Throw me up there for 11-12, please.
When Dana and Zoey eventually made it back to the DWMA, the first thing she noticed was the giant barrier. Now, perhaps other people may have begun fretting due to not being able to pass through (as she found out when she attempted to just brute force her way through it a moment earlier), but Dana wasn't like other people. She did, after all, pride herself on being both a beauty and a genius, and she could understand the situation or at least she believed she did. "Well, this makes sense. We were called back because of an emergency, so they're making sure the people inside are nice and safe. I guess we'll just have to wait out here until whatever it is is fixed. Lord Death probably wants us to keep watch out here, making us all important and stuff" Dana stated, hands on her hips as she stood just surveying the scene. After a minute, boredom kicked in. The girl found herself reaching into the one pocket her clothing had and pulling out a deck of playing cards. "Okay, let's play a game" she suggested, shortly before her eyes fell onto Stein in the main entrance. Ah, so they'd even left an instructor for them to help them keep watch! What a great idea, not that she needed it though. Walking over to Stein, she gave a brief wave. "Hey professor, do you have any idea how long it's going to take them to fix things in there?" she questioned.
"Aevum...?" Kara asked, barely turning her head to look at Chrono. She couldn't believe Chrono was Aevum, that he would betray them. He was in the same situation as them, and she could remember their entire group being together before and getting along. Then again, if he really was or at least had been Aevum then she doubted he would've just walked up to them and told them he was going to betray them. Either way, he wasn't Aevum now, she was sure of it. She wished she could speak up and defend her friend, wished that she could tell Mora and Alder that they were wrong and Chrono was a good person, but she simply didn't have the strength. Kara was strong in willpower, but her physical strength was lacking at that point, so it probably didn't surprise anyone when she did exactly what Mora seemed to want...and fell unconscious.
The moment the orb started flickering and producing loud, whisper-like noises, a chill went down her spine. Something didn't add up. Mora had seemed to care for her village, but when she'd asked them about the keyblades doing something to the orb it hadn't seemed like so much of a question as it was a though she already knew the answer to it. Oh god, what had she done? But it was too late, which was made clear by the circle of darkness appearing around her and Mora's explanation. Alder and Chrono were yelling to Mora about Ria not being able to be trusted, but would the girl listen? Perhaps it was not the time nor place, but the whispers and darkness were making Kara worry about the others. As her feet became snared Kara could only think of one thing; this situation seemed like a more advanced version of the darkness radiating from the other path they hadn't gone down, and they'd let the other group go down there. When the darkness reached her hands, she found she couldn't hold the keyblade due to the immense pressure being placed on her hands and, after attempting to fight it for a moment, she reluctantly let go of it and it fell to the ground. She was hyperventilating now, panic setting in at a terrifying pace. She'd put them into this situation because of her over eagerness to help people, not seeing the signs. "Mora, please, it's not too late! There is a way to save your village but this isn't it! What would the others say if they could see you right now? You think that they want others to suffer what they're going through? You saw the panic, the's not right! Help us, and we can help you" Kara cried out desperately, being able to move even less the more she fought against the darkness restricting her movement. "Please..." she said once again, a single tear coming out of her eye as she strained to even say that last word; the darkness making even speaking an enormously difficult task now.
"Do you think Ria caused this? Or Aevum? It had to be one of them, surely. I mean, I don't think that we would do this...would we?" Kara asked, thinking aloud as Alder's question got her mind working to find an answer. However, her thoughts were interrupted by Mora pointing out that there was an orb that practically screamed "i'm evil". Kara followed Mora's gaze, looking at the orb in the center. Just how long had that been there? Was that part of Aevum's plan too? Well, whether or not it was a part of it, the orb had to go. If darkness was radiating from that, then that was key to fixing this. "There's no way to tell, but..." she said, summoning True Light's Flight and pointing it directly at the orb, "I say it's worth a shot" she stated, as a beam of light shot from the tip of her keyblade and straight at the orb. This was an opportunity to free people from the clutches of darkness, and she'd be damned if she wasn't going to take it.
Battousai, much to everyone's surprise, had been somewhat quiet. There had been no booming statements, no cheerful cries of joy, for he was in deep thought. He was working on what was undoubtedly the most important thing they would do in their quest, and the most dangerous thing too! He was attempting to document their journey and give it a fetching title, which was as perilous as anything else for if he messed that up then how would the legend of Battousai the manslayer be spread even further? "Battousai the demonslayer...and friends? The tale of Battousai vol. 3; the horny devils and their....that one's even worse....aha! The legend of Battousai, slayer of men and demon alike! Although that one paints me in a bad light....gods be damned, this one's a tricky one!" the small male exclaimed, clearly struggling with his creativity. He looked up from the small (you can imagine how tiny it was if it was small in his hands) piece of parchment in his hands at the mention of testing the theory. Perhaps his memory was failing him, but he couldn't recall the mention of testing of the theory before. They'd need a test subject, and he'd happily volunteer for that. He was sick of being so tiny; he long awaited the day where he could hold an actual glass full of alcohol and not have to use a thimble. "Theory? We've all heard your explanation my friend, it's a sure thing. If we were to get help magic would undoubtedly be restored!" Battousai shouted, attempting to further reassure the stranger that it would work.
"Whew, that one hurt. Ah well, all's well that ends well I guess. I'm glad I turned up when I did, might've been an interesting fight for you guys if I hadn't" Glen stated, somewhat cheerful grin on his face. They'd just saved someone from being trapped in a portal for eternity and foiled an evil villain's plans. Sure, he wasn't quite as happy as he seemed, but there was plenty of time to be a total edgelord later on. Shooting a glance at the RG group, he still was questioning just how Base had gotten back. Sure, they'd sort of met once again in the kitchen, but it wasn't like Glen could actually have a conversation with his friend. Well, not unless he treated Hikaru like some sort of messenger bird...although Hikaru could use blend, he was sure of it. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea...
Just as they were about to make progress and uncover the hidden truth via their super secret awesome escape tunnel that she was this close to finding, the main door had flown open. However, it wasn't because a hidden lever had been pulled, but rather the zombie guy that had kicked their asses was the one who had opened it and told them that they had to get back due to an emergency, and the reason he'd tried to kill them had been to teach them a lesson. "Couldn't you have just got us to read a book or something?" she complained, knowing full well she probably would've started tearing out the pages and folding them into elegant paper planes out of sheer boredom. When she got no response, Dana turned to look at Zoey, who had gone quiet. The weapon felt for her meister; Zoey had taken a pretty bad beating in the fight, and Dana felt somewhat responsible. She'd make it up to her some day, for sure. For now, she had to do what she could to keep her friend looking forward and not focusing so much on what had just transpired. Grabbing her by the hand, Dana began leading her out. "Come on Zoey, stuff is going down at the academy and I know just the awesome weapon and meister combo to solve all of it" she said, before stopping momentarily and whispering, "psst, it's us. I was talking about us, lets go" she said before continuing. "Hooooly sh*t" Chaol said, barely able to take in at what had just transpired. One moment they were fighting for their life, combatting criminals and attempting to get past the sniper so they'd have an advantage, and the next moment the criminals had...well, they certainly weren't a problem anymore. Seeing that made it obvious how outmatched they all were and how much they really had to learn. Maybe he'd have to start taking extra classes; if he could hit that kind of power then who knows what kind of things he could do? The Dancing Blades wouldn't believe what he'd just seen if he told them, he knew that much. "Okay, everyone, lets get back to the DWMA. I can't remember people being so suddenly called in from missions before, so something big has to be going on. We should see what it is. Also, I know that we just saw....that...but we should still be a little cautious as we're leaving; we don't know for sure there weren't more people involved in this operation" Chaol Arroway said, making a move to leave.
Pretty sure poison edge is meant to be on cooldown, and not that it matters but ninja vanish is meant to have 10% CG gain, but I suppose i'll have Glen use Fire Strike!
The place they'd gone to wasn't quite what Kara had expected. She'd remembered that they had supposedly been taken to someplace safe, but never had she thought that they would've been capable of creating a town underground. Had Aevum made it? Why could she remember each of the members of LIGHT, but not Aevum? She couldn't believe that she hadn't questioned that earlier, but then again there were more pressing matters at hand. Kara's fist tightened slightly as her eyes looked at the people that seemed to be trapped within darkness. She still wasn't sure who had done this, or even whether their plan had simply been foiled or sabotaged, but once she found them she was going to have a few things to say to them. Kara had seen darkness do some pretty bad things, but nothing like this; nothing that seemed to plunge people into an eternal nightmare. "The aura has to have something to do with it. We need to find a way to undo this, we can't just leave them like this" the keyblade wielder said, her voice indicating that she was distraught.
Glen used Ninja Vanish!
(Just realised that if Glen uses Dragonblaze it does a terrifyingly powerful amount of 55 damage. Wow, such use for a non mage. I will most certainly never unequip it, and definitely not straight after this battle) Glen used Poison Edge!
Glen used Fire Strike
Glen used Zantetsuken, and then followed up with a combo!
Glen used strike raid on assault dragon!
Glen used poison edge! Will edit later...probably
Glen attacked with combo! also @Krowley you forgot to update his skill commands. Zantetsuken should be at 2/5
Right as Glen had become visible once more, Ignis had struck the dragon and seemed to have stopped its movements for the moment, or at least that's what it looked like; it was hard to tell given it still spat out microbots. In any case, it was time for a slightly different approach. There wasn't enough momentum to go for Zantetsuken again, but he still wanted to take this thing down as quickly as he could and he knew just how to do it. Raising Last Legacy above his head, magical energy came to the tip of it and Glen lowered the weapon, firing the magical energy before him (and clearing out a group of microbots in the process). The energy seemed to create a sort of smokey effect, from which a whinnying sound could be heard, before Maximus came charging straight out of the smoke and through another group of the microbots. The horse nearly collided with Glen, but thankfully he'd been quick enough to jump up and into the air, before he came down landing on Maximus' back. The horse struck a valiant pose with the rider pointing Oathkeeper forward as he bellowed "Charge!" and the two began charging straight towards the dragon. Glen summoned Maximus!
"The sanctuary..." Kara repeated. The name sounded familiar to her, somewhat, but she still couldn't quite picture what it looked like or how long it would take them to get there. Heck, she couldn't even remember what Aevum had looked like, god having amnesia sucked. "Alright, lead the way, Mora" the girl said and waited for Mora. She was a bit annoyed with how Alder had reacted, but was more sad than annoyed really. Did he really think that she would hide things in a time like this? She'd already told him that she'd taken the townspeople to where Aevum had said, and if Aevum really was a bad person then didn't that paint her in a bad light already? Still, she didn't want to show it. If she showed how unsure about everything she was, how was Mora to believe that things would be alright?
I wish I could tell you that Glen had been away on an epic mission of sorts, hell maybe he'd found the heartless commander or had gone even deeper into the realm of darkness, but no...that was most definitely not what had happened. As the keyblade wielder travelled as fast as his keyblade would allow, scarf flowing in the wind as he did so, he flinched a little at the memory of what had transpired. He remembered seeing Base again and excitement peaked; he'd assumed Base had been gone, or perhaps even dead, but there he'd been before them! It was a real shame that nothing Glen had said had been heard, damn UG. In his excitement, he'd raced outside and prepared to move onto the next phase of the world they were on, and had...tripped down the staircase and knocked himself out cold. Yep, one of the quickest characters of the group was a total klutz at times, but I think that had already been a well established fact. He'd regained consciousness after a while, and after a few moments of experimentation to see whether he could actually interact with Hiro's door to see if he could open it properly rather than just kind of pass through it (turns out yes he could open the door), he'd continued on his way to the group of friends he'd been with before. He'd seen the situation before he'd even gotten there; it wasn't particularly hard to miss that amount of microbots with what had looked like a few flies going around and attacking, but wasn't entirely sure what to do. Once he'd gotten nearer, he had found a surge of energy within him as he had come to the realisation that he couldn't actually see Xara anywhere. He panicked a little, not knowing what would happen if his partner vanished, but no there she was, slashing away at the microbots. Breathing a sigh of relief, Glen flew forward on his keyblade glider and with one swift but powerful motion cut straight across the assault dragon. He waited a moment, before turning to look at his foe. "It's time to finish what we started" he said, before he threw what looked to be like some kind of pellet on the ground and vanished in a cloud of smoke and began planning his next move. Glen used Zantetsuken, followed by Ninja Vanish! (does this ability last for just the turn or until an attack is dodged? Also why has Glen got no summons?)