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  1. Stardust
    1. To be honest I don't know you very well haha, you've always seemed cool to me though?
    2. Does mega man count For all of my 'nerdy' interests comics is not one of them, although I've grown kind of curious about them lately. At present though I wouldn't be able to give you an answer with any reason beyond "'cause they look cool" so I'm gonna have to pass lol.
    3. My favorites change frequently but among those which have had lasting appeal, I really dig Wildcat, Light Up the Night, Brotherswing, and more Jonathan Coulton songs than I could comfortably name in one answer lol. This one's really good though for starters.
    4. Nope.

    1. "Hey it's that guy who posts in the Code Vault"
    2. Dedicated and not afraid to voice your thoughts. Good to see you back.
    3. Okay. Summer is over. Cries.
    4. Sigh a lot of things. Off the top of my head maybe pursue music more seriously :c .
    5. Classical, ever since I played violin in middle school lol.
    6. [see last set of answers!]
    7. I can say without question that it's the first Mega Man X lol. I say that without it being my favorite game, or even my favorite in the series.
    The design of that game is near perfection on an almost miraculous level imo hahaha. It's like the stars aligned and shone a collective beam of enlightenment upon the developers and granted them the truth of Video Game Design. I dunno.
    Post by: Stardust, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Stardust
    1 & 2: Same as the views expressed in my answer to you here
    3. [​IMG]
    4. Well, Pete mostly considering he lost. Haha. It looks like everyone took a beating though, that was close.
    5. Blue & 55
    6. Sushi, tea... Uh sorry I haven't ever really thought about it beyond that.
    7. Don't have one. I like a lot.
    8. I don't see why not I suppose?
    9. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, what color is the tree?
    10. An onomatopoeia or expression for having fun, generally while in motion. I guess.

    1. Ooh. I always struggle to think of these things off the top of my head haha. In recent memory, I enjoyed Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame and I kept getting songs stuck in my head from it after I saw it. And I saw Bedknobs and Broomsticks on TV the other day and thought it was really fun. I grew up with that one and hadn't seen it in years, but imo it holds up. I watched 1776 for Independence Day too and rather enjoyed it (although I think it's more good from an entertaining standpoint than a straight-up great movie standpoint? I dunno, haha).
    Also, Oliver. I grew up with that as well. And more I'm sure I'll remember later and feel bad about forgetting.
    2. WOW I can't remember? Hah. It was probably a pair of shoes of some kind. Spoiler alert: I really like heeled shoes and boots, even if I don't enjoy wearing them much at all. I just think they look cool.
    3. Yes! But only regular rain. Tornadoes have made me kind of skittish in regards to thunderstorms.
    4. Nothing, unfortunately. I'm just waiting out the last few days of my summer. ;__;

    1. BRO. ILY. But in all seriousness haha you've always been a good friend to me and an all around fun, nice, and responsible person.
    2. NO?
    3. YES
    4. DFGHSDJFGHSLJDKFHGLSKJDHlkjhfgsldjkfghlalkJLAHlkjhgadljkghalJAHLJKDFHAGDLJKDHLjkhljkahgaueghaidfhlkjhLHSLDKFJGHSDKFJGHkjhdfjhgerghlidjhgaljkahaLJHSDFLKGJHADLKJDHiuhgalghaleiuha[ijuerhturwPUORHPEROGUHSDZJDHASJGKHSJKLFHKJSVHDJKLweiuhgerauhglsajbdlkbvldhgaeuihwefihbafkbga;oWUEHFWIHBFLASDKJDFHLKJhlkjhdkfhsjkHLKJDHKFHDJKFHJDHFRUIRETUWERUQIOJCKSNVMNBDBGU4OIUROWJHVFKNGSKLDIOEHTRIUY5840934URJDKDFNSAJKNCVIFGHEGRELOHAFALJKRHGLKSJDAFHKAJHljhdlkghslkjhLHJLDKSHLkjhkjdhgljaerkthtyuygteroiwqopiqjdfdfnvibgse iofjaehferliuoe;wiowugoiju irugsoljghlkjehflawkjrghljksfhjkvh clsekjhfatouRIWDA;LSJFGHSLKJGHAOIWEFSKJFHKRJGHARUIFHEJKDALRJHKRJHFWE;JFHGHBA;weiouo;erhgsejhg;OIRUTERTUGOJSA;hrjkhartfrhrthrhhthteruthuieherthuoiqowerifghgnsms,cmvaseiughreiwqisdfjhgnskalpieurt85943wosdjfhgnmsl0ertiujgjk
    i only had to stop because i accidentally hit the tab key

    WE NEED TO I just... happen to lack my computer... at the moment... ;__;
    6. Ooh good question! Obligatory How to Train Your Dragon haha. Do I need to explain that one?~

    A lot of my fave all-time films happen to be older than that, but thinking off the top of my head I really enjoyed the new Trek films. They're entirely unlike classic Trek and I think I'd feel differently about them if they were pilots for a series, but as they stand they're really fun, competent action films imho. An excellent score also!

    1. Regretfully I really didn't know you until recently, but I always thought you were nice haha.
    2. The Middle may in fact be my ultimate guilty pleasure track. It was the first song I remember finding and listening to on my own regularly without any popstar/Disney marketing involved. Also, a lot of instrumental and classical tracks probably qualify haha. Grim Fandango's soundtrack is excellent for this. Baroque is my favorite classical era so I usually default to Vivaldi or Telemann on that front, but Mozart and Debussy both produced some really relaxing stuff that I like to listen to as well.
    3. Good! Over all too soon I'm afraid, haha. I didn't necessarily accomplish everything I wanted to but that's how it goes. At least I accomplished my number one goal... To spend a lot of time doing nothing : P.

    I am a little behind so more answers on the waaaaay.
    Post by: Stardust, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Stardust
  4. Stardust
    There's more than one form of artificial difficulty but when I hear the phrase I think of games which are made difficult not by careful design but by unfair gimmicks. I Wanna Be The Guy is an excellent example because it's designed around this idea on purpose. How the hell are you supposed to know until you get yourself killed? You can't, and it's that kind of trial-and-error gameplay that constitutes poor, cheap design (the result of course being artificial difficulty). And that game is an interesting example in itself, because it's more or less an homage to the iconic soul-crushingly difficult video game franchises that came out of the 8-bit era -- many of which were designed well and featured true difficulty! By exaggerating their controller-breaking qualities, the game -- intentionally or not -- exemplifies the fine line between artificial and real difficulty. I Wanna Be The Guy is difficult only insofar as you don't know what's about to happen to you; it's a game of memorization (and even luck). The games that inspired it, with exceptions most definitely, were designed to give you a chance before brutally murdering you like that. It's like playing a card memorization game in which you have a few seconds to look the cards before they're flipped, and then must recall where the matching pairs are. In I Wanna Be The Guy, they don't show you the damned cards first!

    Giving a boss a ridiculous amount of health to make it a test of only endurance and not skill is something I would call artificial also, but I view difficulty modes as something a little bit different. The player knows more or less what he or she is getting into when selecting a difficulty mode. The intent, at least as I see it personally, is to try a game first and then crank the difficulty up the next go when the player more experienced. Of course this arguably requires incentives to do so, which many games provide, but whether they're adequate encouragement depends I suppose.
    You could say that it's not that the game powers up things in harder modes, but it instead softens them in easier ones, if you want to argue that angle. Now, the methodology is an issue, and it can certainly be cheap: It's definitely faster and easier to just crank up stats and lower, say, item drop chances in a harder mode than it is to mess with the enemy layout of an area, and when done to an extreme it does become unfair. Is a (fairly adjusted/telegraphed) mode the same as not showing you the cards, though? I'm not so sure of the answer there, even if the manner by which it was changed was lazy.

    disclaimer: it's 4:20 in the morning and i haven't slept so i apologize if i'm incoherent, goodnight
    Post by: Stardust, Jul 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust

    Post by: Stardust, Jul 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Stardust
    Pouring milk into a glass is very delicate science. One must take into account that buttered toast always lands buttered side down, and from this information conclude that dairy products are sensitive to the effects of gravity, which on planet Earth cause objects to accelerate downward at a rate of 9.8 m/s^2. One must then use this information to correctly hold the milk container in such a way so as the rate of pouring resulting from this gravitational sensitivity does not cause splashing out of its intended destination, in this case a glass, or overflow, yet still satisfactorily fill the container. In order to do so, one must take into account the shape and volume of the container and the volume of the milk in question, as well as the pourer's own muscular strength and the shape of the original milk container and its mouth, to correctly and carefully pour the milk.
    Post by: Stardust, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone