Hola dude! http://www.kh-vids.net/group.php?groupid=635&gmid=29064
Tobito = FAIL!
I know. If I had done something as awful as that, I would have at the very least stopped. That's the part that pisses me off the most! ... ****** bag is as ****** bag does... And why is it not? Thanx guys. Knowing you guys are here always makes me feel good. : ) I can only hope that who ever did it(If they knew) feels bad enough to come back. But that's just wishful thinking. t_t
I now hate all motorists except for me. Some asshole ran my dog over yesterday. I miss her very much. And the sight was well... Not pretty.
I've been fine, And you?
How the Hell did the round end so fast?
Blast! I knew it!
>: D I seez u!
Let me show you the secrets of my wood style jutsu...
Looks like I missed a whole round. Well I'm in the next one.
I still breathe!
Meh. You are probably right. Maybe I should be intelligent or something(Not likely)...
I'm in L.A. trick!!! I'm also playing next round.
For the record. I'm the guy who stands in the infinitely huge shadow that is ICSP! So don't feel too bad.
Damn it all to hell! Is that clue not clear enough!? I'm almost tempted to solve this case, but nah...
I've been lurking about. Just clearing my head. The whole CtR leaving thing kinda got to me and I went silent for a bit. But now I'm back.
I accuse Cin of being Kira on orders from L! Nuff said!!!