Buddy you and I are on the same page with that. I also enjoy the Pokemon series as well. Since I enjoy raising them, leveling them up, and pushing them to their limit.
LOL thanks man :)
When this happens?
I really don't like the bottom right. Those eyes o_O
Xemnas for the win since he looks like Terra, is a final boss, has awesome boss fights, out of all the Nobodies showcases the most non-emotion, is one of the most powerful KH characters, and I like golden eyes :)
When Roxas fused back with Sora after he defeated Axel? Then he said, "Looks like my summer vacation's over." It teared me up inside :(
I think it has something to do with Riku accepting light into his heart and balancing it with his darkness. Which is why Way to Dawn looks exactly like Soul Eater just with angelic parts added.
Okay that explains some of the problems thanks for the input :D .
LOL I'll keep that in mind...;)
At Prom
Well then darn....Mine won't move whenever I upload the gif :(
Both of us are/were in the same boat my friend... That had to be rough, buddy.....
How did you get your GIF pic for your profile avatar to work?
Dang man dat feels
I do :(
Is this true?
I Is it suppose to be this still or small?