Impressions? Current and first (if you can remember that far back) Favourite hockey player? What's more important in a sport; the game itself, or the fights that occur on field because of it? What is your favourite breed of dog? If you were stranded on a deserted island with nobody there but your best friend, what three things would you like to be stranded with? Keep in mind she has nothing, not even the clothes on her back.
Glen had followed the others as they went to meet up with the RG group, and when he had gotten there he felt a little eager to vent some of his frustration out. If he'd been worried about Baymax taking all the glory (he hadn't been), that worry vanished the moment that their personal healthcare companion was knocked aside like a ragdoll. "Yeah, I've got one, Ignis" he called back, before stepping over to Xara. "Hey, Xara, keep it up, I think I have an idea. There's a big heartless behind the microbots, seems to be pumping them out endlessly. If none of the others can see me, the guy in the mask shouldn't be able to either. I'm going to take him out, just hang in there for a couple of minutes longer" the keyblade wielder stated, before rushing off. As he ran forward, a wave of microbots surged towards him. Instinctively he rolled out of the way, only to have more surge towards him. They weren't aiming for him, but there were that many going towards his friends that it was really hard to get there by foot. Even though he wasn't sure if they could actually run into him or he'd just phase through them, he didn't want to take the risk. Quickly sidestepping out of the way, an idea formed in his mind. As the next wave came towards him, he jumped up into the air and changed his keyblade into its glider form, before landing on top of it and taking off. Flying forward quickly, he was surging towards the heartless and swerving to the left and ride to avoid the streams of microbots coming for his allies. Once he got to the heartless, he smirked a little. "Never thought I'd do this intentionally" he said quietly, remembering his first meeting of the group at Baker Street. It felt like so much time had passed since then, so many adventures with the people he now thought of as friends. Some of them, anyway. Diving off of the glider and swapping it back to keyblade form, Glen delivered a powerful strike to the head of the heartless, causing it to momentarily stop creating more microbots, before summoning his glider once more just as he was about to hit the ground, before he flew up into the sky once more as he prepared to strike their foe once more. Posts: 7/30
Chaol tensed up as Mattthew said his answer. "I believe you're right, Matthew" he responded, still facing the door as he awaited the opening of it. The people on the other side of the door thought they had a couple of hours, unaware that they in fact only had minutes. Today he would take a life, just as he had before. After today there would be at least one less potential kishin in the world, and he could rest easier. He glanced at the others for a moment before facing the door once again. Did any of the others know what they were about to face? What it was to kill another? He wasn't sure of it, but he could only hope that they'd keep it together in the heat of battle. Dana shrugged as her partner joked around about the occurrence possibly being other kids. "Maybe they've seen too many movies and really think that they can talk to the dead or something, all I know is I'm gonna go all ghostbusters on their ass, except way better. I won't need a magic vacuum, I will charm them into submission!" the girl declared, before shrugging once more. "Or, you know, whack them real hard with a stick...if I don't go through them. I bet a ghost's soul will taste all hollow and empty, be all bland and stuff. Blegh, makes me sick thinking about it" Dana stated, poking her tongue out in disgust as she did so.
With a great deal of squirming, Kara got free and fell to the ground. She stood up and dusted herself off quickly, before turning and slapping Cerdic straight across the face with a great deal of force. She then took a few steps towards the paved path, and said a quick "thank you, Alder" before continuing. If Cerdic tried that stunt again, then he'd find it very hard to sit down properly once she was done with the keyblade.
Glen was barely listening to the responses of his companions. The moment he'd seen the pain in Hiro's eyes he had entered a state of mopeiness and maximum edge. He, too, knew the pain of loss, and he knew it well. The fact that he'd literally seen his father die in the last world only made the words Hiro spoke resonate within the young keyblade wielder. "Yeah, yeah...catching the masked guy would definitely help.." he said, allowing his voice to trail off. He wasn't going to allow his feelings to get in the way of the mission, but keeping a clear mind was going to be difficult. "Should probably get started on that" he said. Before Hiro continued, Glen phased through the door and made a move down the staircase. Maybe smelling some delicious chicken wings would raise his mood, even if he couldn't eat it.
Getting up, Kara turned around to face Cerdic immediately. "Cerdic, they're just birds. They literally just fly around, doing nothing. You'd rather fight a thousand heartless than a few birds? Go for it, that's your decision. careful if you do. I hope to see all of you safe on the other side of this thing" Kara said sadly. She then turned back around and continued onwards, before stopping momentarily. "And if you try to make me step into darkness, then good luck with that" she said. She wasn't about to threaten a comrade, but she wasn't going to go back on this decision either.
Kara stared at the group, dumbfounded. She could remain calm no longer; here she was supposed to lead the group, but leading them into death was most certainly not what she had signed up for. "Guys, would you take a look at yourselves for a minute please? We have no memories of this place, including why we're here or how we got here, we just fought a guy who clearly has control over darkness, and most of us can barely even hold the damn keyblade. We have one path that seems relatively safe and has machinery that could help us both get our memories back and find out why we lost it, and you guys are all going down the path that is screaming 'death'. It's literally radiating darkness, it has whispers which could easily mean there's a trap ahead since we don't know anyone else here and at the very least it surely leads to mountains of heartless. I'm sorry I have to be so blunt about it and so rude but please, can we just go down the path that actually looks like a reasonable choice? The darkness can do some horrible, evil things, we shouldn't be going towards it!" Kara cried out, clearly distraught. With that being said, she took a few steps towards the paved path. "I can't force you to go down this path, and I won't. You're all my friends, and that's why I hope that you'll listen to reason" she stated, turning her back to the group. Then, without another word, she began walking down the path. If she was going to be a leader, she had to stand her ground and do the right thing. Even if that meant she was leading a considerably smaller party.
"Well, I think we should go down the left path. Like Alder said, it's safer to stick together and with our memories lost splitting up would be a really, really dangerous thing to do. Besides, I think I can hear machines coming from down the paved road, maybe we can find out more about exactly why we've lost our memories and how to get them back" Kara suggested. While her decision was the one she felt she'd make regardless of the situation, she really didn't like the idea of walking down a path that was radiating darkness.
As the title suggests, I would like to see the ability to @staff be implemented on the KHV Discord server. This can be done by managing the roles on the server itself and ticking a box to allow a usergroup to mention an entire usergroup. I feel this would be useful for when someone has a question for the staff.
@Scarred Nobody I, too, am switching to Leopardus! My id is #1714447
"Calm down Kaida, if he's murdered a man then he'll probably start radiating darkness in the next few minutes, then we take him out. If not, then we can follow him and the, uh, deflated volleyball, around and see where this takes us. Can tell you right now that Baymax is good though, he's just a little...weird" Glen reassured, attempting to calm down his friend. Turning to his partner, he waved back and called out "see you later!" before turning to look at Hiro. He cracked his knuckles and stepped forward, eager to start his new mission and ace the mark of mastery exam. Passing the exam would be a piece of cake, what's the worst that could happen? "Hey, what do you think he means by upgrading Baymax? Think he's going to turn him into a crime fighting superbot? Oh he could give him a jetpack, and like...rocket fists, maybe a chest laser. That'd be pretty sweet, especially if we can see how he did it. Maybe, and i'm just thinking out loud here, but maybe we can turn the Yen Sid statue into a weapon of mass destruction!" he said, excitement growing with every word spoken.
Dana Knightfall is going to do Strange Happenings! Zoey Pryor too!
"Alright then, seems like we're aaaall set. Off we go, to the mission board!" she exclaimed, before racing off towards said board, superhero theme music playing in her mind as she ran. Once she arrived, she immediately stared at the mission for a moment, before once again pointing forward and yelling "Onwards, to lord death! This mission needs to get started!" and running off to go meet with Lord Death. Once there she banged on the door. "LORD DEATH WE NEEDA GO ON THIS MISSION, QUICK MAGIC US THERE LIKE ALWAYS" she called out.
username: Shu name: ...also Shu. Wait no, my answer is "Shu Ouma" not "also Shu" gender: Male age: 17 appearance: Here weapon: The hearts of others, occasional plot armour element: Friendship, Heart username: Glen name: Kaneki Ken gender: Male age: 21 appearance: Yes weapon: Japanese pornography Kagune, his body element: Self pity username: dr_wigglz name: Gexln gender: male age: 18 Appearance: APPEAR weapon: Darkness' sorrow, a blade that isn't a keyblade but functions almost exactly like a keyblade and is basically a black longsword. I wasn't the most creative back then element: edgelord, darkness username: Smurfasaurus name: Santa Claus gender: male age: ??? appearance: He went crazy weapon: Automatic rifle, various explosives including but not limited to grenades and rockets element: Insanity, Christmas Spirit
Glen shot a glare at Baymax upon hearing the "diagnosis". So some random robot thought that he knew all about him, well that robot was wrong. Glen wasn't lonely, he had plenty of people he could count as friends. Nope, not lonely whatsoever. And insecurity? Bah, he had 100% faith he could do all the things he was setting out to do. Clearly the robot was broken! However despite all this logic he still remained standing a little away from the others, simply murmuring "stupid robot doesn't know anything".
Just putting it out there, I didn't die from getting shot. I choked on my own ambition. This was really fun, I hope I can do something like this again at some stage Also never have i been more terrified to open a PM than I was today. Stress levels through the roof
Listening to everything going on, the whole situation was rather simple, or so he thought. Clearly the kid had had something stolen, and the adult was refusing to listen to him. What an ass. Then again, he had been approached by a kid and a giant marshmallow and told that some miniature flying robots had attacked, and had been given no evidence, so it kinda made sense. What was said by the marshmallow surprised the hell out of him. The marshmallow named Healthcare had identified 8 lifeforms. He could see them! "Hey, can it see us?" he asked, directing his question at the other underground people. He waited for a moment, before stepping forwards and staring straight at Baymax. "Hello?" he asked, but got no response. "Hellooooo" he said as he waved, but once again got nothing. Well, there was only one thing to do. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forwards and phased through the marshmallow, and good god the insides of that creature were horrifying; it was filled with lots of marshmallows, rainbows, and what he could only assume was the power of friendship. Once he had phased through Baymax, Glen leaped away and simply stood there. He wasn't sure what he'd just seen, but it was so weird he was certain he didn't want to see it again.
Turning slightly to look at Daeni, still blushing, the girl's words seemed to be just what Kara had needed to hear."Yeah, I'm getting that kind of vibe too. We must have been best friends, and these memories have to be real, I would never forget who my real friends are" Kara said, walking over to Daeni and giving her a friendly, happy smile. "So stop worrying, your bestie is going to figure this stuff out eventually" she assured. Inside her mind, Kara was panicking a little more than ever. She didn't want to be mean and Daeni seemed insecure, so she'd completely lied. Kara remembered getting along with her, sure, but not anymore than the others. This situation was getting messier with every word she said, why hadn't she listened to herself when she had told herself to shut up?
"A tribe of potential recruits sounds like a fantastic idea! Let us go there at once!" Battousai called out, showing his support. He turned around and put two fingers in his mouth and whistled. His eyes were sparkling at the prospect of the new adventure, and he was so focused on the very idea of it that he didn't even notice the person who walked in. "Come along, Ralphy! We have a rebellion to arise, a kingdom to save, a tribe to visit, and some demons whose asses are in dire need of kicking!" Battousai boomed, leaping onto his pet squirrel and directing him towards the door. "OH GOD ITS A GIANT!" he cried out, turning to see the feet of Yukyo. He paused for a moment, before opening his mouth (as usual) and saying "right, I'm still small. Hello stranger, forget all you have heard! I am a teller of tales, nothing more and nothing less" he stated, before breaking into a nervous sweat. He wasn't sweating because he had given out vital information, he was sweating because he was sure this person had heard of the legend of Battousai the manslayer.
"Yup, ready as ever" Dana said, taking a few steps away before she heard Zephyr's question. Turning around, she squinted a little as she tried to look as intimidating as possible, which ultimately was not very intimidating. "Ye wouldn't be after mah soul now would yew matey? I'll 'ave yew know am gonna become an elite death scythe and i ain't lettin' you or anybody else get in my way!" Dana said, spitting on the ground in a vulgar manner at the end of her statement, before giving a friendly smile. "I mean sure, I'm okay with it" she said joyfully. "Seems that way. We should make haste and move through as quickly as possble" Chaol said, moving to go down the straight path.