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  1. Glen
  2. Glen
  3. Glen
    As the doors opened, Chaol took notice of the area. It was a warehouse, full of many boxes and pathways their targets could come at them from if they decided to fight back, which meant only one thing. "Move to the boxes to the left; that door wasn't quiet, they'd know someone is in here but they wouldn't know how many of us there are or where we are. We should use that to our advantage. Matthew, Mikio, the moment you see someone you are to jump onto them and take them out. We have the element of surprise, best not to waste it" Chaol ordered, before lining up a shot. He could see one guy on top of a pile of boxes, a fair distance away. Taking the time to aim, he let loose an arrow specifically aimed at his foe's head and watched as the arrow flew through the air, but rather than hitting the spot he'd been aiming for the arrow sunk into the man's shoulder. "Head would've been better" the assassin muttered, before racing over to join his allies at the boxes he had mentioned.

    1/20 posts
    Post by: Glen, Mar 16, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Glen
  5. Glen
  6. Glen
  7. Glen
  8. Glen
    [​IMG] ]/center]
    Taking a deep breath to attempt to relax himself and control his heart rate, Chaol nodded and notched an arrow as Hannah had suggested. As he pulled back the string in preparation to fire, he opened his mouth. "The life of a kishin for the lives of many innocents, all at the cost of a little humanity. This is the price that must be paid" he murmured. The line was one that had been drilled into him from a relatively young age, and the line that he said every so often to remind himself of just why he did things. It reminded him of the consequences of failure, and steeled his resolve. "This will be over quickly, Hannah, they won't have time to get to us. I'll make sure of it" Chaol stated, his focus entirely on the door as he awaited the moment it opened so that he could let loose the shot and take their opponents out before they had a chance to react.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 16, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Glen
    As the assault dragon had started flying off, Glen's attacks had only increased in frequency, however the moment a portal to darkness opened Glen stopped his attacks and dove off of it, actually landing in the water beneath. The cold feeling brought him to his senses, and he swam back to the group, having missed almost the entire conversation. All he had heard Hiro saying they'd all need upgrades. "Well would you look at that, it looks like he's going to make your keyblade better or something, Xara. If he can do that, I'm going to be really impressed. I like to think I'm pretty good with the history of the keyblade, and I can't think of anyone actually mechanically improving it" Glen stated, not believing even for a moment that it was actually possible. Still, it'd be pretty neat if it was do-able.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 16, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Glen
    Chloe had raised a very valid point that Kara hadn't wanted to think about. What if the paths really didn't reconverge? "If the paths don't meet up somewhere along the line, then we'll just have to make our own. The others should be fine until then, I can't imagine Rhia would show up so soon after being beaten already, and anything else should be fine in comparison" Kara said to Chloe, in both an attempt to reassure her.

    The village was a little unusual, and all too quiet. There were machines, which brought a spark of hope into the girl's heart, but nobody seemed to be around to operate them. How were they being powered, and for what? Were they similar to the extractor? Just as questions were popping into Kara's head, a flash of light came from one of the factories, quickly followed by a figure and the heartless chasing them. Nodding in response to Chrono's suggestion of helping the person, Kara made her way forward and towards the heartless. She'd be damned if she was going to let a chance at an explanation slip through her fingertips.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 16, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. Glen
    "Don't stand still for too long Zo, he seems pretty quick on his feet. If he swings at you again, use me to block his attack. I can take it, I promise. He's not like a regular zombie, I haven't heard him ask for brains once, so he seems smarter than the average one. So if we can show him we're not to be taken lightly, he should back off right? So, lets do that!" the young weapon advised, speaking to her meister. She didn't want to say it, but after the attack on Zoey Dana had allowed a shred of doubt enter her mind. She was more than a little worried for her friend. All she could do to help with the situation was to prepare for the next attack, wherever that would be. She'd protect Zoey somehow.

    Post by: Glen, Mar 16, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Glen
    "Small?! SMALL?" Battousai echoed, shocked and a little offended at the statement that had been made. Sure, he had called himself small, but that didn't mean others had to remark on his size. He turned to look at his pet squirrel, his mouth open in shock. "We're not small, are we Ralphy?" he asked, to which the squirrel tilted his head on an angle. "Yeah, that's what I thought" he said. Looking over at the newcomer now, Batttousai no longer felt anger, instead he felt only sorrow. Before him was a man who had not recognised him, who had not heard of his tales...what a sad existence to have.

    Hopping onto his squirrel and riding the squirrel up to the man's feet, he got off and then stood up proud and (not so) tall. "My good sir, if you have something to say then you should say it and not beat around the bush! We are all men around here, even those of us who aren't, so I implore you to speak your mind, lest it be so tainted by alcohol that it no longer functions. If that is indeed the case, then hand me the nearest pint of the strongest alcohol money can buy, so that I may endeavour to understand you!" he yelled up to the man, opening his arms as though he were going to embrace the man in a hug, which he did. Although instead of hugging the man properly, he merely hugged, or at least tried to, his leg.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 16, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Glen
    Our goal has not been accomplished!
    Post by: Glen, Mar 14, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  14. Glen
    Post by: Glen, Mar 14, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  15. Glen
    I can't do today or Tuesday (for me), the rest of the days I can do anytime between 9am and 6pm AEST and would love to attend!
    Post by: Glen, Mar 12, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Glen
    Hikaru's plan would've likely worked well, however Glen didn't pay attention to the words that were spoken. His mind was focused solely on the heartless before him and nothing else. Victory was the only thing spurring him onwards, the strength to do what he had to do his goal.As Glen got nearer to the enemy, a mechanical fist came right at him. Seemingly effortlessly, Glen moved his keyblade glider out of the way, but his opponent had planned for that; a huge surge of microbots were already flying at him, practically on top of him already. He wasn't going to be taken out that easily though, not by a long shot. With inhuman agility, the boy ducked underneath the first burst of robots, before leaping up and avoiding the second one, landing once again on his glider as he charged forward.

    Nearing his target, he came to a stop before it and launched towards it, slashing it with his keyblade as he passed the face. Continuing through the air, the keyslinger descended onto the arm that had struck out at him. Racing along it at a much faster pace than usual, he took another swing at the arm he was running along, before he leaped up and onto the very top of it. A flash of light occurred as he changed into his ninja attire and gripped his personal keyblade, Last Legacy. He then proceeded to repeatedly attack the top of the heartless more aggressively and savagely than he had before, each strike surprisingly fast and hitting hard. Finally, he was making a dent in this thing.

    Posts: 25/30
    Post by: Glen, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Glen
    "Aw come on, you worry too much. We'll be fine. We got this, remember? It'll be a piece of ca-" she started, before Dana was cut off mid sentence by a hand grabbing her leg. The girl paled for a moment and slowly turned to look at her meister, the worry evident on her face only moments before she was tripped over and what she could only assume was a zombie rose from its grave and attacked Roderick. "Watch out!" she called out, just as Zoey arrived at her side. "Yeah, i'm fine but after that icky hand grabbed me I think i'm gonna need to take a billion baths to get his stench off of me" the future deathscythe complained, crinkling her nose a little as she did so. Yup, definitely a zombie, he certainly smelled like death.

    "Alright so we got a zombie swinging around his own tombstone. First a perverted pharaoh, now a zombie that doesn't respect the dead. What's next? Flying bunnies of doom? Eeeeeh, this job's going to be the death of me Zoey. You take the reigns for a while" she said, turning into weapon form and attempting to place herself in the hands of her meister.

    Post by: Glen, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Glen
    "Working on it!" Glen called out in response to his partner, maneuvering his keyblade glider to the right to avoid another swarm of microbots that emerged from the heartless. His attacks weren't having as much of an impact as he'd like, simply striking the thing wasn't accomplishing anything quickly. Glancing towards the others for a brief moment, he raised his altitude. "Kaida, Ignis, Hikaru, I could use a hand here! If we stop this, we stop the guy in the mask, but I can't do it on my own!" he shouted, shortly before a mechanical fist hit him off his glider and down towards the sea of microbots. Down he went, flailing his arms as though he could flap them like wings and soar, but just as he was about to meet his demise, he summoned the keyblade glider and took off once more, flying up into the sky.

    It was at that moment he had an idea. Flying straight up into the sky, Glen began storing energy within his keyblade, causing it to emerge in physical form as a great ball of fire underneath the glider. Once that was done, he flew over the top of the mechanical monster and leaped off of his glider once more, summoning it as his keyblade and hurtling towards the heartless at breakneck speed with the fireball at the end of his it. Using the momentum, he slammed straight into the heartless with his Trip Around the Sun, causing a mighty explosion that knocked him away from the heartless and stopped it from spawning microbots for about seven seconds.

    A little groggy, the keyblade wielder stood up where he had been hit to. He seemed to be in the remains of a crate, shattered from the impact. Well, at least it had cushioned the blow, if a solid, not soft object could be called a cushion. He looked over towards the RG group, desperately fighting off the microbot horde. At this rate, they were going to lose the fight. Had they really gone through their trials and defeated Mizrabel just to fall here? Glen's usual cocky grin faded at the thought and turned into one of complete seriousness. No, no we didn't he thought. All thoughts of everything else vanished as the young keyslinger looked directly at the heartless he had to take down. Without a word, he took off on his glider, more determined and driven to defeat this opponent than ever before.

    21/30 posts
    Post by: Glen, Mar 10, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Glen
    Probably my favourite one of yours yet. I think the song really fits well, especially with the scenes you've used and the way you've used them. As someone who played FFXV the song really stirred up feelings within me and reminded me of how rough things were for the prince. Good job!
    Post by: Glen, Mar 8, 2017 in forum: Production Studio
  20. Glen
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Glen, Mar 8, 2017