It is fun .
I do that, go to a few other forums, looking up information on BBS on google, and play old fashioned games like Pac-Man.
Dates. Movies, dinner, things like that. xD
I'm alright, just spending time with my girlfriend.
Hi. xD Understandable.
Alright. So... what's up?
"Well, forgive me for wanting to start a conversation. I figured it would help cure my boredom. It seems as though everything has been more dull then usual with Xemnas gone." Zexion turned a page in his book. "About Xemnas... think Marluxia had anything to do with his odd disappearance?"
I don't hate you. I was just extremely pissed off. I'd like to start building up a friendship, if you're ready?
Zexion looked over at Vexen. "Why hello there. Good to see you too, i'm fine, thank you for asking..." He rolled his eyes. Riku sat in his usual spot, on the paupo tree, staring at the ocean. "It's wonderful... the sound the ocean makes..."
Zexion sat in The Grey Area, reading a book. "Things have been a mess lately with Xemnas gone..." He muttered, turning a page in the book. "I am starting to wonder if Marluxia had anything to do with this... it is possible... maybe..."
Me too. ^^ I'm gonna play as Terra first.
I'd miss you too. ^^ Very true.
Response to your first message: Wow... you'd really miss me? Thanks. ^^ The friend below is the one who told me. Response to your second message:...
*Hugs* I'm so sorry... I wasn't myself...
Yeah, I was. She didn't have the guts to tell me. I heard from a friend of hers.
Could I have Zexion and Riku?
Are you mad at me? Is that why you didn't respond?
Hello. I have a new girlfriend, i'm not emo anymore. You can stop hiding from me. xD
Happy New Year to you too. ^^ Yeah, my girlfriend cheated on me, I committed suicide, was in a coma for about a month, and woke up all emo.......
Hi .