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  1. Stardust


    日本語を話せますか。今、私は大学で日本語を習っています。Welcome to the forums! I hope to see you around.
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 20, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Stardust
    Nintendo didn't just arbitrarily choose white, they modeled the schemes after the colors he changes to when he switches special weapons in the original games. That being said, I LOVE the alts, considering.
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 20, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  3. Stardust


    First you better stop waving it about like a feather duster!
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Stardust


    i would be very ok with this
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 17, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust


    alllllright pinhead, yer time is up
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Stardust

    granted a comma doesn't work for the OP
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Stardust
    iirc the black buns have been around for a while, actually. The cheese is new. I'd be down for trying one of these if the opportunity presented itself, hah.

    The cheese looks like chocolate when it melts and it''s throwing me off lol. Gotta wonder if your mouth/tongue turns brown/black from it all. I would imagine so.
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Stardust
    i can't i am overwhelmed with coffee machine excitement
    maybe i'll make some hot cocoa
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Stardust
    Oh I do. I don't think of these as a replacement for manual brewing methods in the least. In situations where you can control more of the elements that go into making something, the result is undeniably better. I'd never argue that.

    What these have going for 'em is convenience & variety (& buying cups in bulk is much cheaper than buying beverages at cafes), which is really nice in a tiny dorm room, haha. It's also adorable. I actually do have a French press at home.
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Stardust
    I'm sorry! QT lasts a week to my knowledge(?? has that changed?) so after that I stopped checking, lol.

    Here you go.

    1. Not afraid to speak your mind, regardless of majority/minority opinion. Insulted my adorable coffee machine: bad taste in coffee machines.
    2. I love running community events. They can be very stressful but I really enjoy putting them into motion and seeing all of the creative things people come up with, and the dedication of this community. I really think KHV has a unique creative spark brought on by the nature of its existence: it was formed around not a video game, but that video game as a creative outlet. I could be off the mark I suppose but... Yeah.
    3. I kinda just explained that accidentally oops. I like the community and the way our unique features bring it together.
    4. I'm really poor at keeping up with ships, sorry :c. Passing on this one.
    5. I've always felt that I can't discount something of that nature altogether. There's no way to tell what does or does not happen beyond the grave, I guess.

    don't we all :c
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Stardust
    I will share it with you in spirit
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Stardust
    aka "ok lexi get a blog"

    I know for people who are picky about coffee these things are expensive demon spawn hellbent on ruining the world of brewed beverages BUT

    I have been over the moon the entire day so plz do not rain on my parade it's so cute


    stock photo bc i'm lazy

    anyway I have a test and a quiz tomorrow so I really shouldn't be posting about this but it's just been sitting on my desk looking cute all day and i had to express my excitement. No more microwaving my mug every time I wanna make tea. No more having to buy coffee/cocoa/cider at the pricey nearby cafes if I want any. Or even walk to the cafeteria. C':

    I hope you all have been having a good week friends
    Thread by: Stardust, Sep 10, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Stardust
    i reject your reality and substitute my own
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Stardust

    i was going to make a "totally owned you lamers" joke in this thread but i can't anymore my brain just fried
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Stardust

    As for the song in the OP, it's... Not cohesive enough for me? Haha. Interesting tho.
    Post by: Stardust, Sep 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Stardust
    for all of you who are about to start, just starting, or have started school... (or whatever), best wishes for the upcoming academic year ~ and for those of you not in school, or otherwise dealing with other things, the same for your current endeavors as well!

    I recently realized that I really am enjoying school for the first time in my life. It's a really liberating/refreshing feeling for me as someone who had an extremely rough time with school until starting college. Not saying it isn't hard or some things don't make me want to pull my hair out, or that it might not change, or that I don't miss some things from years past, but... Yeah. I dunno. As an overall experience it's sort of like, wow, I'm actually kind of looking forward to things.

    I know that I'm extremely fortunate in feeling this way now and not everyone is so lucky. I definitely haven't always been. So all the best to you khv. I hope you are having an excellent weekend.
    Thread by: Stardust, Aug 31, 2014, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Stardust
    Thanks for everything, Mike. I hope to see you around the forum. Best of luck with your career & projects.
    Post by: Stardust, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Departure Hall
  18. Stardust
    Either my router or modem is totally messed up at home haha, it spontaneously pretends some websites I frequent don't exist for maybe 15-30 minutes at a time (gives me an Invalid URL, 404, sometimes it even redirects me to a Yahoo "this page is down" notice?? among other things). Google is probably the most common victim but it happens to KHV, Tumblr, etc. too. Hard refreshing several times occasionally seems to fix it, but even then that only works sporadically & there's no surefire way to make things work again that doesn't involve waiting it out.

    I have no idea what the problem is and it seems to be kind of a hard thing to research. Happy to be on campus again with solid Internet, lol.
    Post by: Stardust, Aug 24, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Stardust
    2. [​IMG]
    3. B'aww. Thank youu. She says hi!
    1. A lot busier and bigger in scale than the first and I liked the first one better, but it was good! I'd like to see it again to get a better feel for it, but right now I think as a sequel it's refreshing because it's more of a natural extension/continuation than just tacked on for $$$ imho.
    2. I'M SO EXCITED, actually precisely because of that. The books so to speak. I think there's a lot of really great storytelling potential there. We shall see. My heart is also going to be broken though I suspect ;__;
    Post by: Stardust, Aug 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Stardust
    Sorry about what happened. I've had some bad mail experiences too recently, but it was my computer that got destroyed :'c.

    I hope it wasn't a rare/valuable one and you can get a replacement without too much trouble. The seller might not mind sending you a new copy.
    Post by: Stardust, Aug 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone