TRLOLOLOLOLOL!!! how be everyone??
Made an OC. I guess I'll go to the 'Paradise?' place.
Username: kingdom_hearts_soras_girl Name: Rachel Grace Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: Bio: Rachel had a pretty normal life before the man with the gun. She had a loving family and a nice house. That all changed. Now she is in a classroom, having trouble remembering her parents' names. She is alone with no proof that anyone would find her. All she wants is to find someone else and learn more about the Sectors and subdivisions. Personality: Outgoing but keeps to herself a lot. She makes friends fast. Would run away from a fight but would help if she has to. Powers: Water, Lightning/Thunder, and Wind. Color: Rose Red Other: N/A
To be honest, I had no reason for writing this. But I had been wanting to start writing poetry again and this is what happened. The whole thing about it being about love is because it's a common thing for me to write, draw, and fantasize about. And poetry isn't always supposed to make sense. Just as long as it makes you either feel a certain emotion or if it gives the reader a message, it can be amazing. Well, at least I think that's what poetry's about.
I would buy the Internet. And then I would make internet access free for everyone in the world. Owning your own Internet address would still cost money.
Some that I found that are in English- Those are the only ones I found that sound correct in terms of news.
my parents are meany butts.
welll... i would watch them, if youtube wasn't blocked on my computer. but i assume they are funny! :lolface:
i could not see the video because it is youtube and youtube is blocked on my computer...
just tell me (via PM or VM) when you have made up your mind and i'll put you for the one that you want. or both if that's what you decide.:lolface:
i posted another poem and that made me feel better. and i know it flowed well! poetry is the only form of creative writing that i'm good at! and i really didn't think out the ADHD part. i just put it. like my mind wanted everyone to know that i had ADHD. and i can't think of synonyms that well anyway. and *gets squished*
I’m stupid. I’m lazy. I’m a bitch. I’m wasting my talents. My parents tell me that. They really do. They tell me all those things and more. I want to end it all sometimes. But I don’t. My friends stop me. The counselor stops me. My psychiatrist stops me. I’m on so much medication because of my problems. I may sound like I’m trying to get attention. But I’m not. I’m telling you how I feel. I’m proving to you that even someone who seems happy all the time. Has problems like a mental patient. Feels like the world hates them. Like no one is listening. Wants to just die. I want to die. I really do. But I don’t die. I take everyday like it’s my last. I’ve seen what happens after someone dies. It becomes popular news. I don’t want to be popular news because I died. I want to be popular news because people love me. But so far, I’ve barely found any of those people. I’m not popular but few still love me. Can you love me? Will you love me? Please say yes. I just need someone, anyone, who loves me. I need someone to see my problems. And will choose to stay no matter what happens. I hope you are that person.
I'll be your friend! *makes Saxima her friend* yes that was. and that episode was really funny too.
the characters from the books won't have too much influence though. i just put them in so that people won't say that i forgot them. but i could change it so that it happens after the second titan war. the characters from the books still wouldn't have much influence, but they would be there to make it flow. like the Stoll brothers playing jokes on people and Clarisse torturing the new-bes. it also would take a lot of "stress" off of the people who signed up for Athena's cabin first because they wouldn't have to worry about always being there to make decisions for the cabin. so i'm going to change it. edited the background story and rules. so re-read them for the changes.
that depends on the friend. some friends make you feel amazing. while others can make you feel like crap. most of the time, i feel like my friends make me feel amazing. when i feel like crap or notice my friends ignoring me, they make me feel horrible. so it feels pretty neutral having a friend. the number has meaning! it means Spoiler sex. google 69 position and see what you get.
How I feel sometimes. Click it if you want to see my poetic abilities. The parts when I talk about myself is all true. And don't comment saying that I have problems. I know I do. But, if I continue, I will just start another poem. So read the first on that has ever been posted on this website.
Love. What is it? Is it beauty? Is it the reason for living? Or is it something different? Like death and regret. Love is everywhere. Love is no where. Love is colorful. Love is plain. Love is life. Love is death. Love. The reason I wake up in the morning. The reason I go to bed every night. The reason why I don't care what others say. The reason why I hate my life. The reason why I hate you. The reason why I hate myself. Love is the reason for my problems. My depression. My anxiety. My ADHD. My thoughts of suicide. But sometimes, Love is the reason why I’m happy. The reason why I don’t kill myself. The reason why I’m still alive. The reason why I do everything to get to you. Love is why I exist. Love is why I see the real you. Love. Love is why I have a soul. Love is everything.
wow. this inspired me to write a poem that's long over due. and Jayn, don't go. KHV wouldn't feel the same without you. your amazing graphics. your wonderful RPs. your beautiful story you are having auditions for. nothing would be the same. everything would have the possibility of falling apart. you are amazing, Jayn. and people love you for that. so, don't leave.
i have 69 friends. i thought that was awesome and epic. Spoiler: click!