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  1. Glen
    Thus far, several things had confused and made Kara very interested, but none so much as the memories of them all getting along together. "Cerdic, when did you become such a dick?" she asked, not thinking about what she actually said. She immediately blushed, covering her mouth a little. "Oh my god no i'm so sorry I didn't mean it...maybe a little but this is so confusing and i'm just going to shut up now okay? Okay, good job Kara" Kara apologised, feeling more than a little embarassed. For some reason, she couldn't quite remember who had made the name of the group, but she knew it hadn't been herself.
    Post by: Glen, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. Glen
    I'd like to pick the +5BP for Kara, please
    Post by: Glen, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Glen
    Through the mess of heartless and combatants, Kara saw Marley using that one move they had all used many times, and decided to assist. Spinning her keyblade just once, she pointed it straight at Ria, closing one eye to get better aim; she'd really hate to screw it up and vaporise Cerdic...she'd really slightly dislike screwing it up and vaporising Cerdic. Yeah, that fit better.
    Post by: Glen, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Glen
    Glen was surprised by the new world and how normal it looked in comparison. Although there was a giant, walking white marshmallow thing..okay that was a new one. Then again, he had seen talking dragons as well as evil mice, so what was this when put next to that? As Xara took off, Glen held his hand out as though he were going to ask her to wait, but stopped as he did so. Did his hand look more....rounded? Huh, that was weird. Reminded him almost of how much more flexible he'd felt in Corona, world hopping had some really bizarre effects on the body. Shrugging it off, he followed his game partner inside of the police station, more curious about this world than ever.
    Post by: Glen, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Glen
    What is the average flight velocity of an unladen swallow?

    Favourite number?

    What is your favourite thing about RPing?

    If you were down to your last $5, what would you spend it on and why?
    Post by: Glen, Feb 26, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  6. Glen
    Glen will be disembarking for San Fransokyo
    Post by: Glen, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  7. Glen
    As Chrys came over, Kara breathed a sigh of relief. She wouldn't have to deal with Cerdic alone, maybe this other guy could talk some sense into him. Well, he didn't. He did, however, offer Cerdic 'some time in the spotlight', which he would likely take. Maybe that was the key to getting him to do things, only time would tell. It was then that Rhia seemed to be losing the fight rather badly inside, and the heartless began to glitch as Rhia said one simple word. "Five"

    She'd seen before that the heartless' materialization seemed to be linked to Rhia's magical ability and concentration, so at the mention of 'five' Kara had started wondering why he had suddenly stopped fighting. Maybe he was trying to figure out how much longer he could last? But that wouldn't explain the glitching, unless he really was on his last legs. They could definitely win this! "Keep going, he's-" she called out, but was cut off by another of Rhia's words.


    Why was he still counting? Maybe he was counting seconds? Or....what if he wasn't counting how long he was going to be able to hold out for, but for something else? She frowned a little, trying to piece it all together. She didn't know much about Rhia, but if he were able to summon the creatures of darkness as well as remove their memories then he had to have at least a decent level of magical power...


    So if he were still counting, as well as the heartless glitching out a bit...


    Then that could only mean that...he was putting too much effort into something else, and not concentrating enough to manage the heartless effectively....oh god...


    "Get out of there, it's a trap!" she yelled.


    At Rhia stated the word zero, the heartless stopped glitching and became entirely solid once more. At the same time, their attacker released the attack that he had been charging up as a blast of dark energy came from Rhia's hand and engulfed the people on the inner circle with the radius of the blast.

    As the blast ended, Kara looked frantically for her allies, and saw that while some were down, some were also still standing up. She needed a way to help from where she was, but even with the heartless having their numbers thinned she still didn't think she'd be able to break through. What to do? What to do?

    She saw it then. A small amount of light, but even a small spark of light could help defeat the darkness, she was sure of it. Her confidence only improved as Daeni touched the light, bringing back a flood of memories within Kara of when she, too, had used the light to fight against the darkness. She wanted to know where they came from, think about it a little more, but there was time for that later. As she ran towards the small amount of light that was there, she cast another thunder spell and took down four of the heartless in her way, before arriving at the light and preparing to utilise what she had just remembered.

    Word Count: 537
    BP Spent: 20
    Heartless Slain: 4
    Heartless remaining: 88​
    Post by: Glen, Feb 25, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. Glen
    After her lightning attack failed, Kara was a little demoralised. She'd tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter. Was she doing something wrong? Maybe she hadn't even learned the ability before, but she had no way of knowing that. She glared at Ria silently, cursing him for taking away their memories. Due to taking her attention away from the heartless horde, however, she was struck by them. The claws from one of the heartless sunk deep into her right shoulder, drawing blood and causing the girl to cry out a bit in pain.

    In response, the one with the 'leader' pin immediately held her arm up and released a loud cry of "thunder!". As she did so, several dark clouds appeared above the creatures that had struck out at her, before three bolts of crackling, intense lightning rained down upon her targets. The lightning bolts crashed into three of the vile heartless, causing them to be vanquished swiftly as the electrocution effect ended and Kara lowered her arm, eyes widened as she gazed upon the destructive magic she had unleashed.

    Once the attack had passed, Kara took a five foot step backwards as she looked at the damage that had been done. Marley and Alder seemed to be holding their own with fighting against their remarkably eccentric captor/attacker/memory thief/whatever the heck they were referring to him/her as. Aside from that, people seemed to be doing alright in their battle against the heartless, with the exception of Relli. Relli had been, in the mess of battle, taken deeper into the heartless swarm.

    Thankfully, someone else had stepped in to try to help the now trapped Relli, namely Chloe. She had taken it upon herself to launch some magic at the group, and due to the distance between her and the explosion she had to turn away so as to not have her vision obscured. Instead of looking at the explosion, she looked straight at Cerdic; the guy who not only seemed to not care that one of their own had been taken, but was even using it to insult Alder again. Was his ego truly that big that he had to take every opportunity to push others down? She was already starting to really, really dislike him.

    Rushing over to Cerdic and parrying an attack with her keyblade, she spun around swiftly and dispatched one of the heartless that had been attempting to attack him while he was not looking. "Cerdic, please don't talk like that. This is a dangerous situation, and Alder, Marley and Relli are all in the thick of it. We need to get them out, not distract them" Kara explained. She really wished she had the backbone to outright yell at him and call him out, but sadly she wasn't like that.

    Word Count: 477 words
    BP Spent: 20
    Heartless Slain: 4
    Heartless remaining: 97​
    Post by: Glen, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. Glen
    Before an answer could be obtained from the girl, Daeni, things had taken yet another turn for the worse. It appeared that Ria had seperated them from Alder and Marley, and challenged the two to a fight. This was very, very bad. While she'd seen the ability of her two comrades, she'd also seen a small part of what Ria could do. If he had access to illusion magic, he could be a very dangerous combatant to take on in the open. "Alder! Marley! Be careful, don't let him mess with your minds!" she called out to the two keyblade wielders, though she couldn't be sure whether or not they could hear her due to the various sounds coming from combat. Seeing two heartless leap towards her, she did her best to block the strikes and then swung in retaliation, dispatching them both.

    Looking down at Daeni, she was a little hesitant to move before she knew the girl was okay. Thankfully, Relli came to a stop near the two of them, giving an opportunity for Kara to move. "Please take care of her, she could be hurt" she requested, concern evident for this person she barely knew...or at least, that she thought she barely knew. With that being said, Kara dashed forward, eager to get back into the fight; not because she craved bloodshed or violence, in fact she hated both, but because she had something that far surpassed her desire for aggression and that was her resolve to keep others from falling to the darkness.

    The girl moved quickly, as though she had done this a thousand times, and who knew? Maybe she had. Soon enough, she arrived at the edge of the swarm of heartless that had Alder and Marley encircled, with one fewer heartless as she arrived and struck out with her weapon and took it out. She stopped for a moment, hoping the glitch would happen again, but nothing seemed to be happening at the time and so that plan wouldn't work. She'd been right about their foe not falling for the same trick twice. Taking a step back, Kara did a bit of a run and she attempted to cut straight through some of the heartless, but at the last moment she hesitated and was scratched quite deeply along her right shoulder. It would've been right along her chest, but as much as she'd hesitated she had still been able to move slightly out of the way.

    This wasn't working. Brute force wasn't going to cut it, not when she had no practice in it. She thought back to how the fight had gone thus far, and had an idea. Holding her keyblade above her head, she imagined sparks coming out of it and shooting into the sky, before returning as thunderbolts. She'd seen some kind of lightning magic before, but how to do it was another thing. Apparently not like that, given the lack of any kind of reaction. "Come on....lightning, lightning!" she called out, but nothing happened. Another heartless approached her, but was taken out swiftly with an aggravated strike of the keyblade. I know that I know this, I can feel it. I've done this before, so why isn't it working now? She thought to herself, panicking slightly.

    Word count: 547
    BP Spent: 20
    Heartless killed: 4
    Heartless remaining: 122​
    Post by: Glen, Feb 22, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Glen
    Did notice I had too many skill commands equipped, as I only get 5 SC slots.

    So, this will be what Glen currently has equipped:

    Fire Strike
    Poison Edge
    Strike Raid
    Post by: Glen, Feb 21, 2017 in forum: OOC Lounge
  11. Glen
    "Clearly the lad fell victim to some form of foul witchcraft. Birds and humans cannot reproduce together, I know all about that!" boomed the tiny man. "After all, as a scholar I encountered no magical beasts that had ever accomplished such a thing" he explained. He then rested his head on his chin, taking up the pose of the thinker. "As for the demonic towers, if only we had someone who could scout out the location. Perhaps our cursed friend here can take to the skies and communicate via writing later on, if he can recall how. Or maybe we can simply pass by the demons with brute force! No, I would be captured and the rest undoubtedly slaughtered...that is not how I wish my tale to end" Battousai said, his voice trailing off slightly.

    After a few moments, he slammed his fist on the table. To him, it sounded like a tremendously angry sound, but to the others it probably wouldn't have even been audible. "Drat! Tactics is not my strong suit, we simply need someone who can avoid being seen and get close to them....wait, I fit that description" the hero of legend (in his mind) exclaimed, before striking a
    heroic pose. "Fear not, comrades, for Battousai the manslayer will ensure that the demons get what justice is due!"
    Post by: Glen, Feb 21, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Glen
    Glen shrugged his shoulders at AJ's question. "Well, I come from a fairly lengthy line of keyblade wielders, my homeworld was destroyed a couple of years before joining up with SoS, and I'm a little on the outside of the group for the most part, or at least it feels that way" he replied, before he heard the announcement of the partners. "Aaaaanyway, good luck with your mark of mastery exam. If you wanna learn more, you'll just have to pass and become a keyblade master" he stated, before summoning his keyblade, slinging it over his shoulder and wandering over to Xara. It's worth noting that as he walked past Jake, he stuck up his middle finger in a not-so-subtle gesture. The mouse had called him out, and worse still he'd made a good point. The thought was still on his mind as he approached his partner.

    "Xara, right? I figured since we're going to be working together and all I should probably come over and see what your thoughts on my idea is. I've been training with the keyblade since I could walk, so I'm pretty experienced with wielding it, and if I'm going to get stronger I've gotta push myself. Soooo, I'd like to take the UG, if that's okay with you" he suggested.​
    Post by: Glen, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Glen
    "Damn" Chaol said as they hit the dead end, turning and walking back. Upon arriving, he nodded in agreement to Matthew's plan.

    Dana's eyes lit up as Roderick spoke up about things being so easy. "I know right?! The meisters get to be all awesome swinging us around and doing epic battles, while we get to look beautiful and swagalicious as a weapon! It works out so well" Dana exclaimed gleefully. The girl clearly enjoyed shortcuts, and being a weapon seemed like a pretty big one.
    Post by: Glen, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Glen
    Kara nearly jumped as ice went speeding past her and towards the heartless. Fire earlier, then lightning, then regular rocks, and now ice? Being on the battlefield was proving to be more dangerous than she'd thought, but she was starting to wonder if it was the creatures they were fighting that were more dangerous, or the abilities of her comrades. Nonetheless, she had to have some faith in them. If they couldn't work together, then there was very little point in actually fighting together, and Ria gave the impression that they'd been somewhat of a pain for him to deal with. If that were true, and it turns out she was wrong and she really was meant to be the leader (she was really back and forth on the whole idea of it) then she would have to try and unite them as a group. As one unit, with as little chaos and confrontation as possible. That wouldn't be too difficult; she didn't like chaos and confrontation anyway, getting rid of it was something she would normally strive for naturally. At least, it wouldn't be too difficult if it weren't for a certain cocky, overcompensating individual. At this thought, she shot another glance at Cerdic, wondering just how he had managed to stay alive for so long.

    When the blizzard spell actually hit Ria, Kara gained a surge of motivation. They could do this, this fight was definitely able to be won. She'd picked up on the fact that when Ria had actually been hit, an attack hadn't come towards them. That was good, for if they could remain on the offensive then the battle shouldn't be too difficult. That only left one problem; how exactly were they going to hit Ria? As much as she wanted to simply dive in there and break through their foe's defences, she wasn't nearly experienced enough to do that and she highly doubted that their enemy would make the same mistake twice. Then again, he had been talking to himself earlier, maybe each of the personalities within him would screw up somehow? One could only hope.

    Brandishing her keyblade again, the girl with the number I pin took note of Cerdic, impressed that he was still standing. Much as she hated to admit it, he seemed at least a little capable. And despite his bravado and ego, he was still a member of their little group, which meant that she had to try to help him get out of his situation. However, right as she was about to make a move to help captain cocky, she saw out of the corner of her eye a shadow leap onto one of their members and start to attack her. Making a quick dash over to the girl, she bravely took out two of the faster approaching heartless on the way, before dealing with a third one with a clumsy yet effective slash right across the chest. The moment she got next to the girl, she whacked the heartless on the head, stunning it momentarily before doing her best to push it off of Daeni and onto the ground, where she then stabbed the small creature of darkness. As she wiped her brow with the sleeve of her top, she turned to look at the girl she had just saved. "Are you alright?" she asked, concern in her voice.

    Word Count: 563
    BP Spent: 20
    Heartless killed: 4
    Heartless remaining: 146​
    Post by: Glen, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. Glen
    Right as Glen was finally making some headway with finding out exactly who had saved his life, one of the other newcomers, specifically the one he'd...uh...commented on, walked over and kicked him in the knees. He shifted back slightly, but didn't fall over. Still, all he'd been doing was trying to help one of the other new guys. He was going to say something to her, but felt it better to simply try his best to ignore it. He already had one Karina to deal with, he didn't need another.

    Making his way back to the group, he discovered that he in fact did not have Karina to deal with. In fact, she was gone. He'd been so preoccupied with what was going on with him he hadn't even seen her leave. He figured nothing bad had happened to her, not with everybody else still there, but what had happened to her? It was weird, he didn't quite feel worried about her sudden disappearance and yet he wasn't entirely at ease about it. Oh well, they'd probably meet up eventually anyway. His gut was telling him that he hadn't seen the last of queen emo, and as much as he hated to admit it a small part of him was hoping that it truly wasn't the last time they'd see each other. If nothing else, she was (or at least had been) very useful in a battle.

    Next thing he knew, three mice were introduced to the party, as well as the party being teleported to what seemed to be a perfectly normal city. It was called the underground, but it didn't seem to be underground. That was a really weird name for it. "Alright, alright, let's get this reaper's game done and become keyblade masters already. These three mice are weirding me out, especially the one talking with the really weird accent. Hat's a little weird, too. Makes you look like you're about to go on a safari or something" the keyblade wielder said, crouching down and poking Jake's hat as he did so. The accent sounded rather close to one they used back on his homeworld, and yet it wasn't quite the same. Dreamer must have had some really great stories to tell to encounter such an individual.​
    Post by: Glen, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Glen
    Discord: Glen #9415
    Skype: glen.humphrys

    I'm down for either of the two, really.
    Post by: Glen, Feb 20, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  17. Glen
    If the time for voting or whatever ends at 8pm EST then there's a good chance I won't be able to make it by then.
    Post by: Glen, Feb 18, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Glen
    As the attack came at them, Kara reacted swiftly and dodged to the right. She was thankful she did so, for as she did four of the shadows crashed into the ground where she had once been. If that had hit her, she wasn't sure she would've been able to get up again, so she was surprised when the five who had been hit got up. The heartless swarm had vanished for just a second, she was sure of it...was this some new kind of attack? Turning invisible would cause all sorts of problems for them, maybe even more than their lost memories.

    Wait, that was it. Their memories were gone, and Ria was responsible for it. If the machine hadn't done it, as she had earlier eliminated as a possibility, then maybe Ria had some kind of magic to affect the mind. It wasn't too far-fetched, she had seen people shoot fireballs and summon lightning, and she herself had created a barrier of magic. Who knew what the limits were? Certainly not her, that's who. If Ria could use magic to affect their minds, then the odds of the battle they were in being an illusion of sorts were pretty high. Heck, maybe they were just swinging their weapons at the air around them just to amuse their captor, if they had even woken up at all. It all certainly felt real enough, but with magic abilities and royalty in the mix, she wasn't altogether ruling it out as being a dream, or even a nightmare really.

    Brought out of her daze by Alder charging forward, Kara instinctively rushed forward herself, swatting one of the shadows out of the way as she did so. "Alder, stop! If you run forward, you're going to get yourself killed!" she shouted, still rushing forwards. The barrier didn't seem to be working no matter how many times she tried it as she ran towards her ally, so she would have to rely solely on the keyblade she wielded. She'd never wanted the weapon, but even she had to admit it had its uses. Quickly she ducked down as two heartless leaped at her, then turned and delivered a horizontal slash at the two of them, ending them. Her movements were by no means fluid or graceful,but they did the job. Another shadow came at her, but thankfully she used one of those aforementioned movements and cut it down, although she did have to take a couple of swings to get it done.

    As she got closer to Alder, she flinched a little when a rock went flying past her. If she turned around, she'd be an easy target for the creatures before her, and even if they really were simply an illusion she bet they would still hurt, so she continued onward. Alder seemed to be faster than her and better with a weapon, but she was doing her best to keep pace.

    Total words: 491
    BP Spent: 20
    Heartless killed: 4
    Heartless remaining: 248
    Post by: Glen, Feb 15, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Glen
    As the man stood there in all his glory, he was suddenly confronted with the idea that he might be eaten by what was, to him, a giant bird. As the bird leaned over to grab him, Battousai stepped forward and simply waited. He'd never been eaten by a bird, and he was sure he could find his way out. What a grand adventure that would be to tell his future children about! "Come, devour me oh great bird of prey!" he called out, but alas it was not meant to be. The bird was retained, and his hope of an adventure in that aspect was destroyed. Well, that sucked. It was then that Rayen spoke up. "There will be no trouble, I assure you I have experienced far more fearsome things" he stated, responding to Rayen's apology.

    Just as he was about to elaborate and tell of the time he fought a fish to the death, he was asked a question by another woman. "I am Battousai the man slayer, student of magic and conqueror of beasts!" he explained with a hearty laugh, flexing his muscles in all their miniscule magnificence as he did so. "I am searching for a way to restore my magical abilities, and to embark on the grandest adventure of them all; a quest to rid the world of the demons that plague it" Battousai said, making it sound as dramatic as possible. Every good tale needed suspense built up to it, that was common knowledge. He may have been drunk, but he considered himself a fantastic storyteller regardless.
    Post by: Glen, Feb 15, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Glen
    Should be fine for me
    Post by: Glen, Feb 14, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone