*Holds* .
I'm already saving up money to see you... I love you too...
*Holds* If the problem was that i'm not on very often, you should have told me and I would try to be on more...
*Kisses hand*
*Mutters sadly* Happy Birthday...
*Kisses back and holds*
*Kisses and holds* I missed you...
Must... have... Colin... O_O
It's okay. *Kisses*
xD Yeah, I try to find a use for my albums.
...And that's me being nice...
*Cleans head* Is that your way of saying hello? If so, you need a better method...
xD Kinda does.
Nexon awoke on the ground. He sat up. What had he been doing before he woke up here? He struggled to remember... all he could get out of his memory was being surronded by darkness... tons of it... then waking up there... He silently groaned to himself as he stood up. Where was he? He looked at a banner hanging off of a nearby building. "Welcome to Twilight Town..." He muttered. "Twilight Town... I guess that's where I am." He walked around town, taking in the sights. He noticed a boy and a girl hugging. He thought for a moment.What if they belong to that group of creatures that attacked my village...? What if they'll finish me off like they did to my friends and family...? No! Gotta be brave... He approached them.
Thanks. ^^ Good luck with life.
Um... Sorry. Getting kinda carried away. ^^"
*Gasps and kisses*
*Makes out*
*Kisses deeply*
Sadly, I don't.