Porn is only harmfull to the people involved. The actors, ecspecially the watchers or readers. They can develop into rapists or have unhealthy obssessions and such. Or, ecspecially in children, it hurts the observers family and their respect from the family. I've experienced this just today. My bro is thirteen tomorrow, (its still 11:30 here) and everyone except him was out shopping today. When we come home, the computer is still on, and my Dad goes upstairs to put something away. He can put two and two together. Thing is, my older sis and I knew he had been looking at porn for a couple months now. We even told our parents. My Dad gave him, at first, the punishment of no computer for one month. But he changed his mind, and just said if he did it again that he'd never use another computer in this house. He took him aside for a bit to talk to him privatley, and that's where its gone.
Well that's great.
I'm not a Kanye fan. Or a fan of rap in general. So to be honest, if Kanye or rap for that matter died tomorrow, I wouldn't care at all.
Well, that is a sorta good reason I guess. The weed part anyway... As for me, I'm considered the geek at my school. I'm into all these childish video games, my parents are overprotective, and ultimatley, I'm just socially awkward. And yes, I am shy. But not just to girls, to everyone.
I am all for organ donating. Hey, if I'm not using my organs and they are all still in working condition, who am I to step in front of my friend over here, who may just as easily be having kidney failure or something. My organs can save lives. This is the legacy I'd like to leave for future generations. My parents are also for it.
Let's hear it. We're all friends here right?
And the best part is that I just saw your sig, Hayabusa.
Cute. :sneaky1:....
True, very true.
True, but I still want atleast one my first year of high school. I mean even kids shows show kids my age already dating.... I should stop watching t.v. for awhile.... What about Keyblade Master up there?
Heard of a song called "Hot For Teacher"? I call it my sig, and my avy.
This coming from a guy on a child's game forum? No offense, and yeah its a cliche' response, sorry.
I know, but they still didn't. The worst part is the first day, when you have to go up to crazy old Mr. Storin, the science teacher, (God I miss him.) and explain to him, Ms. Garcia (aka the devil's daughter) told me that I've gotta be in his class twice because she has a girl's class and my schedule was f*cked up because of this whole thing. I spent the whole day trying to figure out how to change it. It was messed up because the kids who had Geometry and Honors L.A. were all in the wrong gendered classes. Yes I know its young, but it bothers me, being one of the 'lip virgins' in my group.
Then why the f*ck did they bother making it in the first place?
I am pleased that people actually care about my sig.
Nope, they were trying to test out whether each gender learned better seperated. It was the second year that they had done it. IT WAS THE ONLY TEAM TO DO IT!!!!!! How the heck am I supposed to go out with a girl if I can only see her during lunch? You gotta have more time than that. And thanks for getting the right religion. *RAGES*
I never said that I liked either of those pieces of sh*t. I only watched Epic Movie, and sure it was funny at times, but I kept going, Why the f*ck is this considered funny?
Yeah. Band isn't intresting ecspecially if you already have your part down. And just one girl to break your heart, that means you joined the class to be born and hurt. I HATE THEM GODDAMN TEAMS. For 6th and 7th, I was on teams 63B, and 73B. Then I was changed to 83A. 83A IS GENDER SEPERATED. AND THE SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER WAS THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. I tried to switch but I couldn't.....
Well then it should be worth atleast the one watch. Wasn't Spaceballs also the parody porn movie in The 40 Year Old Virgin?
I can see why you laughed at that. Now I'm gonna have to watch the whole thing. I haven't seen it, but I've heard its like Epic Movie or Disastor Movie. Funny parts and seriously WTF? parts.