Very close with the first. No to the second. I was Spoiler marching at an Irish/Scottish Festival Parade in Estes Park.
Anyone else notice the crystal things following Sora are similar to the roses that you find when battling Marluxia?
Damn straight.
Why would I wear a kilt to a County Fair?
Ding! Winner. I was Marching. Hehe. Puns. Now what was I marching at?
Yes, but what else?
Closest yet. What do some bands do?
No idea what it is you're looking for. It was a fair. I got tired of those today. I don't play the bagpipes, I play trumpet.
Close. Involves music.
Nope. It was damn cold already. Everyone give up?
Weapons: Two Kingdom Keys Clothes: Anti-Form Clothes, but Sora is still human. Abilities: Every Final Form, including its Magic, except he's on the ground, and so much faster. Magic: See the above.
I've got school going on now, so, not active. Close. My what? I am Irish, but you rded that wrong.
So why did I wear a kilt today?
Hi. :3 Whaddya wanna know then?
So no deal? :lolface: Damn my location on this Earth.
I luved that game..... I really did. Opposite end of the spectrum, how about Sonic Adventure 2 Battle?
Hmm...... Could get annoying after awhile...... Did you say you'd just give it to me?
Super Mario Sunshine.
Exactley. And allisonlove90, Is it just when you turn it on for like 2 seconds? Or is it like a continous thing? And at my gamestop its like $20...
If its under $10, sure. And you pay for the repairs.