"Alright. Thanks to intel from Shige, I can tell you that this will not be an easy task.", Hashirama said with a smile. He always tried to stay positive and smile to boost morale. "It seems we have that Uchiha Madara kid to deal with. Make no mistake about it. HE'S TOUGH! Quite skilled in genjutsu and detection so a sneak attack is out of the question. Where is Tobirama-kun?" Hashirama knew that when dealing with the Uchiha, he was always glad he had his trusted brother and comrades to help, as they were exeptionally difficult opponents to deal with. "Shige. Find Hazukashi and take point out front. I'll wait for my brother AND gaurd the daimyo. KAGE BUNSHIN no JUTSU!", He said. With the shadow clones gaurding the daimyo and he waiting in the main hall, Hashirama began to wait in meditation. "I'm on it, Hashirama-Sama.", Shige said as he set out to complete his task.
OOC: I have a character I wish to add. Clan: Aburame Name: Shige Aburame Player: ArchVice Rank: Chunin Shige is a 17 year old Chunin exiled from the Aburame clan after a failed mission against the Kamizuru clan. He is very stoic and doesn't speak much. The only two people he feels he can be open with are the Senju brothers because they took him in after being labeled an outcast. As with the rest of his clan, Shige uses the parasitic insects embedded within him as a baby. He is also quite skilled at tracking and trapping. Affinity: N/A Kekkie Genkai: Insect Jutsu Ninjutsu: 4 Taijutsu: 2 Genjutsu: 1 Strenth: 2 Speed: 3 Stamina: 3 Handsign: 2
Well this is sure to quite interesting.
My dear decedent of the elder, you have truly lost your way. Have you forgotten the teachings of the great Sage of the Six Paths? We exist to aid...
There are times when I think you have problems. And there are times when I'm sure of it. This is one of those sure times.
I know you're there... I can hear you breathing.
You always go too far, Madara. Is there no way to attain true peace?
And so it shall be for eternity.
Chapter 462 was indeed amazing.
Hello ppl! Haven't dropped by in a while. Now that I'm here. Hi. *waves*
That is EPIC! The dynamic duo of rivals.
Thanx! I owe you one.
Adobe Photoshop CS4. Any one in particular?
I'm sorry your first day turned out so awkward. I hope tomorrow brings something better. It seems that when we wish that a particular day goes well some kind of wrench is always thrown into the machine making it all fucked up and stuff :yelling:. Things have a way of working out though :woohoo:. And don't you need English for prereqs? Watching the cops hate on dumb people is always classic :=D:. Why would two adults even be fighting at school? I mean, it's not like high school where you get suspended and comeback. Criminal charges could be filed and you can lose out on your tuition money and your education. Not to mention that if you try to attend somewhere else, that stuff follows you like death :guiltygearXpc37:. But eating burritos makes up for all of that nonsense :Awesome:(even the lamp). I hope traffic and school is better for you tomorrow. Oh yeah... I haven't forgot about those dark chocolate chip cookies :noworries:.
Oh dang. I didn't see this message. Sorry cuz.
>; D lol jkjk You can eat me with strawberry jam(I like it more than jelly)... I'm not sure how I taste though. Maybe like cashews??? Huh? Oh yeah! That... My uncle is getting out of prison in 5 months. He can't have a driver's licence or a cell phone till he is off parole which is like 2 years. So, I will be his driver for a while. And in return, I get paid for it. Everyone gets the idea that he's some kind of mob guy or something but he's a really nice guy once you get to know him. Just because he makes money without having a job doesn't make him a member of the mob does it? >: D
Explain. I have that too. My array of bootlegged programs is endless.
Gawd I feel dumb! Does anyone(or everyone exept me) know if or how you make GIFs using Sony Vegas?