Blast from the past!? Let's see if I can pull the other two into doing this one last time.
Suddenly... LOUIS!!!
OMG!!! Like forever and a day later...
Objection! Necrobumping is a forum felony! ;P
I accuse Keyblade Spirit of being both a shoehorn and Kira/Mikami! *teleports away*
I'm in. I'm always in. Sorry I skipped last round. I was fighting the Russians(CoD).
Great! Just saw Alice in Wonderland with ICSP and Pyro yesterday. The movie was fantastic!
And then it happened...
But ICSP is here... In a ghillie somewhere, stalking our every move. *squints in a suspicious manner*
I'm in next round!
Our themes change, not us. Besides. Who can survive without having sweet and wonderful people like you here?
Pftt! AC-130 blower upper...
Yeah. It got all dead for a bit. But then ICSP and I were having a KHV memory moment and it was like POOF we're here.
*fires AT4-HS*
Well said.
Thanx! ^.^ Now I feel all warm and mushy inside.
He's right there! *fires noob tu*shot**
Dun dun dun!!!
I'm still here.
D'awwwwwwwww I miss talking to you too! *huggles* So how have you been? I've been well. Still the same old me. Though now I play a LOT of Call Of...