wasn't coming no matter how hard she tried. "Nope. I can remember plenty of stuff from my village, but as far as I can tell I've never seen this place. It's weird, though, it's like there's this huge block in my head or something. Like I should know stuff, I just....don't. Sorry" the girl replied, shrugging her shoulders. A moment later, she seemed to perk up, and pointed towards the end of the cave. "I bet if we go out there though we'll find something. We got here somehow, maybe we'll find out how once we get out there" Kara suggested, pointing towards the end of the cave as she said so. There was darkness floating in the air, which worried her, but what worried her more was the idea of heading outside. They'd be heading into unknown things, which could get dangerous depending on where they were. Still, if they didn't make a move then they'd be stuck inside the cave forever, which didn't sound particularly fun.
'Wake up, are you okay?' was all Kara heard upon regaining consciousness. "Mmmmm....five more minutes..." she murmured sleepily, rolling over onto her side and trying to relax. She tried to relax, but people were just talking and wouldn't stop. What made it worse was she didn't even know who the people were. Hang on, it wasn't just the people, she couldn't remember anything about where she even was. Opening her eyes and sitting up, she looked around at the surroundings, but none of it was familiar whatsoever. Was she still in the Village of Serenity, or was she somewhere else entirely? She couldn't be anywhere else, she'd never even left her world...had she? Slowly, she came to realize exactly what was going on, or at least as best she could make of it. She had a pin on her with the number I on it which she didn't remember getting, so that probably had some sort of importance. For some reason, the word 'leader' sprang to mind, which probably meant she had someone else's pin. Leaderly wasn't exactly one of the words that she'd use to describe herself. Then again, maybe it simply meant the first, but the first of what? This was really, really confusing. On top of that, some people had their key...blades? She was pretty sure that's what they were called, she remembered that guy mentioning it when one had appeared in her hand. Man that had been an unusual day. Getting up onto her feet, she dusted herself off quickly. She wasn't sure what she'd entered into exactly, but something seemed to be going on, and she wasn't about to dive headfirst into a situation she knew nothing about.
"Our first mission went awesomely. Zoey's pretty damn good with a staff" Dana complimented, standing proudly despite feeling a bit down only a couple of minutes before. She was quite happy with how the first one had gone, and she'd never made any effort to hide it, so why start now? She stepped forward and up to the two people who had spoken to them. "So good I bet she's the best meister here. And she has fantastic taste in ice cream" she added confidently. Maybe she was being too confident, but someone had to be. She almost wanted the others to disagree with her being the best; she had a glove in her pocket specifically for challenging people to duels, after all.
When Zoey had placed her hand on Dana's cheek the weapon froze, and when she was told once more that Zoey was happy to have her as a weapon, yet another wave of relief and simultaneous shock went through the girl as the spoon fell from her nose and landed on the floor with a light sound. As the other guys came over, Dana whirled around and was thankful for the spoon having not being attached. "Dana Knightfall. Best deathscythe to ever exist, most beautiful lady here at the DWMA, and probably also the most egotistical girl you'll ever meet. But I mean when it's all truthful stuff, is it really such a bad thing?" she asked, bobbing a half-assed curtsy as she spoke.