Shawn was raised by wolves until he was 4. So, he's not Micheal's biological brother.
You're in.
I must leave you again for a little while. Bye.
Not really, but I did laugh. xD
After Organization XIII is defeated, the Nobodies were scattered. They eventually formed different tribes to take the spot as the Nobody lords. The tribes' fighting went on for years until the Nobodies were nearly wiped out. There were only two tribes left, the Rejects and the Kings. Both tribes are considered the most powerful Nobodies since Organization XIII. Their goal is the same: Recreate Organization XIII. Rules No Godmodding No Powerplay Keep romance PG-16-ish PM me if you have a question Fill out a form for every character. You cannot RP that character until you do. Three strikes, you're out. Have fun OC Form: Name: Age: Gender: Element: Side: (Rejects, Kings, or Neutral) Weapon: Appearance: Other: My Characters Name: Rena Age: 15 Gender: Female Element:Water Side: Neutral Weapon: Katana Appearance: Other: Loves chocolate Name:Nexon Age: 15 Gender: Male Element: Fire Side: Rejects Weapon: Broadsword Appearance: Other: Reject leader, has a crush on Rena
I read them.
Ah, that's wonderful. I recieved some weird news from Shawn's uncle. O_o
Yup yup. How's your life going?
Yup. ^^ I got a laugh out of those comics.
Haha, i've been spending a lot of time with my girlfriend.
Well yello there.
xD Yup .
You guessed it. xDDDD
She didn't use to, but I got her addicted to Modern Warfare 2. xD
xD Yeah, I feel very lucky. ^^
xDDD Nothing like that. Movies, dinners, parties, bowling, etc. xD She's a really fun girl.
Yeah, I was busy with my girlfriend.
Oh god... I haven't been on in awhile... O_O Been busy.
xD We've all had moments like that.
xDDD Nah, don't feel stupid.