IT WAS A JOKE. Re-Education is easy.
It hasn't occurred to you that I can't play it every freaking day, and every time I do, someone else always plays with me whether I want them to or not? I could so beat that setlist with any instrument.
F*ck that, I'll just get the game. Screw the memoribilia.
First off, actual songs are songs that you could hear on a radio IRL. Second, I play Quickplay, and haven't gotten to the setlist. Third, it was a joke.
Games with actual songs in them are usually badass. The Wii is cheaper for a reason. Handhelds are to pass time, not get a story. No matter how you bought it, someone else always got it for a lower price. OST's of games are loaded with instrumentals, not lyricals.
Don't you mean Wisconsin? Typical first impression and now of me. Short jeans or just jeans? Gerbil, Guinea Pig, or Hamster?
Eventually, that boss you beat two games back will come back with worse powers. ALWAYS wait for prices to go down. In movies, zombies are slow. In games, you run your fat a** down the highway NOW.
You always have to collect alot of something to get to the final boss. Once you do, you have to go out and after fighting the boss, get more of that item. Any game based from a t.v. show that is a comedy, refers to the game as being a game, instead of trying to act like its real life. People's houses are all the same on the inside unless you have to do something there.
I could honestley care less if you were a guy pretending to be a girl, or a girl pretending to be a guy.
If the game says you can finally fly, it means you do it in a certain closed area, and you fly all the way through, no stopping. Any thing you have to pick up usually involves healing yourself, or its just money. Everyone looks badass with two weapons instead of one. You are invulnerable after you smash the t.v. You can take on a barrage of bullets, headon, and just duck behind a wall for a minute, and you'll be fine. You can really be like Tony Hawk without a days experience.
Yeah, right. But seriously, alot of people do, even if they don't admit it.
How can you be sure that they don't do it? Alot of people lie about it, because they feel dirty, as Obsessed said. But everyone does do it at one point. They can either admit it or lie about it.
You don't learn to swim until the goddamn sequel.
Man, wish Kitty gave me presents more often. :lolface:
There aren't chances. Everyone masturbates at sometime in their life. Some people do it regulerly, others do it just once.
Well, if you insist... lol jk.
Definatley a 3.
Awesome. Finally some respect for some hard working people who are good at their work.
Have you ever touched a live crocodile/alagator/snake/other poisenous reptile?
:B|: Seems like a good plan, except the part where I stop acting like myself. And right now the problem is that I'm not hanging out with enough girs. Its summer, but I have no cash to hang at any good place, and any place that doesn't require money, I go there and no one I know is there. I don't have many people's phone #'s, let alone ANY girl's. And the ones I have are never available to hang.