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  1. Sessamaru
    Character name: Sess
    Creature type: Avatar (Mortal incarnation of a god)
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 14

    Personality: Sess is a happy-go-lucky child, always in motion. He's very positive and outgoing, always wanting to meet new people. However, he's not easily dominated due to being a free-spirit, making him quite stubborn and has an overwhelming sense of loyalty. Though capable of being serious, he is often clumsy and mischievous. He enjoys to joke around and pester people, but in the end, he is quite lonely. He absolutely abhors killing, incapable of understanding the purpose and refuses to do such a thing.

    Fears: Being alone, losing friends, the decision to kill, failure
    Hobbies: Video games, pranks, tending to wounded animals (or simply playing with animals)
    Strengths: Kendo (preferably battojutsu), headstrong, clever, charisma
    Weapon: Lumia, a blunt crystalline sword that can be imbued with two kinds of light; white (harmless; bane of undead) and black (vorpal, capable of cutting anything in a single stroke). It also has the power to take shape of the wielder's prefered weapon. Sess and Amaru both prefer a Katana (though the size shifts during Awakening)
    Powers: Magic (though he's quite fond of Wind magic), Supernatural speed, Awakening (Transformation; caused by strong emotions such as desperation or overwhelming stress, even rage or immense sorrow are triggers), Mage Sight (capable of seeing the Nexus, the weave of Magic and Souls)
    Extra Info: Sess has no actual control of his transformation, due to there being a rune over the left side of his chest. The rune is slowly weakening, year after year, which allows Amaru to temporarily take over during times of stress or desperation. This leaves Sess with lapses of amnesia.
    Theme song:

    Character name: Amaru
    Creature type: Deity
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: ??

    Personality: Amaru is a melancholy figure, haunted by his past as a Hero God of "mortals", where he had killed many of his own brethren to free humanity from their enslavement. Amaru is compassionate, yet has a serious and cold demeanor. He's willing to sacrifice himself to get a positive result (such as protecting his comrades), but remains hesitant on the matter of killing. Which is to say... he'll still kill if he absolutely has to. Amaru is quite loyal and honorable, making him a powerful companion; however, due to his own self-loathing, he sees little to no value about himself.

    Fears: Ragnarok (God of Destruction, the End Bringer)
    Hobbies: What's a hobby?
    Strengths: Kendo, abysmal knowledge of magic theory, keen perception (even during battle), speed
    Weapon: Lumia (read Sess's "Weapon")
    Powers: Magic (though proficient in all schools of magic, he favors floramancy), Ultima Drive (a transformation state; this enhances his magical prowess, however his physical abilities decrease), Chaos Drive (a dark transformation state, this enhances his physical prowess with the addition of darkness, however his magical power suffers a decrease as well), Reincarnation (read Extra Info)
    Extra Info: Though he's powerful enough to be considered a deity, he is quite mortal and can die. However, he can return to life after a few generations. In addition, Sess has no memory of what Amaru says or does, nor do they share the same senses; ironically, when Sess is in control, Amaru has perfect awareness of what happens. This is due to the fact that Sess is Amaru at a younger age, which is a temporal distortion due to the rune that marks Sess's chest, sealing away the mature deity.
    Theme songs
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 4, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sessamaru
    Ulrich stopped a few feet from Kreuz, still maintaining his smile, eyes squinted into fox-like slits. He kowtowed, hands together as if in prayer, a greeting he often used. "It must be lonely," He said at last. "Sitting beneath this tree, looking at a prized memento." The smile became something sad, sympathetic, full of genuine emotions. Ulrich began to think of his own past, of his lost friends, of his own path as an orphan. He never knew what it was like to have parents, to know the love of a mother or the pride of a father. The wizard shook the thoughts of his past out of his mind swiftly, not wanting to falter. "I wish, however," he continued. "That I knew what it was like to have someone close to me. I've always been a drifter, and being here and being accepted with open arms has comforted me greatly, even when I felt as though I was going to break asunder." He felt the gentle breeze of the wind upon his cheek and felt the earth beneath him shift, so powerful was his link to nature. The very reminder that he was a wizard comforted him, for without it, he wouldn't be with Kreuz to keep him company, to grow an attachment to an ally. "Why is it that you sit alone, Kreuz?" Ulrich concluded, his words laced with sagacious undertones, a prompting of philosophy and introspection.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sessamaru
    Profile Post Comment

    Awww... alright.

    Awww... alright.
    Profile Post Comment by Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2014
  4. Sessamaru
    Post in Sanar: Relic of Time, darnit! -_-"
    Profile Post Comment by Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2014
  5. Sessamaru
    Mok... I'm bored... ;.;
    Profile Post by Sessamaru for CrownMoksha, Feb 2, 2014
  6. Sessamaru
    Ulrich listened to the speech, but he frowned with disapproval. The prospect of more deaths and the promise of revival through the Sanar bothered the wizard. He sighed instead of cheered, and began to walk away instead of clapping. Ulrich disliked fighting and killing as much as he disliked the divide between the nations. After much thinking, Ulrich noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. He looked in their direction and noticed it was Kreuz. Ulrich followed Kreuz and watched as he sat beneath a tree, taking out a glove from a pocket. He always noticed that Kreuz wore a stereotypical wizard's hat and found it humorous, although the humor was quite bittersweet to him since Kreuz would always wear it as though he couldn't live without it. "Pot. Kettle. Black." Ulrich sighed, subconsciously caressing the duster he wore.

    Ulrich moved closer to the young man.

    "Allo!" Ulrich hailed, smiling and waving at Kreuz as he slowly closed the distance.


    Vladimir clapped at the end of Flame's speech, wanting to let everyone know that he was on their side and that he was very much a soldier to the new young leader. He did not care much for her, however. Flame had a purpose and her purpose was to help him escape his fate. To escape death and to destroy the soul, to cheat the Devils of their prize. In return, he would provide her with his loyalty and strength, to continue to develop a foothold against the Aisiki and Isidiuka... a path that conveniently intertwined with his own plans. With a sneer, hidden by his helm, Vladimir turned and walked away, heading to his own respective home to continue training. His black cape fluttered behind him like a flag of darkness as he wandered away, his long legs giving him a stride that most men would envy. Vladimir stood at a near seven-feet in height and possessed a width that screamed power. To normal humans, he might as well have been a Devil... and even his wicked black blade at his hip added to the appearance. Nevertheless, Vladimir was still merely a human living on borrowed time with borrowed power. He did not want it all to fade away now, not since he had gotten this far.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sessamaru
  8. Sessamaru
  9. Sessamaru
    Character name: Vladimir Inferna
    Creature type: Enhanced Human
    Faction: Inranahe
    Age: 34
    Personality: Vladimir is cold, calculating, and highly intelligent. Vladimir is a tactical and strategic genius, as well as a fierce and competent fighter. Vladimir only seeks power to further his own goals and does not quite value human life. He is quite manipulative and the master of misdirection, as well as flexible in his way of thinking. In this regard, he thinks with the mind of a devil rather than a mortal, always spinning a web that never ends. However, he is strangely chivalrous and honorable, capable of keeping his word and protecting those who, in the long or short term, may be of use to him. He's quite secretive, nevertheless, and his motives aren't quite clear. Vladimir is capable of instilling fear and a twisted sense of morale, making him a natural born leader (or tyrant).
    Fears: Dying, failure to achieve immortality, the Devils
    Hobbies: Chess, keeping himself in peak physical condition, hunting, plotting
    Strengths: Photographic memory, reflexive mimicry, strategy & tactics, charisma
    Weapon: Obsidian Broadsword
    Powers: Capable of summoning infernal weaponry (his favorites being pikes and spears), enhanced strength, enhanced speed, and Hellfire
    Extra Info: Vladimir is an Enhanced Human who made pacts with various Devils for the sake of power. Vladimir seeks the secrets of the long lost civilizations and is willing to use the Sanar to even greater extents.
    Theme song:
    Post by: Sessamaru, Feb 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sessamaru
  11. Sessamaru
    Character name: Ulrich Faust
    Creature type: Wizard
    Faction: Isidiuka
    Age: 18

    Description: Ulrich appears, at first sight, a scholar. He is below average height (4'11") and of slender build. His hair is long (to his waist when down) and black, but held into a topknot, whilst having a frame of hair around his face and a thick strand crossing over the bridge of his nose; the full frame of frontal hair is only two inches below his high cheekbones. He is, strangely, of a light tan complexion and has green eyes that possess an eerie glow and cat-like pupils. He wears thin, rectangular spectacles and often has his eyes closed into narrow, fox-like slits. He always seems to possess a friendly smile, as well. Ulrich wears a black sleeveless shirt with buckles and belts with a high collar, red leather pants, black combat boots, and a red leather duster that also possesses a high collar and a white flame-like design; he often has this duster closed as to appear more scholarly and exotic. Upon his arms/hands are black kote (Japanese arm guards). Ulrich particularly loves wearing a red scarf and a red, long-tailed bandana around his forehead. He also happens to have a scar upon his left cheek and over his right eye (which is luckily not blinded). His left arm is covered in a tribal-like tattoo sleeve, resembling flames or serpents that run upward and with a black sun in the center of his bicep. Without his shirt and duster, Ulrich is riddled with scars from deep cuts to penetrations to burns and frostbite (for over the left side of his chest is a black, spider-web like scar). Finally, around his neck is an amulet which he guards with his life.

    Personality: On the surface, Ulrich is very kind, loving, and caring, always appearing happy and outgoing. He tends to be very goofy and clumsy, often being a comical klutz. He truly enjoys life and everyone in it, be they friend or foe, but abhors violence. He's a self-proclaimed pacifist, preferring to talk his way out of trouble rather than partaking in a fight. He doesn't truly agree with either faction, but much prefers the Isidiuka faction for its "think first, action later" attitude. Though appearing quite cowardly on the outside, he's quite courageous in nature. Ulrich prefers to keep to himself and does not mind any malicious remarks or actions towards him; however he's quick to defend anyone, even a stranger. However, beneath the skin, Ulrich is self-loathing and sad, even alone. He is often in a constant struggle with his older self, who is quick to kill anyone simply for the absolute pleasure. In turn, he has a dual personality; one which loves all life and peace, whilst the other enjoys bloodshed and chaos. His alternate personality is cold, ruthless, and immensely distant.

    Fears: The safety of others, losing control of himself
    Hobbies: Reading, cooking, cleaning, gardening, video games, and puzzles.
    Strengths: Strong-willed (stubborn and headstrong!), tactical, perceptive, and merciful.
    Weapon: Blunt-edged Katana
    Powers: Wind magic, Earth magic (dust and flora being his favorite sub-branches of said magic), supernatural speed (augmentation caused by Wind magic), and split-second precognition (basically a magical spider-sense)
    Extra Info: His favorite colors are red and green; his favorite flower is the rose. It is said, if one was to truly look at him, a gentle curtain of petals grace his very presence.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 27, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sessamaru
    Out of curiosity, is this still open? I can't remember if I tried to join in on this or not (my life WAS a mess), and I'm not entirely sure if this is still going on, but I have a short list of characters to toss in if this is still open. Not entirely sure if some of these characters are reserved already or not, but...

    Fierce Deity (TLoZ: Majora's Mask)
    Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
    Vaati, the Wind Mage (TLoZ series)
    Dark Link (TLoZ series)
    Abel Nightroad (Trinity Blood)
    Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X)
    Raistlin Majere (Dragonlance)

    I did read the lists, but I may have skipped over a couple of them...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sessamaru
    That's fine. Hopefully more people can join... and if you're still interested. Sorry, I've been busy with a few things and I've been dealing with my own problems. Nothing too big. Also, I did not expect a CS after the first couple days of waiting '>.>
    Post by: Sessamaru, Jan 15, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sessamaru
    Alright. My schedule has, officially, cleared itself up. For those who I've been RPing with, I apologize for my disappearance (yet again). I've been working a new job that had grown hectic and left me exhausted and busy. Since the holidays are just about over, with Christmas and New Years coming, everything has calmed down. I am now able to sit back, relax, and Roleplay once more and my status should become active.

    And, to prove it, I bring to you this RP full of myth and legendry... a fairy tail, of sorts, born with magic and swords and perhaps even some technology only found in the greatest video games over the past generations. I draw great inspiration from Fairy Tail and the Final Fantasy franchise.

    I pray you all enjoy yourselves with this story...
    Rating: T-thru-M
    Content: Blood, foul language, and suggestive themes
    Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Adventure, Action​

    Long ago, there was an age of great strife and chaos. Magic grew rampant, too great for the world to bear. Monsters stalked and slaughtered humans, dragons soaring the skies, and races so ancient attempting to enslave the world with advanced magicks. The madness was nigh impossible to disrupt, due to its source: Khaos, the Thing of Entropy and Demon King of Anarchy. So long as the Demon King's influence ensnared the world, warfare and hysteria would never fade away. In the midst of the devilish entity, from within its shadows arose a Man with great power and ambition, of wondrous compassion and a sense of heroism. The Man's name had been forgotten by time, though his titles still lives on: Magus of Ashfall, Master of the Nexus. He, and he alone, thwarted the monsters and ancient races, slaying and banishing them beyond the very fabrics of reality. As he rid the world of some of the Demon King's influence, he finally confronted Khaos himself. They fought for forty-one days and forty-one nights, neither needing nourishment or rest. They fought and the Demon King was defeated, torn asunder by the Nexus itself. Magus then banished the remnants of Khaos throughout the ninety-nine worlds, to ensure he could never return through the use of any magic.

    Sadly, Magus was wounded fatally... he soon died as he rest upon Khaos's throne. The throne, made from Hell's Black Thorns, ensnared his body and encased it. Magus was preserved by the throne, and over time, they both vanished.

    500 years later...

    Dragons have vanished and the world prospers. Though there are still remnants of monsters and the lesser known races of old, humans dominate the world. Advances in magic and technology have been achieved, with airships that run off mana and new forms of magic. However, much knowledge of the ancient world had been forgotten and lost to time, too old and complex to have been mastered by any other than Magus of Ashfall. Mages are less than half of the world's population, though they are revered as the Children of the Master of the Nexus. Guilds exist to house wayward wizards, to provide an independent militia to those who need them.

    Now, off in the distance and beyond the horizon, a storm is brewing; though it has not yet made itself known. Are new heroes prepared to be born? Or will they become a new Khaos, to rule and destroy the legacy left behind by Magus of Ashfall?

    • Follow our KHV rules, please.
    • No goddmoding or powerplaying. (Although, as Game Master / Master of the RP, I am exempt from this due to story purposes).
    • I prefer, for the moment, we keep this RP PG-13. If the story takes a darker turn, I'll allow some leniency towards certain things, like stronger language and some gore. Romance is fine, but nothing pornographic.
    • No killing or controlling others characters without said persons permission.
    • You can use just about any magic, except for the taboos: blood magic, necromancy, and illusion magic. Those are pretty much broken enough to cause metagaming/godmoding and powerplaying. Sorry if this upsets some of you.
    • Just because you're a mage doesn't mean you can't use weapons. I actually encourage versatility/creativity. So, please, if you want a character that is both physically able and mentally able, you can do so.
    • I prefer if you all can post at least a couple times a week. If you haven't posted in two weeks, without notice, I'll be forced to boot you to continue the story. Sorry :(
    • This RP revolves around choices. So, when starting, your character is pretty much a blank-slate in regards of morals. If you want to aim towards villainy, go for it. If you wanna aim for heroism, reach for the stars. I think this would make an interesting mechanic.
    • No insulting or bullying people outside of the RP.
    • Rules are subject to change; either with removals or additions.
    • If you have any ideas to improve the RP or rules or anything else just contact me. This is a no judgment zone. (I'm not going to change this rule, simply because it says pretty much everything).
    • Final Rule: Have fun!
    Character Sheet
    Age: (No older than 21; no younger than 13)
    Appearance: (You can link or describe or both.)
    Weapons: (Optional)

    Accepted Characters
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Dec 22, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sessamaru
    While Rachael had lifted the virtual ice, Darcy had provided extra support by blasting another series of ice rounds with a submachine gun he had formed. Jace watched as Lone went back onto the offensive, no longer analyzing the group of three in hopes of an advantage. Lone was not perturbed by Rachael's earliest attempt to get him, but he felt relieved that she didn't cut him. Capable of healing at an accelerated rate, Lone was still human enough to feel pain... and pain, though a useful tool, was something he had hoped to avoid. Lone used his previous tactic against the machine gun, using the floating debris Rachael lifted as cover. This was where he had misjudged the telekinetic's intelligence.

    The debris began to flail wildly about, thrown about so randomly, he could not hope to judge the trajectory until the last minute. The chaos of this tactic threw a wrench into Lone's plans and he had to heighten his senses and abilities to their fullest. He began to get serious. The crashing of the debris forced him to dodge, to jump, and to kick off nearby debris. His superhuman abilities, fully peaked beyond the hopes of normal humans, allowed him to perform quasi-superhuman feats. He leaped higher and higher with trained acrobatics, avoiding the ground and mid-ranged assault.

    However, he had forgotten about one crucial detail: Jace.

    Jace had took advantage of the chaos caused by his comrades to end Lone. Accelerating the electric impulses within his own body, the Artificial Being vanished from his original post, the electromagnetic field gone and fully suppressed. However, it flared viciously in a whirwind as he reappeared, directly in the air behind Lone. With a thrust of his index finger, Jace landed a hit in between Lone's shoulders, dropping the super soldier like a rock... a convulsing rock made of flesh and bone and nerves. Lone writhed, unable to breathe, to speak... unable to control any proper bodily functions. Most of the tech in the VR room broke down from the unleashed electromagnetic energy, causing a small-scale pulse.

    By the time Jace landed, staring coldly down at Lone, the announcement was made. Due to the swiftness of his incapacitation of Lone, Rachael already left without seeing the fruits of her own labor. Fortunately, the portals still worked... Jace shrugged away the familiarity of what he deemed normalcy, for he was slowly falling into his own darkness... another familiarity which he normally struggled against, but felt at home when it took over.

    Jace lifted Lone by the neck. "I will take care of you later," he murmured, though his hand had subconsciously began to stiffen around Lone's neck. The electrical impulses were still coursing throughout his body, heightening his speed and strength. Everything around him was slow, if not stationary. "Weakling." Jace then threw Lone to the far side of the room, a primal rage filling him. But he quickly took control of that emotion and began to walk away, towards the portal.

    His collar cracked.

    Red smiled at Elle, as innocent as he possibly could, ignoring the power outage. (Damn, they must be tearing it up!) "To be fair, it was not my fault that the room was too cold," he joked. Red then looked away again, staring out the window. "But still, this spells bad news..." Red sighed and lowed his head. "I was just hoping to live a normal life," he whined, almost child-like.

    ***Time Skip***

    The intercom went off half-way through class, much to Red's glee. Callistar stated that teams Sigma-B4 and Theta-D1 needs to gather at the entrance of the facility. Red, with unadulterated enthusiasm, ran out of the class with uncanny speed... with accidental embers of flame.
    Reaper ran about the city, creating other sorts of chaos. Not one to follow particular orders, he thought about luring interesting Enhancermorphs to him. Who knows, perhaps they were far tastier than the others. Reaper, true to his name, began to reap the innocent lives of those who lived in Tenebris City. They made for a tasty snack and he left a simple trail that would lead any of those to him. He even showed how little he thought of the law enforcement by throwing about their corpses in a half-eaten, half-dissolving pile. He cackled as he ran about Tenebris City as though it were his own playground.
    [Lone. Status: Incapacitated.]
    Post by: Sessamaru, Oct 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Sessamaru
    Jace simply smiled at Rachael, not at all perturbed by her apprehensive behavior. "I apologize," he whispered, eyes saddened, as Ryder now partook in the conversation. After the swift exchange of words, Dr Shankman announced that they were now to enter the battle arena. Jace was quite hesitant, rubbing a hand against his collar. "Dr Shankman," Jace began, his tone hollow. "Is it wise for me to enter the arena at this time?" He asked. However, he suspected that Dr Shankman had an ulterior motive for wanting him in there. Was it due to the brutality that both Lone and Darcy were displaying? Whatever it was, Jace took a deep breath. "Don't come crying to me when you need your toys replaced, Shankman." Jace's personality had completely flipped, from that of a polite young man to that of a self-assured demon. His steely blue eyes hardened. "I should also mention," Jace added, as he paused right before the portal, after Rachael had enter. "That we're both on a time-clock." The electromagnetic enhancermorph let the cryptic message hang ominously within the classroom.

    By being the last to enter the portal, a spark of static caused a disturbance in the tech, shutting the portal close automatically. Once upon the icy field of battle, Jace stood twenty feet away from Darcy and Rachael. He didn't bother trying to hold on to his electromagnetic field, letting it roam wildly about. Electricity coursed around his body in an invisible aura, his hair dancing with feral glee, as if it were alive with a hellish wind. The collar sparked, his release of control causing the malfunction to accelerate. The snow and ice about his feet burst apart, revealing the floors of the training room, static running here and there as the tech began to short-out.

    Jace began to take in a swift analysis; Rachael locked eyes with Lone, who had already began to stand, eyes feral. A levitating shard of ice rose from that was once in Lone's grasp, but the enhancermorph didn't bother with it. Of course, Jace knew he wouldn't... Lone could heal any wound so long as it did not completely destroy an organ, decapitate him, or dismembered him completely. Jace also took note of Rachael. She was a telekinetic with telepathic tendencies. Though new to it, she was quite advanced in being able to perform two tasks at once; one task being less notable were it not for the fact she appeared strained, tense. Darcy, on the other hand, was losing the fight; though it always seemed that he had the upperhand, the truth of the matter was, was that Darcy did not have the stamina of Lone.

    "Darcy," Jace spoke, his tone alien. "Make sure you keep twenty-paces away from me. That goes for you, too, Rachael."
    Lone looked at the two newcomers as he recovered from his scrap with Darcy. "Quick tip, Newbie," Lone began, his tone mocking. "I'm in a whole other league than you. Why do you think the Doc sent these two in?" Lone's eyes met with Rachael's for a brief instant; when they locked for that short time, for what seemed like an eternity, she would notice the maelstrom of rage and tenacity that made up his psyche. He broke eye contact and dove instantly to the right, scraping up the other ice shards he had tossed earlier. With two pumps of his arm, he tossed two shards at two targets. The first target was toward the shard Rachael had levitated to Lone's chest when he had been standing there. The second was toward's Darcy; however, the ice shard digitized, no longer existing. Lone noticed the twenty-foot circle around Jace and growled. It barely brushed the heels of Darcy and Rachael's feet. What was going on? He wondered, curious.
    Red turned to Elle and smiled deviously. "I was sick. I had a fever," he replied, a Cheshire grin upon his face. "So, tell me... what all did I miss? And I want to know everything." Red added, his face serious. He knew better than to toy with Elle for too long, and this information was quite vital. Red leaned back into his chair and began to tap his pencil, staring at Elle. Fire and ice never mixed well; that was true. But Red also knew that ice and fire could be a deadly combination, and he wanted to prove it to Elle by giving her complete and total and undivi--- oh, look, a squirrel! Red began looking out the window again, already bored. His attention fell apart. Red was a working sort of person, the kind that would enjoy doing something hands-on rather than through a book or paper... or words. Nevertheless, he tried to make an effort.

    And failed miserably.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Sessamaru
    Jace heard the chair, and most other things, hit the floor near him and Dr Shankman. He quickly turned to see what was going on, only to see Rachael in the corner. He never really talked to her and knew very little about her. She was a shy young lady who didn't quite have the same classes as him (he skipped most of them to be alone), but he seen her often; even in the background. "Well, hello," Jace said cheerily, walking towards her. "You must be new to this class... in a manner of speaking..." he began, awkwardly, his smile bright. He looked around for a moment, attempting to find something to converse about. An idea clicked in his head. "So, the thing with the chair," Jace continued, looking at the chair near Dr Shankman. "Did you have a problem with it? Perhaps it tried to mug you in the alleyway?" He asked jokingly, keeping a distance.
    Jace felt intrigued by the young woman, by her power. He didn't want to assume what it was, though he was quite sure he knew. Rachael wasn't quite as odd to him as to most people, mostly due to her being quiet. He understood why. She wanted to be left alone, just like how he wanted to be left alone... but the loneliness was quite suffocating, and he knew she needed a friend to keep her comfortable in this class... or the chair might have another go whirling in the air; perhaps even bent, broken, or completely out the window in another country. Though he smiled at her, his eyes were gentle with empathy.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sessamaru
    Lone was used to being thrown around, but he still didn't enjoy it. He felt the concussive pains caused by the thunderclap, something that never sat well with anyone. After hitting the pillar, he vomited some blood but he knew it was survivable. When Darcy had him chained to the pillar, he immediately relaxed his body, knowing full and well that he could be able to avoid any troublesome damage; especially when Darcy tore apart the ice pillar and threw him. As he flew out into the distance, Lone rode the pillar until it crashed. He coughed and arose, the ice particles forming dust all around him. The wounds he had suffered were quite deep, but they began to heal immediately. There were no longer any cuts visible, not even scars to tell the story of what had happened to him. Bare-chested, Lone stared towards the general direction of Darcy.
    "Distance... that's fine, then..." he muttered, grabbing the largest of the debris to start with. He threw it towards Darcy, though it came up short. He continued to grab and throw debris, creating more ice particles to rise in the VR ice arena. Eventually, he ran out of large debris and grabbed smaller shards of ice. For good measure, he made sure to remember where the other pieces of the ice pillar had fallen when he threw them.
    "Good enough," he muttered. Lone charged towards Darcy, shards of ice in his hand. Knowing Darcy would use the Scattergun again, for it was far more effective against him, Lone broke away from a straight path and began to circle around Darcy at a decent distance. As swiftly and as deftly as any practitioner of throwing weapons, Lone began to systematically throw the ice shards; whether they managed to hit or not didn't matter to Lone.
    All he needed was an opening...
    Jace watched the fight more intently and smiled. He noted that Darcy was giving Lone a hard time... or perhaps Lone was just toying with Darcy. Either way, it didn't matter. The training may end in a stalemate, mostly due to Lone's stubbornness to give up and die. Jace felt slightly tempted to disrupt the VR system that was installed into the room, to see if Lone would still be able to out-match Darcy; or vice-versa. Jace turned to Dr Shankman as he spoke. "Even though Darcy is innovative," he began, eyes alight. "He still seems to lack the experience to take on a Supersoldier of this caliber, what with the accelerated healing factor and the inability to tire. Darcy may actually have a limit... Lone does not." Jace explained, watching onwards.
    "I hope Darcy understands that this man is to be reckoned with," Jace muttered, mildly concerned for the colleague. Jace watched, seeing Lone's change in strategy. The ice particles in the simulation gave Jace an idea of what Lone's plans were, and he shuddered. "If it were me..." he whispered. "I would have immobilized him at the very beginning." Jace knew that ice, alone, would have given him an edge against Lone. But, not everyone had the power to create a taser. Not to mention the millions of dollars that would be needed to repair the VR simulator.
    Reaper smiled when Pain advised him to get to the car. "One more snack for the road..." Reaper purred, striking at the man's throat with his sharp talons. The man fell and Reaper, being the monster that he was, thrust his hand into the man's chest and grabbed his heart. Placing it into his mouth, Reaper bounded for the car, leaping atop of the moving vehicle. Reaper finished his meal and began to crawl into it through the windows. After all, there was no fun in it if the enemy sees him before the party began...
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sessamaru
    Lone slid back from the blunt-force of the spear, his footing phenomenal. There wasn't much pain from the blow, only a mild sting. Lone bore it with stoicism, knowing it would have been worse were it the actual spear itself. When he finally managed to halt the slide, Lone saw that the newbie created a machine gun, using the digital-ice of the VR as a source of ammunition. Lone, thinking quickly, took off his leather jacket, revealing his bare torso, and ran. Lone chose to go with the current of ice bullets, knowing full and well that Darcy would eventually catch up to him. All the while, running in that circle, he began to close it. By the time the bullets met up with Lone, Lone went against the current, leaping and using his jacket as a shield. Bullets grazed him, but the major ones were deflected. Falling into a roll, Lone leaped up and charged the opposite way, performing another circle, semi-circle... or a quasi-circle. He continued to close the distance, performing the same maneuver and leaping over the arc of bullets.

    Eventually, Lone closed the distance and charged forward. Before the hail of bullets could start anew, Lone threw his jacket at Darcy, severing the boy's scope of vision, and then threw himself toward the forward-right. Falling into a roll, he cut the distance further, and once he felt his feet beneath his body, Lone lifted himself into a crouch as he threw a powerful punch towards the boy's solar plexus.
    Jace nodded to Doctor Shankman, his expression relieved. "Thank you, Dr Shankman," the electromagnetic enhancermorph began. Before he could speak again, however, he heard Dr Shankman's analysis of the fight. Jace turned to watch and groaned. "They're going to kill each other..." he lamented, looking off to the side. "If Lone weren't such a hot-head, and if Darcy had more experience, I think this training session wouldn't be too hard to watch." Jace continued to watch the fight, however, and noticed Lone's strategy. Despite being a hot-headed individual, he proved to be quite knowledgeable of battle. In particular, he took great note of how Lone noticed the spray-and-fire method. It was a great strategy against naive, hand-to-hand fighters... but this was Lone, and Lone was very perceptible. "Darcy..." he groaned. "You should have done something better than a gun. Stick to what you know and don't rely on luck." Jace continued to watch, to see what would unfold from the fight.

    Reaper smiled with glee after being provided with the orders. "Time to eat..." he growled, fading into the shadows within the bay. Though Reaper had no particular powers, he was capable of moving swiftly and stealthily. He climbed the walls and ceilings, using his extra appendages to their utmost potential. As he climbed within the shadows on the walls, Reaper leaped out and snatched a human-guard, only to vanish. The guard that had been stolen was unable to cry out. Reaper bounded out again and snatched another guard, silently and always scurrying into the shadows with the soon-to-be-corpse. This guard also did not cry out. Reaper mixed up his hunting strategy and took to the ceiling, using the powerful tail of his to help him close the distance from up high, allowing him to dangle above a third guard. Though not very close to the ground, Reaper used his long, slimy, acidic tongue to wrap around the third guard's neck. The man could not cry out, for either he was truly suffocating from the strength of the tongue, or the acid was burning away all the muscles and bones that allowed a human to utter any vocals. Regardless, Reaper used his tail to lift himself back up... with an extra meal.
    Post by: Sessamaru, Sep 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sessamaru
    The Elder Scrolls: Advent of a New Age
    [Level:Advanced/Extended~~~Rating: PG-13 to Mature(Pg-16)~~~Genre: Fantasy/Action/Romance~~~Main RP: coming soon...]
    Half a century has past since the fall of Alduin, the demise of Vampire Lord Harkon, and the death of Miraak. The civil war in Skyrim had been settled, with the Imperials ruling victorious; however, the war left the Empire weak. Despite this, the Dark Brotherhood has become prominent once more and the Thieves Guild now having a new foothold in the frozen tundra.
    Tamriel, as a whole, has fallen into a state of chaos. After the assassination of Emperor Titus Mede II, a new Emperor was to be found... and the savior of all Mundus, the Dragonborn, was chosen. However, the Aldmeri Dominion took advantage of this and initiated another war due to the weakening of Skyrim and the Imperial Legion.
    The war has since been on-going for 50 years... and the time of the Dragonborn has came to an end, and it is now up to a select few Paragons to become the Heroes to end this elven uprising...

    • [​IMG]
      Imperials hail from Cyrodiil, the cosmopolitan heartland of Tamriel (or, simply put, the capitol of Tamriel). They are different from their cousins due to their pale-to-tan skin and their slender features. They, like Bretons, have a natural knack for magic and accept it on every level, mostly an intellectual/scientific one. They tend to have Latin names (Titus Rex, Angelo Maximus, etc). They are also great warriors, especially proficient in light armor.​

    • [​IMG]
      Nords hail from Skyrim, the northern province of Tamriel. They are quite burly and muscular, the women still slender with much muscle and tone. They are pale skinned and commonly have pale hair, though having black or brown hair isn't quite rare; red being a rare color. They also tend to have pale blue eyes; but much like their hair, they can have brown, black, amber, and green eyes. Nords are more traditional than their Imperial cousins, preferring to live by the old ways. They shun magic (though some Nords do accept magic and practice it) and despise those who sneak, lie, cheat, and steal. Due to living in the harsh winterland of Skyrim, they have a natural immunity to cold/frost.​

    • [​IMG]
      Bretons hail from High Rock. They are renowned for their mix blood. They have descended from Aldmer and Nordic lines, becoming a race of their own; they are regarded as Manmeri, or man-elf. They have pale skin and appear to look both elven and human, with slight pointed ears, high cheekbones, and a slender build. They also have more squared features, with some sharpness to them. They have a natural talent for magic and politics. They are normally flamboyant, poetic, and heavily charismatic.​

    • [​IMG]
      Redguards hail from Hammerfell. They are humans of dark skin and hair, their eyes brown, black, or amber. They are quite fierce and hardy, specializing in battle tactics.​

    • [​IMG]
      Altmer, also known as High Elves, hail from the Summerset Isles. They are the tallest race, standing a full foot above the average human, elf, and beastman.They are usually slender with golden skin; golden, emerald, and amber eyes. Though they are commonly seen with pale blonde hair or snow white hair, it isn't as uncommon to find them with darker shades. They are most proficient with magic, making them powerful mages; though they are also quite fragile in comparison to the other races.​

    • [​IMG]
      Dunmer hail from Morrowind. Dunmer are also known as Dark Elves. They are renowned for their versatility and many talents, despite being ill-fated. Dunmer are proficient with magic, sneaking, and fighting, making them a rather dangerous, well-rounded race. Due to their blood, they are highly immune to fire. Appearance wise, they are as tall as normal humans, taller than their Bosmer cousins and shorter than their Altmer cousins. They have dusky, ashy skin, their eyes many shades of red. It is quite rare for them to have lavender eyes. They are often slender and have many hair colors, ranging from snow white to silver, all the way to black.​

    • [​IMG]
      Bosmer, also known as Wood Elves, hail from Valenwood. They are a slender, short race of elves, with tan skin and dark hair. They prefer the lush wilderness, rather than civilized cities. They are adept at sneaking and archery, as well as making poisons. They, themselves, have immunity to disease and poisons, making them the ideal assassins. They also aren't below melee fighting and may have some affinity to magic due to their elven lineage.​

    • [​IMG]
      Orsimer, also known as Orcs, hail from Orsinium. They are of green-skin, which also ranges to brown. They are a tall, well-built people. They are often disliked, but they seem to be willing to help humans. They are primarily fighters, but some have an affinity to magic.​

    • [​IMG]
      Khajiit hail from Elsweyr. They are anthropomorphic cats, who specialize in hand-to-hand combat. Their claws are just as deadly as any weapon. They are as tall as the average human and their fur and eyes can be many, many colors and decorated with stripes or blotches. They possess a unique ability called "Night Eye", allowing them to see in the darkest of darknesses or through the darkness of night. They are also good assassins and monks.​

    • [​IMG]
      Argonians hail from Black Marsh. They are lizard folk with the ability to breathe underwater, and they are quite thin and agile. They make for good thieves and assassins, due to their immunity to poisons. They are also unpredictable fighters. Their scales can range from gold to red to black, and even green.​
    Warrior: Warriors focus on melee combat, resorting to sword and shield. They can wear heavy armor or light armor. They have higher endurance and stamina.​
    Mage: Mages focus on magic, allowing them to tap into the powers of nature and cause devastating damage or heal massive wounds. They are highly intelligent and powerful conduits, but they are quite fragile in regards to warriors.
    Thief: Thieves focus on stealth, assassination, pickpocketing, and lockpicking. They are quite adept with Alchemy (potion brewing and poison making) ; they are also deadly with archery. They are just as fragile, but are capable of using a sword or dagger to fend off a foe should they be noticed. They're quick, agile, and overall deadly.
    Current Storyline Quest(s)
    Arc I
    In Search for the Emperor
    (Not Yet Initiated)​
    Current Events in Tamriel
    • The Second Great War has been put at a standstill, both the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion taking a pause to recover their strength. This pause has created a temporary cold war; especially during a rare, unknown natural event called "The Seven Year Winter". It has been six years since the war has continued, but it has not yet stopped, for both parties still attack one another if it is advantageous. The Dark Brotherhood and the Morag Tong (now newly formed) are flourishing greatly. The Empire is currently trying to make amends with Skyrim and attempting to form a strong alliance with the newly revived Morrowind. The Thalmor are also trying to strengthen their grip on Tamriel be strengthening their alliances to Elseweyr and Valenwood.

      The Emperor, however, is missing. He had vanished without a word, leaving many to speculate if he had lost faith in the Empire, leaving it all to the ever growing shadow of the Aldmeri Dominion. This has caused an uproar from all of the Empire loyalists.
    What is a Paragon?
    A Paragon is a special individual who was purposely selected by the Gods, in particular Talos, to be the savior of Tamriel from the tyranny of those who wish to enslave the lesser races (non-Altmer races). Though they have no special abilities like that of a Dragonborn, they seem to have exceptional skills and luck. Their fates are intertwined with the fate of all Tamriel, if not ALL of Mundus itself.
    What is the Aldmeri Dominion?
    The Aldmeri Dominion is an Empire that rules the Summerset Isles, ran by the Thalmor, who are Altmer (High Elves) Supremacists. The Aldmeri Dominion currently possesses alliances between the Bosmer (Wood Elves) province of "Valenwood" and the Khajiit (cat people) province of "Elsweyr". These two additional nations thus become additional power and land for the Aldmeri Dominion.​
    Who are the Thalmor?
    The Thalmor are radical High Elves, who live/rule in the Summerset Isles. The Summerset Isles is an isolated island from Tamriel, despite the fact it once was a part of the Empire. However, they are now their own nation, who firmly believes that they should rule the world over the lesser races, believing themselves to be the only ones pure enough to rule and keep the peace through their superior intellect and affinity to magic. Through propaganda over the last two and a half centuries, they firmly believe that they have ended the Oblivion Crisis; wherein the truth, it was the Hero of Kvatch and Martin Septim, the last Septim to rule the Empire. There is many other propaganda used to rally nationalism and supremacy to the young and the naive for their "noble" cause.​
    If I choose a race, does it mean I am from there?
    No, it just means that is where your ancestry is from. Your character could have been born anywhere. However, the Summerset Isles is an isolationist nation, so if you have fled from the Thalmor Inquisition, you are a traitor if you are Altmer. If you are an Altmer and was born in Cyrodiil, you are viewed under Thalmor suspicion. Altmer are also quite feared in Tamriel, despite nationality, so the racism is quite high.
    I don't know much about the Elder Scrolls... does this keep me from joining?
    No, it doesn't. I hope this RP gets you interested in the franchise. If you want to know more, I'll also have the wiki posted; the regions in the Race section are linked to the wiki as well, if you want to learn more about the province you are from. And to note, this RP is also non-canon in regards of the "current events", and somewhat non-canon from the previous events before this RP. The Dragonborn, who I now made Emperor, was usually depicted as a Nord; though the canon for that is questionable, at best, because it really depended on the player on who the Dragonborn was meant to be. Which, in that case, I'm using MY Dragonborn I created... you will be meeting him soon.As well, you'll be learning the lore in the RP as well, as to avoid you folks from feeling isolated from the world.​
    [May Add more questions/answers later...]
    • Follow KHV's Rules: They apply here just like they do on any other section on the site. Follow them, please.
    • No Godmodding/Powerplaying: No controlling others without their permission or my permission, being an ultimate being who can never be defeated or get hit ever, etc.
    • Be Respectful to RP Staff,to Myself and Each other: Remember that we are people too. I don't want to see any rudeness in this RP to other members, RP staff or myself. Respect means several things here. That also means no mega fast posting that leaves people behind with no explanation about what has happened. An RP involves a number of people, not just a few individuals. Everyone should be as equally involved as they want to be.
    • This is in the Extended Section: Please post a minimum of THREE PARAGRAPHS (just don't make novels about how pretty a bathroom looks. Stick to the main points. Writer's Block is understandable, just don't make a habit of it.)
    • Keep me and your fellow RPers you're interacting with informed about when you can post.
    • Unused Characters WILL be Deleted AFTER A MAXIMUM OF TWO WEEKS [Unless I'm Notified why you are absent:]I'm not unreasonable. Naturally; health reasons, real life issues, school, or whatever all count. I won't be mad, just be sure to tell me what's holding you up so I can better understand your situation. I believe this is perfectly reasonable and fair.
    • Multi-classing will be available later on; however, the proficiency will be less than your starting Skill.
    • I, Sessamaru, Can Add, Change, and Remove Rules when I NEED TO.
    • I'll only allow a maximum of TWO CHARACTERS per person.
    Accepted Character Sheets
    Character Sheet
    ✶Full Name:
    ✶Nationality: (Where were you born? (Only Altmer are born in Summerset Isle; Altmer are also the only race born ANYWHERE in Tamriel)))
    ✶Skill: (Focusing on Thief, Mage, or Warrior?)
    ✶Defining Occupation: (Are you a part of the Imperial Legion? A sellsword/mercenary? An adventurer? Etc.)
    ✶Purpose for coming to Cyrodiil:
    ✶Other: (Misc. info)
    Thread by: Sessamaru, Sep 4, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home