Whaddya mean he sucks? 'Course he does.... but he was just trying to be a good friend.
Don't blame me for not being here for you to change your name. :B|: Anyway, apparentley my best friend (maybe) ruined my chances for dating this girl I had a crush on all summer. He asked her if she was seeing anyone, then tried to hook me up with her...... Let's just say she wasn't enthusiastic about it. And now that same friend has transferred into more of my classes.He's now in Institute, Algebra 2, English, and Chem with me. What a year it'll be.
Yes. Yes I was. And you are? Well, lemme see.... Had to wake up at 5 AM everyday, take a shower.... Had to be at school by 6:45 to play the school song while everyone walked in first day. Then I had AP Human Geo, with a substitute, cause our regular teacher is pregnent. Then Chem Honors, and I'm one of the three to four freshmen there. I have Band after that, everyday, and then Algebra 2 Honors. The next day I had Institute Seminar, (basically freshmen orientation) then English 9 Honors. And band, lunch, and I had a free period. I got called down third day to fill it with Team Sports. Oh, and Ms. Garcia, my old Social Studies Teacher, aka the devil's daughter, is now stalking me as my dean. (I'll add more...)
Maybe Romeo and Juliet for English 9 Honors. But so far, nothing for once in my school history.
It is Wednesday, of my second week of high school. Anyone wanna know what happened, or should we skip to the catching up of what happened while I was gone?
Personally, I think the whole 'man on the moon hoax rumor' was a lie made by some fed up Neil Armstrong wanna be. We are on the moon today, we are not wasting our money on this, nor have we ever.
What do you mean by the same weapon as dw roxas? Names would be helpful.
You're the kind of person who would b*tch slap the Pope, aren't you?
Optimist most of the time. Rareley pessimist. Realist only when I'm in school. Though I tend to be optimistic about anything at school.
Riku's deck was only fun during levels past Lexeaus. I hated how you got a set number of cards/set card levels. It basically ruined leveling up for me....
Damn, I was so looking forward to not having to look up the other thread.
There you go.
James Patrick. Two middle names is sometimes better than one. :D
Aww... me and Rayku have 0 votes................. And I already vote for What?.....
I said it because I wanted to. I came on this site for teh lulz to meet people and discuss my obsession with Kingdom Hearts. Didn't care if they were boy or girl.
Was cake and ice cream worth missing this?
No matter how tough your character is, or how cool its moves are, you are still button mashing a peice of plastic in your room/basement.
OH SHI- lol jk. User Awards are up...
How can't you know?
Year 14 of being single. :lolface: Hell yeah?