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  1. Glen
    High quality posts
    Post by: Glen, May 2, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  2. Glen
    Alright @Scarred Nobody I'm ready to return to Leapardos. ID is #1714447 and the name is still Gexln
    Post by: Glen, May 2, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  3. Glen
    "I'm not keeping any secrets. I've already told you everything I know, what would be the point to keeping things from you guys? I'm keeping you updated as I remember things, sorry that I can't do that faster" Kara apologised. Hearing that Aevum might not be able to be trusted was something that made her uneasy. She'd seemed so certain in her memory that Aevum was right, had she been deceived or had, she wouldn't help someone create heartless. Darkness was evil, no good came from it. She refused to believe she'd ever be able to help someone do that intentionally; memory blanks or not, she knew that she wouldn't help do that.
    Post by: Glen, Apr 28, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. Glen
    Sprinting forwards, Chaol was running out of cover and out of time. If he stopped for too long, Blanche would undoubtedly recover and close the gap between them, but if he didn't stop then he'd be out in the open for a moment and an easy target. He was having to duck down now, the rows of the boxes not stacking high enough to allow him to run at full height without poking his head just the slightest bit above them. Skidding to a stop at the very end of them, he was now crouched about as low as he physically could be, with Hannah on the ground just beside him. What to do?

    "Got any ideas Hannah? Somewhere there's a pissed off sniper, not sure where but he's probably at least close to where he was before. Behind us there's a pissed off woman with a knife, somehow we have to take out both of them. If we keep moving, we'll probably be shot unless we can surprise him somehow, and though I have pretty good reactions I don't think I can dodge a bullet" Chaol said, very much certain that he did not want to move forward any more than he already had. Given time he'd be able to figure something out, he was sure of it, but he wasn't quite sure that he had enough of it to rely on.

    @Midnight Star
    The zombie had cheated. That was Dana's first thought when she came to after hearing Zoey's prompt. "I'm still in one piece" she said groggily. That damn zombie, she was going to make him wish that he'd never come back...somehow. As Roderick untied Dana and her partner, the weapon stood up and after staggering for a couple of steps, sauntered over to the door and examined it closely. It looked a little odd, not having a keyhole, but hey maybe their captor was braindead. Heh, zombie jokes. Gripping the doorknob, she turned it to (what I can only assume) no avail. Turning it a little harder and getting no results, she breathed a huge sigh of disappointment. "Well guys, it looks like we're going to have to break down a door. Or maybe..." she said, hastily moving to the wardrobe as a truly ingenious idea popped into her head.

    "Maybe there's a secret door behind the wardrobe! Or or there could be a trapdoor under the bed! Get searching people, i've seen enough movies to believe that this will work!" she exclaimed. Moments earlier, she'd been extremely groggy and quiet. Now she was Dana Knightfall, escape artist and well and truly back in full throttle.

    @Maka Albarn
    Post by: Glen, Apr 24, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Glen
    Tiefling cleric
    Post by: Glen, Apr 22, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Glen
    When playing as the heartless, I was messing around as I always do and went exploring a little. I fell off of a ledge, landed on one of the pots in the main hall, and there you have it.
    Post by: Glen, Apr 20, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Glen
    I had a bit of fun with taking screenshots in this, but i'll only post the one.
    Post by: Glen, Apr 19, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Glen
    You didn't beat Unicornis, but you did beat Arch's score, which is a pretty big thing in itself imo
    Post by: Glen, Apr 19, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  9. Glen
    When Xen had been murdered, Kara had summoned her keyblade in preparation to attack, but had been too scared to move. She'd seen Rhia fighting before, but she hadn't seen him do that. It reminded her of something she'd once seen, and the thought that Rhia was capable of that shook her to the very core of her being. She stood, frozen, as Rhia talked about the group of people and the journal, among other things, before they left. She didn't move for a moment, everything sinking in, before she nodded slowly in response to Alder's question.

    "I-I don't know the exact spot, but I can remember leading a group of people. I remember that Aevum had thought of a place to keep the people of this town safe, and I remember believing in that plan. I led them down..." she said, pointing off into the distance in the direction her memories told her, "down in that direction, but my memory's still too hazy to get an exact location. Maybe going in that direction will jog it, I don't know, but I think it's the only thing we have to go off of right now" Kara said, moving slowly in the direction that she remembered. The people would be safe at the location once she remembered, they had to be; because if they weren't, it meant that it was Kara who had likely directed them towards whatever made them vanish.
    Post by: Glen, Apr 19, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. Glen
    Sorry about leaving without warning, my housemate needed help and he's not on khv :(
    Post by: Glen, Apr 11, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  11. Glen
    Should be fine to be there.
    Post by: Glen, Apr 5, 2017 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Glen
    "W-what?" Kara asked, flustered and caught off guard. She hadn't moved really when the girl had pushed her, but right at that moment she felt very much like she wanted to back away and turn around, to try to avoid this situation. She didn't know the girl, but it clearly wasn't the same both ways. Apparently she'd said she was going to help this girl and the group she'd been with, that certainly sounded like the kind of thing she'd say. Not surprisingly she couldn't remember doing anything like that, and the raven haired girl before her wasn't a familiar face; just how much had Rhia taken from them?

    "I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. I-I didn't do anything to your heart, and I don't remember anything at all. All I know is someone called Rhia did something with some machine to take away our memories, I'm sorry I don't know more" she said, her voice a little shaky as she responded. Conflict was not something Kara sought out, or enjoyed in any aspect, let alone when there was someone in tears before her and presumably she was to blame. Was she to blame?
    Post by: Glen, Mar 30, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. Glen
    As the bird had attacked the man, Battousai said a quiet "oh ****" as he realised what was likely about to happen. And happen it did! He flew not so gracefully through the air, flung away from the man's leg and straight into a wall with a miniscule thud. Falling to the ground, he simply lay there for a moment, before sitting up with a groan. For a brief moment his expression was that of unparalleled rage, before it softened into one of neutrality and then the laughing, overjoyful Battousai the manslayer was back. "Excellent kick my friend, with technique like that the demons will never stand a chance!" he called out, though he highly doubted he could be heard.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 28, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Glen
    Listening to what Hannah was saying, Chaol readied another arrow and took in his surroundings. Matthew and Mikio seemed to be fighting nearby, and though he wanted to aid them he knew that if they left the sniper alone for too long, they would get taken out pretty quickly in all likelihood. "I wasn't getting cocky, I was taking the quicker approach to eliminating the target, thinking I could make the shot. Clearly I was wrong, I won't be when next I try it" the boy responded through the mental link with his weapon partner. However, before he could take another shot at the sniper, Blanche and Buck charged towards him from the side. Instinctively, Chaol turned and fired the arrow straight at the chest, just as Hannah had requested. Sure enough, the arrow hit Buck in the chest, who fell on the ground and immediately pulled the arrow out in an attempt to rejoin his comrades quickly, only to start screaming as blood started leaking out of the wound. Chaol wasn't too knowledgeable on arrow wounds, but it looked pretty severe, maybe even fatal. The eyes of Blanche widened in silent horror. These were just kids, how could they do that to her friend? (If anyone wants to know the details of his wound, ask Midny. She paints a really, really good picture, and I promise it's not as sickening as how I worded it just now)

    After the shock wore off, Blanche stepped forward and stabbed forward with the knife she was holding. Chaol's first thought was to go for the own knife that he had with him, but there wasn't enough time, so he said a quick "Sorry, Hannah" and then raised the bladed part of the bow to block the strike, before pushing back slightly, then ducking down and sweeping Blanche off her feet. Reacting quickly, he then swiftly jumped over his foe and continued running down the aisle of boxes, always aware that the sniper could be taking aim at them at any second.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 28, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Glen
    I'm happy that they're fixing the issues, but I despise day 1 patches. On the best internet that we have access to in my part of Australia, 8GB updates tend to take about 6 hours to do. I want to be able to play the game as it should be from the get go, not have to wait until the next day to do it!
    Post by: Glen, Mar 22, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Glen
    "It'd be pretty cool if he upgraded it, but I don't think it's going to happen" Glen stated, only for that to be confirmed a couple of minutes later. "Told you so. The guy seems really smart but messing with keyblades is impossible" he explained, before walking over to Hiro and looking over his shoulder at the schematics. "Still, look at these plans. I can't understand a lot of it, but it definitely looks pretty cool. Maybe you should suggest upgrading the keyblades, Xara. He could have some ideas, you never know" the keyslinger suggested, stepping back over to his partner.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 22, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Glen
    Despite her best efforts, Kara could not keep up with the figure. That didn't surprise her, athletics had never been her strong suit, unless she'd become a champion athlete in the period that her memory did not cover. That'd be really useful, but she certainly didn't feel particularly strong, so she probably wasn't a legendary athlete of awesomeness after all. That was a shame, it would've made things a lot easier for her and the party. Bringing her focus away from that fantasy and back to reality, she picked up speed a little in an attempt to catch the figure before they got too far away. Although if they did get away, the heartless wouldn't get them and that would make the whole situation a lot easier, but what was the chances of that happening?

    Quite high, it turned out. The figure did escape, rushing into a very old looking building. That was good, it meant the figure would probably be safe. At least, that's what she hoped. The heartless were definitely doing everything in their power to get inside of the building though, repeatedly slamming into the thing with their claws and bodies. What the hell even were the rounded ones? They had weird tendrils coming out of their head...or their body...or maybe they were the same thing. How many paopu fruit had the heartless creator been taking when they'd come up with this one? They were so weird.

    As she got nearby to the building, she saw Chrono go on the offence and do quite a lot of work. It was just a little odd that he'd hit the shadow with such force that it had crashed into another of the heartless, but then again it was a very good idea. In fact, it was so good she should try it herself! Wait, she probably didn't have the strength to do that, so to attempt it would mean certain death...or at least certain maiming. Was that even a term? Probably not. Oh god she was getting distracted again. Stupid illogical heartless and their stupid stupidity things.

    At last the keyblade wielder leaped into battle, True Light's Flight (how did she know the name of it?) whirling around as Kara gracefully glided around the battlefield. She mainly maneuvered around just the one heartless, which happened to be one of the ball heartless, but it's the thought that counts. One, two, three strikes she landed on the creature, knocking it back slightly. Yeah, go Kara! However, that was not to be the end of the darkball, made obvious as it moved around with incredible speed and slammed into her with its body. It felt all rubbery and stuff when it hit, what the heck was this thing? Reacting quickly, Kara turned and sliced straight down the middle of the darkball, causing it to turn into a black cloud of heartless vapour.

    With that done, the mighty Kara the unstoppable turned on her heel and lunged forward, landing a solid strike on the heartless chrono had punted the shadow into. Just as she expected, it didn't fly into another one. That sucked.

    Total words: 521
    BP spent: 25
    Heartless defeated: 1 Darkball
    Damage dealt: 10 BP worth to the injured darkball Chrono hit, leaving it on 4 BP.
    Post by: Glen, Mar 22, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. Glen
    This looks amazing and I'll be sure to give it a try soon, thank you XD
    Post by: Glen, Mar 22, 2017 in forum: Discussion
  19. Glen
  20. Glen