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  1. Glen
  2. Glen
    Middle earth: Shadow of War
    Horizon Zero Dawn
    3 books i've been after
    $10 in cash
    A box of chocolates
    A very small replica of Genji's dragonblade, as well as the shuriken to go with it that doubles as a fidget spinner I think
    Post by: Glen, Dec 26, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Glen
    So it begins...

    can be reached on discord, my user is Glen #9415

    Am at work from midday tomorrow until the 10pm due to pre-christmas rush, but if you shoot me a message i'll be sure to get back to you. Up for making a move, if anyone's up for it (AEST)
    Post by: Glen, Dec 21, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  4. Glen
    I enjoyed listening to this quite a bit, I've heard it about 4 times already xD I think it turned out pretty well
    Post by: Glen, Nov 26, 2017 in forum: KHV Chorus
  5. Glen
    Man there's no way I can hold for 8 XD I can barely hold 5
    Post by: Glen, Nov 10, 2017 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. Glen
    I'd like to claim 5 please.
    Post by: Glen, Nov 6, 2017 in forum: KHV Chorus
  7. Glen
    Signing up
    Post by: Glen, Oct 24, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Glen
    Damn, tried to be all intelligent and stuff but I just got rekt

    Post by: Glen, Oct 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Glen
    Come on guys, making fun of Canada isn't cool. It's just too easy, you need to pick a country that has very little to insult. I'd suggest America as a whole but well, you guys are the laughing stock of the rest of the normal world as is :P

    I mean come on, metric system. Get with it.
    Post by: Glen, Oct 6, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Glen
    Hey I actually agree with all of those except two of them, people must be really weird to think any differently from the rest
    Post by: Glen, Sep 28, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Glen

    Here you go :p

    The link to the original post right here
    Post by: Glen, Aug 20, 2017 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Glen
    Oh my god, Cap'n ye actually linked the post I made. I am honoured to be in your service.
    Post by: Glen, Aug 20, 2017 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Glen


    Naeric's ears heard the plea of the stranger a short distance away as though she were standing right next to him. To many, the voice would have been inaudible, but the abilities of an elf were far superior to that of a mortal man. Cautiously, he turned to look at the direction the voice had come from, only to see that the girl was holding her head. She was suffering a panic attack, he was certain of it. Perhaps the dragon's attack was the cause of it; it wouldn't surprise him if it was. The dragonslayer was yet to see any creature stare down a dragon without a trace of fear, himself included. He didn't fear death, but he did fear the idea of never gaining the pact partner for himself.

    "Ta nauva taken malia en, rima a' safety re'na lle sal' caela i' val um- ikotane"
    (Run to safety, if you still have the power to do so) he called back, his voice no louder or quieter than usual.

    However, the girl seemed to not be listening, in fact she was running very much not away from the dragon, all trace of the panic on her face gone. Her ability to suppress her emotions was stupendous, but her lack of concern for her own safety would surely get her killed unless someone intervened. Thankfully, someone was there to intervene. Sheathing his huge sword, he took in a deep breath and focused his mind purely on the surroundings. He could feel the wingbeat of the dragon, the heat of its breath as it neared him and the girl, could hear every step that the elven girl took and could even feel the small insects that were crawling along the ground. He needed this focus, for he was about to attempt a magic that he had used several times before, but was by no means practiced with. He was good with defensive magic, not anything that was even slightly offensive. As Naeric began channeling the very essence of nature throughout his body, his magical energy surged into action. Leaves and dust around the elven man was picked up, first skittering along the ground a little bit and then floating freely around his torso as his mouth opened and he said a mere one word.


    The word itself was merely the word he chose to use to cast that particular spell. The word translated to 'Windstorm' in the common language, and had no special properties of its own, though one would be forgiven for thinking any differently with what came next. The moment the breath used to speak the word left his body, so too did the leaves and debris as it flew straight towards the one who had asked for his help. The gust of wind went straight towards the girl with tremendous speed, but the moment it would have impacted her its caster slowed the mighty breeze, slowing it just enough so that it lightly pushed her out of the way of the dragon that sliced through the air only seconds later.

    As the magnificent beast turned around and roared, a burst of flame flew straight towards its prey. Acting swiftly once more, Naeric called upon more of his magic and shifted his stance as though he was holding a tower shield in front of him.

    (Shield) he shouted, just as the fireball collided with his forearms, shrouding his body in flames and yet he remained unscathed externally by the powerful blast, standing up easily the moment the flames vanished. If anyone had looked carefully, they would have seen a very slight glow appear on Naeric's skin as the fire had hit. He had cast a protective ward on himself, creating a shield of wind on himself to defend against the fire. The dragon wasted no time, however, surging straight towards the elf that had dared to defy him and toppling down more trees in the process.

    The dragonslayer had an idea form in his head, one that would expend some of his energy but allow him to minimise the amount of magic he would need for taking down his prey. Rushing over to the thickest tree in the path of the creature, he yelled out "poldora!"
    (force) and then with his bare hands punched a very small hole in the tree. Repeating this process, he began ascending the tree with greatsword in sheath, creating small handholds as he went so that he wouldn't fall down. Once he had gotten relatively close to the highest point of the plant, he looked behind himself at the dragon that was still as hellbent on slaying him as it had been from the beginning. "I think it's time you and I introduced ourselves!" he called out, using all the strength in his body to propel himself backwards at the giant lizard.

    As he felt the cool breeze on his face pass by him, he reached over onto his back and unsheathed the greatsword in mid-air, before raising it above his head as he rapidly approached the dragon's far side of the dragon's back and plunged the blade straight into it, making full use of the force spell he had just cast. "I'm Naeric Kianar, and you're going to become my pact partner!" he declared, pulling the blade free and beginning to run along the creature's back, going towards the head and making sure not to fall.

    Here is the translator i'm using for Naeric​
    Post by: Glen, Aug 19, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Glen
  15. Glen


    holy crap we're being acknowledged by a higher being, my life is now complete!
    Post by: Glen, Aug 14, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Glen
    Discord's still an option, as well as skype and KHV!
    Post by: Glen, Aug 11, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  17. Glen
    Anytime after 9am AEST (it's 4:32pm as I am sending this)
    Post by: Glen, Aug 10, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Glen
    As Mora mentioned she might have an idea, Kara felt a little nervous. Mora might be trying to help them, and hell maybe something had happened while she'd been asleep that had made Mora seem like the most trustworthy person in existence, but she still wasn't trusting the girl completely. She had before, and look where that had gotten her. Still, both Alder and Chrono seemed to be trusting of the girl, at least enough to hear out her idea, so she'd have to put her faith in them. They'd been put in the same trap she'd put them in accidentally, so something had to have happened to change their opinion, surely. "Alright Mora, what's your idea?"
    Post by: Glen, Aug 2, 2017 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. Glen


    As he wandered through the streets of town, an unexpected and yet welcome sight greeted the Elven dragon slayer, Naeric Kianar. A dragon, clearly beyond the point of sanity was ravaging the place. A slight smirk appeared on the elf's face. The dragon, while entirely unpredictable in its movements, was by no means clumsy. Here was a powerful dragon, and perhaps even the pact partner he'd long sought after. There'd likely be some good reward money for quelling the rage of the beast too, which was always a bonus. Being an outcast due to his ideals and goal, Naeric could use the cash. When you fought dragons for a living and dragons were as important to people as they were, you often ended up with damaged equipment and very few people who were willing to repair it for you without overcharging the heck out of you. Bloody humans, more trouble than they were worth.

    Unsheathing the huge greatsword he carried with him, he stated its name. "Sullindale" he whispered, which translated to Windsong in the language of the humans. The blade was as much a part of him as any of his limbs, it being the sword he had used to kill his first dragon. The sword was nothing special in design, but merely an Elven Greatsword. It allowed slightly less magical energy to be required for his magic and spells, though it wasn't particularly noticeable. He'd named it after the dragon he had taken it from, who'd seemed to have an affinity with the wind. Naeric could only imagine how the dragon would have reacted if it had known that he was going to slay it with one of the possessions it had guarded for presumably a long time. Probably would've laughed, much as it had when a single elf had turned up with no weapon other than a pike and a bit of a short-tempered horse, demanding it made a pact with him. Ah, good times. Not so much for the horse, but good times nonetheless.

    As he calculated the best route to take to intercept the raging dragon, the dragonslaying elf took note of the surroundings. People could get hurt if he fought it right there, so he should probably try to get the beast away from the town. He might have been confident in his own abilities, but he still respected the sheer power and destructive capability of a dragon. Admired it, really. He couldn't wait for the day where it would finally be joined with his own. Spurring onwards his horse, which he had affectionately named Rohan, he charged forward and towards his target.
    Post by: Glen, Aug 1, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Glen
    As Steel hurled one of their enemies into the other, Glen let out a whistle. The guy was good, and quick. This part of the test was going to be awesome, he could feel it. In fact, he was so distracted by Steel being awesome that Leo had the time to get up and hit him with the butt of his gun. Yes, Glen's reactions were that slow. Anyway, right as Leo aimed his gun at Glen and prepared to fire, something extraordinary happen. Leo teleported backwards about three or four steps backwards, his feet freezing in place as he began teleporting around from place to place. He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but all Glen or anyone heard was robotic sounds, as though he had a terribly bad connection.

    Taking the opportunity, the keyslinger opened fire at Karina who was now preparing to fire at him. Fortunately for him (and UNfortunately for Leo) one of his random teleports placed him right in front of the bullets and he took both the bulletstorm from Glen and Karina at the same time. He froze in several different positions, slowly but surely collapsing onto the ground before he seemed to explode into small, blocky pixels. Glen blinked a couple of times, not quite sure what had just transpired. He looked over to Karina, who just shrugged her shoulders and then raised her gun once again. She pulled the trigger, but appeared to be out of ammunition. She began the reload process, leaving her open to an attack, but the aatarsiluan keyblade wielder was too far away and really simply shooting Karina just wouldn't be satisfying enough. Glancing in the direction of his partner he gave a brief nod, giving his silent permission to have his kill stolen.
    Post by: Glen, Jul 31, 2017 in forum: Role-Playing Arena