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  1. Sessamaru
    ~City of Heroes~
    ~Level: Advanced/Extended~ ~Rated: PG-13 to Mature~ ~Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Romance, Action, Horror~ ~Main RP: Coming soon~
    When I was frequenting another forum, a while back, I had many friends who were RPers. One such friend and his cousin created an RP called "City of Heroes". It was the coolest RP I've been in. A year or two later, I came back here; six months after I vanished from this site, I saw that mindstorm787 had created a similar RP, but it was placed in a modern Earth. The RP "City of Heroes" had taken place in a Pangaea world. Mindstorm787's RP, just from reading it, inspired me to start my own "City of Heroes" RP. So, I would like to thank mindstorm787 for inadvertently inspiring me to redo this RP in my image.

    Valhallah was once a place where humans lived normal lives. The technology evolved to great heights; however, so did the genetic code of a select few humans. This gene was call the Elysia gene, and from this gene spawned the Ubermensch, humans of considerable power. The strongest of these special humans were considered gods... and rightfully so. Fourteen gods, alone, had taken down the normal humans and established the New World Order. Humans became the minority, despite remaining the majority populace; the Ubermensch became the majority and possessed ruling power over the masses.

    This New World Order did not last, however. Half of the gods argued that to maintain power, they would need to selectively breed to keep their new society pure... and kill the humans. The other half argued that they should rule benevolently, showing the normal humans the true path to peace, wishing to co-exist with them. This schism caused the gods to wage wars for countless aeons. These wars caused the Shattered Rifts, breaking the Pangaea world. Seven continents were formed; the gods, weary of the wars, fell into a deep sleep...

    The humans were all but eradicated, and the several million that survived repopulated each continent. Unbeknownst to the slumbering gods, the humans had performed a miracle... they created more Ubermensch. Nevertheless, the humans treated the Ubermensch with great disdain in the absence of the gods. The humans rebuilt their civilizations and punished, ostracized, and murdered the Ubermensch when their powers manifested.

    Scientists provided solace for the Ubermensch, with the proposition that they were allowed to perform tests. These scientists were quite kind to the Ubermensch, only taking samples of them to study their genetic code. They even performed field tests to see the extent and possibilities of their powers.

    And here, the destined Ubermensch with great potentials begin their quest, in Lab #696...


    • NO GODMODDING! NO POWERPLAYING! (I, as the GM, am exempt from this for potential story purposes)
    • Try to stay active in the thread. The maximum that you can be inactive for is a month.
    • You must have a minimum of 3 paragraphs in your post.
    • I'll allow up to a max of 3 characters.
    • Follow the KHV rules. All of them, including the RP rules.
    • Keep me, and your fellow RPers, informed about you ability to post. I may let you all get away with not posting beyond a month so long as it is a viable reason (it usually is).
    • Be respectable to everyone. If I see any sign of disrespect, and you continue to do so, you will be booted. So... don't feed the troll, guys.
    • You're allowed only one power. This power will remain with you throughout the RP; but, this power also develops further as you go on. Once we hit a particular marker, I'll allow you all to upgrade your power.
    • As an Ubermensch, you are born this way rather than created or injected with this power. So please no experiments or modified Ubermensch... the scientists have not done any sort of research on that end. (This rule is also here to prevent OVERPOWERED characters).
    • I have the power to change/add rules. You will be notified when this happens.
    ~Character Sheet~
    *Character Name: (Aliases are optional)
    *Weapon: (Optional)
    ~Accepted Characters~

    • *Username: Dr_Wigglz
      *Character Name: Stefano Macellazione, goes by the alias of "Hunter"
      *Age: 20
      *Appearance: 5"9 in height, slightly muscular body, looks to be average in terms of fitness. Wears a black shirt with the image of a skull on it and a pair of dark blue slacks. Has light, pale orange colored hair and a beard of the same color that looks as though he cut it himself with a knife.
      *Personality: Extremely aggressive and heavily prone to violence, enjoys insulting others. Almost never does something to help others unless he can see it working out for him in some way.
      *Power/Ability: Extremely strong (super strength)
      *Weapon: (Optional): Nothing but his fists.
      *Bio: Born and raised in the streets, Hunter is no stranger to violence. In fact, he embraces it, and if someone were to ask he could show them many scars located all over his body from various fights in his past. Slowly as he fought more and more, he noticed himself getting stronger. At first he shrugged it off, merely thinking of it as practice kicking in, but he came to realize that it was more than that. He was, and had presumably always been, an Ubermensch. Deciding to do something that may benefit him even more than collecting money for "eliminating" people, he decided to give himself up to science in the hopes that they may eventually see fit to make him even more powerful.

    Any questions? Just PM me and I'll answer.​
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Aug 17, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
    Jace lay atop the roof of the old research complex, gazing up at the blue sky and the shift of clouds. Ever since he was released from the hands of the scientists, he spent most of his time in the open air, whether it was beautiful or not. His left hand unconsciously drifted to his collar, the one thing helping him suppress his immense electromagnetic field. Bad things tend to happen when he frees himself... such as birds flying around in circles, unable to fly South since there was no South within his field. His electromagnetic field was that strong, that dense. Never has there been a human with that strong of a field.

    "I wonder what it's like... to watch television, to listen to the radio... to play video games..." Jace murmured. Even with the collar, he could not do those things; either he had to be far back to participate with a group during a show, unable to hear or watch the TV. Jace's field was not compatible with technology. I'm a walking, talking EMP... Jace thought, mildly amused by his own mocking thoughts.

    He sighed, closing his eyes. The loneliness was suffocating, but he bore the emotion with practiced discipline. He was still not a part of a Battalion, even though he agreed to partake in OmegaTech. Jace lay and waited. Should he simply remain on the roof, away from everyone, and forget class? He chuckled sadly to himself. "Even if I don't want to be alone, I have no other choice..." he remarked sadly to himself.

    He thought back to earlier, androids and AIs were trying to contact him. However, Jace could not hear a word that they were saying, due to the static. They weren't close enough to him to be fried, but they were close enough to have some minor audio troubles. "I wonder why this place relies on technology so much. It's so troublesome..." he muttered, rising from the roof. "Although, I am curious about what is going on currently." Jace went towards the door that had led him to the roof and began his descent, towards his class (which he was rather quite late to).

    The teacher for Combat Training was going to scold him, he knew.

    As Jace descended the stair well, he put on his usual smile that he had worn since his first time meeting with many of the other specimens of the Enhancermorph Project. It was just something he felt necessary to do: to be friendly and to smile, to never let others see what's deep, deep down. He also made more effort to suppress his electromagnetic field further than it already was, not wanting to damage any tech and to keep his power hidden; for the most part. At this level of suppression, the only thing that could reveal his power, to a mild extent, was a handshake.

    It was quite a hair raising experience.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 17, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sessamaru
    Username: Sessamaru
    Designation: OmegaTech
    Character Name: Jace, Experiment #C4T4-C1Y5M
    Age: 18
    Physical Appearance:
    Wears blue jeans, boots, and a strange collar (read bio).
    Powers and Abilities: Electromagnetism- The generation and manipulation of an electromagnetic field as well as magnetic materials (i.e. iron, and other metals with magnetic properties); and the ability to manipulate/generate electricity (i.e. lightning).
    Short Biography:Jace was born from a test tube as an experiment of the Enhancermorphs Program; in particular, breeding supersoldiers through gene manipulation upon fertilization/conception. However, he didn't turn out quite the way they expected. He was sickly and pale, thought to be a failure. However, after a few days of observation, the sickly child emitted a much stronger electromagnetic field than that of any human. A few days after that revelation, Jace appeared to be healthier; though the tech he was exposed to malfunctioned due to the random fluxes of his unique electromagnetic field. Further research of the child was thus continued through observation and at a distance. As he grew older, the electromagnetic field was forcibly maintained by a plastic room as to not disturb the foundations of further research over the other test subjects. Jace was constantly isolated and restrained. Scientists managed to find alternate means of taking tests, creating a collar that absorbed and controlled his own electromagnetic field. He would often be moved from room to room, either to take tests or be tested on. They taught him control, and they abused him mentally and emotionally; both of which caused a reaction from his EMF. Eventually, he was locked away after being dubbed a potential disaster, afraid of the consequences of the boy's electromagnetic field, his ability to use it, and the long-term effects of its continuing growth. However, there was a revolt, and the victors who took over the facility found him in a plastic room. Jace accepted the offer to be a part of OmegaTech. For the safety of those around him, he continues to wear the collar that keeps his own Electromagnetic Field under control.
    Enhancemorph Type: Artificial/Born
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sessamaru
    I'm glad that you are interested.

    To answer your question, for Soul Drive, I'd like the names, descriptions, and effects. I would also like for your Soul Drive to match your Magical abilities as well, since that is where the boost comes in. Does this help any?

    Edit: Also, I may have failed to explain, but Soul Drive is kinda like the Shikai and Bankai in Bleach. However, the third stage ultimately changes your appearance.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sessamaru
    ~Bushido: The Soul of Musashi~
    ~Level: Advanced/Extended~ ~Rated: PG-13 to Mature~ ~Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Action, Comedy~ ~Main RP: Coming soon~
    Long ago, in an age when magic and steel were harmonious, there was once a great and powerful samurai by the name of Musashi. He had lay to waste the armies of potential tyrants, his power and skill unmatched. He had slain thousands of demons, cast away oni, frightened tengu, and even earned the respect and blessings of dragons and gods alike. This was all during an era of chaos, and with his presence he had brought peace. However, Musashi was only one man and soon withered away with time. In his passing, he had left behind a remarkable power. The Soul. It was once left to his family, and they had repeatedly abused its power... and eventually, the Warrior Monks of Amaterasu had hid away the power, believing that no one had the will to possess it. And so, it was hidden away.
    However, even as time passed and magic withered, the Soul remained and was soon to be discovered again. Five hundred years later, when magic became nothing more than myth, the Thirteen Shoguns had discovered that the Soul of Musashi remained far to the East, where Amaterasu wakens the heavens. After much debate, they declared war amongst themselves. Their daimyos summoned the few remaining samurai, and each daimyo declared that only one samurai would act as champion to retrieve the Soul. The champions were promised great power and influence for this service should they succeed, or they were to partake in seppuku should they fail. Some were simply forced, without a choice other than committing suicide. To this end, this task was an initiation to a cold war: an arms race.
    It would only take one side to start a civil war.
    Unbeknownst to man, the nightmares of myth and legendry were also searching for the bane of their existence. They wanted the power, more than anyone, to rule over Man once more; and soar to even greater heights.
    • NO GODMODDING! NO POWERPLAYING! (I, as the GM, am exempt from this for potential story purposes)
    • Try to stay active in the thread. The maximum that you can be inactive for is a month.
    • You must have a minimum of 3 paragraphs in your post.
    • I prefer if most characters are between the ages of 15 to 24.
    • I'll allow up to a max of 3 characters.
    • Follow the KHV rules. All of them, including the RP rules.
    • Just because this RP is also a romance doesn't mean you can go haywire with it. Keep it casual, no cybering, and you can hint at such interactions. Otherwise, this is only considered mature due to potential blood and gore.
    • Keep me, and your fellow RPers, informed about you ability to post. I may let you all get away with not posting beyond a month so long as it is a viable reason (it usually is).
    • Names of characters and weapons must be Japanese due to its setting.
    • Be respectable to everyone. If I see any sign of disrespect, and you continue to do so, you will be booted. So... don't feed the troll, guys.
    • Later in the RP, a Soul Drive will be implemented. Soul Drive activates at random when awakened; after it's awakened, you may use it to your hearts content. I will randomize its activation; do NOT use Soul Drive unless stated otherwise!
    • Soul Drive will have THREE states. The Awakened State, the Transformed State, and the Ultimate State. As stated above, their activation will be randomized. If yours has not been awakened, then please be patient.
    • Samurai can be either Male or Female; not all samurai are limited to using a katana as a preferred weapon (some use Naginata, others use various other weaponry).
    • As extension to the previous rule, make sure you use a weapon of Japanese (or Oriental if you wish) make. European or Middle-Eastern weapons will not be allowed due to setting purposes.
    • The ability to use magic will also awaken later (or sooner) in the RP. As of now, you cannot use it unless otherwise stated.
    • As a Samurai, you are a noble; however, I'll randomize the influence of your noble status, from "who's that?" to well-known. However, once it's been randomized, your familial status will remain so; however, during your adventure, your character alone will garner their own influence, ergo they'll slowly become recognized and revered (or feared).
    • I have the power to change/add rules. You will be notified when this happens.
    ~Character Sheet~
    *Character Name:
    *Soul Drive: (Stages 1, 2, and 3 can be listed at any time. If you have questions, I'll answer them to the best of my ability)
    Any questions? Just PM me and I'll answer.​
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Aug 16, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sessamaru
    You should know the answer. It's obvious, but if you're having trouble, go to a wiki :p

    edit: I edited this message a few times. I'm just trying very hard NOT to give away the answer nor mislead anyonex.x
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 24, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Sessamaru
    lol, told you :P
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Sessamaru
    lol, don't think about it to hard. You'll find it with ease when you look around.

    And no prob.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Sessamaru
    Somewhat. For the most part, just think about where it could possibly be on the site.

    edit: I believe I may have said too much at this point :/
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Sessamaru
    Best advice I was given: it could be ANYWHERE on the site.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. Sessamaru
    Just so I can stop my brain from hurting... is the answer to the fifth floor broken or... do I simply not have the right answer? (4 -----> 5)

    Edit: Nevermind, I'm past it now.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Dec 23, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Sessamaru
    Hrm... I choose the number 3.

    Chances are, the random number generator is going to be doing the single digits :/
    Post by: Sessamaru, Nov 5, 2012 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Sessamaru
    Dancing the thin line between reality and fantasy,
    A minuet fitting to one's thoughts,
    A worrisome endeavor for the threat
    Of Madness.

    The echoing memories of laughter
    Resonate from your breast,
    Mocking the truth of what never is,
    And what may ever be.

    Laugh as one may laugh,
    Though at nothing in particular,
    At the nothingness of life,
    For enlightenment reveals arcane secrets.

    Nihilism, truly a dreadful thing,
    Devours sanity with despair,
    For to those we pray simply laugh
    And turn the other cheek.

    May we never suffer such a revelation,
    Though I fear we have
    And no other is sane...
    Save for those who never were.
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Nov 5, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Sessamaru
    Profile Post Comment

    That's good. Glad to hear that.

    That's good. Glad to hear that.
    Profile Post Comment by Sessamaru, Oct 26, 2012
  15. Sessamaru
    Profile Post Comment

    Ah... sorry to hear that.

    Ah... sorry to hear that.
    Profile Post Comment by Sessamaru, Oct 26, 2012
  16. Sessamaru
    I prefer that you don't use guns. I highly dislike them when used in RPs. You need to give her a personality, so please be 3 dimensional with it. Also, so you know, this RP is advanced, so you're going to have to get used to detail and long descriptions.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Oct 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
    Profile Post Comment

    Why are you in the hospital? :(

    Why are you in the hospital? :(
    Profile Post Comment by Sessamaru, Oct 22, 2012
  18. Sessamaru
  19. Sessamaru
  20. Sessamaru