Glen struck out again, partaking in Get 'Em
Glen Got 'Em
As a glow engulfed Glen's body, he dashed forward with keyblade in hand. Nearing Mizrabel, the glow faded to reveal he had changed to his warrior's attire, and slashed at Mizrabel 5 times, before hopping back (hopefully) out of range. Glen used cross slash for 28/56 damage!
Glen used poison edge
Name: Kara Dawlistrus Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Here Rank: I Keyblade: True Light's Flight Homeworld: Village of Serenity Personality: Kind, caring, loyal, selfless. Willing to stand up for what she believes in, and has a strong sense of justice. Likes: Reading, writing, singing, the colour blue. Dislikes: Bullies, darkness, grey, videogames, people who think they're better than everyone, cats Other:
As he stepped into the room, Chaol felt a wave of relief go through him. Physically, he didn't really appear very different, but he'd been a little worried that his answer was wrong. Logically, he'd been certain his answer had been right, and the others agreeing had helped that but still, if he had have been wrong, they would've all walked right into the middle of a bunch of hungry lions. Thankfully, that hadn't been the case. As they came to another fork in the road, Chaol weighed up his options. With no knowledge on what each route led to, it really didn't matter which way they went. So, shrugging his shoulders, he simply said "I agree. Left sounds good" and waited for the others to lead. Dana had not been prepared for Zoey' look. With a short burst of laughter her joyfulness seemed to return, and after a moment she was smiling. "Oh yeah it looks rad, we'll just have to get one for me and we can blow people away with how well we look with spoons stuck to our face!" she exclaimed, laughing once more. A moment later and Dana, like her friend, had the spoon stuck to her face. Even though she knew her meister couldn't see what she'd done, it felt like the right thing to do. What was the point in being alive if you didn't have fun with it? "Maybe that was why those people wouldn't talk to us! Maybe, just maybe, they would only talk to people with spoons on their noses" she said, before giving a mock bow. "Pleasure to meet you, madam. It is good to see that, like myself, you also wear the spoon. Only the most esteemed, noble guests can wear one with such finesse and grace" Dana joked in the most British accent she could muster.
Yeah, player ID. Sorry about that XD
Okay, it's pretty clear I'm the traitor. @Explode Discord ID is 1714447 Tried to join manually but couldn't find the party
Glen attacked the moment he got out of the smoke filled cloud.
Glen threw himself at the witch, foregoing his keyblade in favour of flying fists of fury as a cloud of smoke appeared around the witch. Glen used Get 'Em