Yea it's no problem. I learned that the hard way too.
Loading save states or save state after save state will cause the textures to become messed up.
Emulator issue. Did you use a save state in any way at all?
It's okay. You are fine.
I don't think there is anything fishy. Just would be nice to see it in action first. I believe orz said he was Japanese so he can speak English well.
No video? Maybe this should go in new releases. Not sure.
Everything is kinda scrambled so until then we could make a patch. Also all items and pause menu is translated.
invoke analyzer (probably not necessary) Looks like the file didn't open. drag on to the open exe or open the file through ps2dis. I have had this problem before all the tools you will ever need.
No. Not until PCSX2 lets you go over the RAM limit. Then yes
he shouts because some characters have more attack or damage lines then others. If you wanted to do it you would need to replace the VSB file with Roxas. Maybe there is an easier way someone can do it for you.
just did.
it happens when the heat melts a solider or a cracked solder joint. you pretty much need to re solder it. just need to make sure to turn it off when you are not using it. I always do it with my 60GB. Except this time i left t on to get my brother from school. Came back home and it was off with YLOD. YOu can also get a higher blade fan.
nah its 100% a fix. people say that to other people becuase they think they wont go with it getting reballed.
reballing is a permanent fix.
Okay. You dont have to report unstable bugs because... well we know they are unstabled. ALSO. If you use PCSX2, MAKE SURE you set these options. CONFIG>EMULATION SETTINGS>EE/IOP (Set to "FULL") VUs (Set to "Extra + Preserve Sign")
There is a yellow light right? the hair dry method does work. I tried it. its really only meant to get discs out. Only permanent solution is to have it reballed. I would do but i have yet to find one who actually does it.
Its alright to bump these kind of topics. I can't help you though since i never tried. =/