Sakurano IsamuIsamu continued to read his manga as he wandered down the street, a stick of chocolate-covered pocky in his mouth, oblivious to all that was around him. He chuckled as he read an amusing panel, almost wishing his life was very much like a manga. Music blaring loudly, he didn't notice the small group of people yelling in excitement; in fact, he didn't even see them. He bumped into Xero, a small static discharge setting off. "Oof!" Isamu huffed, falling back from the small impact, manga covering his face and the headphones he wore slipped off his right ear. "Ugh... first my alarm, now a blockade... can my day get any worse?" The swordsman grumbled, obviously still grumpy. He simply lay there, pondering whether or not to even bother getting up. Doctor Johann FaustThe Doctor wandered through the black market area, searching for particular specimens to further his experiments. To say the least, his work was highly unethical but the results were the everyday use of medications and even the legendary Cure. Johann, however, did not care about whether or not if searching illegal contraband would tarnish his reputation within the government; politics were just as shady and his work exceeded the perceptions of narrow-minded politicians and citizens alike. To the Doctor, science was pure, unadulterated art. Those who scorn him were not worthy of his gaze, for never could they appreciate the beauty he created. However, Johann's search came to a halt when he spotted a draconic mutant carrying along a strange looking girl. He followed from a safe distance and waited in the shadows. The draconic mutant spoke a password, which he kept memorized in the recesses of his mind. "Interesting," Johann muttered as he heard about recruits and the girl, a fine and rare specimen (as was the young man speaking, but he was of little importance). Johann stepped out of the shadows, walking to the doorway, and stared at the young girl for a moment, then at the man. "Ah... I heard a joke similar to this situation. Two mutants walk into the black market district, right beneath the government building..." he began, his tone sensual and sly.
Username: Sessamaru Name: Doctor Johann Faust Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Weapons: Scalpels, syringes Fighting Style: Johann uses a variety of martial arts, such as Taijiquan (Tai Chi; T'ai Chi Ch'uan), Baguazhang, Xingyquan (in which he uses the Snake Style; also called Snake Boxing); he also knows Wing Chun, Judo, and Ninjitsu. Strengths: Genius intellect, vast scientific knowledge (including medical science and anatomy), computer analyst, geneticist, photographic memory, manipulative Weaknesses: Human frailty, narcissism Starting Area: Dynami Bio: Johann Faust was born into a poor family. His father was an abusive alcoholic and his mother was neglectful of him, often passed out on the couch after taking one too many pills for her various, perhaps non-existence, medical issues. Johann was an astute student in school, often (if not always) having the highest scores. He was also an avid reader and read many books on scientific and philosophic topics. He left home when he neared adulthood, going into the military. He received formal training in hand-to-hand and marksmanship, and proved himself to be quite valuable as both a soldier and amateur scientist. He was designated as a medic, and during his free time he learned more martial arts and advanced his knowledge in science. Due to his intelligence and valuable nature as a field doctor (for he far surpassed medic), Johann attended schooling to officially become a doctor and a geneticist. However, he was removed from the military after a certain incident that involved his comrades, who were upon an operating table with their organs removed. The military, not wanting to court martial the bright young man, released him on the grounds of a mental breakdown due to the stress of his responsibilities. They could not prove if he killed them intentionally or if they were truly injured, so macabre was the scene. Afterwards, he became top scientist of the government and had proven invaluable and was also one of the scientists to come up with a "cure" or "antidote" of the uprising Spirox Users and Mutants. Other:
Sakurano IsamuIsamu awoke with a start as his alarm went off. "Ack!" He yelped, falling to the floor in fright, his blankets flying off of him as he jolted from the bed. Isamu currently wore a black sleeveless shirt and grey pajama pants, which was quite pedestrian of him as a Spirox user. "Oh God, why did I bump up the volume?" He groaned, picking himself off the floor. With zombie-like steps, he approached the alarm, which he had placed on the other side of the room. Isamu reached his hand out to push the snooze button, but then slammed his hand, which became a fist charged with electricity, into the snooze. The alarm clock exploded into chunks and whatever didn't fly away as debris was tossed into a corner, where several other of his broken alarms sat. "Sixteenth one this month," he grumbled, languidly making his way to the bathroom. Isamu took his shower and took care of his personal hygiene within the first hour, then clothed himself in his usual garb; a white gi-kimono hybrid with neon colors, a black sleeveless undershirt with a high collar, and black boots. Isamu tied his lavender hair with a blue ribbon, styling it into a topknot why keeping the front down. The swordsman grabbed his earphones and put them on, as well; he placed his MP3 player into a hidden pocket of his kimono, the music already blaring. When he was finished, he grabbed his katana and placed it between the folds of his obi, turning his back to the room. As he began to walk out his door, he grabbed a manga that sat on a table and began to read. Isamu absently opened the door leading outside, heading out into the streets, closing the door behind him. What should I do today? Isamu thought as he walked the streets of Idenshi. Clive StriderClive wandered the streets of Dynami, eyes shifting swiftly to and fro from the shadows of his cowl. There were many people about, over half of whom he didn't care for. Clive danced through the crowd with grace, sliding between the pedestrians as though he himself were a living shadow. Currently, he did not have a contract from the government, but this did not kill his habit of remaining silent, even in broad daylight. Eventually, Clive came to a stop by a fruit vendor. He grabbed an apple and left some money, remaining silent all the while, and left. From the corner of his eye, he saw people grouped together in an alleyway. Curious, he slid into the shadows, melding into them as he got closer. PridePride wandered the desert, head low and carrying a katana-shaped cloth satchel, rope bound around the scabbard and his right hand. His red duster danced everywhere in the winds of the outskirts, giving him a forlorn appearance. "How did I get myself into this mess?" He whined, bothered by the lack of food or water. He looked to his left and whined. "That's the seventeenth time I passed that plateau!" He cried. "Hey, buddy," a farmer in a truck began, eyes full of concern and suspicion. This person was looking at a black-haired man wearing a red leather duster, a katana-shaped satchel propped against his body as he sat against a large boulder; this person was seemingly unconscious. "What are you doing so far out here?" He asked, hoping to get a response. The strange looking fellow was silent for a moment, then coughed. "W-water...?" Pride asked, lips dry. "Uuuuh... sure..." the man in the truck replied, tossing Pride a canteen. Pride drank it gluttonously. When he was finished, Pride tossed the canteen back to him; the farmer shook it slightly and sighed when he noticed the water was gone. "Do you need help?" "Very much so," Pride said with a wide smile, glancing up at the man. "If you wouldn't mind, I'm trying to make it to Oda City... believe it or not, not many folk are willing to go that far in." Pride chuckled, embarrassed. "That's for darned sure... lately, there's been talk of mob activity!" The farmer replied, shaking his head. "Why anyone would like to go there is beyond me. Nothin' but mutants, politics, and Spirox users... not an ideal place for normal humans anymore." Pride laughed, shaking his head. "A damn shame," he replied. "Would it be possible for you to get me close to the city, at least?" "Damned farmer dropped me off a hundred miles from the city! All because he was low on Spectro!" Pride whined for the millionth time, glaring behind him. When he turned his gaze back to his front, he began to notice the massive walls of the city, amongst other architectural interests. This brightened his mood and he immediately forgave the farmer. Pride began his sprint towards the city.
Lucrix glanced at the woman as she appeared, as she spoke. His cherry blossom eyes studied the woman. "I see that even his will did not make you succumb," he remarked offhandedly, ignoring her accusation. "You must have came prepared. Interesting." Lucrix shifted his gaze to the orb in the sky. It was growing larger and gathering more clumps of earth. The glow of the orb was dying, glossing over with sickly shades of brown and grey. Lucrix walked away from the balcony of the spire, turning his back on both Xindai and Ananta, as he approached the doorway. He stopped. "This fairy tale is nearly over now. Soon, a new volume shall be written, the finale to the Saga of Time. Will you be prepared then?" He asked, his question directed towards the woman. Lucrix turned himself around and kept a steady gaze upon Ananta. "Will you be prepared to kill a god?" As if on cue, the castle shuddered and larger masses of earth rose into the air from the battleground, taking a few projections with them, flying towards the orb, going ever upwards and growing ever larger. The sphere no longer had a red glow, it black core now fully covered, taking on the shape similar to a moon; round from afar but fully jagged up close. Lucrix's gaze went past Ananta and towards the earth. The gravitational pull was getting stronger, and soon the entire landscape would be amassed into that one sphere hovering high above.
Username: Sessamaru Name: Sakurano Isamu Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Power: Elecitricity Generation Abilities: 1) Lightning Speed: Isamu can increase his speed by using the electricity that he generates and applying them to his brain and muscles, causing him to accelerate at superhuman levels. 2) Electric Augmentation: Can augment his weapon with electricity, causing arcs of lightning to surround the blade. This also hyper-accelerates the molecular bond of the sword to increase its cutting power. 3) Recharge: Isamu can passively recharge mechanical equipment, and consciously can recharge himself. 4) Static: Isamu, with careful concentration, can overload machinery, amongst other things, that are not electric-friendly. 5) Abnormal Electric Field: This field is larger than most, but its wavelength fluctuates depending on Isamu's mood. It can have either positive or negative effects on electronics. Semi-Normal Abilities 6) Heightened Speed: Due to his electric generation, he is naturally faster than the average human. Because of this, his metabolism is also accelerated, making him eat three times as much a day than the most healthiest person (someone who exercises daily) to keep himself from starving. 7) Heightened Reflexes: A side-effect of his already abnormal speed. 8) Kenjutsu Master 9) Battojutsu Master (Master of the Quickdraw techniques) 10) Acrobatics: Due to his swordsmanship, Isamu can perform high level feats (such as maneuvering himself in thin air and rebounding off a wall or ceiling). He is also capable of running across tightrope. To this extent, he mastered his body's capabilities, such as shifting his weight at proper intervals and maintaining perfect balance. Weapons: Katana Strengths: Unable to give up, battle perception, tactics, speed Weaknesses: Unable to affect earth (rock, land, etc), unable to manipulate outside electric-based phenomenon (i.e. lightning), metabolism Starting Area: Idenshi Bio: Unlike most other Spirox users, Isamu was born with his power. He lived a semi-normal life... unfortunately, most electronics exploded when he got too close to them. He went to school, slept most of his classes away, and partook in extracurricular activities. Isamu took particular interest in kenjutsu and excelled. During his private time, he would modify techniques with his own electrical powers, accelerating brain capacity and muscle memory, as well as electrical synapses to improve his speed. Naturally quick, he took his speed to an entirely new level. In turn, he developed a better sense of his own power and is capable of controlling it. Regardless, he spends most of his time reading comics/manga, listening to music, and napping. He's perhaps the most normal and apathetic of the Spirox users. Other: He loves listening to music, reading books/manga, playing video games, eating pocky and ramen, and napping.
Username: Sessamaru Name: Pride (formerly known as Project VII) Age: 20 Gender: Male Spoiler: Appearance Power: Kinesis Abilities: 1) Absorption: Pride's defensive prowess. He can absorb kinetic energy and redirect it, allowing him to not suffer much damage. However, he is unable to absorb thermal energy (and therefore suffer burns from fire or liquid hydrogen), nor could he absorb any other form of energy that isn't raw kinetic energy (like a punch or a sword swing). Absorbing kinetic energy also prevents him from being damaged; it is the equivalent of hitting a brick wall made of fluff. (I call it flick). 2) Store: Pride can absorb kinetic energy and store it (converting it into potential energy); however, he cannot store too much, otherwise he would be torn asunder by the build-up. 3) Transference: Pride can transfer the kinetic energy he absorbs to something else, which causes destructive effects. This energy can be transferred upon touch or distance, at which point would cause equally catastrophic damage depending on the amount of kinetic energy absorbed. 4) Spatial Manipulation: Pride can give kinetic energy form and shape, as well as cause small modifications (such as providing a thermal property to the energy). In his case, he can shape it into a blade-like shape, allowing him to cut through objects (as well as expending the built up energy). It can take any shape and can be used as close-to-long range. 5) Temporal Translocation: In short, the creation of a wormhole by focusing the kinetic energy into a central point, dividing space-time. However, it is of low caliber and time travel is not possible; he can only move from one location to another. 6) Augmentation: Pride can increase his physical attributes, such as stamina, speed, and endurance. These augmentations dig into his stored reserves of kinetic energy that he stores, allowing him to be able to move at superhuman speed with superhuman stamina and endurance. 7) Natural Resilience: As a soldier, he has a knack for taking blows and being able to come back from them. He's very hard to put down and his own will helps drive him to keep on going until he's worn out by his own physiological make-up (meaning, he still gets exhausted upon a human level; however, he does have, without his kinetic augmentation, Olympian-level stamina). 8) Weapon Mastery- Sword 9) Weapon Mastery- Polearms 10) Kinetic Manifestation: Pride can create a wide kinetic barrier; however this uses a lot of kinetic energy to maintain. Weapons: Dai-Katana Strengths: Slowed/Stopped aging, perceptive, tactics, and high adaptability Weaknesses: Potential energy (unable to take the kinetic energy from still objects), thermal energy (heat/radiation), various other forms of energy with additional properties. Starting Area: Outskirts Bio: Never born with an actual name, Pride was born as a test tube baby. An experiment at birth, he was among the first to be created as a super soldier. He was trained in martial warfare, but he appeared to be quite proficient in swordplay and polearms. Due to his power, it thus became unnecessary to continue his training in marksmanship. Pride, then known as Project VII, was raised with strict, and arguably inhumane, discipline. When deemed a critical failure due to his inability to store more than one type of energy and unable to absorb energy on an unconscious level (as well as unable to store infinite amounts of energy), they were going to kill Pride (age 16) and destroy his corpse; due to him being a secret experiment unknown to the public, this would be quite simple. However, Pride had overheard the conversation by both the general and head scientist, at which point he killed the scientists and escaped. He ran as far away as possible and eventually went beyond the Outskirts. He had vanished for four years and is now returning to what was once his home... Other: Pride cannot transfer and absorb at the same time; it is the equivalent of looking left and right at the same time. However, absorbing and transferring kinetic energy is a conscious power. Despite his name, he is not arrogant, but rather level-headed and easy-going; however, he sees himself as the Pride of Man, a Sin that brought about their deaths. Username: Sessamaru Name: Clive Strider Age: 27 Gender: Male Spoiler: Appearance Power: Shadow Manipulation Abilities: 1) 3-Dimensional Shadow: Clive can give shadows a 3-Dimensional substance, giving it the core component of depth. With this, he can use the shadows to darken areas and even keep himself concealed. He can also change the shadow's shape. 2) Shadow Tangibility: Clive can solidify shadows, giving them further substance, as well as flexibility. He can use this to capture a target as well as trapping targets; he can also use this as a barrier of sorts. The shadows at this point can be used as weapons, allowing them to cut flesh; sometimes they can even catch other weapons as a result of their solidity. 3) Shadowstep: Clive can travel from shadow to shadow, whether connected or not, so long as he can see the other shadow. 4) Shadowmeld: Clive can meld into a shadow (or becoming one, literally, with the other person's shadow), capable of traveling with another person with or without their knowledge. This also allows him to avoid damage; sadly, he cannot hide within his own shadow. 5) Shadow Clones: Clive can manpulate the shadows of others, and even his own, into his image; they're unable to move from where they are formed, but they're still able to attack and/or suppress the target. This can also be a shield for surprise attacks from behind. 6) Shadow Stitch: Clive can heal himself by using the shadows to stitch wounds; however, he must constantly have the wound/injury covered in shadow until it's completely healed. Weapons: Longsword, twin cutlasses, crossbow, throwing knives, hidden daggers x4, garrote wire Strengths: Perception, stealth, adaptability, acrobatic grace (capable of walking/running on tight rope; amongst other things) Weaknesses: Absence of shadows (being locked away within a globe of light or darkness), anything that can kill a normal human Starting Area: Dynami Bio: Clive was once a part of a family circus. His mother was the main attraction, mostly due to her stunning beauty and her ability to fit into nearly anything. Clive did juggling, the trapeze, and tightrope. His father had died before his birth. After growing tired of the circus life, he left his life to start anew. He managed to get a job under the government. However, he gained word that the circus he was once a part of was caught on fire by some anarchist extremists, rioting through the streets. There were no survivors. Clive went into a deep depression, and when asked if he was willing to be injected with the Spirox gene, Clive saw this as an opportunity to get back at those who killed his mother and friends. The gene adapted to him perfectly, and once he recovered from the process, he began to train and perfect the arts of the shadows. The government sought to take advantage of him and offered him a pivotal role befitting his power, at which he agreed on the condition he can perform at least one act. To kill the equal number of anarchists who had mindlessly killed the innocents within the circus. An equally high number. Granted permission, he killed 150 anarchists, one for each person within the circus tent, during a rally in a warehouse. The remainder that survived were heavily traumatized. As of now, he works as the wetworks man for the government; their inky, black secret. Other:
Lucrix did not turn his gaze from the battlefield, watching intently. He did not remove his cowl or lowered the high collar of his cloak, wishing to keep himself anonymous. "Indeed," Lucrix replied to Xindai, not minding the idle chit-chat. Just as Xindai was attempting to break his mental barriers, Lucrix attempted to keep them up; he felt the prying hands of the Dark Creator dig vigorously for his thoughts. However, he saw no harm in using some of his thoughts as barriers, as well. Lucrix let out several images, images that may strike Xindai's intrigue. The first was a memory of his past, of his world succumbing to darkness. The second was a gloomy void, something unlike even those of darkness had ever seen. The third was of a familiar looking man in suspended animation, dusky tan-gray skin, black wings, black hair, and a hole in his chest where his heart once was. The fourth image was of Kingdom Hearts, surrounded by a vague, colorless light. The final image was a vague shadow, but certainly the outlines would strike the Dark Creator's memory. The χ-blade. Lucrix turned to Xindai. "In the end," he began calmly. "Everything shall become nothing. A series of events that you yourself have initiated can no longer be prevented. Whether you succeed or fail, the End of All Things is inevitable." Lucrix began to build up his new shell, condensing it. This would do nothing to the psychic assaults, of course, but Lucrix did not enjoy the immense freedom he felt of being unrestrained. The gravity around him was thick and dense, becoming skin tight.
SessSess looked from Tinarah to Kreuz, then back to Tinarah. There was a deep, overwhelming sadness that gripped his heart. Loneliness. Sympathy. Pain. These things gripped his heart, so much so that they clawed and cut. However, he smiled at Tinarah, masking the rejection. "I'm sorry, Tinarah," he said cheerily. "I'll leave you alone. If you ever want to have fun, you know where to find me." He rose to his feet and began to walk towards the door. His smile did not falter, but his mask was empty and devoid of the emotion that he wanted to show. Sess opened left without a word, but he waved good-bye instead. Vladimir noticed a couple of shimmers flying towards him, something he couldn't make out. He did know that his flame destroyed the assassin's arm, but what he did prior to it was a mystery. Vladimir glared as he deduced that the shimmering objects were projectile weapons. With a grunt, black flame engulfed the Hellknight as he tried to avoid the weapons. Some deflected off his armor, others became obsidian shards and ash, and he winced when some of the needles made it through the small openings of his armor. However, he kept moving, and moving abnormally fast, grabbing a spear from the ground and aiming it at Gehenna as he charged towards him. The black flame he conjured died away quickly, and his sword acted as a lance as he continued his charge whilst letting go of the spear, throwing with all his might.
The shadow saw the turquoise haired woman run towards the castle. "So," the figure whispered to himself. "It seems the final chapter to this tale is at its advent." The shadow outstretched his hand, towards the heavens. "World..." He muttered, causing the heavy, thick air around him to center in the palm of his hand. A small black orb, the size of a marble, appeared, illuminated by a dark light. Dirt and dust began to float towards it, even the debris that was once orbiting him. "Break." The orb shot towards the sky, taking with it the debris and dirt and dust. The higher it went, the stronger it became, progressing to bigger debris and small clumps of land. And still it grew stronger. The gravitational pull gradually strengthened with each added mass. The sphere kept climbing higher and higher into the air, and soon it began to take on an astronomical shape. "The epilogue has been set... and now, to watch this chapter come to a close." Opening another dark corridor, the shadow stepped in. The dark figure appeared behind the Dark Creator, closing his dark corridor. At the highest point of the castle, upon the spire, the Nobody could feel the power of Xindai's mind. Thoughts that were not his began to pound at him, but he put up mental barriers to keep them at bay, to keep them from overruling him. These barriers were of nothingness, of his own beliefs at which were merely his own reality. In a sense, these barriers were akin to large planets, slinging all sorts of extraterrestrial garbage into a new course. Nihilism. The strength of nothingness allowed him to dismiss the mental attacks; but not without effort. His head began to throb with phantom pains, but he also dismissed them as merely temporary. Without his shell, everything moved at a slower rate, almost as though time had neared its stopping point. This, too, assisted him from being overtaken by the psychic bombardment. "The end is drawing near, it seems," the dark figure remarked, his deep basso laced with what could only be an amused tone. He moved from his original position with abnormal speed and towards the corner, overlooking the battlefield. "Before you begin, I shall make note that I am not your enemy. Merely a spectator." The shadow adjusted his own gaze to the growing mass in the heavens. His spell would take some time to complete, but it was not worth noting. Not yet.
The dark figure remained silent, though he had listened. The words went into the dark recesses of his mind, a place to remember such information for future events. When she had said her good-bye after some time, the man continued to watch. "You will only know despair," the man said after she had left, his cherry blossom eyes glazed over with a memory of sadness. "In the end, all shall know that their god has come; and in that knowledge, in that wisdom, despair shall become the driving force for extinction." And with that, he summoned a dark corridor, vanishing from the battlefield. Not long after stepping into the dark corridor, the dark figure appeared upon the cliff, staring up at the castle. "Soon, you too shall know that your fate is drawing near," the dark figure remarked, as though speaking to the individual within the castle. "For not even Time shall allow a pretender to succeed." The shadow drew in his power, tightening it around his person. The ground beneath his feet tore away immediately as though a weight had dropped, and the debris began to float around him as if drawn into a field.
After watching the spectacle below, the dark figure turned his attention to the woman. It didn't shock him that someone knew he was there; eventually someone would notice a floating entity if it stays long enough. The shadow turned to her and regarded her as he had previously regarded the battlefield: cold and distant. He then turned and stared off towards the illusion beyond the cliff. "Neither," the dark figure replied, his voice hollow. "I am merely my own... here, I am a spectator, watching the progressions of history unfold. Should I choose, I could throw both sides into chaos... or I could quell the battle by stepping onto the battlefield. However, it is not my place to intervene as of yet." He explained. The dark figure did not seem to boast about his power, merely stating it as a matter-of-fact. As if to accentuate the point, he extended the spell he had cast upon himself. It was heavy and dense, something that should have sent him spiraling down and breaking him. "Why are you here?" He finally asked, before giving her a chance to respond. There was no anger, no irritation in his voice. Nothing but emptiness came from this dark figure.
It doesn't matter if the post is long or short. Like jackdaniel mentioned, it's more like quality over quantity. We prefer to have at least a paragraph (3-4 sentences, really); but more or less depends on the matter of if you can do it and if you want to paint a picture. I'm kinda moderate, making a post between a paragraph to two; however I am prone to making larger posts if I see an opportunity to do so and give it a reason... mostly to give everything substance. When it comes to battle-themed posts, I mostly feel the need to bring in a philosophical argument, along with detailing what I am doing precisely (along with my position) and a potential counter-attack. However, when it comes to starting... well, not much for me to do except make a short paragraph. I used to make BIG WALL-O'-TEXTs, but that was back in the day when I was more poetic with what I did... regardless, quality shines brighter. So long as you get your point across and paint a decent picture, even if it's a stick figure equivalent, it doesn't matter to us. We just like to have fun and cause mischief. Or, at least, I do.
Spoiler: Lucrix's Arrival A dark figure hovered above the battlefield, watching the warriors of light and darkness fight one another. This tall, gloomy figure kept his presence unknown, so high up was he; eyes of cherry blossoms piercing the darkness of his low cowl and high collar. Arms crossed, the figure merely watched, analyzing the prowess of the once-dead wielders and the living warriors of light. The air around him was thick and heavy, something that was abnormal even to a Nobody. He thought about letting his presence become known by expanding his thick gloom, but thought against it as he turned his gaze towards Inwonahé. The dark castle that was born from nothing did little to deter this figure, but he found interest in the entity who had brought its existence to life, fully restored to its eldritch beauty. "For every force, there's an echo," the figure mused to himself, his voice a deep basso that should not come from such a slender being. "As a result, consequences shall follow like the shadows of time passed." The shadow felt an urge to partake, a lost memory stirring something deep within his empty being. War, bloodshed, and glory; things that never once, during his time of non-existence, moved him. "Such a silly thing."
Username: Sessamaru Character name: Lucrix Age: ?? Appearance: Spoiler Side: In Between Personality: Lucrix is calm, cold, and calculating. He speaks with a deep basso (in sharp contrast to his feminine appearance), his tone always hollow, devoid of emotion. However, he has a deep melancholy about him that's nearly abysmal, unfathomable. Due to his expressionless face, he's near-impossible to read, making him very good at lying and manipulation. Lucrix prefers to use logic and rationality, leading to a firm belief in nihilism. He's quite skeptical of everything; if he hasn't seen it once before, it never happened and never existed. Due to this extreme form of thinking, he is quite intelligent in the fields of strategy and tactics, and has proven to be extremely perceptive. Lucrix has no qualms working under others, seeing it as an opportunity to further his own goals. He also denies that he has ever had a heart, claiming that he had cast it away; and even as a Nobody, he rejects the possibility of ever regaining a heart of his own, seeing it as useless and troublesome. Weapon: Twilight Dreams (violet-pink twin hooks; they're easily mistaken for keyblades) Element: Gravity Starting world: Keyblade Graveyard Additional information: Lucrix is 6'4" tall. His hair falls slightly beneath his rump. He wears an Organization cloak with a high collar and a low, tipped hood, casting his appearance in shadows. His eyes are cherry blossom pink and he always wears his hood.
Story Long ago, there was a great war between the three most powerful nations: Potestas, Sapientia, and Animus. They fought for control over the heart of the continent, Deus. Deus was an ancient kingdom founded upon by Lost Technology that perfectly synergized itself with magic. Potestas wanted the land for its advanced weaponry to militarize themselves further. Sapientia wanted it for its information, to use the Archive their advantage. However, Animus believed that Deus should remain asleep, to never awaken to cause anyone harm. In the end, Deus awakened on its own and ended the war; a security measure. By the end of it all, nearly all three sides were obliterated. However, the leader of Animus approached Deus and reprogrammed it. Afterward, a treaty was signed, something that would stabilize the nations and limit their desire for power and control. In the end, there were schools dedicated to magic and weaponry. They were military academies that housed orphans, runaways, or those with the desire to strengthen their nation and protect their nation from the monsters that lurked within their land. Potestas's school was named OMEGA, Sapientia's was named EPSILON, and Animus was proclaimed SIGMA. The Academies have thus existed for 200 years, providing a world that had thus knew peace; or something akin to peace. However, Potestas had grown restless, and as a result dark clouds began to swirl above the nation. In response to the darkness growing within and around Potestas, Sapientia began to isolate themselves, preparing to forever flee should Potestas make a move; whereas Animus steeled themselves, preparing for any misdeeds the North may have planned. Potential war, adventure, and unavoidable destinies await for the new generation of Animus... Notes Animus is a melting pot of races and cultures, making them quite diverse. Due to the diversity of Animus, it has many personalities and beliefs (unlike Potestas (totalitarian) and Sapientia (isolationists)). Even though this is a free roam RP, there are story arcs. If you have any ideas for a story arc, please let me know (that way, this RP can keep going). I am sorry if you wanted to play with Potestas and Sapientia, but I cannot burden myself with making more characters than I could handle. It would be difficult to keep track of them and keeping this RP afloat. There will be multiple mechanics in this RP, some of which would be a collaboration between players. So, in the future, keep an eye out for every post. There will be mission boards you all can check if you want to go out on missions rather than loping around, hoping for someone to give you attention. I'll have these posted, and perhaps updated every so often. Who knows, you might even land a storyline quest :p There will be classes that you can participate in. There are also sparring arenas in the Academy's gymnasium. (MAPS will be updated here in a little bit. Also keep an eye out for more MAPS in the future...) Rules No Godmodding This is PG-13, so keep it all limited; you may hint about romantic events, but that is it. No XXX stuff... no matter how much I'd like to read it -_-" No player killers without permission; you must speak with another player AND the GM (Game Master; Me). Only 2 characters per person. 4 powers per character. Abilities must relate to each other in some way, and must be used with some restraint; unless you can use it in an awesome way in which I can't possibly be angry with you. Any race is acceptable. However, if I see a race I feel uncomfortable with, I may ask for further information so we can at least let it work without anyone having to worry. Characters can be no younger than 13. If you have any ideas, let me know. Perhaps we can incorporate it into the story or into a mission. Don't feel as if you're being restricted. You're not. Do whatever you like; until the Story comes in. Then the Story says you can still do whatever, just don't be a pain if you get hurt. Respect your GM. I reserve the right to break/bend the rules so long as it is for story purposes or to deal with a problem... we're not going to have problems, are we? These rules are subject to change/additions. Have fun! Ask plenty of questions! Character SheetCharacter name: Creature type: (Angel, mutant, werewolf etc..) Age: Picture or description: Personality: Fears: Hobbies: Strengths: Weapon: Powers: Extra Info: Theme song: Accepted Characters Character name: Sakurano Isamu Creature type: Human Age: 17 Picture: Spoiler Personality: Isamu appears to be a very lazy person, always sleeping as he listens to music. He's heavily unmotivated, seeing no point in actually doing something that is so trivial. He spends the majority of his time reading manga (sometimes something inappropriate for all ages), playing video games, and eating ramen or pocky. He's quite shy around women, as well, unable to muster up the courage to speak to them; and when he does manage, he easily gets tongue-tied and sputters an inane comment, making him very idiotic in front of them. In many social situations, he's quite humble, even against his enemies; but by no means does he underestimate them. Isamu is confident in his own combat abilities, as well as his own magical talents. Ironically, Isamu is noble in nature, capable of taking up action should he need to. He's easy-going and carefree, for the most part, and is quite forgetful of certain events (or completely forgetful altogether). He's a natural prodigy and has a high intellect, capable of passing his tests without any problems; save for physical tests, which he tends to either ignore or put very little effort in. Nevertheless, he prefer to live a simple life. Fears: Lack of music, no more literature, no more video games, pretty women, and a world without ramen Hobbies: Listening to music, reading manga, eating pocky and ramen, sleeping, video games Strengths: Kenjutsu, acrobatics, tactics, speed Weapon: Katana Powers: Wind magic, Lightning magic, Supernatural Speed, Split-Second Precognition (enhanced reflexes; magical Spider-sense) Extra Info: Isamu is an orphan who was raised by the many teachers of SIGMA. He's gifted in both magic and swordplay, as well as tactics, but shows mediocre understanding of strategy (at which he complains that it is "too much work!"). It's hinted he may have Attention Deficit Disorder. Theme song: Spoiler Mission Board Spoiler Coming Soon...
SessSess stared at Tinarah with sad, puppy dog eyes. "Maybe, but you can actually live when you're outside, having fun. Staying locked up isn't living... it's boring and you might as well be dead," he whined, scratching the back of his head. However, he perked right on up, not even paying mind to Kreuz or Ulrich, who had followed the young wizard. "I know! Would you like for me to keep you company? I'll keep you safe while we have fun!" He laughed, his smile warm and bright. UlrichUlrich had followed Kreuz at his beckoning, which he was already on his way to Tinarah's house the moment she let out her scream. When they arrived, he simply smiled. Tinarah was always easily startled, but Sess was the complete opposite; reckless, impish, and altogether hopeless. "Well," Ulrich sighed after Kreuz and Tinarah had spoke. "I suppose it is about time for me to leave. And Kreuz... I understand you more than you'll ever know. Perhaps, someday, we can have a talk over some tea?" Ulrich laughed, turning and waving his hand as he began to leave, walking out Tinarah's house via door. (~Time Skippity!~) Vallyn Desp'AnaVallyn waited for his prey to enter the house, shadows enveloping him so much so that he might as well have been a part of the shadows himself. So talented in the ways of stealth, of slowing his breathing and to shift his weight with his eldritch grace, that Vallyn nearly forgot that he was still only half of a drow. However, he simply waited. Vallyn began to hear footsteps, a slap of a sword in its scabbard at the leg, and the creaking of leather. He knew this to be his target. The doorknob twisted, turned, and open. However, Vallyn was in the corner of the hinged-side of the door, and he knew perfectly well that he could easily take out his target. He waited until the shadow stepped into the dark house; which he did. The door closed, and just as the person was reaching for the light switch, Vallyn grabbed the hand, twisted it, and pulled the person close to him, drawing in a single fluid movement a dagger that was pressed against the target's neck. Blood glistened from the target's neck as the blade bit in. Vallyn called forth the shadows, enveloping both of them in darkness so thick that it was near-impossible to see through it. Vallyn warped him and his target to the gloomiest place in all the worlds. The Plane of Shadows. "Sorry," Vallyn muttered, his melodic voice a whisper of death. "But this is war, after all." With that, Vallyn slid the dagger through the target's neck. He slowly dropped the body onto the ground and stabbed the man's chest, shoving the dagger through the heart. Vallyn walked away, leaving the corpse of Ulrich Faust forever lost and forgotten in the Shadow Plane. Vladimir glowered at the masked assailant. Nimble, even with a hunchback. "You know you are going to die." He remarked, his eyes narrowing. Vladimir knew where he stood. He summoned a variety of polearms that he could use to his advantage, since their primary task had failed. It wouldn't have mattered if they hit or not, in any case. Vladimir had the equivalent of a King's armory at his disposal, upon his own home turf. Even if the assassin could use them, Vladimir knew that he himself had complete and utter control. The Hellknight cupped his open-hand whilst holding the broadsword in the opposite, which did not encumber him whatsoever. A black ball of Absolute Zero fire appeared in the cupped hand, its coldness not bothering Vladimir in the slightest; despite its threatening chill seeping through his bones. Vladimir un-cupped his hand and pointed the black flame, open-palmed, at the demon assassin. In a simple moment, the ball of black fire became a conical inferno of pure, Hellish cold shooting its way towards Gehenna.
Character name: Vallyn Desp'Ana Creature type: Half-Drow(Dark Elf)/Half-Human Faction: Inranahe Age: 125 Picture: Spoiler Personality: Vallyn is normally calm and collected, with a side of snark. He's a thrill-seeker and an avid scholar of sorts, always wanting to learn something new. Despite being a cynic, he has strong empathy for outcasts, people weaker than him, and the helpless. However, despite his compassion, he hides behind an amoral mask, wantng to be paid compensation for his services. Vallyn is notorious for his rash, headstrong approaches, wanting nothing more than to enter the fray; this is due to his own personal pride in his martial and arcane abilities. He hates Drow, politics, and nobility/royalty. As well, Vallyn much prefers to do things his way, making himself very headstrong. Fears: Drow (though, it's more of a hatred than a fear), snakes, and spiders Hobbies: Learning new spells, new martial arts, and new languages. He enjoys solving puzzles and riddles, as well as training and thinking of new spells to invent. Ultimately, however, he prefers to read. Strengths: Genius-level intellect, tactics, stubbornness, stealth Weapon: Twin Sabres Powers: Supernatural speed, Sword Magic, Faerie Fire (harmless flames used mostly for illumination; however, it could be used for intimidation purposes), and Shadowstep (capable of traversing/transposing himself through the shadows or Shadow Plane). Extra Info: His body is riddled with scars caused by the torture he endured by his own kin, due to being an "inferior" creature. Vallyn is also a polyglot, knowing many languages ranging from various Common languages (Human tongues), to Dragon, to Orc, Goblin, variety of Sign Languages, and even Demons and Celestials. Vallyn is from an underground realm named Svartalfheim. Theme song: Spoiler
Sess winced as the wounds, mostly the big bump, began to mend. Healing wasn't all what it was cracked up to be, what with the fixing and the reordering and whatnot. In the end, magic wasn't a miracle; there was a price. The price for idiocy was pain. Sess wanted to laugh at that realization. He simply let himself be washed away by the healing pain, with the comfort of Tinarah's hand guiding him. When she finished, he sat himself upright and smiled his goofy smile, something that was impish and innocent. She asked him a question, and it took a moment for it to register. Sess's smile became a grin. "Sorry," he apologized. "I was looking for you, but you weren't outside. So, I came here instead! I figured you could use some company. Must be lonely..." Sess explained, his eyes sparkling.
Vladimir felt on edge. For the longest while, he felt as though he was being watched, followed. The hairs on the back of his neck rose and he paused. "A Devil? A Demon? Is it time to collect?" Vladimir asked aloud, his tone one of amusement. He drew his large, black broadsword, muttering a mere fell word whilst drawing a sigil in the air. The infernal rune was visible as it was alight with black hellfire. Vladimir ran his hand over the rune, wiping it from existence; but he felt its cold presence through his plate gauntlet, threatening to turn his hand to literal black ice. "Macabre..." the Hell Knight muttered, slamming his hand into the earth with monstrous strength, tearing asunder the ground. From the ground in an all encompassing circle, with a ten foot radius, pikes and spears made of black, alien steel shot upwards through the cracks of broken earth. "I'll draw you out. I'll break you. I'll have a new trophy to mount upon my wall." Vladimir promised coldly, his voice hollow.
Sess listened to the speech and smiled. He felt bad about everyone who had died in the war, about the folk who suffered from the losses. He felt much empathy for Inranahe, as well. Sess began to drift away to a dream, where he would save as many lives as he could with his crystalline sword and end the bloodshed. He wanted to so bad... to make the pain fade away. He didn't have many friends, he was alone, and he felt that helping people in the midst of war would make them like him. He truly believed it. However... "Where's Tinarah?" Sess asked himself, curious. He looked around, befuddled, and even leaped high into the air with his magic to see. Nope, no one. With the aid of his wind magic, he stood afloat and realized that someone was peaking out their window. In Tinarah's house. His silly smile became a full blown grin. He soared towards her house, crying out "Tinarah!" He zoomed and whizzed through the air, spinning and speeding with much excitement. "Tinarah!!! Whoa!" Sess cried, flying through the open window, unable to slow or stop, and landing on her floor, rolling towards the wall; which fortunately halted him... and gave him a good sized knot on the top of his head as he giggled with a glazed look in his eyes. "Oh, look Tinarah... birdies..." he chuckled, half nervously and half dazed.