Third party ones are cheap! Unless you're using an SDTV for gaming though, you're likely better off with the HD Remix and an HDMI cable.
That works also, I just have a thing against LCD screens haha. And no, you're right actually! I said RGB, but I mentioned composite in my comparison photo because that's what I was comparing it against. I understand what you mean, but in this case RGB is correct -- my PS2 is outputting RGB over component cables (instead of YPbPr) into an RGB monitor with an additional composite lead as a sync source, hence those particular cables. I know most AV equipment in North America doesn't deal with RGB, but I bought this monitor specifically for that purpose as I'm going to use it for my arcade build. I just hadn't gotten to test the RGB input until now c': I didn't know until recently that my particular model of monitor will take composite video as sync, but I bought the cables when I saw a little blurb about it on the net to give it a try haha. Really I'm just fortunate that the PS2's pinout is shared for Component and RGB -- which one it outputs can just be switched in the menu. Otherwise I'd need a SCART cable + a 4 BNC breakout cable to pull this off, and that's assuming it wasn't disabled altogether for PS2s here.
...on second thought no. no i did not. my playstation 2's rgb cables came in the mail today (read: cheap madcatz universal cable)... Spoiler: image dump?? kinda?? idk man it's really hard to get a photo that shows the extent of the difference it makes. i saw it and was reduced to a cursing mess. c': like... here is my best attempt at a direct comparison w/ composite??? for now anyway Spoiler it's so crisp that dithering techniques that are supposed to create gradients don't work, lol. tl;dr i'ts amazing im cry.
Hey Jayn, I know that we've never really gotten to know each other very well, but I always thought you were so talented and dedicated and it's been a pleasure working with you. You've been a wonderful part of the community and of the staff team. You'll be missed a lot, but as others have said, your life takes priority and I wish you all the best. I'm so sorry about everything going on and I hope everything works out soon, and that you can return again. Thanks so much for all your hard work, and take care.
um sure, let's go with that
i have bad news friend
but who will you eat ice cream with
we're all sora here. i'm sora. you're sora
All the best to everyone else with exams! The exhaustion will be worth it when you get to break c: . at least that's what i'm telling myself rn I'm so tired lol
Well yeah haha. Arguably you do that in most games, but fighting games are a specific genre defined by their gameplay actually. Kingdom Hearts falls under a different umbrella.
Kingdom Hearts is an action RPG series??
Thank you! It was actually pretty good I thought, haha. It was a Früli strawberry beer.
you gusy imso drunk rigth now hahahaha Nah just messin' with you. Thank you so much!! C': Because of the timing today has been kind of a weird birthday (finals are next week so lol) but I did buy myself a beer to celebrate. And forgot to get a bottle opener for it oops.
gosh darn kids spreading rumors about me
@Plums @Calxiyn HAPPY BIRTHDAY C':
All the best :C At this exact moment I'm not sure if I can donate, but if I can I will.
Every time I start a post in here I end up with a mini-essay and think better of it, so I'mma just try to give a quick rundown. I do feel obligated to note that I'm not super inclined to write off issues I have with a movie, even if it's "just for kids." Kids may have developing tastes, but it doesn't necessarily mean that quality can be overlooked imo... Even if that were the case, these movies are being made by adults who also need to cater to the adults in the theater who are gauging whether or not this movie is the movie they want to spend three months watching over and over with their children after it comes out on Blu/DVD. Just my personal $.02! Spoiler: for everything really What I didn't like: - The writing was a bit heavy-handed/shaky sometimes. I cringed when Prof Callaghan prettymuch walked up to Hiro when Krei offered him money for his invention and was all, "HEY, DON'T LISTEN TO KREI, HE'S AN *******." Please Disney, show don't tell! I know this was meant to make Krei into a red herring, but it was pushed much too hard and sort of had the opposite effect imho. - Callaghan's backstory was fine but kind of felt tacked on toward the end of the movie. I wish they'd introduced that at least in part earlier to make it better integrated into the story. I thought having it introduced partly as a flashback when the film opens & fleshed out later would have worked; I read somewhere they had planned to have it open the movie anyway and changed it, even. That would have been much much better imo. I can't remember where I read this so I dunno if it's true for sure :v . -The action scenes were fine, but they took away from the best part of the movie, which was the relationship between Hiro and Baymax. :'c It also caused the other characters to get kind of pushed aside. What I liked: + I actually left the theater with thoughts on what I'd just witnessed. Take that, Frozen. + THE VILLAIN AND THE HERO ARE PARALLELED? UM I THINK HIRO IS THE FIRST DISNEY PROTAG TO LEGITIMATELY ATTEMPT MURDER? + The way the movie handled depression, grief, and ultimately healing was wonderful imo. + Baymax. I love how he was portrayed as a robot with a job instead of a robot that aspires to be human, actually. Stories like that can be really great but they are a very common route for these sorts of characters. + This is a movie about smart people who use their brains to do cool things, and that is awesome. + Gorgeous, of course. + I mostly liked the supporting characters (Fred's humor was a little juvenile) but man, Tadashi was great. I think they did an excellent job developing him into someone the audience cared about in the short time before they unceremoniously killed him :'c. Family films don't tend to go over the hour forty-five mark often these days; studios are afraid kids will lose interest if it's too long, I think. It's a shame because I do agree with you that it could have benefited from a slightly longer run-time. Anyway I really enjoyed it, myself, and I think it's memorable in terms of the heavy themes it tackles and the way in which it does so. Lots of Disney movies deal with death, but I think the focus and dynamic is a little different here.
Mac n Cheese yo. But if you wanna buy food then I vote for Panda Express. EDIT: ...not that it probably matters by now oops. FOR NEXT TIME.
this was physically painful for me to watch