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  1. The_One_Man7
    The battles seem to have lower hp for bosses, but the fight is about the same length so far.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. The_One_Man7
    I think it is easier than normal Redsonic.
    Chair Xemnas 1: less than a full bar, but barely.
    Xemnas Dragon Thing: a little over a bar a part, is one hit.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. The_One_Man7
    I will take a look at them, I will try them with 255+ stat Sora with Xemnas, so that I can get to final Xemnas today XD.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 20, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. The_One_Man7
    I will test it now, the only bosses I can do is Sephiroth and Final bosses though.
    I will edit in the results.

    EDIT: Yeah, all I see is two triangles that take half the screen each when I load.

    Even though this one isnt working, I am making a new alt file for just after Sora comes back, to test other codes later if needed.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. The_One_Man7
    There is a chance the code Xaldin and Khkid are working on will give each boss 3400 HP. Going by the video Xaldin put up, it doesn't seem to have any side effects yet, unlike battle level codes. We will see when they are finished though.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. The_One_Man7
    Just as a side note, normal Roxas can use the Infinite Jump codes perfectly fine so far. He still has the odd thing after Quick Run though.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. The_One_Man7
    Not everything, but most things. The maps will be the same just about, but it seems to change anything that isn't permanant in it's spot, such as the Cornerstone of Light. Enemies are not affected by this code, but their attacks are.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. The_One_Man7
    They mod sizes of the worlds, save points, animations, and etc. For example, the next to largest size mod makes sephiroths fire pillar cover his entire fight area almost.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. The_One_Man7
    Isn't that the site Khkid sent 300 codes to for no credit?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. The_One_Man7
    Jlhack7, replace Riku with a Save Point that doesn't go to the world map, then get to final Xemnas skipping every cutscene, and save there. Then reset the PS2 and you can leave The World of Nothing with that Riku, and roam TWTNW.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. The_One_Man7
    Wow, the size mod is a little overwhelming at huge XD. But infinite jump is pure win, it gives glide and quick run as well.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 19, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. The_One_Man7
    You have to use both or it will crash the game. I also noticed in drive forms it makes odd noises. Especially in Final Form, it makes space paranoids like sounds.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 17, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. The_One_Man7
    Those codes would be interesting if we had all of the music digits, being able to mod all music with two lines of code. Was there anything else there Evilman?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 16, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. The_One_Man7
    Well, if any of you want specific codes tested, I am up for it. I don't have anything to do for a while, using Codebreaker V10.0 currently.

    Evilman, the first code affects ALL music except combat, including world map.
    The second code modifies combat music, but seems to be silent outside of combat, likewise the first is silent during combat, except against sephiroth, where it plays the code music.
    With code 2, Sephiroth's fight always plays One Winged Angel.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 16, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. The_One_Man7
    No idea, I am not a hacker of any kind, but here is what I noticed:
    ~He got to Final Xemnas with Riku replaced with the Data Twilight Town Save Point
    ~It replaced Riku back, from the ship duel all the way until the Final Xemnas fight loaded, then put back the save point. Riku was silent completely at these times. During the RC if you fail to dodge Xemnas' Reversal combo, Riku is invisible during the RC to Block, but it does not mess up and still has sound.
    ~The Game obviously hung when Sora was grabbed.
    ~ He loaded back with only riku, but managed to place Cloud and Sephiroth there at the same time with codes.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 12, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. The_One_Man7
    This video seems unusual:
    1: He saved at the final battle.
    2: He has a full party there

    Was this already possible or does he have something that hasn't been put up here?

    EDIT: He explains it:
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 11, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. The_One_Man7
    Demyx replaces Slot 2 (Donald)
    11C9561A 000008F7

    Demyx replaces Slot 3 (Goofy)
    11C9561C 000008F7

    Scar replaces Slot 2 (Donald)
    11C9561A 0000029C

    Scar replaces Slot 3 (Goofy)
    11C9561C 0000029C

    All of that was on the character modifier codes attachment.

    Missed Sark,

    Sark replaces Slot 2
    11C9561A 0000035E

    Sark replaces Slot 3
    11C9561C 0000035E
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. The_One_Man7
    Just adding in a thing I noticed. With the normal KH2 menus, the detailed ones, in The World That Never Was outside of combat, there is a BLUE Kingdom Hearts picture on it. During combat there is a YELLOW Kingdom Hearts on it. We have ingame and through BBS, seen both of these Kingdom Hearts. I am not sure what it could mean though.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 10, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. The_One_Man7
    Alright, my Codebreaker is making progress, it no longer freezes loading swap magic, but freezes on the black screen with FM+ regardless of what codes I am using, even if I load with ONLY the mastercode on.
    I am using F02F5EF8 002F5EFB as my Master Code, resulting in a black screen freeze on Final Mix +.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. The_One_Man7
    Just bought a Codebreaker disk, Version 10.0. If i can figure out what is wrong with it, I can test codes if needed. It works fine on KH2, but on Final Mix when I enter codes and put in swap magic, it sits on the black screen.

    EDIT: The result is no different.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Aug 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault