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  1. Sessamaru
    Finally posted! Sorry, my internet was being a bit wacky the past couple days.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya was stunned, unable to move amongst the pandemonium. He was shoved every which way, people ignoring him for their own fears and panic. He eventually heard something from a shinobi who appeared before them, a child under his arms. Lady Mito... was kidnapped by rogue nin? He thought, a sense of dread filling him. His belly scrunched up and he shut his eyes to keep the tears from flowing, to ignore the fear he felt upon his spine, which was caressed so gently that its cold touch made him shudder. Ryoko's touch, her urgency, comforted Tetsuya even as she dragged him into an alleyway, where they took a breather.

    Tetsuya looked to Ryoko and nodded. "Ryoko-chan..." he began hesitantly. "I think... we should look for Mito-sama immediately. She needs all the help we can get." Even the young Uzumaki began to leave the alley as he spoke the absurd thought, feeling that it was a sense of duty. He even felt rage. He turned to Ryoko. "We have to go find her!" Tetsuya exclaimed, driving away his own doubt as he sought courage from his own statement. Tetsuya even wore a stern, determined expression, something that seemed odd on the usually goofy shinobi-to-be.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sessamaru
    Been busy. Going to post when I wake up. Going to bed now.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sessamaru
    I've been a tad bit lazy lately, so sorry that I hadn't posted. I'll try and get a post up this weekend if I have the free-time.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
    Hey Twilight, I'm gonna be busy, so please be patient with my posts.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sessamaru
    Maverick listened to the exchange with the utmost interest. The levity of Little John and Robin Hood made the wielder appreciate the gravity of the current situation, whatever that was. Mav crossed his arms and wore a cocky smile, nodding. "It would be mighty rude if we didn't oblige the fox. Besides, a kiss from a beautiful maiden might just be worth the danger," the Wielder jested in response to Anora. "However, I gotta admit that I'm no good with a bow." He added, though he winked. But I am a fast learner, he thought, shrugging. Whether or not that they were going to participate too didn't seem to bother Mav. He simply wanted to join the fun and bathe himself in the adventure at hand.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya's grin was genuine when Ryuu replied, shrugging away the apology. As they were going to leave, Shikashi-sensei appeared before them. "Shikashi-sensei!" He squealed happily. The teacher undid their cuffs, allowing Ryuu to gather distance and then, behind the pretense of leaving in a nonchalant manner, flee from them. "See you later, Ryuu-san!" Tetsuya said cheerfully, watching Ryuu leave. Shikashi placed a hand on top of Tetsuya's head, stealing his attention. "I've learned a lot, Shikashi-sensei," Tetsuya complied, bowing his head to emphasize the point. To Tetsuya's dismay, Shikashi left, leaving the young shinobi with the kunoichi, Ryoko. It wasn't a bad thing, but he was so happy to see Shikashi that his sudden appearance and disappearance left the young Uzumaki somewhat sad. He quickly perked up, however, as he turned to Ryoko. "Hey look!" He cried, holding up his hand that was once bound to Ryuu's through cuffs. "I have my hand back!" Tetsuya continued to give his happy smile.

    Though a dark cloud constantly hung over his head, Tetsuya defied the loneliness he felt with that very smile.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya listened intently to Ryuu, Ichiraku, and Mito. So much so, he didn't pay much attention to his food. As the ANBU Black Op appeared, he listened to the intel, as well. However, Tetsuya was caught off guard by Mito's lingering expression and the fact she knew his name. He didn't remember anyone saying his name at the time she appeared... How does she know my name? he asked himself. The motions of the cuffs drew him from his contemplation and he looked at his own food. "The First Hokage must've been lucky to have had someone as powerful and as beautiful as her..." he agreed, having listened to her remark.

    "Ryuu-san..." Tetsuya began, slightly hesitant. "I want to apologize for my Henge. I didn't mean for the Transformation Jutsu to change me into... well... whatever it was."
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sessamaru
    Uzumaki Tetsuya looked at Ryoko and smiled. "You're very good at your jutsu," he agreed, and paused a moment when Ryuu berated him for his appetite. "Heh-heh," the young shinobi chuckled. "Sorry, I only get one or two meals a day!" As he continued to eat his food, though not capable of stopping his ravenous eating style, the young shinobi nearly finished his meal when Mito came by, sitting next to him. She seemed familiar, as did her name, but out of proper courtesy he didn't ask about her personally. Another insult from Ryuu and the possibility of Ryoko thinking he was dumb was the last thing he wanted. "Um... what's a jinchuuriki?" Tetsuya asked instead, looking back and forth from Ryuu and Mito. He drank the rest of the both and pushed it away, just to let Ichiraku know that he wanted more.

    Unknowing to Tetsuya, he had to pay for the meals since Ryuu, technically, got to the shop before he did.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya immediately perked up, vitality returning, as the Uchiha brought him to Ichiraku's Ramen Shop. What truly did it, however, was when Ichiraku brought him his bowl of ramen. "Ah-hah!" He cried out. "Thank you, old man Ichiraku!" Tetsuya began eating the ramen swiftly, downing the noodles and pieces of beef. He paused and then look at Ryuu, and then at Ryoko. "So... what do you two usually do after class?" The Uzumaki boy asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya ended up following Ryuu, which was no problem for the young shinobi. As they approached the well, the Uzumaki boy pondered about the sun and Ryuu's Sharingan. Perhaps Ryuu spent too much time inside, in the shadows, alone... it was a depressing thought. He laughed after Ryuu guessed his intentions. "Of course," Tetsuya said. "Your eyes need the sun! If you're inside all day, you won't be able to see anything worth seeing." He laughed, pulling Ryuu along. Tetsuya paused as his stomach growled angrily.

    "Ack!" Tetsuya uttered. All his vigor and hyperactivity was swept away by the sensation of hunger. "Fooooooooood..." he muttered, all zombie-like.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sessamaru
    1) You need to learn to clarify in your posts... also, you need to stop jumping around and doing more than one action at a time. Seriously, if you do one thing and move onto the next before someone can react, it is definitely godmoddy and powerplaying. It will imply the blows have landed and that the other players can do nothing but prepare for the second assault. This will eventually become a big problem with everyone else.

    2) So what? Those aren't Roleplays. Roleplaying isn't a one-person gig (unless it's an RPG, but that's beside the point). You're not the GM and Sephiroth isn't above the rules. I don't really care how your receiving end is. If I remember right, in KH and KHII, Sora could react to his attacks (granted, a lot of practice and dexterity was needed). Just because he can do all those frilly attacks doesn't mean he should. Since you're a player, and not a GM (the person who runs a (or, in this case, "the") roleplay), you need to show restraint. If you want, I can give you a textbook definition of godmodding, powerplaying, and metagaming.

    3) No, I'm talking about in general. I can really care less if you were on the receiving end. What I highly dislike is when normal players abuse the powers of a character, regardless. Canonical... just because something is canon doesn't really give you a "stab-stab-stabbity-stab-stab/teleport/slash-slash-slashy-slashy-slash" Card (also known as "Get Out of Jail Free" Card in Sephiroth speak). Not to mention, you have to think: is everyone like you? Do we all think the same way? No. We are not alike, and so everyone does something different. Granted, this can end my argument faster than a shamed samurai. In the end, everyone needs to show restraint. It's for the good of the game.

    4) I'm gonna be terrifyingly honest... your argument had no true basis. The logic wasn't even relative. In the end, you didn't seem to put up much of an argument at all.

    If you keep doing what you're doing, I'll have no choice but recommend Xero to ban the use of Sephiroth. I would play him myself, but this argument kinda made realize I'd be too tempted by the power of Sephiroth's OPness. I mean... c'mon... how often can one use Meteor?
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru
    lol, lot of good that'll do you. I'd be held in contempt :P
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru
    You're stating the obvious. The problem isn't how OP Sephiroth is, it's the fact the person playing as him is abusing Sephiroth's BA-ness like a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. There are rules... like... players can't godmod, powerplay, and metagame. GMs can generally get around this because, well, it's usually a plot-driven technique. However, players as a whole can't. So when playing as Sephiroth, or anyone that is OP to the max, you still have to play by the rules (though I'm sure with GM-permission you can bend them).

    So the issue isn't Sephiroth's OP-capabilities, but rather it's the fact that people can't react to the hits or anything. It's vexing and unfair, usually. How would you like it if someone said you've been cut up into ten-thousand slabs of meat? You never had a chance to guard, dodge, parry, counter, or anything. The character you took your time to make died in a single post. The sportsmanship is then soured by foul play. Get it?
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya's grin began to falter when Ryuu insulted him, calling him a loser. Tetsuya couldn't even hold his ground when Ryuu tugged sharply on the handcuffs, making him stumble into the Uchiha. "Why my house?' He asked, shaking his head. "There's no one there, nothing to do, and it's such a wonderful day outside." Tetsuya went on. Regardless, he walked past Ryuu and towards the exit, when Ryoko spoke. He felt his smile widen again, making him turn to Ryoko and give her a nod of thanks. Tetsuya then continued to go towards the exit. He was wanting to go to the ramen shop.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru
    I really don't want to post until the godmoddy stuff is fixed. It's a pet peeve of mine, I'll be honest.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya felt nervous-- squeamish even--when he was left in the hall with Ryuu. However, he bit back saying anything, such as begging for forgiveness or yelling at him for calling him usuratonkachi. Fortunately, a deus ex machina arrived to save the day: Uchiha Kagami. Tetsuya giggled at their exchange, despite not knowing what their relationship was based on or if he should even join in to throw a couple of jabs. Regardless, Tetsuya kept his mouth shut, knowing full and well that Ryuu had little tolerance of him. At least he acknowledges my existence, the youth thought, though that thought did very little to lift the veil of dread.

    However, Shikashi arrived and handcuffed the two boys. "Whaaaaat?" He yelped, trying to pull away in a comedic fashion, as if meaning to escape. He gave up and slumped. As the two, Kagami and Shikashi, left, Ryuu glared at Tetsuya with his Sharingan. Tetsuya looked into his eyes and pulled back a little, hands upraised and he let out a nervous laugh. "O-of course! I'm not stupid, Ryuu-san!" He smiled widely, showing he was being genuine; even behind his words were an apology, but he doubt the perceptive Uchiha would notice. He always seemed angry, after all.

    Ryoko was the next to visit him and Ryuu, and after her greeting, he felt at peace. "Ah! I'm doing fine, Ryoko-chan." Tetsuya told her, his grin wide. "Oh! And I'm tied up to Ryuu-san, too! So now we have to... to..." the Uzumaki boy trailed off, thinking hard. "Uh... Ryuu-san... what are we supposed to do, now that we're bound together?" He asked, frowning at not having an answer of his own.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya was saddened by the expression on Shikashi's face. He looked at himself and gasped. He was fat! And wearing Ryuu's clothes! The series of loud pops forced him to turn around and see Ryuu charging at him. "Ack!" He let out as he felt the heavy blow, tackled and pinned by the Uchiha. Tetsuya shut his eyes tight as he saw Ryuu cock his arm for a punch. After a moment, when the blow didn't come, he peeked out of one eye to see Shikashi holding the youth back. Tetsuya let out a sigh of relief, which quickly became a gasp of disbelief. It was an accident! He thought, frowning even after Shikashi scolded them. After Ryuu left, Tetsuya picked himself up, walked towards the door, paused, turned, and then bowed. "I'm sorry, Shikashi-sensei..." he murmured, genuinely apologizing. Tetsuya left the classroom hurriedly and stood out in the hall, at the opposite end of Ryuu. He fully expected for the Uchiha to explode in a violent rage.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya flashed Shikashi a grin as it was his turn to go up. He took a couple of steps toward his sensei, paused, and performed the seal. Uzumaki Tetsuya gathered his chakra and focused on his teacher. In the back of his mind, he heard the sardonic Ryuu calling him an usuratonkachi repeatedly. It resonated in his thoughts, and he tried to push it away, out of his mind. However, it vexed him, made him feel as though the words were true. As if to help him clear his thoughts, he cried out "Henge!" A puff of smoke later, he appeared as an obese Ryuu rather than Shikashi-sensei, with big flabby lips, a piggish nose, wild black hair and droopy black eyes.

    Tetsuya continued to smile, unaware of his failure.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sessamaru
    Tetsuya watched everyone and let out a sigh. "Thank goodness it wasn't Bunshin no Jutsu..." he laughed under his breath. As Ryuu came passing by, he smiled widely. When the Uchiha insulted him, he kept smiling. However, deep inside, he felt hurt. Not only was he not truly recognized by his peers, but he was also an orphan. He didn't know his mother or father, and thus he felt isolated. The current Hokage, however, took care of him, but it didn't seem the same as having a parent. Regardless, he felt alone... but that feeling only made him more determined to gain everyone's respect. I'll show you, Ryuu... he thought determinedly. I'll make you respect me as a shinobi! As Ryoko went up to perform her Henge, he privately cheered for her. Tetsuya smiled all the more widely as she successfully transformed into Shikashi.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home