I kinda like Naruto, little Death Note, Megaman..... How bout you?
What? for Honor Roll 09-2010
Don't care what anyone says... BEST PARODY EVER.
do eet four meh?
:lolface: I thought it would.
Maybe I'll try tomorrow. I've looked up a bunch of reverse cell phone things on google, and it is in my area, so.... That would be good...
:lolface: What do I say? 'Hey everyone, someone left a sticky with their phone # in my book, and I was wondering who it was?'
2nd vid was better, even though quality sucked.
So that's a no, isn't it?
Pretty much. So should I call? :lolface:
Aww, and I thought you'd do it, too.... Because I can't text on my phone.
Very close. I left a book, with myname on it, in my English 9 Honors class over the weekend, and found a sticky note with Call me and the # on it. Anyone wanna try it out? :lolface:
Anyone wanna know why I'm asking?
prank call a person for me? :lolface:
I am Freshmen. Hear me get beaten to a bloody pulp by the upperclassmen!!!!
Vince=Kira. *clings to Drew Carey*
Lol. Photobucket must be lagging more than usual right now.
Too bad about Allwin.... God help him... But, atleast we now have Iwan, and Mickey won't sound like he was in Re:CoM. Thanks Mike!
You mean Mesquite?
There is a great game called 'Turnng Point, The Fall of Liberty.' It describes how Winston Churchill was hit by a car crossing Fifth Avenue. He walked with a cane for the rest of his life. But he still managed to help Britain fight back Germany. In the game, he was killed by that car. Without him, Britain was defeated by Nazi Germany, who took over Europe, Asia, and Africa. Then, Hitler set his sights on America. And for the second time, America was attacked on its own soil. Eventually, Germany occupied America, but there was much resistance left. I believe that, based on that, Germany's ony chance would have been to take out Churchill.