Alright, thank you very much.
I'll try. I'm just having a bit of writer's block. I'm not entirely sure what to do at the moment; but expect a post from me by Saturday at the...
~Jace & Lone~Lone was cool-headed enough to acknowledge the change in scenery due to the virtual reality, and noticed Darcy's ability to tamper with metal. The Enhancermorph also took note of Darcy's shudder in the chill wind. Lone, however, took the cold stoically. Even when Darcy spoke, Lone charged in, faster than even the best human sprint runner; however, it was still too slow for any high-speed runner in the Enhancermorph community. "You shouldn't be cocky," Lone murmured, slapping his wrist beneath the spear as he closed the distance, pivoting his foot into a spin as he raised his other leg to perform a devastating roundhouse kick, aiming for Darcy's kidney. Jace groaned when Lone volunteered, knowing how destructive he was. "Be careful, Darcy!" Jace shouted. Taking the opportunity, Jace wandered over to Dr. Shankman. "Doctor..." he began, keeping his voice low. "I think we should talk about my predicament." Jace looked over to the ice dome that surrounded Darcy and Lone. "My collar has been shorting out. Is it possible you and your friends here to make me a new one?" He asked, attempting to keep his electromagnetic field from shorting out the hardware that was placed in the room. "It's getting harder and harder to suppress my electromagnetic field, and it may become a liability." ~Reaper~Reaper dropped from the ceiling, landing on all fours as he stared at Jax and his monstrosity. "Ah, I apologize," Reaper began, his tone sardonic. His voice was very alien, very suave. It was the kind of voice that made you think of nails on a chalkboard. "It's very hard for me to control my hunger, you see..." he then turned and glared at Dani. "And just because I leave this God forsaken building to sate my appetite doesn't mean anything, girl!" He growled. He turned back to Jax. "I'd love to join you... and your secret is safe with me. Forever and always." He vowed, chortling. "When do we start?"~Red~Red sat in Biology and Chemistry, bored out of his mind. He could never grasp anything that was being taught in this class, and would much rather be doing something else. His leader, Elle, was only a couple of seats away from him, chatting to another one of his teammates, Rachael. He listened to them more than the robot teaching the class, intrigued. He had missed class the past couple days, stuck in bed sick. What surprised him was Elle's alternate means of punishment... which was more like a mercy than anything else. Rachael was moved to a different class, a place he found her to be more tactical and altogether: Combat Training. He smiled at that. He then heard the question the robot asked towards Elle, and let out a whistle when she answered the question flawlessly. Red was quite impressed. "Man, you are good," he whispered to himself, turning his gaze to the window. "What I wouldn't give to be out there right now..." he grumbled as an afterthought, drifting away to a faraway place where Biology and Chemistry didn't matter.
Final batch of characters from me. Username: Sessamaru Designation: Ut Mali Character Name: Ulrich "Nihil" Nietzsche Age: 24 Physical Appearance: (But with green eyes, wearing a black leather trench coat) Powers and Abilities: Rejection- a reality-warping ability that is more of a field around his own body. This ability is manipulated by his own mind and beliefs, allowing him to reject the reality of those outside of his own field; all that enters his field are susceptible to his influence. He also has the ability to open rifts in the fabric of spacetime, allowing him to walk into another part of the world (so long as he knows where it is, specifically). He also has a genius intellect, with enough cynicism to keep it sharper. Short Biography: Ulrich was born into a wealthy family in New York, living in a nice Neo-Gothic mansion. As a child, he and his younger brother were often neglected by their workaholic parents, left in the services of the servants. Both Ulrich and his younger brother exhibited the Enhancermorph genes, noted by the butler and nanny (who were having a love affair). Ulrich would often make things around him float, or would levitate, by rejecting the reality around him during his moments of daydreaming. Because of this, he was ostracized by his family and his servants; his younger brother's powers were more subtle and nearly unnoticeable. By the age of 9, Ulrich, in his loneliness, killed his parents and servants solely by touching them, truly believing that if he were nothing, then everyone else around him were nothing. However, he could not kill his own brother, feeling as though the 6 year old was the only one to accept him, causing his ability to falter and fail. Afterwards, him and his brother were in an orphanage, where Ulrich began to develop control over his power. Though he was normal, most of the people around him rejected him; his brother, however, was well liked and loved. In his renewed grief, he went about his studies. He was bullied, people took advantage of him, and he never pushed back. At the age of 17, a day before his birthday, a terrible accident had happened to his brother. Ulrich's brother had been shot in a drive-by and was taken to the hospital. By the time Ulrich made it to the hospital, he was told that his brother was taken away upon government orders. In his rage, Ulrich burned down the orphanage and vanished without a trace. After living on the streets, Ulrich was eventually found by the Ut Mali, wishing to use his abilities to eradicated the enhancermorphs. Finding the irony mildly intriguing, he partook solely out of boredom. They had generously donated to him a suit and a place to stay (per request). He officially goes by the name "Nihil". Enhancemorph Type: Born Username: Sessamaru Designation: Ut Mali Character Name: Cassandra Malhoune Age: 19 Physical Appearance: Powers and Abilities: Kinesis- Cassandra can absorb and manipulate kinetic energy, as well as convert kinetic energy into potential energy. She's also able to transfer the stored kinetic energy to a place, object, or person (which can cause absolute destruction), from a range or close distance (which magnifies the damage). She also has a high intelligence. Short Biography: Cassandra was born into a poor family. She lived a normal life, went to school, and did whatever normal children did. However, when the Enhancermorph project began, she volunteered for it, to help with her family's financial crises. During her stay, she developed her powers. At first, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to handle the power, of constantly absorbing the kinetic energy that her very own body performed! She felt as though she was to explode at any moment. However, her will to live proved to be greater, and through the build up she found a conduit... transferring the energy elsewhere. This caused great havoc, causing her to be locked away. Only here and her power existed in that little cell, and she learned how to deal with the ability, of how to keep it from storing without destroying anything. Months of practice taught her that all she had to do was transfer tiny bits of the energy into the ground as she walked. She also realized why she hadn't been exploding when she slept, and it was due to her subconscious releasing the energy through her breathing for the sake of self-preservation. Ultimately, during the uprising, she fled with the scientists, still believing that she owed her life to them for the sake of her parents. However, her time with them had made her cold, calculating, and adaptive. After the escape, she became a member of the Ut Mali. Enhancemorph Type: Artificial Username: Sessamaru Designation: OmegaTech Character Name: Maverick "Red" Tombs Age: 16 Physical Appearance: Powers and Abilities: Pyrokinesis- the ability to generate and manipulate fire. Red can also absorb fire and heat, providing him with a resistance and a temporary increase in elemental strength. Short Biography: Red was raised by the very scientists who gave him his power. It was rumored that he was a sickly child, born to one of the professors, and in order to save his life, he must be injected with the enhancermorph gene. It worked well, as a child, but his ability was latent until the age of four, where he touched a stove. It did not burn him. After realizing that Red had a gift and affinity towards fire, he was immediately inducted into experimentation. He was tested on frequently, even as far as emotional levels to see the extent of his power. Afterwords, he joined in the riot against the scientists with Professor Jeremy Calistarr and Patient #0001. When the scientists were ran out, Red felt a freedom he hadn't felt since he was a child. This ultimately affected his person, making him a down-to-earth and loving person... though he tends to be a little hot-headed at times. He's an optimist who believes that anything can be overcome with hard work and dedication, making him a very industrious figure amongst the Enhancermorphs, one who values working above anything else. He currently resides within the confines of OmegaTech as a part of Sigma-B4. Enhancemorph Type: Artificial
That's good ^^ Anything new going on?
I'm doing fine, sorry for vanishing. How are you?
~Jace & Lone~Jace smiled weakly at Darcy's proclamation, shaking his head. Before he could speak, however, Dr. Shankman announced the beginning of class via duel. Jace laughed nervously. "I'm sorry, Dr. Shankman, but may I just sit in for class today? I'm in no condition to fight as I am right now." He said, backing away. Jace looked back to Darcy. He had always noticed that the boy seemed eerily drained when he was close, and he was not oblivious to the short-circuiting of his own collar. Did Darcy's power rely on some form of electricity? He wondered, genuinely curious about the boy's fatigue. The electromagnetic enhancermorph shrugged it off, thinking it was more crucial to see how weak Darcy was in his own presence. He did not want to be the boy's reason for dying. Lone felt unnecessarily irritable today. Something didn't feel right. Then again, nothing ever did. He felt more irritated when he saw Jace and Darcy from the shadows of the room, talking as though they were great friends. It annoyed him to no end. When Dr. Shankman spoke up about beginning the class with training, he took note of Jace's resistance and snorted. How could such a weakling be in Combat Training? The battlefield was meant for the hardened and the triumphant, not for soft-hearted albinos wearing a collar as though he were a pet. Lone walked out of the shadows, finding the will to partake in today's session... much to his own relief, for in a fight he felt free to let loose. "Dr. Shankman..." Lone said aloud, his voice a deep basso reminiscent of a void or abyss. "I'll take on the new kid." As he got closer, he let his heavily tensed shoulders, and overall limbs, relax. His battle stance was one of Jeet Kune Do, his feet doing circling, bouncing steps. "I've been rather bored lately, if you know what I mean, Doc." Lone mocked, eyes completely locked onto Darcy. I'll show these kids that this is no place for weaklings... he thought to himself, eyes aglow with primal rage. ~Reaper~Reaper clung to the ceiling above Jax and his conspirators, listening in on the conversation. Oh how his dear leader amused him, wanting to hunt all the good prey. Why, if he weren't an asexual creature, he would have taken Jax to dinner, brought him to his house, and do many, many things that would turn heads... oh, and eat him, but he could still do that. However, Jax has proven to be an apex predator, and one worthy of respect... or at least kept alive until weakened. Reaper kept his urges under control, finding the information far more interesting than giving into his hunger and his incredible habit. He listened as Jax laid out a ground plan to the Quad. Misdirecting the goody-goodies to attack them? A good move... Reaper thought, genuinely impressed by Jax. Not to say that he wouldn't have done the same thing, but Jax was proving to be quite the predator. Reaper found himself somewhat at odds with himself. On one hand, he really, really wanted to eat Jax. On the other, he would miss him dearly if he ever showed weakness. The daemonic enhancermorph continued to listen in. Perhaps he could join in on the fun, whether by directly confronting Jax... or following him. Either way, he would get to sate his desire to spill more blood...
Awesome. I'll post for them next update. As for the Ut Mali, I may make a female character later on. I just need the right ideas to do it.
Username: Sessamaru Designation: OmegaTech Character Name: Lone Age: 21 Physical Appearance: Lone is a tall (6'2"), well-built man with black spikey hair and blue eyes. He normally just wears a leather jacket (his torso bare), blue jeans, and combat boots. Around his neck is a Celtic cross with a small red gem in the center. Powers and Abilities: Accelerated Healing Factor- Due to his healing factor acting swiftly, he is unable to tire due to the acidic deposits in the joints never forming. He has the strength of a body builder, despite his more healthier size/muscular weight, and can run faster than an Olympic runner (but not fast enough to be considered super speed). Unfortunately, this accelerated healing factor also resulted in accelerated metabolism, forcing him to consume three-times as much food a day than the average human. Also, he is unable to regrow missing/fully-destroyed body parts. Interestingly, his ability to age has slowed considerably, if not stopped altogether. Short Biography: Lone remembers nothing from his past. He awoke in a lab, where they had analyzed his "recovery", as they called it. During his time in the lab, he was susceptible to many experiments; mostly social interaction and life-endangering exercises. During social interaction with other enhancermorphs, he would, more-often-than-not, distance them and keep away. There were some moments where he showed great irritability, always on the edge, and violent. In the life-endangering exercises, he showed great resilience and stamina. He was often prone to accidents during these studies, which all accumulated to him breaking enough bones for at least five other human bodies. Due to breaking his bones often, sometimes crushed, he came back stronger and stronger; like many practitioners of martial arts, bones are often broken to condition them... and Lone was no different in the sense that his body conditioned and adapted to the damages. Once the riot began, Lone partook and assisted in the anarchy (mostly for revenge for the many, many experimental exercises). He is now a part of Theta-D1. Enhancemorph Type: Born Username: Sessamaru Designation: Ut Mali Character Name: Reaper (formerly Slade Lovecraft) Age: 25 Physical Appearance: Reaper appears to be a tall, serpentine entity with fungi-like skin the color of midnight. His head is slightly elongated, with tentacles as a substitute for hair. He has a long, tail, covered with spines. Speaking of spines, his is protruding from his back. His eyes are pure white, missing the iris and pupil, and lightning-shaped, his face flat and snake-like. He has elongated fangs, limbs, and claws. His tongue is long, thick, and drips with acidic saliva. He hunches, but is still taller than most. Powers and Abilities: Reaper's altered appearance provides him with many powers and abilities, the most obvious one being his acidic saliva. His other ability is to use his tail and tentacles as weapons (the tentacles being able to move on their own). He's quite flexible and agile, such to the point of being cat-like. He's able to use his claws on both hands and feet for scaling on walls and ceilings, as well as performing horrendous damage. His fungi-like skin also has a resistance to acids and he is not susceptible to poisons. Finally, he has dark vision, which allows him to hunt unhindered during the night; during the day, a light film covers his eyes, allowing him to hunt by day without being hindered by light. Short Biography: Slade was a convict, imprisoned due to his life as a murderer, rapist, and cannibal. After many testimonies, Slade was guilty, but evidently insane. He was to spend his life in a mental ward. However, scientists removed him from the asylum to their lab, wherein he was a part of the Enhancermorph project. As a result, he changed from man to a thing of pure nightmare. After conducting a couple of tests, he was locked away. However, soon after, a riot broke out in the complex. Seeing this as an opportunity to escape, Slade broke out and fled. Slade spent his new, free-life killing many people. These heinous acts puzzled officers, and Reaper enjoyed it thoroughly. After a while of playing cat-and-mouse, Slade changed his name to Reaper, and joined a mercenary group, thinking that he could have more fun in hunting down people "like" him. Enhancemorph Type: Artificial
Jace walked towards the Battle Room, reminiscing about the night before. He and Darcy went to the pub and chatted, but he had accidentally shorted out the electronics around him. Was the collar truly malfunctioning? He sighed, shaking his head. "I suppose I'll ask one of the professors here about making a newer, stronger collar..." he murmured, attempting to shorten his electromagnetic field's range to that of being skin-tight. It was becoming an issue, and if the collar happens to malfunction to the point of becoming useless, a good portion of the city would not have the necessary power it would need to ease the everyday life of its citizens. Worse yet, what if his field was powerful enough to assault the planet's own? That, however, was a worse-case scenario, theorized by the scientists that created him. He did not know how powerful his own field was, but he wasn't going to risk it. Thankfully, the collar still worked enough to keep his shield from extending more than 10-feet. How much further could it go without the collar, he wondered. Jace shook his head again and sighed. "On a brighter note," Jace said aloud. "At least I'm on time to class!" As he approached the door to the Arena, the hairs on the back of his neck rose. Curious, he opened the door to the Arena and saw Darcy not too far away. Smiling, Jace approached Darcy. "Ah, well if it isn't the Newblood!" Jace exclaimed. "It seems as though we're in the same class."
Posted. Also, I tried to write with the scot-irish accent... so if you happen to come across "ye" instead of "you" and "me" instead of "my", that's just me trying to emphasize his accent.
~Ulrich~Ulrich wandered into the city on foot; his Guardian, Whisper, was upon his left shoulder, asleep. Ulrich looked about the ruined city, a sadness in his eyes when he realized that there was no one here. Unlike most rogues, he did not believe in resorting to violence. He also believed that Keshins were evil creatures, in contrast to his peers, but was never willing to fight them unless they forced his hand. Perhaps, he thought, alone and left to his own device. Perhaps they aren't truly evil... what kind of life had they lived to make themselves bloodthirsty invaders? Whisper must have sensed his musings, snuggling up against his neck in her sleep. Ulrich glanced to Whisper and smiled, petting her head affectionately. Ulrich did not intend to choose Whisper as his Guardian, but when he saw the winged-lynx kitten, he felt a sharp tug towards her. He did not regret his decision. When they first set out, Ulrich and Whisper did not think they would be of use to the Resistance; he also did not believe in fighting for the sake of surviving, but rather fighting to protect those who could not defend themselves. The Resistance thought that surviving was the same as defending the weak... Ulrich and Whisper thought differently, and they could not bring themselves to fight with the Resistance. Their orders, their desires... Ulrich could not stand them. Ulrich continued to wander the city, eyes searching for anyone that was living and human.His stomach growled.~Jack Faust & Fred~Jack and Fred strolled into the city, side-by-side, paying no heed to the destruction around them. Jack smiled in his oblivious state, something quite uncanny and very cat-like. "I think I'll set up me kingdom here!" Jack proclaimed, much to Fred's dismay. Jack gestured all around him, still blind to the ruins. "This is a perfect place for a tea party! And I'll have loyal subjects who will drink tea at 6:30 every morning and every evening and every time in between! They'll love me and treat me as if I were a god... or they'll be hung by their entrails..." "How posh, Lord Faust..." Fred muttered. "Tea is one thing, but torture on that level is simply appalling! Why not just hang them with a noose instead?" Fred argued, which he received a threatening glare from Jack."Are ye arguing with me, Fred?" Jack asked in a venomous tone. "Do ye want to go back into the hat?" He went one, gesturing towards his own top hat. Fred shuddered and kept quiet, and after a moment's silence, Jack became more cheerful. "I wonder if they have bacon here... everybody loves bacon! Unless ye're a vegetarian... or vegan... or a clown! Clowns don't very much like bacon... they'd rather have this cheese with their clouds, and their clouds with their eyes!" Jack continued to rambled, whilst Fred followed and tried to put in his two-cents... but, two-cents only bought Fred a different, unrelated topic that made absolutely no sense.
Awesome, thanks. (Figured I'd try and balance out the comedy with the serious... unfortunately, I'm in the mood to make some-what likable characters '>.>)
W00T! ^^ Hey! It was either that, or Chibi Cthulhu. Personally, I would go for the latter, but Excalibur brings balance '>.> Edit: Second character! Username: Sessamaru Character Name: Ulrich Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Ulrich is a down-to-Earth Master who prefers peace over violence. He tends to be goofy in order to disperse high-tensions, or to cheer someone up. He's polite and kind. However, he's not a saint. He has a darker aspect to him, such as when violence is inevitable, he will not hesitate to immobilize the enemy. He's very tactical and has a sense of wisdom about him. Though intelligent, he is simply above average and not a genius. He's notorious for being both clever and cunning, but is otherwise a normal person in which there's nothing special about him. Element: Earth Ability: Dust- Ulrich can use dust and manipulate its properties; ranging from solidifying it, to creating veils, to making highly-erosive beams. Weapon: Spoiler Rouge or Resistance: Rogue Other: N/A Guardian Name: Whisper Gender: Female Rank: 1 Abilities: Whisper can provide Earth-based buffs by flapping her wings (thereby fueling the Elemental force to greater heights). She can also use Dust to create high-velocity beams of Earth. Hybrid Between: Lynx/Bird Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Whisper is as quiet as a mouse and as lovable as a... kitten. Unlike most felines (and unlike most avian creatures, for that matter), Whisper is loyal and loving, never leaving Ulrich's shoulder. She purrs when she's pleased and hides (rather than growl) in the folds of Ulrich's clothing. She possesses a high intelligence bordering on sentience, as well. Other: Unlike Fred, she is unable to speak; but she can empathize on a human-level.
Username: Sessamaru Name: Jack Faust Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Jack is a highly intelligent individual; so much so that he has surpassed genius, imploded, and became an entity of raw, unadulterated madness. Jack is very flamboyant in his appearance and mannerisms, and his insanity is quite apparent. Though he's almost always chipper than the potatoes they put into bags of air, he tends to randomly sway into malicious glee or into blood-thirsty rage. His remarks are usually gibberish, a combination of words that just simply don't make sense if anyone was to partake in the conversation (aside from his threats... those are quite easy to understand, if not questionable about how he can physically do it). Jack proves to be highly perceptive despite the haze of madness, able to quickly read an opponent. He also finds himself to take a more modest/humble role, for he never boasts about his true ability (ironically, he does boast about feats he never once did). Jack is incapable of differentiating reality from fantasy. Element: Space Ability: Jack can create portable holes (which just separates the fabric of space, causing far distances to be closer; but it also has malevolent properties). Weapon: Spoiler Rouge or Resistance: Rogue Other: He speaks with a suave Scottish-Irish accent. Guardian Name: Fred Gender: Male Rank: 4 Abilities: Fred can distort the space around him (even using it as a form of illusion), meld into space, and manipulate the fabric of space as though it were a tangible object. Hybrid Between: Penguin/Rabbit Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Fred is an arrogant snob, to say the least. He speaks with a High English accent and prefers his cup of tea with two lumps of sugar, no cream, and gods forbid if you interrupt his tea time! Fred is very misanthropic and serious, those he also acts aloof to the apparent dangers (fair enough for a Guardian who babysits Jack). He's quite wise, and even those he's a level 2, he is quite intelligent. Though he has a haughty noble personality, he can be rather vulgar in regards to certain comments (like someone asking him if he's a penguin). He's very easy to anger, but mostly passive aggressive. Other: Though he's a rank 4 Guardian, he's only the height of a toddler.
Accepted. And I'm sorry I was gone for so long '>.> The plot? To put it simply, your character(s) is/are trying to survive. Some may even try to change the mind of the ordinary humans. However, like every good RP, there is going to be unbelievable hardship; hence, survive. (I already have antagonists lined up >=D) Accept! And thank you for joining Midnight ^^
Jace smiled at Darcy. "You're welcome, and thank you for the invitation," he told the boy. However, Jace was uncertain as to whether or not join Darcy and Muscle to the pub. Him and tech never got along, and so if the simulations were going on, they would fuzz up due to Jace's very presence. Then again, it wasn't often that Jace got to go out and about, talking to a lot of other people. Perhaps he could try and suppress his power further, as to not interrupt the tech within the pub. Jace continued to smile and nodded. "Sure, I'll come along," he said. "I've been meaning to go, anyway." Jace began to think that this might be a bad idea, going with Darcy and Muscle to the pub, but he pushed the idea aside. If his field caused more than minor disruptions towards the tech, which it shouldn't, then he would simply leave. While reassuring himself, Jace began to focus on his field, attempting to suppress it. With a quiet sigh to himself, he gestured Darcy to lead the way; all the while, he felt the field buzzing against his skin like a second layer of clothing.
Accepted. Welcome to City of Heroes, Dr_Wigglz, and thank you for showing interest.
Jace sighed with relief that he didn't miss class. "I see." He began, trying his best to smile friendly. "And correct, my name is Jace." Jace closed the distance between them and looked Darcy up and down. "So... you're Darcy, the new guy?" He asked him, shoving his hands into his pocket. The albino analyzed the boy, his smile never fading, trying to figure out if he was a potential threat or not. But, he looked harmless enough to him; though a nagging suspicion tugged at the recesses of his mind. Jace shoved that paranoid thought further back into his mind. "It's a pleasure to meet you... welcome to OmegaTech," Jace said, not waiting for an answer. "I hope everyone is treating you well."
Jace ran through corridor after corridor, sliding as he went around corners. He didn't care much for his classes, but he preferred to look like someone who somewhat cared and had a bad habit of being tardy. Truthfully, he could short out a simple alarm clock just by touching it; or, if he was in his room and kept his chambers locked, he could simply short out anything electrical if he slept without his collar. Lately, the collar hasn't been functioning at full capacity, perhaps a component was shorting out... or his electromagnetic field was simply getting stronger. Nevertheless, he didn't mind the small convenience... it gave him an excuse to be late. "I'm late!" He cried, feigning worry. "I'm really, really late!" He slid to a halt, eying the door to the combat hall, and opened it with such tenacity that he was quite surprised by his own strength; it wasn't that he was strong, but rather it was due to his faux-eagerness. He wasn't much of an actor, but Jace managed to pull it off well enough that it amazed him. There, in the hall, were several people, all conversing. "Eh?" He balked. "Did I miss class?" He asked, aloud. The albino walked further in, approaching his classmates... and the newblood.