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  1. heartless_angel
    Yes I am actually gonna make an RP about Pokemon. I will do other regions as well in case you are asking. No need for a prolgue. Here are rules/info.


    1. No gore or intense violence (cmon. It's pokemon. GET A LIFE)
    2. Keep cursing to a minimum
    3. Romance at a PG-13 lvl
    4. Don't make battles too long and repetitive. I don't want 20 pages just on a battle.
    5 There will be NO gym leaders. Why? Because it's too ridiculous seeing everyone fight the same gym leader over and over. The Elite 4 will still be there. Remember, everyone will eventually meet up.
    6. Legendaries. I will be a cockblock on this rule. You may not have more than 2 legendaries. I really want people to have some as well. If you don't want one, that's fine.
    7. Starters. Please make a pokemon from either the starter 3 or from like the first 5 routes in the game.
    8. If you are planning to leave for more than two days, notify me so that I can keep your char still in.
    9. Don't be an a**hole. I don't care what you think, but every person deserves the same level in this RP. NEVER EVER act like you have a team of 100s or I will be seriously pissed off.
    10. Trading is fine as long both agree tithe terms ans you must notify me if trading.
    11. Try not to put one liners. I can live with a few.
    12. At the end of these RPs, you have the chance of taking 2 pokemon with you. ONLY ONE CAN BE A LEGENDARY. If you don't want to carry over, that's fine. I'm ok with that.
    13. Soulsilver x Heartgold = Silver x Gold
    14. I will add Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum just to ease on the legendaries.
    15. Yes you can play as Team Rocket :D
    15. If you read all of these rules/tips, say "Gotta catch them all!" in your first post :3
    17. ENJOY THIS RP...or else face the wrath of teh Mudkipz DUNDUNDUN
    (Find my flaw, and you shall get a cookie 8D)

    OC FORM-

    Starter Pokemon:
    Other(If you're Team Rocket, say so here):

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Mya
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Starter Pokemon: Squirtle
    Bio: As a kid, she was horrible with pokemon. She always feared them and thought of tem as bloodthirsty animals. It was one night when she was attacked by a wild Rattata and a Pidgey attacked back at the Rattata. She then understood what it was to be a PKmon trainer. She trained until she was elidgable to get her first pokemon, Squirtle. With the help of Jane, she succeeded at being a trainer and was now ready to set off into the large and diverse world of Pokemon.
    Other: Loves seeing the world of Pokemon. Sees all Pokemon as friends.

    Username: heartless_angel
    Name: Jane
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Starter Pokemon: Pidgey
    Bio: She started to learn about Pokemon at a very young age. Once she successfuly passed Pokemon school, she set off as a Pomemon trainer. She met My and wanted her to be one as well, but Mya refused. They still stayed friends. After Mya decidedto be a trainer, Jane helped her every step of the way.
    Other: Mya's best friend. Very cheerful and friendly.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jan 6, 2011, 467 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartless_angel
    Yes I love video games with romance in them. I'm pretty sure someone already posted this, but whatever. I wanna know what you peoples out there are the best couples! I personally Sora x Kairi don't count since the haven't kissed yet (WHY GOD WHY???). Just saying I for those S x K fans out there. I narrowed my couples down to the top 2.

    Tidus x Yuna are my Second favorite couple. I loved FFX just for the Romance they placed in it (FFXIII was BLEAUGH. Snow x Serah = WHATISTHISIDONTEVEN). And the ending brought me to tears (well almost). THANK GOD FOR X-2!

    Marta x Emil (see my sig) are my best couples. I mean COME ON. They're so adorable and at the end, I actually cried (sorry not spoiling it). Yes I know the second wasn't as great as the first, but I just loved those two! >w<

    Agreements? Disagreements? I WANNA HEAR FROM YOU 8D Comment and give me your thoughts! :3
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jan 5, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. heartless_angel

    The High Seas

    Have an urge for pirates. ARRRRGGGG XD

    Plot- In the 1700s, the Americas are in demand for trade from Asia and Europe for a profit. This new company is the East British Indian Trade (EBIT). Not so actually. Even with the British fleet guarding this trade route, pirtates are strewn about the seas and are constantly harrassing the trade ships. And so the war rages between both.


    Pirates- What are they? GET OUT OF HERE (jk) They're the men and women floating around raiding every trade ship in sight and sinking the EBIT (ARRRRRG is optional) Yes both women and men are pirates.

    EBIT- The East British Indian Trade. They are the company that pulls ships between the East and West. Unfortunatly, the pirates continue to harass them. They have half of the British army at their disposal.

    1. No godmodding (I will say so if you can)
    2. Only 3 OCs to control
    3. If you don't post within 3 days, I will assume you quit (unless you tell me)
    4. Remember, this is the 1700s. NO AUTOMATIC WEAPONS (lol)
    5. Keep cursing and romance at a PG-13 level.
    6. If you read all of the rules, put down "Skulls and Crossbones" in your first post.
    7. I'll add more rules if needed
    8. HAVE FUN

    OC Form-

    Age: (Not too young plz)

    Name: Mya
    Age: (Not too young plz) 20
    Appearance: Characters/pirate.jpg?t=1291472895
    Faction: Pirates
    Weapons: Scimitar and a pistole
    Bio: Her father was a famous pirate. After her father died, they kidnapped Mya to success her Father's work on being a pirate. For 10 years, she lived on the seas. Currently a captain on the Floating Cloud.
    Other: Usually high spirited, but very emotional as well.

    Name: Havoc Reins
    Age: (Not too young plz) 29
    Appearance: guy/xxblood_of_heartsxx/AnimeGuy19.jpg.html?o=20
    Faction: EBIT
    Weapons: Longsword and pistole
    Bio: His family was a long history of being famous military commanders. One day, we wished so too. At the age of 18, he enrolled in the British Navy to protect ships back and forth. For 9 years, he fended off many pirates and was promoted eventually to commodore. Many pirates usually sail off at the sight of his boat.
    Other: Very stern on his orders. Commodore of the British fleet.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Dec 9, 2010, 180 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. heartless_angel
    If you got the quote, then you know that this RP has to do with AC 2

    Prologue~ In the late 1400s, there were a group called Assassins. They are group of killers against their enemies, the Templars. The Templars are trying to obtain an object called the "Pieces of Eden" which contained a powerful force. And so the Templars will corrupt anything for their goals.

    1. I will accept some godmodding and power play, but not too much.
    2. Keep romance in a PG-13 zone.
    3. Remember, this is the 1400s. Only a few type of firearms were made.
    4. This RP will include some of AC2 plot. Please don't spoil it for others.
    5. If you are not on for at least 3 days, your OC will be killed or given to another unless notified.
    6. If you read up to this point so far, put "Rest in peace" in your post.
    7. Enjoy! ^^

    Factions~ Templars: The rivals of the Assassins. They have corrupted the army and have full control over Italy. Their groups are split by city. There are 3 ranks in the Templar class.

    Templar Captain: The Sargent of the soldiers. They command the daily guards and soldiers patrolling the city. They are moderatly trained and easy targets for Assassins.

    Templar Crusader: High ranking soldier. They control almost all of the soldiers in a city or region. They are trained to the fullest and are a huge threat to the Assassins. Very difficult to assassinate as they can spot assassins from afar.

    Templar Conspirators: The leaders of the whole templar group. They seek the Pieces of Eden and will do anything to get it. Fighting skills depend on the Conspirator as they are the main targets for assassins. Impossibly hard to assassinate as they are always guarded 24/7

    Assassins: The rivals of Templars. They are few, but strong and stealthy group of trained killers. All are bonded to The Creed and will do anything to take down the Templars:

    Assassin Trainer: A mid-high ranking assassin. Their skills to scale walls at great speeds and a wide variaty of killing techniques make them ideal assassins. They do lack disguise and stealth. They are more for frontline fighting.

    Assassin Expert: A very high ranking assassin. They are twice more experienced than the trainers. Each expert comes with dual hidden blades. They have a great variation in killing and assassination. Many do not make it to the next and final level.

    Assassin Master: Only the best can reach this far. Only a selected handful can make it this far. They exceed what most can do and are the true killers and nightmare to the Templars. Many of them do not assassinate, but can if needed to.

    OC Form~ Dont worry if your OC dies, you can make more.
    Age (Please nothing under 16):

    Name: Mya
    Age (Please nothing under 16): 19
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Female
    Weapon(s): Dual hidden blades, dagger, smoke bombs, and pistole (later on)
    Faction: Assassin
    Rank: Assassin Expert
    Bio: Her family was killed by orders of a Conspirator after fonding out her father was an assassin. After the execution, she swore to carry on her father's job and became an assassin, seeking revenge to justify her family's death.
    Other: Usually has a very touchy side if her family is mentioned, but mostly quiet and gets the job done.

    Name: Havoc
    Age (Please nothing under 16): 23
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Weapon(s): Sword and a crossbow
    Faction: Templar
    Rank: Templar Crusader
    Bio: Raised by a long line of Templar family. He carried on his father's dream and for the Pieces of Eden. His platoon killed Mya's family. He seeks to kill off her bloodline.
    Other: Very calm, but very goal-reaching.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Oct 1, 2010, 2,046 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartless_angel
    Cue Prologue :D


    In 1800, a meteor struck Earth. Analysis showed that it held strange viruses and radiation from it. Soon, it infected over a billion people and aged them internally, causing heart attack, heart failures, and other related diseases. It was called "Crescent Loom" since it made a crescent mark and turns color until it turns red and then people die. A vaccine was produced, but made people who were cured stop aging. The combination of both the virus and vaccine causes the aging clock to stop, making them ageless.

    In 1950, people started to revolt and attack the ageless people called the Cresentions. They started riots and slowly turned into war.

    It's now 2300. 4 billion people died from the disease and wars. The other people now live in the war now and can only hope for it to end.

    1. No godmodding. I will tell you when you can for a bit.
    2. Keep cussing to "*" or minimal
    3. Romance in the PG-13 zone
    4. 3 Character OC limit. I will consider more if you PM me
    5. No killing others w/o my permission.
    6. I will kill any AFK OCs unless notified
    7. If you made it so far, put "no one lives forever" in your post
    8. You better have fun...or else >:3


    Humans: The citizens living on Earth. Most are not infected, but a few are, leaving them vulnerable. Most of them hate the Crescentions, but a fraction actually sides with them.

    United Earth Defense (UED. OMG SC ref xD): The main army. Consists of drafted citizens, regular grunts, veteran soldiers, and elite squads.

    Crescentions: The infected people. Almost all of them are cured of their diseases. A few actually overcame it with no vaccine at all. They cannot die of natural causes.

    OC Form~
    Other (Optional):

    Name: Mya
    Age: 18
    Weapon(s): Gunblade
    Faction: Crescention
    Bio: Infected at 1950, she saw what happened in the beginning up until now. Her parents vaccineted themselves, but not Mya since they had no money and were selfless. When her mark turned red, she thought she would die, but suddenly overcame it. She finds it pointless for this war to go on and hates fighting. Her gunblade was a gift from he parents who served in a war back then, but she never used it. Her parents mysteriously dissapeared and she never saw them again. She now lives in a city full of regular citizens.
    Other (Optional): She is extremely shy and hates talking to people. Very persecuted wherever she goes.

    Name: Raiken
    Age: 20
    Appearance: guys/DrakeandKieve/Anime Guys/Picture675.jpg.html?o=21
    Weapon(s): Dual handguns and rifle
    Faction: Human
    Bio: Although a human, he sides with the Crescentions. He hates the viewpoint of the UED and joined the Crescentions. He met Mya when she was running away from soldiers and helped her hide in the city. He was her first friend.
    Other (Optional): Very cheerful, but cocky and laidback.

    Name: Yevv
    Age: 21
    Appearance: guy/xxblood_of_heartsxx/AnimeGuy19.jpg.html?o=20
    Weapon(s): Katana and assult rifle
    Faction: UED
    Bio: He is the son of the scientist who invented the vaccine. Although he may not look like it, he actually loves violence and murder. As the 1900 came, he was the first to find the UED. No only is he a brutal fighter, he also is a brilliant scientist and a smart person.
    Other (Optional): Very laidback, but stern. Always tries until he gets what he wants.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Aug 3, 2010, 346 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartless_angel
    What I mean by the title is the romance scenes. Usually in movies, it's too predictable, too cheesy, and too much icks. Personally, this is my opinion since the movies so far have not been on a high note *Cough* Twilight Series *Cough*

    Games on the other hand really are touching. Mostly on the RPG side. Here are some examples:

    Final Fantasy series (specifically X) Titus x Yuna
    Tales of Symphonia (Second one) Emil x Marta

    And many others. Please tell me your opinions and thoughts.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jul 30, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. heartless_angel
    So recently, I noticed something wrong with me a couple of months ago. It started out when I had major mood swings. I mean major. Like when I fight with my sister and get angry with her, I suddenly don't feel really angry and want to like play with her or something. And other times, sometimes I yell at my sister or my parents for minor details they missed. It's like someone keeps flipping emotion switches in my brain.

    Another thing that's going on is I'm having really nasty nightmares. In them, I see myself either being killed or killing others especially my friends. I usually tried to ignore these, but they're becoming worse. Now I'm waking up around 2 in the morning refusing to go back to sleep resulting to tiredness during the day and irritation. I'm really scared right now. I'm planning to go see a doctor to know if anything is wrong with me. I really can't consult my real friends because I'm afraid my mind is going to snap. Please, can anyone help me?
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jul 29, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. heartless_angel

    War for Sori

    Motivated by Anima+

    Prologue- In a land called Renova, there are people that are half human half animals called Soris. For 40 years, humans have lived among the Soris and befriended them. Now, corrupted dictators need a scapegoat to fix thir messes. They blamed the Soris and the people agreed. Wars broke out, cities crumbled, and millions were killed. The survivors now must fight for their lives.

    1. No godmodding or power playing
    2. No killing w/o my permission
    3. Keep cursing to a minimum.
    4. I encourage romance, but PLEASE do not go overboard. That's what PMs are for (only use if you are that desperate XD)
    5. If you are not posting for 3+ days, your character will be killed unless you notify me.
    6. Max of 3 OCs per person
    7. Any complaints, please PM me
    8. HAVE FUN! ^^


    Humans- The...well humans. They have cities all across Renova. Most Were destroyed by battles. 2 of their main groups are:

    Ravagers: The human's main army. It consists of tough soldiers and drafted citizens. Although they have the supplies, weapons, and technology, they lack speed and strategy.

    Joint Garrisons: The elite part of the Ravagers. Only experienced war veterans are allows in the JG. Tbey contain power, knowladge, and speed. Their only flaw is their lack of judgement. They give no mercy to their enemies.

    Soris: Half human half animal inhabitants of Renova: They may not have all of the human's technology, but they have the knowladge of their homeland and landforms. The major groups are:

    Feline: The cat race. They have speed and nimbleness. Their skill in close quarters are deadly and ruthless. They are usually lazy, but they are skilled.

    Hawkins: The bird race. They have extreme speed and sharp vision. They are the kings in air combat and ranged fighting. They do fair poor at close combat. Always on the watch.

    OC Form-


    Name: Mya
    Age: 18
    Faction: Sori
    Subfaction: Feline
    Weapon(s): Dual handguns, daggers, and a sword
    Bio: At age 10, her parents were executed during war. Mya fled to a resistance camp and helped out there. At age 14, she trained to be a fighter.
    Other: Very cheerful and always ready to help out.

    Name: Hark
    Age: 22
    Faction: Sori
    Subfaction: Hawkins
    Appearance: anime/Kira-Karix-chan/AnimeGuy.jpg.html?o=40#mm_complete
    Weapon(s): Sniper rifle and SMG
    Bio: Never knew his parents. Lived at orphanage until at age 20 when war got worse. He became leader of the resistance against the humans.
    Other: Very positive. Has a soft spot for Mya.

    Name: Exik
    Age: 30
    Faction: Humans
    Subfaction: Joint Garrison
    Appearance: anime/wallpaperboi/Male/744f952e.jpg.html?o=35#mm_collapsed
    Weapon(s): Assult rifle and magnum
    Bio: Always admired war generals and veterans. At age 20, he was drafted into the army. Now he's head commander of the Joint Garrison. He knows nothing but victory.
    Other: Very stern and ruthless. Will stop at nothing but to win.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jun 27, 2010, 2,403 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. heartless_angel
    First RP ^^

    Prologue ~ In a huge mainland called Rigles, there are seven regions for dragons. Only five exists as two Of them were almost killed off. Every month, dragons are to be released so they can grab their share at the center of the mainland and return to their owners. the fire region has grown more hostile and started to attack. So the other regions joined forces to take down the fire region. But the fire region is not alone...

    Regions -

    Fire: Most ruthless. Have the most deadliest dragons. Hardest to train. No mercy to traveler unless bribed. Weakness is water.

    Water: An island region. Dragons are very friendly and easy to tame. Many beginner tamers start here. Weakness is lightning

    Lightning: Near hills and cliffs. Dangerous lands because of constant thunder. Dragons are a little weaker, but very fast. Weakness is earth.

    Earth: Very big plains. Dragons here are very friendly. They are very slow, but powerful. Also a trading town. Many people come here for trade and dragon tournaments. Weakness is wind.

    Wind: High up in mountains. Only the bravest traveler can be up here. Dragons are extremely tough to train here. Very nimble. Weakness is fire.

    Light: One of the lost regions. Light dragons are not very agressive, but very agile. Almost impossibe to catch because of speed. Only a handful of light dragons live. Weakness is darkness.

    Darkness: The other lost region. Like light, these are rare dragons. They are very agressive and are very powerful. many people died trying to capture drak dragons. Weakness is light.

    There is a cap for light and darkness so do not overdo the count on light and darkness.
    Rules ~ Three strikes and you're out
    1. No godmodding
    2. No killing other players and\or dragon w\o my permission
    3. Keep cursing to a minimum. Only up to damn
    4. I encourage romance, but DO NOT go too far
    5. If you do not post for at least five days, your character will either be killed or deleted
    6. Try not to use one liners
    7. HAVE FUN !!! ^^

    OC Form


    Name: Mya
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Girls/Normal Girls/1196717749_f.jpg
    Weapons: Sword and bow
    Dragon(element): Light
    Bio: Separated from sister at 14. When near death, a light dragon saved her. Now she's respected from all regions for owning a rare dragon. She's still searching for her sister.
    Other: Younger sister of Kristy. Very shy

    Name: Kristy
    Age: 21
    Appearance: Girls/dc75scd.jpg
    Weapons: Dual daggers and throwing knives
    Dragon(element): Lightning
    Bio: she was separated from sister while escaping. She headed for lightning and tamed a dragon. She still searches for Mya.
    Other: Older sister of Mya. Likes talking.
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jun 9, 2010, 741 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartless_angel
    The title says all. I don't want what looked the best or charcter was cool. I want the FF that really touched your heart and explain. Mine is FF X because of the realtionship between Yuna and Titus and (SPOILER) how she says that she loves him at the end. XIII doesn't count since serah isn't really a MAIN character.

    Sorry forgot to add 11, 12, and 13 to the poll ^^"
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jun 8, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. heartless_angel
    Hi peoples! I'm new here and want to see what kh vids is all about. Hope I have fun here! ^^
    Thread by: heartless_angel, Jun 6, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures