You should be able to make it work anywhere.
Try this one: ZB27-E3JT-E18Z3 QB48-XVHW-CW56K You should be able to drive into Final Form, and get a T-Stance Riku. This should be automatic load up as "sitting" Riku. JCGT-T5VQ-6M6BQ 22R5-CBVZ-1KQ82
I can give you the actual codes but I can't take a screenshot. NOTE FOR ANYONE MESSING WITH 089B DO NOT DRIVE WITH FINAL RIKU IN THE PARTY.
He is not playable at all yet. The closest anyone has come is Riku's sitting position and T-Stance.
Is it possible to use a code such as: 2034???? 10010203 to get the guest slot Riku to work, like all of the other world characters?
Driving into 089B in the final battle freezes the game, odd. I will try that, though I doubt it is the right thing to cancel it. I will also look at my item slots during this, as well as change Sora's HP to see if it does change with the drive. ALRIGHT then. Time to prove this is one of the Rikus that is in your party. Driving into 089B will give you a T-Stance Riku wielding Way to the Dawn. Your HP will decrease to whatever Riku's is at. Your MP will decrease to 100. Your Drive gauge will read 0 MAX Riku's icon shows up (likely means nothing) When you open the item menu, the items Riku currently is equipped with show up.
I Final Form'd into 08D1 in The World of Nothing for a freeze, same for 089B, but in Disney Castle 089B was a T-Stance Riku, I will try it mid-combat. 089B is supposed to be hovercraft riku. Nothing enemys do cancels the T-Stance, but the Drive Gauge appears exactly as it does when you play as Mickey. EDIT: in about 10 min I think I can prove this is a party Riku.
Usually when I change a drive it freezes when I attempt it, even if the character is playable.
Is there any specific reason Hovercraft Riku cannot load in The World of Nothing?
Do any of you happen to know the raw code for playing as a world character like Aladdin or Auron or etc without any digits added to it, I want to try some things with it.
I also doubt Final Xemnas has to be there for Riku to take over. Yes, he needs to be there for the attack, but as we have seen from replacing Riku in that fight, the game can at times ignore the fact that he is not there.
Driving into something like that freezes during the flash.
Redsonic, on the newest version of the code, their hp and defence are the same, but they seem to do a lot more damage to everyone except Goofy. With final Xemnas, his spinning blades thing did over 244 damage to me through 260 Defence o.O.
I will try it in a sec Redsonic. Results so far in replacing final fight Riku with anything: He is a guest character, I managed to replace him with another Sora this time. He seems to be able to exactly copy me, except he won't attack. Replacing Slot 1 with an unplayable character is a freeze, even if the other slot has normal Sora in it. The only thing I have noticed to make the camera ignore Slot 1 is when you have Mickey and 2 Soras, or 3 Soras or etc, It focuses on a Slot 2.
The modifier code literally had no effect on Riku. I tried replacing him for a 1 on 1 fight there also. I may try some things in a few min.
Tried that a while back with final fight Riku and no Xemnas. The char modifier didn't affect Riku and it froze. Lowered hitpoints and battle levels Redsonic.
Here is a random thing I just noticed, in the cutscene after Xemnas' laser barrage, if you are in Final Form, at times the lights orbit Riku instead of Sora.
The general thing is that Donald and Goofy get one shot by everything. I need a normal file to test this on, though flat 260+ is taking high damage. Enemies have their normal defence. Final Xemnas had 2700hp or so.
Redsonic, the new one seems to lower all but TWTNW in battle level, checking bosses now, will edit in. EDIT: I think you have done it, Donald and Goofy got one hit by just the buildings in the cross the path thing.
Invincible in that one Redsonic.