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  1. Stardust
    Is nobody going to talk about the awful weird blur effect on this video

    Post by: Stardust, Nov 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Stardust
    It's 7 degrees here right now lmao.

    It got down to -8 last night.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Stardust
    Yeahh this is ancient so I'm gonna go ahead and lock it now~
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 11, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Stardust
    I hate melted chocolate (it tastes good & all but it's so messy), so I stick chocolate bars in the freezer when I get them so they're solid when I want to eat some. The fridge would work too, but I still prefer it frozen, lol.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 10, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust
    I would recommend reading about what you're paying for before you purchase, haha.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Stardust
    The item model number, under Product Details.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Stardust
    No, that won't work. The keyboard in the bundle is model KU-0833. You need one that fits that specific model. If you compare the images they don't really look alike.
    I hate to say it but you might be out of luck on this one. Keyboard protectors don't exist for all brands; you could try a universal one like this but it's definitely not a guaranteed fit (in fact it will most likely not be quite right). You could also try ordering a custom one, but customer reviews don't look altogether promising (I see one that says s/he received an empty box even lol).
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Stardust

    Big Hero 6

    HELLO YES WELL (spoiler tagging for those of y'all who haven't seen it yet. Plz do not click. You should see it first.)
    I REALLY LIKED IT but I feel like it had some problems!
    Baymax 100000% stole the show he was amazing, and his relationship with Hiro is really what made the movie so good imo, which is why I was disappointed when the last act veered toward a more typical action-hero flick and sort of lost sight of that (and the action was sorta messy/unimpressive to me also). I felt like the script could be really obvious sometimes too which is unfortunate because other times it could be pretty clever.
    I think what I liked most about it is the themes it deals with?? Hiro is driven by his grief and ultimately a desire for revenge for a lot of the movie, which is common for comic book protagonists I suppose but usually relegated to villains in family films as a way to humanize them. Hell, even this movie's villain is an example of that lol. But what made this interesting for me is that Hiro legitimately tries to MURDER this guy, and while imparting this motivation on an antagonist is done so the audience can sympathize with them, when the protagonist does it it's kind of scary and terrible. And then of course Baymax shows him how doing that wouldn't give him the relief he wanted (may have been the best scene in the movie imo). The scene in the portal at the end was also really good ;_;.
    I feel like there were some missed opportunities for the movie to be better but I liked it overall and wouldn't mind seeing it again sometime to form a second opinion. It definitely has shades of The Iron Giant/How to Train Your Dragon which are movies that I felt had better focus & liked more, but also good movies to borrow pages from, and Hiro's motivations are essentially what set this movie apart.
    There is my mini-review lol. Really fun movie. Beautifully animated as always and I liked the cast (although most everyone outside of Hiro and Baymax felt irrelevant to me by the end unfortunately). I would like to see a sequel sometime because there's a lot here worth fleshing out/improving on, but also idk how a sequel could work because Hiro's emotional arc was more or less completed by the time this movie was over.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Stardust
    I will say this about Big Hero 6, it's a pretty flawed movie imo. Curb your expectations and all that.
    I really enjoyed it though. I think I've weirdly come to like it even more in retrospect.

    I don't think it will reach the ridonk popularity of Frozen; I guess it's possible but I really feel like Frozen just had this perfect storm of Let it Go + impressionable kids or whatever.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Stardust

    Big Hero 6

    Post by: Stardust, Nov 9, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Stardust


    I dunno, I love college and homework can still be overwhelming and miserable.
    The semesters feel like they go by quicker though.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Stardust


    Yeahhh.... Including school unfortunately.

    Maybe I'll give it a try over the summer.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Stardust


    I said I've only seen maybe two episodes of Avatar ;__; And I've never seen Korra.

    It's... Probably a big time investment.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Stardust

    Big Hero 6

    Bump because I saw this at an advance screening last night! Baymax stole the show; he was easily the best part imo. I am going to refrain from discussing it further until it's been out for a few days I think, but I'm very interested in hearing what others have to say about it. To be honest I wasn't very excited for this movie when I first heard about it, but... Uh, then I saw the teasers. I don't go to the theater very often so I'm glad I got to see it haha.

    Comes out tomorrow~. THE TIME IS NEAR.
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 6, 2014 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  15. Stardust
    Tomorrow is the last day to post entries here!~
    Post by: Stardust, Nov 1, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Stardust
    Post by: Stardust, Oct 28, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Stardust
  18. Stardust
    Profile Post Comment

    Grim Fandango~

    Grim Fandango~
    Profile Post Comment by Stardust, Oct 28, 2014
  19. Stardust
    Reminder: You have one more week to turn in videos! Don't forget to post links to them in this thread!
    Post by: Stardust, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. Stardust
    Download a new browser and replace the icon with IE's? :'D
    Post by: Stardust, Oct 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone